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News Item9/21/16 2:45 AM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Baiting is cause for removal. Your comments have nothing to do with the news item. If you have nothing to contribute to the news article I'd recommend you say nothing at all.

News Item9/15/16 1:21 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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SteveR wrote:
You realize the '7th Day' is Saturday, right? and the majority Christian view, if not all of the Pastors that offer sermons on this site, believe the Sabbath is now the LORDs Day (Sunday)
The point of my reply was not to discuss the Sabbath but to link the foul post to it's author. But thanks for your concern.

News Item9/15/16 11:29 AM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Ted wrote:
SermonAudio Moderator, servant of Satan, bible manipulating anti truth nazi, enemy of all truth, shameless heretic. There is only one Sabbath day devil servant, the 7th day.
Yes NOSEM, we agree the 7th day is the Sabbath. Thanks for pointing that out for any who may be in doubt.

News Item9/14/16 8:28 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Kev wrote:
Steve I saw your post that was deleted. I don't know what an apostolic Christian is I will have to look that up. You seem very concerned about calling others out and if your character was more appropriate it would make your concerns more credible but as I see it from what I've seen they have their reasons for treating you in the way that they do. Do you feel you treat people appropriately? Would you want people from your congregation seeing your posts? If not why don't you just rise above like you told Andrea and just be more civil in how you carry yourself on here. You say I don't know the past but how should I view your actions from all I have seen. I know I need work myself and I strive to do better day by day. Maybe another approach would be worth a shot. Blessed are the peace makers right?
When someone gets in a divisive, insulting mode; just ignore them and let us deal with their posts. To try to reason with them simply prolongs the incivility.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

News Item9/14/16 7:22 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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SteveR wrote:
Be truthful Mod Beta, you deleted the post not because I said those accusing NOSEM with ZERO evidence were wicked, but rather because you were convicted when I said SA has a bias against NOSEM
I doubt Moderator Beta will grace your comment with a reply but understand that I removed your comment because I can. That's all you need to know.

News Item8/9/16 3:53 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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SteveR wrote:
(Jean)You just beat my record. I went away to put some stew on the stove to simmer, and your post was deleted in less than 15 minutes.
You must try harder.

News Item4/23/16 11:20 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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A friendly reminder to all:

Keep your comments civil and on topic.

Observance of these simple rules will eliminate what happened today in this thread.

Your anticipated cooperation is appreciated.

News Item3/5/16 11:48 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Dave wrote:
Moderator or S.A. board.
We want to send donations, please forgive my ignorance but I have no idea about # or whatever, we are a Home based fellowship and I'm the most tech savvy, which is a problem,
So can you please explain how we can simply arrange donations, via card maybe?
At the end of the article is a donate button. Click to open a secure page for donations. If you are unable to access the donate button from your device you may need to access the full site.


News Item3/5/16 1:09 AM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Dave wrote:
Is there anyway you can stop certain peanuts from commenting on here ?
Not really. The best thing to do is to report offensive and abusive posts for removal and ignore them.

News Item1/2/16 1:59 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Its great to see zeal for truth but would appreciate it being balanced with zeal for board etiquette. Resist the temptation of being baited off topic.

I fail to see how an incidental mention of Graham in a comment would lead anyone into serious error. The flurry of responses looks like a personal vendetta to me which is not welcome on this forum.

News Item12/10/15 11:38 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Damright wrote:
Admin you are a satanic homosexual enemy of all living, and Antichrist shameless heretic and the blood of millions will be upon your satanic head on the day of judgement you vile satanic enemy of God and all living. You will NEVER repent either I know that for a fact, you are eternally reprobate.
Noted. Never the less:

Forum Policies:

» No profanities including crude or rude language.
» Personal attacks or insults directed at other users will be censored.

News Item11/30/15 12:57 AM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Alright folks. Time to wrap up this endless bible version back and forth which accomplishes nothing. Besides, it has nothing to do with the thread topic.

News Item9/16/15 9:57 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Mike wrote:
The moderator post is also fraudulent.
Not so, Mike. Attempt to post with moderator as an alias. It won't be accepted.

News Item9/15/15 11:52 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Dave wrote:
Moderator has there been a limit of characters allowed to type applied to the app?
Thanks for reporting the problem. Hopefully it has been remedied and you should have 1300 characters available.

News Item9/7/15 7:51 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Said poster was not Jim Lincoln but a moniker thief.

News Item8/20/15 2:46 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Sir: may I point out the two comments before yours? You'll notice my very first comments on this thread and the one with all the KJV comments on the old synagogue scroll, had nothing to do with the KJV?
And those comments remain, do they not?

I'll not defend or debate my actions as a moderator. If you believe your posts have been removed unfairly or I am playing favorites, I'd recommend you send an email to Steven Lee and lodge your complaint. (But I can tell you right now, you'd be wasting your time as well as his.) In the mean time, stick to the news article topic and we'll get along just fine.

For others who have been baited off topic; resist the temptation. Civil and topical are the reasonable rules.

News Item8/20/15 11:54 AM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
moderator alpha, why do the other fellows get to talk about the KJV or the NKJV and I don't?
YOU are the one who baited this thread off topic, not the others. When your off topic comments stopped, theirs stopped. You've been around this board longer than anyone and should know better. Civil and topical are not burdensome rules.

Discuss versions all you want, just do it in an appropriate thread for the sake of our visitors who actually expect to read comments relevant to the news article.

News Item8/20/15 12:41 AM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
If it's a molehill have it removed from the KJV. How would you know if I answered something since Moderator Alpha is removing my responses
Must we close this thread to keep it from being hijacked into another version free for all?

Your posts are being removed because you are the one baiting off topic. If you want to discuss versions, do it in an appropriate thread.

News Item7/11/15 3:57 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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B. McCausland wrote:
Perhaps we could count the number of your posts against all others to verify the level of addiction.
A Christian Forum is excercised by some as a ministry for the encouragement and edification of others.
Freedom of speech and respect are basic parameters, malice, or viciousness should not be part of it, neither calling names.
One has the freedom to refrain from reading particular posts or commenting on others. Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit of God in the hearts of the children of God.
My apologies if my understanding appears so detrimental in your judgement, that cannot signify any good to you. Others might differ. This is an open forum, it is not private.
My kind respects to you, Sir.
The person posting insults to you is a moniker thief. Pay no attention to the bait.

News Item6/25/15 9:57 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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the Bible Way wrote:
Interesting that Moderator Alpha removed my post. Obviously she is an Arminian at heart. The Arminian posts following the same debate (Confessions) have been left up which sadly means the heresy is allowed to spread. Perhaps SA should now declare itself a Calvinist free zone??
For those in any doubt in hope my post may stand for a little while before being torn down, Arminianism has been recognised By the Reformed church for the Roman style philosophy, a heresy, it is since the Reformation. The Reformed Confessions and catechisms are Biblical, Christian and not Arminian.
May God teach you the truth. Amen.
On the off chance you are not aware, I'd recommend you use my spy glass to read my last few comments.

Two distractions have been ongoing for longer than I've been moderating; John Yurich's brand of Roman Catholicism and your brand of Calvinism. If you two haven't made your case by now, it's time to hang it up.

Your posts were removed because you initiated the off topic bait. If you don't like having your post removed, don't bait. It's that simple.

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