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Survey2/5/08 5:54 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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Agreed, DJC49. Dizzy-spin-sensationalism is not merely a position on eschatology, but in theology, ethics, apologetics, hermeneutics - you name it - is really a very toxic brew.

For example, JD castigates me for my position on Ezek.40-48 amd Zech.14, as he has done both in the past and quite recently. When I say "no" to any notion of animal sacrifices being revived in a supposed millennium, and referred him to Heb.9 & 10 his only reply was to limit the scope of that epistle and say that is only for Jews, and only for this age (I think I have him right here).

How that answers the objection and how it squares with the once-for-all (ephapax) nature of the atonement and the final abolition of the old covenant (Heb.8:13) he did not explain. Hebrews is decisive against any notion of a revival of the OT sacrificial system, whether now, or in some future millennium.

When I raised the question as to whether the Ezekiel temple was ever meant to be built, and why post-exilic Judaism never made any attempt to construct a temple along those lines, he fairly flew into a passion. Such a question was in itself an expression of unbelief.

But if Hebrews be our criterion, and we read the OT in the light of the NT and NOT the other way around, Dispensationalism is refuted.

Survey2/5/08 3:06 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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Your simplistic reply to my point regarding the OT prophets [2/4/08 6:05 PM] involved two texts, viz. Matt.19:28 & Acts 3:21.

1. Both are from the New Testament, not the Old!
2. One is from Christ Himself, the Son of God, the other from Peter, by then an apostle trained under the teaching of Christ Himself, particularly after His resurrection.

These two texts therefore prove nothing at all for your millennial contentions. Neither do they contradict my point regarding the OT prophetic perspective, but rather reinforce it.

They teach instead that a "palingennesia" or "apokatastasis" (similar meaning), will take place when He comes. This will involve both the resurrection of the body and the renewal of creation (Rom.8:21-23). Neither the earth nor we will have to wait another 1000 years for this to happen.

If only you read the Bible on its own terms, and not through your Dispensational glasses, you might learn something. You would learn also the basic simplicity of Biblical eschatology, instead of your man-contrived schemes. But I don't think that's going to happen any time soon.

Survey2/4/08 6:05 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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You make a familiar charge against amillennialism, viz. that it is negative. The term "a"-millennial may be fairly recent, but its substance is as old as the ancient church, and in line with the NT. It certainly is the view enshrined in the Reformed creeds (which, of course, you reject), and taught by large sections of the Christian church until modern times, when the novelty of Dispensationalism took over (at least in America).

Rather than being negative, it is essentially positive: while it rejects on one hand the bypaths of millennial teaching in any form, it places all emphasis on the (one) Second Coming, the Last Judgment, and the new cosmos. This is surely where the burden of NT teaching lies.

Biblical truth in Biblical proportions!

As to the OT prophets talking about the millennial kingdom, one must understand that they are looking at "last things" from their perspective. They do not see the distinction between the time between (the first and second comings) and the final state. Hence the two are confused from their vantage point, and what may to a superficial glance look like a "millennial kingdom" is in fact (from a NT angle) a description of the final state.

But I daresay that this is all beyond your ken , and a departure from your beloved literalism.

Survey2/4/08 5:49 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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Saint terry,
"Nor do I"

With respect, Terry, if you are out of your depth, stay on shore!

Put another way, if the air's too hot, stay out of the kitchen!

I hope you can grasp the meaning of that.

Survey2/4/08 5:41 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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DJC49 wrote:
Revelation is a highly symbolic, visually graphic, imagery-laden book of apocalyptic literature, JD. The Book is resplendent with metaphor.
I have tried to point out to JD that Revelation is a literary genre in its own right, viz. apocalyptic. He rejects that.

His facile idea is that it is merely history written in advance, a book like Kings or Chronicles, only in advance of events. He never really understood what I was getting at!

Yet even he baulks at literalism when it suits. For example, will there be a seven-headed beast roaming the earth during the tribulation? "Oh no! Of course not! Can't you read the Word of God?" Then where does literalism stop and symbolism begin? What is the criterion? He is none too clear on that.

- run out of space until a further post.

Survey2/4/08 6:41 AM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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I will not go into detail regarding these questions, NOT because there are no straightforward answers, but because you are clearly not listening. Anything we say on these matters meets with such prejudice, wilful misunderstanding, and dare I say it, a thick skull, that any discussion is worthless.

DJC49 has tried to point out that Rev.14:4 is not a condemnation of marriage (and it is notorious that certain elements in the patristic period appealed to that text in the interests of celibacy. Do you support that??). But do you listen? No. You are so wedded to your foolish bald literalism that you cannot see the real message of the book, and consequently make it instead into a comic strip, a Monty Python production. This is tantamount to blasphemy.

With the sort of mindset you constantly betray any attempt to discuss with you on a rational level is futile.

Good night.
Psa.43:3!! Light and truth you need, for all we see time and again from you is folly, and I say that solemnly and advisedly.

Survey2/4/08 4:56 AM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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Here, here!

JD has little idea on what unites us, or for that matter what divides us. I find it curious, to say the least, how much he claims to know about me from such a distance.

"However, having said that, I don't think one of you exceeds the other in discerning the truth."

Still more allegations! If this keeps up I will resort to the abuse button. Mark my words.

Survey2/4/08 12:40 AM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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Don't be too sure, DJC49. He will, of course, insist that he has maintained the same position all along; that it's only you who is confused.

In reality he flits from bough to bough, and darts from tuft to tuft, all the time telling us that we are confused, Biblically illiterate, ignorant unbelievers.

Such is the JD phenomenon.

Survey2/3/08 5:20 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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Lurker wrote:
Approaching three years ago when I first decided to make a comment on one of these threads I was promptly greeted by JD and handed the same label you have just been awarded "yea, hath God said...?"
Some things never change.
In that case I'll treat JD's tirade philosophically, and take it instead as a left-handed compliment. It seems I'm in good company!

Perhaps we could compile an Honour Roll of those who have received the JD award for (alleged) unbelief!

Survey2/3/08 2:13 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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Will I get upset and angry over your latest post, or will I merely lament your abject blindness?

You equate me with Satan ("yea, hath God said...?"), and you equate your interpretations of Scripture with the very words of God. "Thus saith the Lord = thus saith JD!!

You seem not to have read at all my previous post, calling for some humility and casting away of your hubris. You have reaffirmed your arrogant dogmatism with a vengeance!

Let me say again: rapture teaching, as held by Dispensationalism, is a refuge of lies (Isa.28:17) the artifice of false teachers in the nineteenth century, and foisted on the church by their many disciples.
1 Thess.4:16-17 teaches no such doctrine. What it teaches is that when Christ comes, once and once only, visibly, publicly, with fanfare of heavenly trumpets, the Christian dead will be raised, and those remaining alive will be caught up with them to become part of a massive welcoming band, "meeting Him" as one meets an arriving train. From thence they accompany Him to the earth and to the Great Judgment.

There is nothing there or anywhere else about the world continuing on beyond that point into a tribulation, a second "second coming", a millennium, another Judgment, etc. etc. All these are figments of the Dispensational imagin

Survey2/3/08 5:19 AM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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JD (sigh!),
"That is Fact"
We have seen this comment quite a lot from you of late. In the light of your comments as a whole I have come to the following unavoidable conclusion:

"Fact" (from JD) = your version of Scripture teaching, irrespective of the fact that many others with the same Bible in front of them read it - on its own terms - very differently.

If you would just be humble enough to admit that simple FACT, and be just a little willing to learn from people who also read Scripture, but who, for example, do not see rapture teaching a la Dizzy-pensationalism in the Scriptures - then you would not incur the frustration and name-calling of which you complain.

It would also make for some humility on your part, instead of the unwarranted hubris we so commonly observe, as in the dogmatic & oft-repeated "This is fact" asseverations.

But I fear that would be too bitter a pill for you to swallow.

Survey2/2/08 9:11 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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JD (sigh!),
"You seem to want to put these snide comments in every post."
That's an interesting comment from one who has shown considerable expertise in the very same thing, not least in the post from which this came!
Pray say this to a mirror!

"...putting your denominational twist on them."
And what, pray, is that? What is my "denomination"? I should like to know from someone who has often claimed to know more about me than I know myself.

"...the other unbelievers you are so fond of..."
And who might they be? Oh, I know! The non-Dizzy-pensationalists from whose wisdom I draw.

My comments of late have given voice to astonishment at your inability to answer straight questions, and veer off into utter irrelevancies.

For instance, I cited Matt.8:11 as evidence of ONE people of God from both OT and NT eras. Despite repeated requests, you never did address the issue. And you have the gall to accuse my of lack of appeal to Scripture, and of being ignorant.

Survey2/2/08 4:22 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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Have you ever read any of the Church fathers?
Clement of Rome?
You will find much in them that is Scriptural, and indeed, some that is not.
One interesting example is Polycarp: his epistle is replete with Scripture quotations - in fact if one took them out there would not be a great deal left - but it betrays little understanding thereof.
In fact, rather like JD's offerings!

Anyway, kevin's point is not about what they said, but what they DID NOT say - which in your usual style you did not grasp!

Survey2/2/08 8:28 AM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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"The first trump will end this dispensation and signal the beginning of the next."

Will that be a fanfare trumpet, or a normal orchestral trumpet (i.e. valves or no valves?)

Will there be a verbal decree to accompany the trumpet sound? I mean, how literal do you want to go?

I asked on another thread about whether you would identify the ten horns with any historical figures. NOw for your information, "historical" refers to the PAST, not the future. If you would identify one of the horns with say Nero, or the Pope, or Napoleon or whoever, then that is a historical identification. But to be a fururist you have to say that these "kings" are still future, in the next dispensation beginning with your supposed rapture. In other words, the vision has nothing to do with us now, in this present age (according to you).

I am well aware, even more that you give me credit for, of Daniel 7:24 etc. What you seem not to be aware of are the many proposed identifications over the centuries of the ten kings there, or those of Rev.17:12.The whole tenor of your reply is so obtuse I despair of talking sense to you in any meaningful way.

Survey2/2/08 1:38 AM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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When I asked, "What are the horns of the Beast?" you gave the predictable answer from Rev.17:12. However, do you identify those historically? Your answer would have to be "no", otherwise you would cease to be a futurist.

My point is, however, where literalism stops and symbolism begins. Surely the very verse you quote is a signal to treat the images and motifs of Revelation more generally as symbols, and interpret them accordingly, the way most commentators down through the centuries have done, i.e. until your Dizzy-pensational crowd came along.

Otherwise we have absurdities, and God does not indulge in absurdities and make Himself a laughing-stock to the world of unbelief. Yet it is unquestionable that your approach and conclusions have done just this.

On the contrary, the symbols and motifs of Revelation are deadly serious and invite identification with historical phenomena.
To shove it all off into the future is very convenient: one is thereby spared the labour of such identification, and equally it places one in a seeming position of immunity from refutation. But it is a mere illusion of safety. The bald literalism leads inexorably into arena of the ridiculous.

Survey2/1/08 6:26 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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A question and a comment:
Q. "...the curveball word" Is this like a fast bowler in cricket sending down a swinging ball that goes like a banana and hits the batsman's stumps (hopefully)?

C. I'm not sure whether SA did formulate the questions and options. Apparently members of SA (which I am not) can do this themselves. That's why you get so many "Have you stopped beating your wife?" type of questions, e.g. "When does the rapture begin?"

Survey2/1/08 6:07 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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You are indeed playing merry weather with JD the wild Dispy!
JD never did answer my query as to where bald literalism stops and symbolism begins in this final book of the Bible. Will there be a seven-headed, ten-horned beast roaming the earth during the Tribulation?

What are the horns of the Beast? Does an angel actually come down from heaven, book in hand, and give it to his earthly servant as a meal?

Therefore my challenge to all Dispies still stands.

Perhaps in the light of your merry dance we should now refer to Dispensationalism as Dizzy-pensationalism!

A ratbag theology if ever there was one!

BTW, what is your own approach to Revelation?
Idealism a la Hendriksen?
Preterism a la Sproul?

My own is broadly historicist, a la the older Protestant commentators, albeit with a few leaves from the idealist camp.

Survey1/30/08 11:46 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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Go on, JD, for what it's worth!

Survey1/30/08 9:24 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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The word orthotomeo has nothing to do with dividing Bible history unto dispensations; it is all about right handling of the Word.

Moulton and Milligan observe here that in the light of its (rare) use in Greek lit. the emphasis should be on the adjectival component orthos (straight), rather than the verb temno (to cut).

It is noteworthy that the same word appears in Prov.3:6 (LXX) where it has to do with Wisdom rightly directing the paths of the diligent seeker. Again, nothing to do with dispensations.

I well remember the pretentious charts showing God's various dispensations (even as a teenager I saw through the whole silly idea), and displaying 2 Tim.2:15 at the top. Mercifully we don't see them around so much these days.

Survey1/30/08 8:03 PM
MurrayA | Australia  Find all comments by MurrayA
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A good post on just how crazy and self-contradictory this whole millennium is, i.e. as held by the Dispies.

And this is only the beginning of sorrows for the position.
1. Once we affirm that people will be saved during the millennium we have a 'second-chance' doctrine. But see 2 Cor.6:2.

2. According the Dispies the Holy Spirit is the restrainer of 2 Thess.2:6-7, but during the Rapture He will be removed. How then in the light of 1 Cor.12:3 will people be saved? Does He then return for the millennium? Or will the physical presence of Christ then be sufficient to effect salvation?

3. The sheer complexity of the system leaves the mind boggling. Several 'parousias', several resurrections, anything up to seven judgments, saints here but not here (as you point out), Christ reigning over people not His kingdom subjects.
And JD has the temerity to accuse me of making things complex, as he has done quite recently.

God has made eschatology quite straightforward: ONE Second Coming (in glory, and in public); ONE resurrection of saints when He comes; ONE Last Judgment; thereafter New Heavens and Earth. It is men, like JD and co., who make them such a clutter of complexity.

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