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News Item4/7/07 11:08 PM
LittleladyinChrist | Kitchener, Ontario  Contact via emailFind all comments by LittleladyinChrist
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Yah, well not these days. Nobody likes to fish anymore!! Well thats not entirely true, just nobody I know. I gots me a ice fishing pole last nov. but didnt get to use it *tear. Here check this out. http://www.christianforums.com/~littleladyinchrist

So why do Christian men not want to get married, staying single is more fun, they dont want an ellen degeneres bosing them around??

News Item4/7/07 11:04 PM
LittleladyinChrist | Kitchener, Ontario  Contact via emailFind all comments by LittleladyinChrist
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So you would know first hand, how it was to be a born again believer having to deal with these doctrines youve learned. You have a very good testimony to share with people these eccumenical days.

News Item4/7/07 10:55 PM
LittleladyinChrist | Kitchener, Ontario  Contact via emailFind all comments by LittleladyinChrist
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You know what John, The Holy Spirit is the teacher of Truth. If you have the Holy Spirit in you he will lead you into all truth. Yes it maybe a fact that some (small amount) RCC's have been born again, but most if not all have left because if they read their Bible theyd see things dont line up. Do you know why most people think that RCC's are saved, because they have had "the baptism of the Holy Spirit" or tongues... I would think the blame from the Lord would land directly on Evangelicals who say oh, its ok, you want to go to the RCC church, sure you can grow there, maybe you will get saved Ive actually heard this from protestants mouths, its our fault for accepting them as Christians. A Christian is a follower of Jesus Christ. He said if you love me you will keep my commandments, but RCC's follow the traditions of men, not God. I guess this is not all directed at John (sorry) just a general ranting.

News Item4/7/07 10:49 PM
LittleladyinChrist | Kitchener, Ontario  Contact via emailFind all comments by LittleladyinChrist
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completely agree, i think i said it in another post but sometimes it feels like unless God drops him down from heaven, or its "divinely apointed" its like impossible. Because its so hard these days to find someone with convictions, who would want to raise Godly children, you know what I mean.

Survey4/7/07 10:46 PM
LittleladyinChrist | Kitchener, Ontario  Contact via emailFind all comments by LittleladyinChrist
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I got nothing against them. Accept some doctrine, but I dont have to live with it, and there not affecting the masses. But I have some very nice humble mennonite ladies as friends who have more then mastered the helpmeet role.

News Item4/7/07 10:43 PM
LittleladyinChrist | Kitchener, Ontario  Contact via emailFind all comments by LittleladyinChrist
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Yah I forsure dont like this one. Such a selfish thing, See Im aloud to say this because Ive never been married and I dont have to deal with it But besides that, I can see a selfish trend here. Perfect example my mom and step dad, they have separate rooms for everything so they dont get in each others space. Separate t.v.'s for different shows, separate cars, separate lives for the most part. Is it the only way to make a marriage work these days. I tell you of a truth if I get to a point where Im sleeping in a separate bed then my husband(God willing) there is something wrong!!! W-rong

Survey4/7/07 10:38 PM
LittleladyinChrist | Kitchener, Ontario  Contact via emailFind all comments by LittleladyinChrist
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For sure, Its funny around Kitchener here, the rural towns nobody likes mennonites because of their horses pooping on the roads, plus most people want to get the city urbanized, so if I were to go in there with a headcovering on, they look all happy, friendly but the eyes quickly move from first skirt, then up, shirt, then eyes, then head and then get this look on their faces like eeg. Its quite humorous, but this only happens in those smaller towns where there trying to urbanize things, Kitchener you'd never see a woman cover her head. If you did, she would be muslim.

Survey4/7/07 10:31 PM
LittleladyinChrist | Kitchener, Ontario  Contact via emailFind all comments by LittleladyinChrist
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Yes, I think we need to take the whole Bible and evaluate your doctrines that way, rather then pick one verse to suit yourself... Paul said it was easier to be single, and better, but it was not a commandment from the Lord. There is that verse as well:

1Ti 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
1Ti 4:2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
1Ti 4:3 Forbidding to marry...

Thats preety clear.

News Item4/7/07 10:25 PM
LittleladyinChrist | Kitchener, Ontario  Contact via emailFind all comments by LittleladyinChrist
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Just to support Leebird, for me I am reluctant to marry, not that I dont want to, but I do not want to marry the wrong one. I think that if I trust the Lord He will direct my paths. I want it to be divinely appointed and feel I have that promise to claim.

FR, Yes the outdoors are great, my brother and I were raised with a avid hunter-fisher father, so its in the blood. I like fishing the most though.

Survey4/7/07 6:30 PM
LittleladyinChrist | Kitchener, Ontario  Contact via emailFind all comments by LittleladyinChrist
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I was amazed to see that 60% of evangelicals on sermon audio believe that a woman should be covered with a cloth, yet like 5% do,

News Item4/7/07 6:26 PM
LittleladyinChrist | Kitchener, Ontario  Contact via emailFind all comments by LittleladyinChrist
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Be encouraged, when we see things like this we know that the 2nd coming is coming soon.

1Pe 4:12 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:
1Pe 4:13 But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.
1Pe 4:14 If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the Spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified.

Another reason why my child is not in Public school, the gay rights agenda

News Item4/7/07 6:07 PM
LittleladyinChrist | Kitchener, Ontario  Contact via emailFind all comments by LittleladyinChrist
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Ya this is a all about me generation. And what suits my needs. In some churches Ive heard that they have like 3 or 4 different worship rooms, so people can have it their way. Like one for the hymns, next rock, next rap, next worship. If you dont like it, go to the church down the street. If someone cheezes you off, no need to forgive just go to another church. Ive seen this alot among friends, I try to encourage people to stick it out personally, and be faithful to the one God put you in.

Survey4/7/07 5:48 PM
LittleladyinChrist | Kitchener, Ontario  Contact via emailFind all comments by LittleladyinChrist
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He is from the Faithful Remenant of Eunichs

News Item4/7/07 5:42 PM
LittleladyinChrist | Kitchener, Ontario  Contact via emailFind all comments by LittleladyinChrist
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Faithful, Kitchener is about 3-4 hours away from you. Moosonee certainly is a beautiful place, too bad there is no road that goes there. Youd have to go in on train or plane. They'd have some good fishing. Sorry all, for sidelining the main subject.

Survey4/7/07 5:22 PM
LittleladyinChrist | Kitchener, Ontario  Contact via emailFind all comments by LittleladyinChrist
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*happy dance*

Survey4/7/07 5:20 PM
LittleladyinChrist | Kitchener, Ontario  Contact via emailFind all comments by LittleladyinChrist
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AMEN a Keeper! I dont trust myself to pick the right man anyway

News Item4/7/07 5:16 PM
LittleladyinChrist | Kitchener, Ontario  Contact via emailFind all comments by LittleladyinChrist
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Not to mention these people are influencing the mases and the children, which are the next generation for Christ.

News Item4/7/07 5:13 PM
LittleladyinChrist | Kitchener, Ontario  Contact via emailFind all comments by LittleladyinChrist
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Faithful, Are you in Moosonee, Ontario, or in Michigan, I've never been one for geography. I go to a Fundamental Baptist Church, but have been known to have mennonite tendancies, in doctrine not lifestyle. Which wouldnt necessarily be a bad thing... Thanks for your comment fivepoints Faithful, If you are in Ontario, I visited Tamagami Lake last summer and it took like 8 hours + 3 hour canoe ride there. lol. You'd be right out in the homeland up there. Nice!

Survey4/7/07 9:29 AM
LittleladyinChrist | Kitchener, Ontario  Contact via emailFind all comments by LittleladyinChrist
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Actually the Bible talks several times about virtuous women wearing a veil and women who were thought of as adulterous being unveiled. Im not going to get into a debate, but have studied it for myself as to not just do something "for the fun of it". You can go with hair as a covering, but that leaves alot of holes in the passage in Corinthians and History as well as church customs AND the churches disobedience as well to the long hair as the covering. The covering is a very important thing, as you can see it runs right down to the order of creation.

News Item4/7/07 9:24 AM
LittleladyinChrist | Kitchener, Ontario  Contact via emailFind all comments by LittleladyinChrist
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Yah, its a tough go to hold such strong convictions, but definatly worth it. I had disney video's since I was a kid and had to through them out. But I certainly dont want to worship Idols nor influence other kids in the occult etc...
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