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Sermon12/16/19 8:57 PM
Elizabeth | USA  Find all comments by Elizabeth
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Job: Submitting to providence
Dr Jerry Bilkes
“ Just what I needed to hear tonight.. ”
I was just diagnosed with something rare. I so enjoyed this message.

Sermon4/22/18 6:55 AM
Elizabeth | Lisburn  Find all comments by Elizabeth
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Is everyone not entitled to a second chance in life? When young it is always difficult to make right choices. For a girl to marry a man who physically abuses her for going to church fellowship is it not the man who breaks his first vows before God when he promises to love her comfort her and keep her as long as they both shall live? No one knows only those who live in a situation like eg being punched in the stomach when being pregnant is like? Is a woman not allowed to find happiness with someone who really cares for her and her children. I am now married to my second husband for 32 years and I treasure every minute even my children do. When I remarried in church I asked to Lord to forgive me my wrong choices and allow me a second chance? My husband is saved and the minister who married us gave us a bible and said take this book on your new journey, live by it, God’s Word is a book for people to be given a second chance and nothing can separate you from the love of God! This we did and we have been blessed abundantly in our married lives together! Now to me I know that Godis with us every day and I totally feel His blessings on our lives together and when I meet Him face to face I can only rejoice and thank him for it!

Sermon9/20/17 6:28 AM
Elizabeth | Singapore  Find all comments by Elizabeth
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“ Great Sermon! ”
How I need this message.Thank God.

Sermon6/27/17 10:47 PM
Elizabeth | Australia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Elizabeth
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you, Pastor. Very helpful teaching on this subject.

Sermon2/22/17 1:18 AM
Elizabeth | Australia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Elizabeth
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Nabal Tempts David
John Dodgen
“ Highly recommended ”
Thank you, Brother Dodgen, for your clear and practical teaching on this chapter - it was a great blessing to me, a grandma, here in rural Australia.

Sermon1/14/17 10:17 PM
Elizabeth | Australia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Elizabeth
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A Look at the Book
Denis Lyle
“ Wonderful teaching! ”
Dear Pastor, Thank you so much for your helpful teaching on this important book of Scripture.

Sermon8/16/16 2:33 AM
Elizabeth | FL  Find all comments by Elizabeth
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Lessons from the Life of Joseph
Dr. Frank Garlock
“ Can't Listen Just One Time! ”
This pastor's sermon on music is available this week on Conference Pulpit BBN Radio On Demand. That's how I came to know of him and then listened to this sermon on this podcast. God has great knowledge and wisdom to share through him. I wish I could pull up more on Amazon but I couldn't. Do yourself a favor and listen.

Sermon6/26/16 12:04 PM
Elizabeth | Australia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Elizabeth
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The European Union in Bible prophecy
Pastor David Moore
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you, Pastor, for your very clear and helpful teaching on this subject.

Sermon3/19/16 2:13 PM
Elizabeth | Australia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Elizabeth
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Born Again
Denis Lyle
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you, Pastor, for blessing us with such a clear and wonderful message.

Sermon1/19/16 10:18 PM
Elizabeth | Virginia USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Elizabeth
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God Only Uses Failures
Malcolm Smith
“ Great Sermon! ”
This was a good and timely sermon for me. I have heard another one by Malcolm Smith on the theme of Philippians 3:14-15 on "forgetting what is behind..." It was life-changing! I would love to be able to hear it again but have not been able to find it anywhere.

Sermon7/26/15 5:19 PM
Elizabeth | Donalds, SC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Elizabeth
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Strength for the Struggle
Dr. David P Murray
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent sermon. I find Dr Murray's analogies very much like our Lord's parables. So much depth to really relate to. So much that can be understood and the blessing of finding hope for the wretched (wo)man that I am. Jesus paid it all! Even our exceedingly sinful sinfulness.

Sermon7/7/15 5:44 AM
Elizabeth | Australia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Elizabeth
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“ Beautiful! ”
What a blessing to hear a recording of this godly man singing "Where He Leads Me I Will Follow." Thank you Pastor Kirkland.

Sermon6/21/15 4:26 PM
Elizabeth | Australia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Elizabeth
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The Book Of Genesis
Denis Lyle
“ ThsnGreat Sermon! ”
Dear Pastor Lyle, Thank you for your wonderful teaching of God's Word. What a joy to be able to sing the beautiful words of the hymn "All the Way My Saviour Leads Me" at the end of this sermon. I have been so blessed in this small corner of Australia by listening to your teaching.

Sermon3/23/15 12:24 PM
Elizabeth | Donalds, SC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Elizabeth
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You and Your Household
David Harr
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent exhortation. Understanding what a blessing the Covenant of God means in our lives. How important the role of believing parents are privileged to have in the lives of their children. Good practical application which is so necessary to guide and direct the people of God.

Sermon3/23/15 12:20 PM
Elizabeth | Donalds, SC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Elizabeth
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Being the Best, Best Man
David Harr
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent sermon. Very practical and so much good application for every day life. Deeply enjoyed the referencing back to what has God said in His word. Great exhortation in this world that continually draws us to our own thinking.

Sermon2/24/15 8:29 AM
Elizabeth | Scotland  Find all comments by Elizabeth
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America's Real Enemies
Pastor Sam Adams
“ A Must Hear! ”
The same can be said for the uk and our leaders! Well worth listening to this sermon, very well said throughout. The rotten " celeberty " culture seems to be more important that what's going on in the world. Thank you Pastor.

Sermon1/25/15 5:54 PM
Elizabeth | Scotland  Find all comments by Elizabeth
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Je Ne Suis Pas Charlie
Rev Ian Brown
“ Excellent! Excellent!! ”

Sermon10/29/14 12:15 AM
Elizabeth | Australia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Elizabeth
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#26 The Same Gospel for Everyone
James Hollandsworth
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very helpful message. Thank you, Pastor!

Sermon10/6/14 11:46 PM
Elizabeth | Australia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Elizabeth
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The Social Gospel
Phil Schlamp
“ Helpful Sermon! ”
Thank you for having the courage to preach this much needed message. I was wondering about the wisdom of promoting some things in our church such as Samaritan's Purse, and so was searching for information on the social gospel. May God richly bless you for so clearly presenting His Truth.

Sermon9/26/14 7:34 PM
Eliza Beth  Find all comments by Eliza Beth
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Why Every Calvinist Should Be a...
Pastor John MacArthur
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you! This is a great blessing as our world is engulfed w/islam. Loved that long sentence around minute 14. God bless
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