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News Item8/27/07 9:13 PM
Kyle Smith | Elkton, MD  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kyle Smith
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Really? You seem to be denying everything that makes a person uniquely Catholic and yet claim to be a Catholic! Just attending Catholic services doesn't suffice.

How dare you tell me I'm not a gun supporter! Of course I am! I just deny the following beliefs, that's all.

1. I should own a gun.
2. Americans should be allowed to own guns.
3. Guns are good for the general population. (Crime control, etc.)

Even though I seem to be anti-second amendment, I regularly attend NRA meetings. Its the height of stupidity for you or anyone else to claim that just because I deny the above I'm not a gun supporter!

Disclaimer: I am a second amendment supporter. I only said what I did to make the point.

You are indeed intelligent in that you see the unscriptural nature of Catholicism. However, you seem to want to deny those aspects and yet avoid the "stigma" of the title "Protestant". (Which, of course, I don't think carries any stigma, but you get my point) Some of the denials you make have leveled the charge of heresy to people and sentenced them to the stake. You should read "Foxes Book of Martyrs". Obviously, previous Popes thought those dispensable beliefs were important.

News Item8/24/07 2:49 PM
Kyle Smith | Elkton, MD  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kyle Smith
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You are just one of many in a long line that have been telling him that he can't claim to be a Catholic and deny the things that he does. It is nice to agree with you at least once even though we are coming from two different sides.

I'm reminded of that scene in Airplane when that lady is freaked out and there is a line of people waiting to tell her to "snap out of it".

News Item8/15/07 8:36 PM
Kyle Smith | Elkton, MD  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kyle Smith
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Wow, they're dropping like flies. Which major denomination is next?

This is why I simply call myself a "Bible-believing Christian".

News Item8/15/07 8:29 PM
Kyle Smith | Elkton, MD  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kyle Smith
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It's funny. I bet those funds will be used to build a fancy bell tower, finance a building expansion, or do something equally wasteful. Meanwhile, babies are murdered and fatherless children (and husbandless widows) go to bed hungry. So much for "religion my father accepts".

Yep, even a broken clock is right instantaneously twice a day. Following that analogy, the ACLU is more like a clock that registers military time. That way, they're only right once a day!

News Item7/31/07 7:19 PM
Kyle Smith | Elkton, MD  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kyle Smith
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"'I believe that giving is a part of worship,' he said, 'and if you take an offering away from the worship context, then to me you've lost the meaning of giving. You've made it fundraising for the church.'"

And tithing wasn't fundraising for the church previously?

"'We couldn't afford not to do it,' he said of the decision to take credit cards"

Well of course you have to, or they might just go to another church. You have to make sure you don't lose customers...er...congregants!

The whole tithing system was silly previously. It has roots in the Western Europe land rent system, not the New Testament.

News Item7/31/07 12:33 PM
Kyle Smith | Elkton, MD  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kyle Smith
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Evolution, as I understand it, is survival of the fittest (i.e. Death of the weakest) combined with cumulative natural selection causing all the complexity we see around us. Its an absurd theory (monstrosity, actually) intentionally invented PURELY to explain life without God. Athiests equate disbelief in Evolution with disbelief in gravity. To them, evolution is self-evident settled fact, and I am called "anti-science" and "stupid" for not believing it.

You and I may see it as 'just a theory' (albeit a false one), but atheists refer to it as absolute fact and will defend it fiercely. If you read atheist works (Such as The Blind Watchmaker, The God Delusion, etc) you will understand that the athiests (the 'other side' if you will) see it differently than you and me.

Why couldn't God have used purely natural processes? He could have, but that is not the argument. The fact is that, according to the Bible, He didn't. If you start with the assumption that the Bible is accurate and read it with an open mind, you can come to no other conclusion unless you have an allegience to the theory...or to the Pope who you must not contradict.

Evolution is the foundation for their disbelief in God, and it is a travesty that professing Christians give any support for the theory.

News Item7/29/07 7:06 PM
Kyle Smith | Elkton, MD  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kyle Smith
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You're being disingenuous and avoiding the question. Perhaps I need to rephrase it.

Where do you derive your allegiance to evolution, albeit Theistic? Have you earnestly and honestly studied the issue at hand? Have you read intelligent arguments from both sides and found one lacking? Are you starting with the presumption that the Bible is true? (Which is just as much of a faith as atheistic evolution, by the way) Have you deliberated the evidence and formed a personal conviction?

Or, are you agreeing with the Pope because that's what you're 'supposed' to do? Are you parroting what "they" told you many years ago?

Don't tell me what the Pope believes. Don't tell me what the Catholic School teachers believe. Don't tell me what your friends and family believe. What do you, GG, personally believe, and why do you believe it?

If you like, I can provide you with recommendations for reading material from both sides of the aisle. I've provided my email address to sermonaudio which you (or anyone else) can use if you want to have a meaningful conversation.

News Item7/29/07 1:06 AM
Kyle Smith | Elkton, MD  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kyle Smith
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There are essentially two lines of belief and a third that is a compromise between the two. Either God made the Earth a few thousand years ago, or evolution did it through billions of years of natural 'trial and error'. The third option, Theistic Evolution, is that God started the process but either let it go free or guided evolution to his predetermined end. That theory for which the Pope is arguing is Theistic Evolution - that God had a hand in evolution.

I also do not think it is my place to tell God how he went about creating. I just take the account in Genesis as written, regardless of what the Pope says. Again I ask you the question, is Theistic Evolution (or merely 'Evolution' if you wish) your belief, or do you feel that you must not contradict the Pope?

News Item7/28/07 11:00 PM
Kyle Smith | Elkton, MD  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kyle Smith
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Are you arguing for theistic evolution because you believe it yourself, or because you believe you have an obligation to not contradict your pope? (That's a serious question, not a taunt)

In regards to Christians squeezing evolution into the Bible, consider the following. Adolf Eichmann ("Hitler's Hangman") was asked by a chaplain just before he was hung if he would like to get absolution for his atrocites. Eichmann responded clearly and abruptly, dismissing the idea that he had ANYTHING for which to seek forgiveness. When asked to explain himself, this is what he said.

"Both the churches in Germany, the Catholic and Protestant, believe in Theistic Evolution. Both of them believe that God's method of creation was to wipe out the handicapped and to wipe out the less fitted. And as the Jews are less fitted than our people, I have only helped God in his methods. I have only catalyzed God's way of working. And when I meet him, I shall tell him so."

Eichmann (and Hitler) were bad, not mad. They were consistent evolutionists, and their actions show pure fundamental evolution taken to its logical end. I strongly caution you to reconsider backing the compromise of Theistic Evolution.

News Item7/25/07 8:19 PM
Kyle Smith | Elkton, MD  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kyle Smith
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My intention wasn't necessarily to mock the President. I am decidedly not a liberal, and I can't stand moveon.org. I was just mocking the popular misconception (or denial) that Islam is peaceful.

News Item7/24/07 6:54 PM
Kyle Smith | Elkton, MD  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kyle Smith
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I can't tell if you agree with me or you misunderstood me. Just in case you misunderstood me...

I was kidding. Sorry to mislead you. I figured sarcasm was the proper tone for this, because the declarative statement didn't convey the right incredulity.

Survey7/22/07 7:03 PM
Kyle Smith | Elkton, MD  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kyle Smith
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OK, I'm not sure with whom I agree. I don't have disdain for intelligence or formal theological education. (I cannot even understand such a position) I have a problem with formal theological education and experience either being used as a requirement or a competitive edge for a prospective pastor. If God has called, God has called.

I agree with you, JD, on the woman pastor comment. I should be careful to make clear that my opposition thereto is based on a desire to be faithful to the scriptures, not a hatred for or prejudice against women.

News Item7/22/07 6:07 PM
Kyle Smith | Elkton, MD  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kyle Smith
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Silly people, Islam is a religion of peace!

It has to be, because the president said so!

Survey7/22/07 12:26 PM
Kyle Smith | Elkton, MD  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kyle Smith
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My objection was the carrying over of a secular concept that previous experience makes one more qualified. In the secular world, practice makes perfect. An experienced doctor is better than a non-experienced one, an experienced engineer is better than a non-experienced one, and an experienced business manager is better than a non-experienced one.

This is decidedly NOT the case with the pastor. One need not have previous pastoral experience if he is called to that job. Moses wasn't an 'experienced' liberator, (and he tried to use that excuse) but God called him anyway. Imagine if Moses had said, "OK, I need to go to the military academy first, study warfare, learn how to manage people, learn more vocabulary, etc..."!

I have nothing against a pastor accepting the call FIRST and then deciding he wants to know more. I just have a problem with formal education being a requirement. A man cannot "learn" how to be better called of God.

News Item7/22/07 11:27 AM
Kyle Smith | Elkton, MD  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kyle Smith
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That story did make it to Sermon Audio. It just may not have had any comments on it for a while. Keep looking

Survey7/21/07 11:44 AM
Kyle Smith | Elkton, MD  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kyle Smith
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"His soundness of doctrine, experience/practice"

I almost picked this one, but I think I have a hard time with it. It suggests that one can/must "learn" to pastor as opposed to being "called" to pastor.

"Gee God, I know you want me to pastor this church now, but be patient with me. I'm not qualified yet. It'll take years to go through school and even more years to pay off my loans. Now that I think of it, I can't even pastor this church later because they won't pay me enough. I wish I had more experience so I could command a larger salary! I guess I'll have to avoid certain topics so that my congregants will not leave."

News Item7/18/07 12:34 PM
Kyle Smith | Elkton, MD  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kyle Smith
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What exaggerations did Foxe make? The descriptions are just faithful representations of what happened, albeit overly detailed. Nothing is added to any story. I'm not sure what your point is about Henry (Or his friends). Those martyrs whose deaths are recorded in the book were killed because they refused to submit to the Pope!

News Item7/17/07 9:18 PM
Kyle Smith | Elkton, MD  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kyle Smith
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Agreed, papaterry!

"Foxe's Book of Martyrs" ought to be required reading for serious Christians" If the book were made into a movie (unedited) children all over the world would be having nightmares!

News Item7/14/07 6:06 PM
Kyle Smith | Elkton, MD  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kyle Smith
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It has been my contention that the term 'local church' is meaningless. Since there are dozens of local churches in any given area, to which should I point as the 'local church'? Each one is competing for the 'worship dollar' (i.e. Congregants who will tithe) so much that people like me are just tired of it and choose to put our money to "religion my father accepts" (Feeding the hungry and clothing the naked) instead of a mortgage.

I recommend you read "Pagan Christianity" by Frank Viola. He makes this case very well. Even athiests such as Richard Dawkins can see the free enterprise system our churches have become.

I respectfully disagree that we should support our local churches first. I think that if a group of believers wants to erect a building and hire a paid pastor, they are free to do so...only after they have first given God his due.

News Item7/13/07 5:26 PM
Kyle Smith | Elkton, MD  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kyle Smith
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Have you ever read "The Blind Watchmaker" by Richard Dawkins? It was recommended to me so many times in my debates with athiests that I bought it and read it. It hasn't swayed me, though. None of Mr Dawkins' arguments work without an a priori belief in evolution.

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