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Sermon10/29/17 4:36 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Faith and Prayer
Gavin Beers
“ Excellent explanation of faith and prayer! ”
Pastor Beers utilizes Mark 11:20-24 to instruct the hearer on how prayer and faith work together. He takes the Scriptures and applies them to the Christian's ongoing life of prayer, exposing where we are lacking and how we can improve our prayers. Well worth listening to in order to improve your prayer life!

Sermon10/29/17 10:21 AM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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John Knox - His life and ministry
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Lecture! ”
"Here lies a man who in his life never feared the face of man." Listen to this sermon to learn about the great Scottish reformer, John Knox, who feared God so much that he did not fear man!

Sermon10/27/17 3:51 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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George Wishart - A Protestant Martyr
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is an account of the mild and gentle young reformer who gave his life for the gospel in Scotland! Must listen!

Sermon10/27/17 3:40 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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John Calvin - His Life and Ministry
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent overview of the life and doctrine of the great reformer, John Calvin. Calvin was uniquely gifted by God to systematize the work begun by Luther and others, and was also a man of immense compassion and humanity, contrary to popular belief. Be sure to listen to this biography!

Sermon10/26/17 10:47 AM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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“ Moving Sermon! ”
Patrick Hamilton, a Scottish churchman and young nobleman of royal descent,willingly gave his life for the gospel of Christ and was the first martyr of the Reformation in Scotland. This sermon tells his story and offers to all the same gospel that he died to bring to his countrymen.

Sermon10/25/17 9:03 AM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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“ Rousing Sermon! ”
This sermon is about the life and conversion of Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury and martyr for Jesus Christ. It includes a rousing call to believe the same gospel that Thomas Cranmer believed, and to like faithful service to Christ in our generation. Highly recommended!

Sermon10/24/17 2:53 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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The Fearless Mission of William Tyndale
Rev. Erik Guichelaar
“ Great Lecture! ”
We should all be so thankful for the legacy of William Tyndale, which is nothing less than the Bible in English! Living in exile and hunted by those who did not want the Bible to be available to the people in their own language, he endured great hardships and even gave his life so that the Word of God would be available to his fellow countrymen. Most of what we read in the King James Version is his translation of the original Hebrew and Greek texts. How we should thank God for how He used this brave and godly man!

Sermon10/23/17 5:05 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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“ Love This Sermon! ”
Exhilarating account of the life of Martin Luther and preaching of the thrilling truth which changed not only his life, but also the world!

Sermon10/22/17 8:40 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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A Holy Desire
Rev David Silversides
“ Powerful Sermon! ”
What is the kingdom of God, and how will it be brought about? What is your duty in regard to it? This sermon answers these questions, and more!

Sermon10/22/17 2:37 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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The exaltation of Christ
Gavin Beers
“ Great Sermon! ”
Sound doctrine concerning what was entailed in Christ's exaltation and a call to faith in and submission to the exalted Saviour!

Sermon10/22/17 10:56 AM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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The Life and Martyrdom of John Huss
Rev. Erik Guichelaar
“ Stirring! ”
This is a stirring lecture on the life of the pre-reformer, John Huss. Best we've heard on this heroic martyr!

Sermon10/21/17 3:41 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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The Life of John Wycliffe
Dr. David Allen
“ Outstanding Lecture! ”
Outstanding lecture on the life of the pre-reformer, John Wycliffe, the "Morning Star" of the Reformation. Highly recommended!

Sermon10/19/17 11:39 AM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Oaths and vows - when are they right?
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
This a useful sermon for clearing up common misconceptions concerning oaths and vows. Pastor Silversides plainly shows what oaths and vows are, their lawfulness, uses, and obligation, as well as the care with which they should be used and kept. Very practical!

Sermon10/16/17 2:18 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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The Solemn League and Covenant of 1643
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent introduction to the topic of covenanting, as well as to the Solemn League and Covenant. This sermon clearly sets forth the historical background of the SLC and also its biblical basis. May the Lord give those of us who hold to the Covenant grace to remain faithful until the Lord grants our people repentance for their covenant breaking!

Sermon10/15/17 8:48 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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God's Name To Be Treated As Holy
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
Yes, may God give us grace to hallow His name in this evil day. It's so sad to see how even professing Christians treat His great name with irreverence! This sermon should cause us all to examine ourselves to discover how we may be dishonoring our blessed Saviour.

Sermon10/15/17 5:22 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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The humiliation of Christ
Gavin Beers
“ Doctrinal and Practical! ”
Pastor Beers shows in this sermon that as Christ humbled himself by taking on human flesh, so ought we to humble ourselves. Also, we love this quote from the sermon: "In his life, Christ kept the law; in his death, Christ silenced the law." Great quote!

Sermon10/13/17 12:17 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Why we should use the Scottish Psalter
Rev David Silversides
“ Important Message! ”
Pastor Silversides does a wonderful job of showing the superiority of the Scottish Psalter to all other English metrical translations of the Psalms. Our Psalter is a true gem of exceeding excellence! It is also true that in a time such as our own, when the church is so weak and fragmented, we should cleave to the good things we have received from the times when the church was stronger and more unified, such as the Authorized Version of the Bible and the Scottish Psalter, not to mention faithful church standards such as those produced by the Westminster Assembly. Now is not the time for novelty and innovation, but rather for walking in the old paths!

Sermon10/12/17 9:10 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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The Case For Total Psalmody
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent introduction to exclusive psalmody! In addition to the irrefutable argument Pastor Silversides makes for the exclusive use of the inspired Psalter in worship, we would like to add that singing the Psalms has been of tremendous spiritual benefit to us. We've been singing the Psalms for about eighteen years, and as our knowledge and understanding of the Psalms has grown, we've found them to be a means of increasing our understanding of the rest of the Bible, as well. Our faith in and love for the Saviour has deepened so much as a result. We can't imagine ever going back to man-made hymns again!

Sermon10/11/17 8:05 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Who Saves - God or Man?
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Preaching! ”
This is gospel preaching at its finest! Thank God for His free and sovereign grace!

Sermon10/10/17 3:53 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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How should we worship God?
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
The Bible teaches the Regulative Principle of Worship, which can be summarized as requiring scriptural warrant for every element of worship. Even what is not forbidden in scripture must be omitted if not commanded. God has revealed how he desires us to worship Him in scripture, and if we love Him we will want to worship Him in the way which pleases Him, not in the way which pleases us. Also, our understanding of who God is and what He is like is shaped by our worship of Him, so it is of utmost importance to follow His instructions in order to avoid slipping into subtle forms of idolatry as we form false conceptions of God through false, man-made worship practices. Pastor Silversides vigorously and plainly sets forth this Regulative Principle of Worship as it is revealed in the Bible. Must listening for any Christian who wishes to worship God in Spirit and in truth!
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