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News Item3/26/07 5:17 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Over time, It's easy to take the internet for granted--especially when
one loses site of the times & memories of life without it.

I'm old enough to remember when you had to drive (or worse, get a ride!)
to the local library in order to obtain info not found in the usually
very-limited supply of books, magazines, and records (sorry, CD's )
within one's own household.

Before Google & Yahoo, I had to call the reference desk at my local
library. Now I can look up most stuff at will even when the library
is closed.

The net, if used properly, is and absolutely FABUOUS blessing which, if
more people saw it's value, would rush to get onto it.

sure, the virsus, porno, & spam are a pain; but the WWW is still very
worthwhile as a general resource.

News Item3/26/07 1:29 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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2 Peter 2:12 clearly acknowleges the use of animals in
normal, reasonable, human activity (i.e food, clothes, etc.).

Prior to the flood, animals were not eaten; and prior to
the fall of Man, animals were not harvested at all, much
less for clothing since nobody wore clothes!

What's sad is that these pagans in PETA and other such
organizations have a very real awareness of and desire for
certain aspects of Paradise (be it Eden or Heaven), but
refuse to enter in through Christ but by works (Veganism,

Ironically (to vegans, I'm sure!) is that the eating of
meat itself is also a type of partaking of Christ
(i.e. passover lamb, etc.), whose atonement is vital for
one to reach Heaven, typified by the presence of animals
not eating each other or being killed and eaten (Isaiah 11:7).

News Item3/24/07 9:43 AM
John  Find all comments by John
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Politicians always want to legislate what is immoral and what is not. So it is time for the people of this nation to write to these individuals and tell them about thier problem. When there is enough mail in their boxes, and enough messages on the phones, then they will listen.

News Item3/22/07 10:39 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Neil's obvious gift of articulation and brevity are much apprecieated
by me. From previous posts I can tell he's a well-read reformed Baptist,
techie, histroy-military buff, and logician, among other things.

His are some of the first posts I look for because I know I can get the
gist of what's going on in a particlar long thread from what HE says.

Maybe I should quit with the praise now, lest Brother Neil become "puffed-up",
as some on this site seem to think he is.

Survey3/22/07 10:06 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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David Shakespeare's first post sounds like it's right on the

I only wish he (and many others) would quote Heb 9:27 AND
9:28 together.

Latter verse indicates Christ's subsequent righteousness AFTER
bearing the sins of the believers--and if He is not judgible
at this time (that is, the time after he said "it is finished")
then how much less are WE who believe going to be judged after
the Gogotha event...our sins having been FULLY paid-for at this

What's basically most interesting to me about this particular
question is that it assumes one answer when there are actualy TWO.

When unbelivers die, they cease to accumulate sin, and therefore
are (more or less) in "cold-storage"--waiting for THEIR judgement
on the last day when they will have to give an account for all
their deeds, good and bad.

Believers, on the other hand, go to be with Christ at the moment
of death, since Christ paid for their sins and imputed His
righteousness directly to them. For them Judgement was
accomplished at Golgotha.

Thus "the last day" will be glorious to the believer, but HIDEOUS
to the non-believer.

News Item3/22/07 9:13 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Weren't the Branch Davidians also from Texas?

Why then should we be surprised that a big homosexual
congregation is also in Texas?

News Item3/16/07 12:35 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Really, an MP5?

You people in Northern Ireland have
more gun freedom that we do if you
can own an MP5.

Here in CA you have to be law-enforcement
to be able to use one of those these days.

Maybe I should emigrate to your country!

News Item3/16/07 12:23 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Clintons' capacity to discern morality is about the
same as that of a person trying to see red objects
while wearing red-tinted glasses!

News Item3/15/07 11:39 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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It's about time!

News Item3/14/07 12:00 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I'm with Neil and Robert on this one--except that the modern equivalent
of the donkey/mule would probably be something like the many (literally
thousands!) of extended-seat-capacity motorbikes I saw two years ago
while visiting my wife's in-laws in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was indeed
the primary mode of transport used by lower and even some middle-class
families in that country.

And as Neil pointed out. These same motorbikes could easily travel
"off-road" as well...just like their historical equine counterparts.

Of course environmentalists would really hate this, too, as evidenced
by many limitations placed on off-road recreational activity here in
the US over the past 20 years or so.

News Item3/14/07 11:45 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Back when I was a kid some worried that the polar caps would melt from heat
initially resulting from a massive nuclear exchange with the Russians.

Now many are afraid they'll melt because of excess green house gases.

What is it with modern society's fixation with the ice caps?...and
wasn't the so-called "ozone-hole"
also located at one of the poles?

Sometimes I think that the surviving cold-war generation, by embracing
global warming, is being masochistically nostaligic for all the fear and
dred they experienced as a part of their daily lives when they were
younger--and the current generation feels "left-out" unless they, too
have a "boogyman" of their own, just like their parents did.

Of course it could be argued that Nuclear war in the 70's was a much more
compelling issue than global warming is today.

News Item3/14/07 11:20 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Sometimes "torture" dosn't work, but
sometimes it DOES.

Judges 1:24-25

Any sort of military "coersion" must of
course be conducted wisely--especially
these days with so many people watching.

News Item3/13/07 11:48 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Much as I appreciate the General's stand, I fear many will be
more influenced by the new movie: "300", which (I'm told) gives
at least some historical precident for the presence of openly-
homosexual soldiers even in the highly successful Greek and
Spartan armies.

News Item3/13/07 11:21 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I can still remember when "separate beds" was controversial.

Now they're talking about "separate ROOMS".

Why doesn't this current, namby-pamby, wimp-generation go all
the way and build separate HOUSES for each spouse.

It's disgusting!

Survey3/10/07 11:57 AM
John | Denver, CO  Find all comments by John
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I use an Ultra 14-in-1. Nice because it takes SD cards in addition to the built-in memory, so I have the entire Bible from sermonaudio on one card.

News Item3/8/07 12:02 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Back in the early 70's I collected stamps, including one which
honored the late UN Secretary Dag Hammarskjold which had an initial
run of a few stamps where one of the color layers was inverted, making
it very valuable to collectors until the US Government deliberately
printed millions of the erronious stamp, WITH the inverted color layer,
in order to neutralize it's value to collectors.

One wonders if the US mint couldn't do the same thing with these new
dollar coins.

News Item3/5/07 11:29 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Interesting and informative as this article is, it's typical secular MO:

Let's study God, not by looking at God but by looking at MAN.

Therefore it is of little use to Christian believers except that it gives
a fairly detailed account of how "the other side" thinks regarding issues
related to God of the Bible.

News Item2/27/07 9:16 PM
John  Find all comments by John
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Billy Gates??

News Item2/25/07 10:25 AM
John | Cambridge Ontario Canada  Find all comments by John
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I'm glad when someone stands up for honouring the Lord's Day. God Bless Elliot.

News Item2/20/07 6:30 PM
john  Find all comments by john
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Does Billy Graham & Pat Robertson preach the True Gospel? Billy seems to indicate there may be some other paths available.
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