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News Item1/12/07 9:21 PM
cindy  Find all comments by cindy
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Only the regenerate who have the Holy Spirit indwelling inside them can see the Truth through scripture.

You do not understand the Truth because you are not regenerate and the natural man can not understand the things of God because they are discerned by the Holy Spirit.

News Item1/12/07 6:44 PM
cindy  Find all comments by cindy
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Correction to my last comment......

I said in the middle of the tribulation church and it is supposed to say in the middle of the tribulation period.

News Item1/12/07 6:03 PM
cindy  Find all comments by cindy
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There will always be some catholics that post comments on Christian forums and they desperately need to repent and believe the gospel before it is too late. Today is the day of salvation, for our lives are but a fleeting vapor.

"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean
thing: and I will receive you".....II Cor. 6:17

They need to repent and turn away and not look back at the holy mother church, like Lot did at Sodom and Gomorrah or else they will be destroyed.

The Catholic church will be destroyed for it is the Great Babylonian Whore of Rev. 17. God will destroy this church in the middle of the tribulation church and He will use Antichrist to do it.

Galatians 1:7-12
II John 9-11

You know Hitler said that it would be a dream of his to reunite catholics and protestants into one holy church and make it his nazi one world religion. Wow, Satan was speaking right out of Hitler's mouth and look at the evil compromise we see today with ECT.

"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the Truth?".....Gal. 4:16

Survey1/10/07 10:21 PM
cindy  Find all comments by cindy
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and Hitler was "conveniently" moved into the chancellor leadership. The economy starting proliferating and the germanic people wanted so badly to make their nation great and were willing to accept anyone.

The 3rd Reich will be so similar to Antichrist's regime but on a much more evil scale.

The rapture is one event that will make the Antichrist poised to make his entrance.

Survey1/10/07 10:17 PM
cindy  Find all comments by cindy
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I tell you what, the only thing that will make the world submit to Antichrist is some kind of massive chaos or economic disaster. Even though this world is rapidly moving towards one world goverment/one world religion there still is too many free independent democracy that people today would not submit to Antichrist.

That is what the rapture will result in....confusion and the people will be ripe for a leader with political genius and charisma who will lead the people to peace out of confusion.

This is exactly what happened when Hitler rose to power.....this nutt who thought he was Alexander the Great reincarnated to take over the world with his new Germany. The gemanic people were more than willing to embrace Hitler because they desperately needed someone to help pull their nation together on the verge of economic collapse. Not only was Germany suffering from the ruins of WWI and the Treaty of Versaille in which the German people now had to pay for the damage that they caused when they didn't have any because they were left in ruin. Then came the great depression....the stock market crashed and everyone took their money out the bank and suddenly instead of 2 million unemployed, now 6 million unemployed. Wow the people really needed a leader to pull their nation together and Hi

Survey1/10/07 6:02 PM
cindy  Find all comments by cindy
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I Love your last comment where you said, "This is my comment and my conviction. I will not debate the issue. Thank you."

Classic, I'll tell you. My sentiments exactly. When I leave a comment I have no intention of debating anything because I comment on my convictions as does everyone else.

Debating is pointless because most people will not change their minds. It only turns out to be a polemic crockpot and a waste of time.

News Item1/9/07 8:58 PM
cindy  Find all comments by cindy
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GG called me a bigot but I think this person is a catholic (lost) anyway and in fact I think there are quite a few catholics who comment on this forum.

News Item1/9/07 8:44 PM
cindy  Find all comments by cindy
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I do not have a short fuse because I am not angry. There are many people in this world that we do not agree with....does it mean we have to attack one another? Of course not.

But please do not tell me to "lighten up" when I have been called a bigot because I said the catholic church teaches a false gospel. That is reason enough for me to know that not everyone who comes to these forums to comment is born-again.

News Item1/9/07 8:09 PM
cindy  Find all comments by cindy
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WOW...my thesis on Ezekiel 38-39....holy cow. Well, this isn't Bible college so I don't know what you are talking about. Certainly there is no thesis intended but only what you have made of it.

If you do not agree...that's fine, this isn't Nazis Germany and the 3rd Reich you know. I don't DEMADE that you believe me...I have no expectations. You are the one with expectations of a challenge on Ezekiel 38-39.

But you can go ahead and pontificate your brilliance because I am sure you are right.

News Item1/9/07 6:16 PM
cindy  Find all comments by cindy
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Why don't you and your buddy go have a dialogue together without me. You are a typical male who deals with logic but fails in proper communication. If you anticipate any response, it is proper and human to address an individual by their name that is why I responded with a "scolding".

I do not dignify anyone's answer to my comment with a response when they do not address me by name. And that is only logical.

Furthermore I am not here to dialogue with anyone. I just make a comment which I am entitled to do just like you. If you don't like what I say....too bad....and that is taken from a man's point of view, with a lack of compassion and but at least with logic.

Furthermore you two scolded me first....something men excell at in regards to women.

News Item1/9/07 4:55 PM
cindy  Find all comments by cindy
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I wonder how many people are actually born-again on these forums? Probally only a few.

What a shame when people live in a fantasy world and not reality! Is it because they have their belly's content with worldly goods that they fail to see eternity is but a breath away?

War and death will swallow them up quickly. It is not prudent to live in haste nor to be unaware of your surroundings.

Survey1/8/07 8:02 PM
cindy  Find all comments by cindy
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GG sounds as simpathetic to the catholic priests that helped the some nazis escape as did many who were simpathetic to the nazis regime even though clearly they had carried out genocide.

Sounds to me they were completely mezmerized and brainwashed and indoctrinated by their nazis idols who could do no wrong.

Survey1/8/07 6:55 PM
cindy  Find all comments by cindy
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Shall we ask Nancy Pelosi to comment on your last comment?

I bet you would love that!!

News Item1/8/07 6:52 PM
cindy  Find all comments by cindy
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Israel has nuclear weapons and so does Iran.....Russia helpes finance the Iranians nuclear proliferation. It's only a matter of time before Ezekiel's war of chap. 38 and 39 comes into play.

The King of the North and the King of the South will come against Israel soon.

I wonder what King dong ling ling ching ching dork in North Korea is doing.

Survey1/7/07 4:42 PM
cindy  Find all comments by cindy
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God's justice is His wrath and condemnation to Hell. God's justice will not be executed on His people...those in Christ, because Christ became the propitiation for our sin. Therefore those under the blood of Christ will not experience that aspect of God's justice.

That is the justice I was referring to earlier.

And yes, there are many catholics who are good people that actually serve humanity well, however the still embrace paganism and ancient babylonian styles of worship which Jesus Christ Himself wrote a letter to in Rev. 2:18 to the church of Thyatira or "continual sacrifice"to condemn them for.

In this letter Jesus did commend them for their works of charity and service however He gave serious condemnation to this church for their fornication and eating things sacrificed unto idols. God has given this church and continues to give this church space (time) to repent of their fornication but He says they repented not, "Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds....verse 22.

Read it for yourself please.

Survey1/7/07 1:20 PM
cindy  Find all comments by cindy
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Tell me GG, is it bigotry to hate a false doctrine or a false gospel that leads millions to Hell? I certainly hope you do not think it is. Also you are right that many catholics did die in concentration camps because they refused to submit to Hitler's regime, but so did many poles, czechs, jews and even germans.

And yes you are right that some Nazis did help with intelligence to fight against Russian communists. Also Albert Speer who was Hitler's architect and then minister of armiment wrote a book while in prison for 20 yrs....."Inside the Third Reich"....to give us a glimpse into such evil.

But Robert is right that the Vatican helped to smuggle many nazis so that they could escape justice and that is a serious evil not to be denied, but God WILL see to that Justice for both the Nazis and the Vatican.

Survey1/7/07 11:46 AM
cindy  Find all comments by cindy
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that's the 3rd Reich or Reigh

Survey1/7/07 11:35 AM
cindy  Find all comments by cindy
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Now that is definitely a voice from Hell. Just go back in time to Hitler's regime...the 3rd Reigh. So many people believed his propaganda of peace but it was only a smokescreen clouded with war....full of deceit, chicannery, and lies.

Hitler said there is only one government and one religion to unify the world. Meanwhile he was having millions slaughtered. The Catholic church has done the same and the evil popes loved Hitler and in fact helped many nazis escape (from American and British capture so that they, the Americans, could bring them to trial for crimes against humanity).

News Item1/6/07 9:39 PM
cindy  Find all comments by cindy
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That's just as bad as Billy Graham and James Dobson praising pope John Paul for being the greatest moral and spiritual leader.

Even though pope John Paul led millions to Hell with him.

News Item1/4/07 10:10 AM
cindy  Find all comments by cindy
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To Pat Robertson.......

It is NOT good to have zeal without knowledge nor to be hasty and miss the way!!!!!

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