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Survey7/17/08 3:46 PM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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quote wrote:
I didn't realize we were discussing evangelization on this thread. Most of the comments on here lately have been about debating doctrine.
The things I mentioned to you are essential doctrines of the Christian faith.

When you talk about doctrine, these would have to be included in the discussion.

There is effectual calling, justification, sanctification, the attributes of God, creation, the fall, and on and on and on.

What say you on doctine that does not include the above?

A person's understanding doctrine will not justify him in the day of Christ Jesus. It is trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ, alone, that will save us.

To: Contender "Not everyone who professes to know the Lord, does." That would include those from both camps. The Holy Spirit leads us in all truth. He convicts, reproves, corrects - continually. "He who began a good work in us, will perfect it." We who know His Sovereignty rest peaceably with that. We know that we will not be perfect until we are with Him, and we long for that - in our Spirits we groan waiting to be delivered from this body of sin and death. To be with the Lord free from the last vestiges of sin will be heaven.

Survey7/17/08 3:09 PM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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Contender wrote:
Free-will/Arminianism denies that it is God through the Holy Spirit who quickens the sinner, the sinner being dead in trespasses and sins, grants them faith and repentance, and makes them new creatures in Christ Jesus. They claim and even boast to have faith and repentance of their own free-will and cooperate with God in their salvation. It is a man-centered works religion.

I did not ever state that to share the gospel the people must submit to Calvinism.

Well, I did not mean to imply that you did that re: your 2nd paragraph.

Someone born of the Spirit who says, "I responded to the call of God to repent, and was saved," is not denying that God works through the Holy Spirit, or that they are dead in trepasses and sins, or that they do not need faith. That person understands the submission to the call of repentance to be just that - a step of obedience. God is not going to judge the person on how well he/she understood their theology. Our knowledge of Scripture should inform our theology, not resting on a system that facilitates our understanding. Jesus is the Word of God having fulfilled it completely. He is the foundation, the chief cornerstone, and man cannot add anything to it w/o polluting it.

Survey7/17/08 1:12 PM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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quote wrote:
"Chuck Smith Is Ecumenical: In his 1993 book, Answers For Today, Smith says the following:What a glorious day when we discover that God loves the Baptists! -- And the Presbyterians, and the Methodists, and the Catholics. We're all His and we all belong to Him. We see the whole Body of Christ, and we begin to strive together rather than striving against one another" (p. 157).
I agree, but I would not include the Catholic faith. Otherwise, I would not be fully committed to the Reformation. I grew up in a Baptist Church. As an adult, I've been in PCA, and non-denominational congregations. I've never identified myself by denomination, but as a Christian. I appreciate the reformed teachers. I've listened to John MacArthur of Grace to You (gty.org) for decades. He is one of the best expositional teachers of our day. I like to read R.C. Sproul's material. He has Ligioner Ministries.

Survey7/17/08 12:56 PM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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quote wrote:
Our theology (doctrine) does not save us but it does show us what one believes regarding Christ and His Word whether it be truth or error.
Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
(2Jn 1:9-11)
I agree . .doctrine is important. Then talk to the lost about man's depravity, Christ's Sinlessness, His Diety, His Humanity, the necessity of God's grace, the necessity of our faith, the atoning work of Christ, His bodily resurrection, His bodily ascension, His intercession for us, and His second coming.

I commend you for your love of truth. I'm thinking that I should change my name of Lover of Truth because the truth can defend itself.

Survey7/17/08 11:52 AM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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"Another gospel" would be one that poses as Christianity and denies the atoning work of Christ for man's sin, or would add to the work of Christ, or would deny the deity of Christ, etc.

People like Rick Warren with his social gospel, and Joel Osteen, with his man-centered philosophy are teaching "another gospel", but not those who place the emphasis on man's obedience to the call to "Repent and believe," as does one who holds to Arminianism.

We do not share the gospel by telling people they have to submit to Calvinism. It is merely a way to sum up what we believe so that the hearer will understand where we are coming from. Then, we do not have to reiterate our theology every time we share a point.

The thief on the cross didn't have time to study doctrine. He recognized his own sinfulness. He acknowledged Jesus' wrongful death. He believed what Jesus said, "Today, you will be with me in paradise."

Our theology will not save us. Jesus saves us, and He calls on us to "look to Him the author and finisher of our faith."

Survey7/17/08 10:30 AM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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My debut to this forum has taught me not to declare a system of theology that I adhere to; rather, use Scripture to refute error, or as in the case of Mike/NY, balance Scripture.

I learned Scripture over many years, before I looked at Calvinism and Arminianism. The reason that Calvinism fits my understanding - primarily - is because I understand that sin is not just something one does, it is our very nature to sin - and that is not just an act - it is intent, and omission. So, total depravity makes sense. I am born sinful, dead to God.

I also know those who have walked an aisle, prayed a prayer, etc., declaring their salvation, and their lives show no evidence of humility.

I know those who are religious - moral, who show no evidence of genuine love for God or man.

Having said all of that, "Who made me to differ?" God and God alone is the answer. Had the work not been His, I would not have sought Him. Had the work not been His, I would have continued in sin. But, I have a new nature. So, it's all of Him - my willingness to repent, His gift of faith, the atonement needed for a God of Justice, and the love shown by the Son's sacrifice. Great humility by the Son - which is given to those who will live with Him forever.

Survey7/17/08 9:21 AM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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Scripture tells us that the wisdom from above will be loving and kind toward all, seeking the unity of the believers, not trying to find ways to divide and separate one another. May God help us all to love each other, to be kind, tenderhearted, forgiving one another as Jesus Christ has forgiven us (Eph. 4:32)

In difficult doctrinal matters, may we have gracious attitudes and humble hearts, desiring most of all to please Him who has called us to serve Him in the body of Christ. Discussion -YES! Disagreements -YES! Division - NO!

Seek those things that produce the loving nature of Jesus in our lives.

These comment were taken from a booklet on Calvinism and Arminianism and the word of God, by Chuck Smith a pastor at Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, Ca.

Survey7/16/08 9:48 PM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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Well, I was well into adulthood before I heard a message on the Sovereignty of God by R.C. Sproul of Reformed Theological Seminary. He talked about God's Holiness and His Sovereignty. During that message, I realized that everything that had ever happened in my life had been ordained by God down to where and when I would live on this earth. Acts 17:26 says, "and He made from one, every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times, and the boundaries of their habitation."

Understanding God's Sovereignty, enabled me to understand the world.

Most of us start our walk with the Lord with simple trust, unable to define the great doctrines. It is "line upon line, precept upon precept, a little here, a little there."

Correct theology is important for our growth in the Lord, but we are brought into His kingdom by the Spirit.

I'm just finishing the book on Wilberforce - "Amazing Grace." I am so encouraged by his faith. I would recommend that book to all who are encouraged by God's work in individual lives and in the affairs of nations. What's even more exciting is to see how He has worked in recorded history - especially in the establishing of our own country.

Survey7/16/08 7:45 PM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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Mike, I haven't heard you say anything that would indicate that you do not know and love the Lord Jesus Christ. So, I stand with you as a brother in Christ, even though we differ on Theology.

Col 3:14 says, "And beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful. Let the word of Christ richly dewell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God."

Correct theology is not enough, is it? We must be born again, and that will be evidenced by "love of the brethren." No one is perfect in his/her understanding of Scripture. It is not what we know, but Who we know.

It was the Pharisee whom Jesus condemned the very ones who professed righteousness and kept external rituals. It was the Samaritan, a virtual outcast in proper Jewish society who demonstrated love to his neighbor - right?

Micah 6:8 ". . .what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"

May God bless us both as we grow in wisdom and understanding.

Survey7/16/08 11:14 AM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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Another try:

Let's go back to the parable of the seed and sower. The soil is the heart of the unredeemed person. The Holy Spirit "tills the soil" with the conviction of sin, through the "preaching of the word." The seed (word of God) is planted in the soil, some of which is deeply plowed (by the Spirit of the Lord), and other of which has not been plowed. (The same sun that hardens clay, softens wax.) Both may show growth, initially, but the seed planted in the good soil, that which God has cultivated, will not wither and die, but will produce much fruit.

1 Cor 3:6,7 "I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth."

For those who have be regenerated, brought to life spiritually, the enemy is not your brother in Christ who has a different understanding of the order of salvation. "In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty, and in all things, charity."

The enemy is "powers and principalities, and the spiritual forces of darkness." Know your enemy in order to effectively engage in the battle!

Survey7/16/08 10:37 AM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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Mike, I agree that the work of the Spirit is to convict sinners of their sin and their need for repentance, and that these are the means whereby we are brought to salvation - which is regeneration - a new creation - "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation." 2 Cor. 5:17

Did you read the link yesterday to Spurgeon's message? That is the best discourse concerning these issues of God's Sovereignty and our responsibility.

Other people on this thread have defended these truths better than I have. So, I think anything further is redundant.

For the record: I believe that Salvation is of God. The work of the Holy Spirit is to convict the sinner of their sin and their need of repentance. Faith is given by the Father, is purchased by the Son's atoning work on the cross, and is sealed by the giving of the Holy Spirit, who resides in the Believer as the Teacher of Truth, and is active in the ongoing work of sanctification in making us like Christ.

Regeneration is in God's Sovereign choice of bringing sinful man to Himself, justifying him before a Holy God, and keeping him until the day of Christ Jesus where the redeemed man will be presented blameless to the Father because of the saving work of Jesus Christ.

Survey7/16/08 9:45 AM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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JD, No one will argue with you that salvation is in "Christ alone." Nor does reformed theology teach that Believers are "infused" as you put it.

We believe that salvation is of God, provided by Him through the atoning work of Jesus on the Cross - that it is a GIFT of God, that He uses conviction of sin, and repentance as a means of Grace, that He gives us the faith to believe - and, we do not separate them out, but take them as a whole.

As to salvation being an event - that might describe any religion - or even the Catholic Church which believes that baptism at birth places one in the family of God.

The process of sanctification would describe the work of the Spirit in the life of the Believer to make him/her like Christ. The moment of "being born again" may be remarkable if one was a murderer, persecutor, as was Paul, or it may be one where like John, Jesus led him into the knowledge of the Truth. No specific moments were recorded in Scripture of any saying, "Now, I repent and will follow the Lord Jesus Christ." Rather, it was Jesus saying, "Follow me. I will make you fishers of men."

JD, Where is it recorded in Scripture that anyone - other than Simon who was an apostate wanting only power - said, I want to follow Jesus and I now repent?

Survey7/16/08 9:16 AM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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Excellent post joyunspeakable.

There are those who look at God as the source of everything. Then, there are those who see man determining his own destiny.

No one is saying that Believers do not hear the word of God, do not come under conviction for sin, do not repent, do not have faith. The divide is between those who look at everything as a gift, and those who think the "having" is in the "taking" - walking down an aisle, saying a little prayer with all the right words.

If we read our Bibles with God as "High and lifted up". .Isa 55:9 says, "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than earth, so are My ways higher than you ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts."

JD, we should stop reading our Bibles as though they are all about us. Try reading them being all about God and His work and His plan for man's redemption, and His eternal glory - not ours.

Survey7/16/08 8:28 AM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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Mike, I enjoyed being reminded of the verses that call us to "choose." Thank you.

JD I have assurance of my salvation through the Word and through the Spirit. A Damascus road moment did not happen to me, but a gradual leading from childhood to adulthood, being taught the Word, having a lineage of those whose faith was in the Lord, and evidence of that being lives lived in obedience to God and a display of the fruit of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, self-control.

I, too, fully trust in the provision made for me by God through Jesus Christ, His work of atonement on the cross, the witness of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and the Scriptures written and passed down that "I may have that assurance."

I think it is better to let Scripture address Scripture as Mike from NY used the verses to counter the verses that I had previously used to show God's "choosing."

Praise God that He ". .is gracious to whom He is gracious, and has compassion on whom He chooses to have compassion. ."Ex. 33:19 And, I am one whom He has chosen to do so.

We can't neatly package the Word of God into a system of theology that everyone will agree with. In Psalms we are told "How blessed it is for brothers to dwell together in unity

Survey7/15/08 8:38 PM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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Just a few more verses on election,
Mark 13:19 ". .unless the Lord had shortened those days, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect whom He CHOSE, He shortened the days."

2 Peter 1:10 "Therefore, brethren, be all the more diligent to make certain about His CALLING and CHOOSING you; .."

Scripture is full of God's calling, choosing. Believe it or not, it is God's message.

Isaiah 42:1 "Behold, My Servant, whom I uphold; My CHOSEN one in whom My soul delights. I have put My Spirit upon Him; . ."

Isaiah 45:4 "For the sake of Jacob My servant, and Israel My CHOSEN One, I have also called you by your name: I have given you a title of honor though you have not known Me. (And here is the clincher) I am the LORD, and there is not other; besides Me there is no God. I will gird you, THOUGH YOU HAVE NOT KNOWN ME; THAT MEN MAY KNOW FROM THE RISING TO THE SETTING OF THE SUN THAT THERE IS NO OTHER."

And that is the reason JD - to make Himself known.

Vs. 7 "The One forming light and creating darkness, causing well-being and creating calamity; I am the LORD who does all these.

Survey7/15/08 7:53 PM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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JD I'm using the NASB. . Titus 1:1 "Paul, a bond-servant of God, an apostle of Jesus Christ, for the faith of those CHOSEN of God..." Col. 3:12 "And so, as those who have been CHOSEN of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against any one; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you." I quoted the whole verse since we could all be reproved by it given our hostility in this thread.

JD, if you are truly open to understanding God's Word, you will not get hung up on maintaining your position of "which comes first." What matters is that we submit to God's Word. I say that we submit when He gives us a new nature that loves righteousness and hates evil. There is repentance unto salvation, but He gives us even that. The rest of our lives we have ongoing confession of sin. 1 John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Survey7/15/08 7:28 PM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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JD, When you get to heaven you can congratulate yourself that you repented. When I get to heaven I'll give Him all the Glory.

Salvation is of the Lord, and if it were not, then a child or a mentally challenged person could not be saved because he/she would have to understand repentance first.

When the rich ruler went away sorrowful - who had just declared that he had kept all of the commandments - the disciples asked Jesus "Who then can be saved?" Jesus said, "With men it is impossible, but with God all things are possible." So, even when we possess eternal life, we cannot fully explain the miracle of it.

I don't think you are teachable concerning this, or maybe you just like to argue.

We are to be merciful, even as our Father in Heaven is merciful. I don't dislike or condemn people who hold differing opinions. My only desire in discussing is that the Truth of the Word be upheld and that God be glorified as He unfolds His Word to us. It should bring Him greater praise as we consider all His works as He has revealed in His Word.

Survey7/15/08 5:51 PM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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Michael, I'm from Knoxville to answer a question of yours from a previous post.

Please do look at the meaning of the acrostic TULIP. My earlier post to you was as I had learned it many years ago. Beyond that, I have studied some theology and have been blessed by the teachings of the reformers and Puritans, and more importantly, I have tried to spend time regularly (daily) in God's Word. The Spirit of Truth leads us in the Truth. Years ago, my brother had some bad teaching and no matter how many times I tried to correct him, he maintained his position. My faith was strengthened as I trusted the Lord to deliver him from error to truth. "He who began a good work in us will complete it." I'm always amazed at the work of the Spirit in that way - when all my attempts at explanation have failed.

Survey7/15/08 5:25 PM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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JD I do hope you will listen to Pastor Al Martin of Trinity Baptist in NJ. I love his teaching, and the one on Repent or Perish is excellent. As a matter of fact, I was going to suggest that to you before your post.

BTW, I am a Christian who understands my own depravity - inability to come to God on my own - He drew me, brought me to repentance through the teaching of his word, and looking back I can say it was all of him, just a Spurgeon in the post earlier today described. Having said that I believe it is all of him, our family has been faithful supporter of many missions over decades. So, we do see it as a privilege to be active in missionary/evangelistic work even though we are reformed.

Survey7/15/08 5:05 PM
DefenderofTruth | Tennessee  Find all comments by DefenderofTruth
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JD I think that changing the subject will be good for you. You need to get some rest because your last post was incoherent. Rest well.
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