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Survey10/23/09 2:31 PM
WOMI | Bottom of the Calvinist's Hear  Find all comments by WOMI
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Your's trully is back. I expect a welcome back party.

I am not sure whether it is appropriate to discuss this here or if a new survey should be made.

If one of you members would like to create one, I will place you on "Calvinists That I Love" list.

Anyway the discussion that I would like to propose is probably the toughest one yet: the nature and effects of original sin; particularly the Federal Headship of the two Adams. In question form: Did we in Adam receive the consequence or the guilt o original sin?

Now be careful my lovely Calvinists, the very nature of a type is that what is true in the type must be naturally true in the antitype. Let's try not to declare truths in one and exceptions in the other.

Survey4/2/09 6:52 PM
WOMI | Las Vegas  Find all comments by WOMI
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Thank you all for your input. Very interesting comments.

It does not seem like we can ever come to attain a full understanding of the question: "What is life?"

It seems that the Bible makes that claim that life without God is not life at all. There seems to be a link between a relationship with God and life. It is not until God regenerates a person that he trully lives.

It seems that in certain portions of scripture when it talks of life, it refers not necessarily to eternal life, but rather an existence here on earth with God that is elevated in nature.

I am the type of guy that does not like such wonderful mysteries to remain in the ethereal. The message of the Bible is clear, life without GOd is not life at all but rather death. Yet how is this true in a practical sense? These are the questions that I have found myself struggling.

Thank you all for your contribution.

Survey4/1/09 7:04 PM
WOMI | Las Vegas, NV  Find all comments by WOMI
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I see that it is still unlawful to type my name here at SA. Funny.

Allow me to hijack the conversation for a brief inquiry.

Nice to see John UK back on SA house of pain.

Just curious to know if anyone here know of a good reference that deals with the question, "What is life?"

There is a difference between existence and life, but I find myself in lost of words to explain the difference.

It's a deep philosophical question, that deals with quality rather than quantity.

This is essential to be able to vividly explain the next statement: Jesus is life.

It seems that such a statement is too glorious for words. But perhaps there is one that has come closer than I have to capture some of the meaning.

Survey3/16/07 6:25 PM
WOMI  Find all comments by WOMI
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Concerningn regeneration,

You will have to forgive me but I think in simplistic terms. If you ask me a general question I will give you a general answer. If you ask me a specific question, I can give you a specific answer.

At this point, I am not sure what you are asking of me.

Survey3/16/07 5:06 PM
WOMI  Find all comments by WOMI
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"Do you also now believe we are totally depraved sinners with no ability in ourselves to repent and believe the gospel?"

Nope I do not agree with that statement either.

If you'd like I can try to state what I believe following the same format that you presented me. If this is what you want simply say so. Don't try to put words in my mouth. I can give you a straight answer if you would simply ask.

Survey3/16/07 4:39 PM
WOMI  Find all comments by WOMI
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I think I hit on something, instead of being so laborious in persecuting CBApreacher for compromising the truth of Calvinism, would your effort be more profitable in demonstrating to the sincere reader that Calvinism is indeed the truth rather then insisting on begging the question?

Survey3/16/07 4:28 PM
WOMI  Find all comments by WOMI
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Wescott wrote:

"That we are totally depraved sinners but we still have the ability or the free will to repent and believe the gospel because God has given previent grace to all men (“The idea being that God universally sends prevenient grace to all humans that undoes the sin nature just enough to make it possible for them to choose to believe the gospel)” so we can then co-operate with God in our salvation. That faith precedes regeneration, that God looks down the corrider of time and forsees those that will believe, that faith is not a gift of God, that we are God’s elect because of our free will choice in time, that since we have human ability we can appeal to something already in the sinner to convince him to become a Christian, that God loves everyone and that Christ died and shed His blood for everyone."

Answer= no

Survey3/16/07 3:24 PM
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Murray wrote:

"The measure of a scholar is not how many degrees he may have after his name, but how much he interacts with the academic world at large, and how much knowledge he has accumulated, and his facility with that knowledge, apart from his formal degrees."

Yeah right...

I think you mean anyone that agrees with you is qualified scholar, while anyone else is a mere obscurinist.

False theology never fails to have that same aroma of elitism.

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