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Survey4/12/07 1:00 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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First 4 choices say "His..." rather than "Hers..."

That's encouraging to me regarding whoever posed this

Generally speaking, I go by the passages in Timothy and
Titus, regarding selection of elders.

"All of the above" works for me.

News Item4/11/07 11:58 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I had a similar feeling when Charles M. Schulz died.

Do we have any professing Godly cartoonests left
in syndication these days?

Besides (perhaps) Bruce Tinsley?

News Item4/11/07 11:18 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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No suprise here.

If I were PBS I'd be VERY wary of offending those who
frequent AND financially support that network, whom I
suspect tend to be politically left-of-center, who also
would tend to be offended by any program with compelling
conservative commentary, as this one seems to have.

News Item4/11/07 12:54 AM
John | So. California  Find all comments by John
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I think many would benefit by taking the time to view the videos on this website.
Please pray that God would find any of us worthy of His grace.


News Item4/11/07 12:43 AM
John | So. California  Find all comments by John
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Please provide a scriptural foundation for your claims.
"There are none so blind as those that refuse to see....."

News Item4/7/07 5:45 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"A few complained such a name ('Faithful Remnant') is boastful".

Some weeks ago I came down pretty hard on someone here for having
what sounded like a boastful alias, but it wasn't yours. I later
regretted the post but could find no way to retract it.

"Faithful Remnant" is fine with me.

News Item4/7/07 5:26 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I didn't get married until I was 42.

Some of us guys just need more time to grow up--and get saved, I guess.

Pity the poor woman who marries a man in the condition I was in prior
to my late 30's! (I won't bore you with the details).

I do know of at least 2 Christian aquaintances who's wives actually issued
ultimatums to them after multiple years of "dating": "Marry me or let me
go so I can find someone who is actually INTERESTED in marriage.", they
said, using similar words/phrases. To my knowledge, both men are still
happily married.

Another problem I see is that this present prosperous world has so many
neat things to do, see, and own, that make demands on time and resources
that would/could otherwise be focused on settling down and rasing a family.

Such was the case with me, in that my initial fear/avoidance of marriage
was really just a product of my own selfishness and idolitry.

News Item4/4/07 10:58 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Neil's mention of the Hebrews' plundering of the Egyptians got me
to thinking.

Can you or anyone else possibly imagine how INCREDIBLY humiliating
the events of Exodus would've been to the surviving Egyptians of
that day, not to mention subsequent generations?

Also consider the fact that, once the Isrealites and their Egyptian
prosylites departed Egypt, no one from their side was left in the
land to tell THEIR side of the story, leaving the field wide-open
for future Egypian elites to "write the history books", as it were,
in a way to guarantee the solidification of their own power--which
would hardly include any notification of the works of a diety of
people whom the Egyptians despised. Bible indicates that it was
an abomination for Egyptians even to eat with the Hebrews (Gen 43:32)

My guess is that as time went by, memories and oral accounts of the
actual 10 plagues eventually were credited to the Egyptians OWN gods
as evidenced by that culture's incredible degree of pagan belief and
superstition--having been reinforced by actual supernatural events,
mentioned in the book of Exodus.

News Item4/4/07 11:11 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"But other than forcing millions of drowsy American workers
and school children into the dark, wintry weather three weeks
early, the move appears to have had little impact on power usage."

Boy, does this remind me of what Nixon tried back in 1973
when he had us set our clocks 2 hours ahead. Don't know if
that move saved us much energy back then but it sure was a

Survey4/3/07 2:22 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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(This survey is no longer available)
Genie is out of the bottle on this one, as I understand that
we have women currently serving on aircraft carriers and
flying B-2 bombers, among many other assignments that only
a couple of decades ago were ALL male.

Once they're in you gotta let 'em fight, because combat tends
to be the fastest way to advance a military carreer--and PC
won't allow us to keep women out of the fast track regardless
of what their profession is.

What a MESS we (US/military) have managed to get ourselves in!

Only time women--and even KIDS--should have to fight is when
their country is in the process of being overrun by enemy

News Item4/3/07 1:18 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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If you ask me, moderates are little if any better than Atheists,
in that both groups ultimately decide for themselves what is and
what is not authoritative in the Bible thus putting themselves ABOVE
the Bible, rather than submitting to it as the fundamentalists do.

In God's eyes the moderate is probably worse than the Atheist because
the latter, though less Godly, is by nature more consistent and less

News Item4/1/07 8:42 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I've consistently found that virtually all 'criticisms' of God
by un-Godly people are worthless, simply because they see God
(consciously or unconsiously) as a mere person like them, only
bigger and more powerful than they are.

Rather than go to the Bible to find out who God really is & what
He's like (granted, Holy Spirit's power is ultimately needed to
be able to do this--even with Bible in hand), they proceed to
project their own nature, sin, and limited human authority onto Him;
and then judge Him for being "out of bounds" for excercising his
sovereign will in the affairs of men.

It's crazy, like this homosexual clergyman who calls God "psycopath",
because He doesn't meet his own fallen and flawed expectations of
what a "loving" God is supposed to be like.

News Item4/1/07 8:27 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"9 in 10 Americans believe in God"


Were I an Atheist I could take this one of two ways.

I could allow myself to be vexed by consensus against what I
personally believe, or I could puff myself up to assume that
I'm simply 'smarter' than 90 percent of Americans.

Familiar as I am with human nature, I presume the latter to
be the case for most non-religious types.

Jerry from CA pretty much covered the Believer's perspective
on such polls as these.

Survey4/1/07 3:32 PM
John | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by John
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I use a generic 512MB wma/mp3 player for listening to sermons and podcasts from www.wayofthemasterradio.com
Once I've listened, I delete from memory stick but store favourite sermons on my laptop for re-playing.

News Item4/1/07 1:50 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Homosexuality may be one of the few (if any) sins I've NEVER
knowingly committed. Thus I can't very well identify with those
who have committed it, which would make it easy for me to pick on
those who have, as I suspect Phelps & Co. are doing now.

On the other hand, I suspect there are at least some practicing
homosexuals who have never been drunk, as I have in the past, and
thus cannot identify with THAT particular sin.

Phelps & Co. need to spend more time looking in the mirror & dealing
with their own shortcomings instead of picking on the weaknesses of

News Item3/31/07 1:10 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Og, King of Bashan, slept in a bed that was over 12-feet long,
meaning he may have been even taller than Goliath.

Otherwise the extra bed-space was either a status symbol for
bronze-age royalty or extra space to accommodate more CONCUBINES.

In contrast, modern Giants seem quite meek.

Robert Wadlow, The Alton Giant (as he was called) was a Boy Scout
and loved people and animals. It was tough to see footage of him
later in his life, laboriously lifting each of his heavy, giant legs,
just to WALK.

Leonid Sladnyk, the world's current tallest man, appears to be a
very devout professing Orthodox Russian Christian, declaring in a
recent Discovery Channel Interview that "God make me this way",
all the while realizing that unless the tumor on his petuitary
gland was removed, he would die.

News Item3/30/07 12:06 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"Life" tattooed on one arm while "Death" is tattooed on the other arm?

Granted that this guy, being a Marine, bears the sword of the king, but
his tattoos are more descriptive of the traditional powers of kings and
judges themselves. VERY arrogant.

News Item3/28/07 1:46 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Joy Behar insisted "you can’t teach it (Bible) as nonfiction.
You have to teach it as fiction in many ways." ...

Yeah. The Bible is testimony that's highly disputed by those
who don't believe it, or just don't want to; just as The Diary
of Anne Frank is probably highly disputed by modern Nazi's and

News Item3/28/07 1:31 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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He's right.

Christ's own metaphors of Hell being like the undying worm and the unquenchible fire
(the figure being doubled, like Pharoah's 2 dreams predicting the great famine of
Joseph's day as surely coming to pass) is even understandible to kids.

Having raised butterfly larvae as a kid I know that unless they die, metamorphose, or
run out of leaves; they keep eating forever.

Likewise fire goes out if/when it runs out of fuel.

In Christ's parable, the catipillar's leaves and the fire's fuel are the ungodly; and
since there are ultimately only a finite number of them the "fire" and the "worm" should
eventually cease, but since they don't (as our Lord says), then that which fuels/feeds
them ALSO therefore must continue forever. Thus Hell and the punishments that take place
therein are eternal.

It's really not that hard to understand unless we become so revolted by the idea of
eternal punishment that we trick our brains into explaining to ourselves that Hell is
something other than what it really is.

News Item3/27/07 2:08 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"Over the last three years, Tabernacle’s Sunday attendance shrank to 800, from 1,100."

Way I see this is that if, after 3 whole years, only 25% of your parishoners leave over
an issue like this, then your church was ALREADY 75% apostate to begin with!

Which might explain why God gave this church such a spiritually corrupt pastor.

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