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Survey12/19/06 9:37 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Micheal said..MyPost
Sola Scriptura ......................where the scripture???

Unless you know that you and I are Dead in sin you have nothing
Romans 9:16 So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.

You once said arminian are the only one that know the depth of sin Christ come to die for. No! its those who really know that they are dead in Sin that really know its all od God..
As you said..Faith Alone – The only way we may receive the gift of God eternal life. God must provide and give it and He is quite faithful to give it to those to believe.

P.s By the way you might notice Paul preached Christ as the soveriegn God not as father christmas knocking on the door of your heart saying please let me in I can do nothing until you let me in of your powerful will which I cannot brake down. Dead means dead .Spirit! the flesh prophit nothing

Survey12/19/06 5:31 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Its not the5 point that people belive in its the Scripture that teach that Man is totally depraved..Ezekiel 37:1-3 The hand of the LORD was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones, And caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold, there were very many in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry. And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord GOD, thou knowest.
Ep 2.1 If you dont understand the first one then you wont understand the rest human ego get in the way..

Again if you dont understand what scripture teaches as to being dead in tresspases and SIN.. and Sin..You wont understand the rest God say

Survey12/19/06 5:22 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Micheal said..Since you all claim to know so much
And since you claim to love pitiful "arminians" like me so much that you long for us to know the very same truth that you know.

Let me ask you a question, that is if it would be alright with you since you have pretty much labeled us as damnable heretics frightfully unworthy of heaven.

You speak of dead bones living? Right?
You speak of such a thing totally beyond human free will? Right?

And since those who are dead in tresspasses and sins will be quite unable out of love and obedience to God to obey by faith His commandment to love God with all their heart soul and mind and their neighbor as themselves.

When Micheal you can represent what i say or others in the correct way in which they ahve said it then i would glad to answer you and your question.

Where is your proof of what I have said you are saying first??
Try asking your self the same thing first.
Your own eyes have blinded you to veiw that people belive in the 5 point. That is not true its you who say that.
People belived in the Sovereign God over all thing before any 5 point were even written down. How about getting that fact right first, then you minght not answer ignorantly that people belive in the 5 point. IKts not the 5 point that people beli cont

News Item12/19/06 5:09 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Sorry wayne. I Would only say a minister is worthy, but training should have no reward. The church only suports those who the ministers and congregation has ordained not training.
Paul took the priciple of no money or gifts at all.1Co 9:14
Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.
1Co 9:15
¶ But I have used none of these things: neither have I written these things, that it should be so done unto me: for it were better for me to die, than that any man should make my glorying void.

Again Money is not the problem its the love of money. The Jews paid Thith of all sorts even money and was used accordingly.
But I do belive that much of churcges today have taken it too far. Maybe this is what neil and chris is on about not sure though?
If they object to any money being paid then thats their business.

Survey12/19/06 4:43 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Mike N.Y said.Acts 10:35- Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
Yep God isn,t ..Romans 9:11 (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth

But you say god has repect over others because of there OWN god like power than others who have a freer will than others.

Survey12/19/06 4:33 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Faulkner said..
Same old Roman Popery of salvation by works.

Why don't you people try reading the Bible, without your big sinful ego getting in the way.

Double amen to that sinful ego

Ezekiel siad well can these bone live. The arminian say yes of their own free will.

The Bible says different.

Survey12/19/06 4:16 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Mike from N.Y said..Lucky you, mgarsteck.

What Pride

Why do you mock God in that God in His Mercy sent Christ to suffer and Die and be humiliated to purchase to attonement for His Sheep and you say is lucky??? No thats shear mercy not lucky

Survey12/19/06 4:04 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Yamil said..Now I am looking for the day when you actually would provide an honest and original rebuttal to the arguments made, rather then your usual ad hominems.

Youll get one when in His Mercy God open your eyes to see your answers are always your own Ideas mixed up and double minded. never consistant..

Which one
I know the answer both just like you love the reformed faith and you dont.
You understand the word World nad you dont
You know and understand the word All to mean... and you dont.
We all know on this form that you are confussed. But Out of Love we still try to help you see the truth like Jd and Micheal and MLJ your friend who you say got kicked off because he spoke out against the reformed faith if you belive that your no different to 911 was an inside job deluded.

Survey12/18/06 5:45 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Thx for agreeing with me for once Yamil.

News Item12/18/06 5:44 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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The problem is love of money not money. I think Chris you need to think about your answers.Wayne seem to me to be right.
About more than one elder is true and problems arise from only have one in charge but thats seperate from paying ministers to feed the flock of God.

Also Neil just because it temps people treat church like there own personal busness, again as you said, where the problem arise they taking upon themselves. Men of God need to rest In Christ the head and fear Him and be Good stewards of what God gives. the bible is stawed with those who took bribes of some way of another even with free will gifts.

Love of Money is the evil not money.cheers

Survey12/18/06 5:08 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Yamils confussed again.. Yamil wrote.. 3. Those that will escape condemnation are those that meet the condition of faith.
And.3. Those that will escape condemnation are those that meet the condition of faith.
Another double minded confussion.

P.s been away for a few week and as I said thing never change with day of our live as I told as well as Yamil.

Survey12/18/06 5:03 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Can you please condense all the material you have spammed on the comments. I am in no way going to read all this blabbering material.

Yamils like Days of our lives you only need to read his posts one in every 3 years to find the same questions has still never been answered with scripture proff text.

Survey12/9/06 7:34 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Again Yamil its your hate thats has been put back at you without any reason like Jd,s hatred for Spurgon what reason??? the same as your because I Yamil love too.

Survey12/9/06 7:32 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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See i didn,t have to go far in the dialod to find this comment from Yamil I will make you a deal Remo, give me a formidable rebutal to the 13 posts I presented concerning John 3:16 and I will return the favor by answering one of your questions.

There has been over 500 comment in reply to your idea of 3.16 and most of them are yours that dont even answer our questions you just go around and around. Prior to John 3.16 questioned where ununsered by you and now after 3.16 more questions unansered and your game you go back to 3.16 as your cover where you dont even who what you say it mean.
I even gave you questions of what other text where world and all are placed and going by your rule it was found wanting then you dont want to reply any more?? We all know your game and its not sripture.

Survey12/9/06 7:13 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Joe, Yamil thinks that the oppostions that he recieves is all to do with John 3.16 yamil like to always thinks it some else than what he has said.

Survey12/9/06 7:00 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Yamil dance.. Yamil now says Firstly, I was only commenting to the portion of Scripture that you quoted and I stated so because salvation is not mentioned. Honestly, I forgot where we were at in the discusion, so I do not know why I made the comment. But I can affirm that salvation is not mentioned in Romans 9.

If any one can understand this. I was only commenting on the portion, Idont know why I made the comment,Dont know where he was and now again salvation in any part is metioned in Roman 9 ((sound like confustion.
Romans 9:24-29 Even us, whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles? As he saith also in Osee, I will call them my people, which were not my people; and her beloved, which was not beloved. And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people; there shall they be called the children of the living God. Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved: For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth. And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrh

Survey12/9/06 6:52 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Seed sower where have I said your a heratic as it seem you where saying this of me?? But wasn,t sure so I was asking you again.
Where have I said you are not saved too??? where is my quote that I sAID this??

Survey12/7/06 2:57 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Seed sower said..As JD is saying where does it say that there is two different groups of unsaved people( the ones who will be elected and the ones who won't). Romans 5:12 says we are all in the same boat:

Rom 5:12 KJVR Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

There is four group in the parable of the soils. Why do you hate Gods title for you as the elect of God is it because you dont have a say in it is that it? Just asking. Cheers I must go soon cheers

Survey12/7/06 2:52 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Seed Sower
I see you couldn't identify the "Heretics" - I guess we'll just have to label you as one of them.

As Jesus Himself said you identify them by their fruit.

I hope you become a real Christian one day.

Are you one of the Arminian fundi-dunkers too.?

Or are you like JD a compound heretic with the following ingredients.
(Did I miss any JD)?
Amen secundus especially the last line lol good humur

Survey12/7/06 2:49 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Micheal said..So how dare you tell us to do something you think sinners are incapable of doing? Loook yamil mick used the lol.Dont take that personally micheal I dont think your childish.

How dear you for misrepresenting me really God for the matter. God commands it as I have said to you before repenting and faith is not the problem its your understanding who enables you.. Like Peter, Micheal..I will never denigh you Lord he thought his will was free. The lord said youwill denigh me three times before the cok crows but I have pray for thee peter that they faith fail not

But you claim no Lord my tounge is my own and so my powerful will.

Micheal we know where your theology really come form dont we the law flesh.I can follow the law and it will save me.

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