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News Item7/23/08 11:06 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Compiling the 'over the top'

Warning: the below site
shows the major media
WORSHIP of Obama: I don't agree with it!
[URL=http://obamamessiah.blogspot.com/]]]obama messiah blogspot [/URL]
can this be an elaborate parody???
Warning: the above site
shows the major media
WORSHIP of Obama: I don't agree with it!

only there to document the true
1Jo 2:18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
McCain is right. The media has become swept up with Obama "The Messiah". They fail to see that this is the title given to every leader of the Black Liberation Theology movement; Barack is only the "King of Kings" within the BLT. Every leader in the BLT is given Joshua like tribute, and the more they promise of redistribution of America's wealth to the undeserving, the more of the underserving vote they get, and the more they are praised in worship. When you give money to the Black Liberation Theologian, it is like buying stock in IBM; it will pay you dividends as Barak expands the FBP.

Survey7/23/08 10:32 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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John Yurich wrote:
Well if I have totally dispensed with the unscriptural RCC doctrines and the unscriptural parts to the Mass then I am not remaining in false doctrine after becoming Born Again.
The "communion" of the Lord's Supper is a sign and seal of the covenant of grace for the believer. By the eating of the bread and lifting of the cup with others you are visibly stating that you are in agreement and in covenant with those you are drinking with. Therefore, it is the same as saying that you agree with their doctrine since you eat the same bread and drink of the same cup. It is for this reason that your presence also with them tells others by appearance that you agree with them regardless of whether your words betray them. It is the presence of the truth that makes it the "Lord's Supper"; otherwise, in false doctrine it becomes a cursed table of "demons".

"And he answered and said, He that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me". Matt. 26:23

Survey7/22/08 5:53 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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John Yurich wrote:
Yes or no? If an RC who becomes Born Again remains in the RCC and does not join a Fundamentalist Protestant Church will they go to Hell when they pass away?
And look at your response to BBD on 6/24/08 at 11:48am you stated that if you had remained in the RCC that you would have gone to Hell. So don't state that I lied about what you stated.
This is a fallacious question, because if one is born again he will not remain in false doctrine. The very fact that he is born again is because he has heard the truth which is not found in the Anti-christ.

Whether one "joins" a FPC is irrelevant, what is all in all is the truth.

Survey7/22/08 5:42 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Mike wrote:
Why did Nicodemus come to Jesus? We know why he came by night, but why did he come at all? He was dead in sin, had no free will, therefore could not have had any inclination whatsoever toward the things of God, according to some. How then did he determine not only that this One was from God, but that he wanted to talk to him?
"O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps" Jer. 10:23

Survey7/22/08 5:37 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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DJC49 wrote:
Dr. Phil,
I'd venture to guess that 99.99% of all pastors are guilty of telling their congregations that God loves them either by stating it directly or by way of a sermon which seems to indicate such.

You may be closer to the mark than away from it in your assessment.

"They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying Peace, Peace, when there is no peace."

Survey7/22/08 8:44 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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DJC49 wrote:
In that case, Dr. Phil, it is wrong for pastors to ever tell their congregations that God loves them. Tares among the wheat, don't cha know.
Just a thought.
There is a way to tell the church that Christ loved her and died for her without telling "congregations" indiscriminately that God loves everyone seated in the house. Psalm 7:8-11 It is the Pastor's responsibility to feed the flock over which God has made him an overseer. This means preaching the word in season and out of season. Christ knoweth them that are his.

Just thinking.

Survey7/21/08 9:17 PM
Dr. Phil | Baton Rouge  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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It is wrong to tell sinners that God loves them, unless you know with absolute certainty that there is not an Esau in the audience. Rom. 9:13

Survey7/21/08 9:07 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Jessica Dawson wrote:
My mother says to the effect that women are cooking their own goose, in trying to live their lives as men do. Women now are more likely to suffer heart attacks and die younger just as men.
My parents had an agreement when they got married that my Mother stay at home, and this while my Father worked. Mom used to have a motto, that since her husband was out working hard, she would work just as hard at home.
She did renovations, even taking down walls herself. My parents built a house together, Mom would often deal with the contractors and she did a lot of labour herself.
She took care of a huge garden when I was young and our farm animals. When my parents couldn't afford presents, my Mom made them for me.
My Mom has been the target of hatred from other women who have been resentful and jealous of her because she "wasn't working"! The role of Mother and wife is not even recognized as valuable by many women.
Commendable comment Jessica.

Survey7/21/08 8:44 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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DJC49 wrote:
Man, you just do NOT get it, do you, JD. No, you don't!

I have to say brother that you have a lot more patience than I do. You have really gone farther down the rabbit hole than I did in "wonderland doublespeak". But, I have to ask if your are not just casting pearls before the . . . at this point? This guy must be retired or unemployed or he is getting paid from some source just to keep people wrapped up in these fallacious trails of ignorance. How else could one person have the time for this non-sense?

I think your sound teaching could be put to better use than to keep this guy going brother.

Survey7/21/08 8:34 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Mike wrote:
. . . How could they know their deeds are evil, that they should hide from the light, if they are totally unable to discern it? They could not know that evil is evil, unless they have something to measure it by, and know the difference.
That is just the problem Mike, they know that it is evil and they love it still. "Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath showed it unto them. For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so THAT THEY ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE:
BECAUSE THAT, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened." Romans 1:20-21

Even the Gentiles who don't have a copy of the Bible have the law in their conscience:
"For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: WHICH SHOW THE WORK OF THE LAW written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the MEANWHILE ACCUSING OR EXCUSING ONE ANOTHER."

Talk about depravity in the face of the law!

Survey7/18/08 5:39 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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There is no such thing as a "woman pastor". It maybe a woman pretending to be a pastor, just as there are charlatan men pretending to be pastors, but Pastors are raised up by God according to bible doctrine. It is impossible for her "to be the husband of one wife", (unless "she" has suddenly become a "husband" which is impossible without scripture contradicting itself). Therefore, "she" can never be a pastor.

News Item7/18/08 5:32 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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This is why he is called the "Anti-Christ". The reprobate mind will take up the cause for the reprobates. That is why this business of the Pope recently taking up the cause of "non-violence" and arguing that those of unity in "faith" (he includes RCC, and Muslims as people of faith) are "non-violent" thus suggesting that those who disrupt the unity of faith are the violent ones is a crock. The murdering Jesuits and Muslims know this is a lie and a cover.

News Item7/17/08 6:57 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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What does Obama believe?

The following let's you know that he does not know what he believe's:

"In New York City, "I lived an ascetic existence," Obama told NEWSWEEK in an interview on his campaign plane last week. "I did a lot of spiritual exploration. I withdrew from the world in a fairly deliberate way." He fasted. Often, he'd go days without speaking to another person. ..."

This means nothing, but one thing is for sure, there will be many who think that it does.

Then again, we know that for some reason he sat for 20 years under the teachings of Black Liberation Theology (BLT), and he has never denounced this heresy of "Black Power/Black Muslim" origin.

News Item7/16/08 7:17 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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John Yurich wrote:
. . .Why do you guys believe that Born Again Christians must leave the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church and Mainline Protestant Churches and join some type of Fundamentalist Protestant Church?
First, in order to be Christian one must be born again. There is no other kind of Christian but one that is born again. Second, Christians believe the truth, and it follows that any assembly of people be it professed protestant, Roman Catholic, BLT, or whatever, if they do not believe the truth of the Bible, they can not by Biblical definition be Christian. You can not separate Jesus Christ from the truth of scripture because he is the truth. To say that you believe in Jesus Christ and then hold to doctrines foreign to the teaching of the Scripture is to in effect deny Him (or to dine at the table of demons as the Apostle Paul would say). The Apostle John said that whoever does not have the doctrine of Christ, does not have either the Father or the Son. Therefore, they must be lost. (John 14:6, 2 John 9)

News Item7/12/08 11:18 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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GG wrote:
Question: The Last Prot to be burned at the stake by the Catholic Church was ?
It is difficult to answer this now since the Anti-christ and his murdering CIA-like Jesuits have become so clandestine in their activity.

Don't you know that secret agents are licensed to kill; they have a special dispensation from "The Holy Father" himself? For every Protestant killed, they get a special Purgatory purchase card, a Get Out Of Hell Free card, and they collect $200 for making the sign of the cross as they pass the Icon.

News Item7/12/08 11:02 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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"....simply incredible that anyone in the modern Catholic Church could in any way endorse or condone the atrocity of the stake and its use to deal with "heretics" in the middle ages, but that is exactly what Dr. Warren H. Carroll, Ph.D, the Catholic expert for the EWTN history forum, has effectively done.
he says in the above post:
"I certainly do not advocate the restoration of the butning [burning] of heretics, because in the present climate of opinion it would hurt the Church, ... "
So, if the climate were different, and the Catholic Church held the reigns of power over secular governments again, what could we "heretics" that oppose apostate Catholic teaching expect??"
Hey E,

It is easy for the Anti=christ to throw out these universal fallacious assertions without cause. It is also easier to gather dried branches and buy lighter fluid than to think of or express a logical argument against those who oppose their heresy.

As you pointed out, it does seem that he is inferring that if the political winds were blowing in such a direction again that the smoke would not burn their eyes, they have the wood ready.

News Item7/12/08 8:50 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Pastor Mike wrote:
That's so arrogant! Why would evangelical Christians think their opinion even matters on this one? It's HER show! She gets to introduce her audience to whatever the heck she wants! Don't like it? Then stop watching and start your own show! If you don't condone what's on TV, why even have a TV in your house? I don't have one in my house, because I don't want my kids being exposed to rubbish, and I'm an atheist! If even an atheist knows TV is bad, why can't Christians who are supposedly "spiritual" figure it out?
"Pastor" Mike,

The problem is that this BLT closet Muslim communist is using money and "her show" to subvert the truth and grind out her own political agenda. In addition, she is not just seen on "her show"; her opinions are not just aired on "her show". If she stayed out of politics and religion, then I would not take up a cause against her. But, since she like all celebrities uses her notoriety to influence public opinion which ultimately has an impact on our freedom, then she will have to contend with the point of the Christian sword and the opposition. If you or she can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen . . . "Pastor". (Jude 3-4)

News Item7/11/08 6:36 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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A Democratic Conservative wrote:
Again I Cry Out in Battle:
(As I know darn well that the Satanic-Vaticanists & covert "Jesuit" plants who habitually post on this sermonaudio website just cringe at the very thought of a True Historic Protestant getting the victory on this website!)
How can one be a True Historic Protestant while supporting a Pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, gun control, BLT Muslim? Ask yourself this question, why would Muslim sheiks and princes from the Middle East be backing Obama's campaign to the tune of $150 million+ if they didn't want something later for it?

The battle cry you mention is fallacious. It is like asking what is better, the beast or the false prophet. At least the Papist beast is not killing Chrisitians yet, while the Muslim false prophet is stacking up Christian heads as we speak in Iran. Did you ever ask why the reformers made that battle cry? Could it be that the Muslims were a greater distance from them at the time while the Papists were on the doorstep? But now it is a different story. Are you ready to lay your neck on the chopping block when Obama the Muslim comes out of the closet after he is elected?

News Item7/10/08 3:48 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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"Osteen reveals keys . . ." JO's keys are not the keys to the kingdom of heaven.

News Item7/10/08 3:45 PM
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Oprah's "gospel" is "another" gospel rooted in BLT. (Galatians 1:6-9) Perhaps it should be called "Harpo's lepsog".
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