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Sermon2/9/2021 2:56 PM
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“ WandaVision: Vision of Witchcraft ”
With the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which began in 2008, having a new television series called WandaVision on Disney+, since Marvel Comics is owned by Disney, it appears that the WandaVision tv series, which began on 15 January, 2021 is popularizing witchcraft, especially since one of the principle characters is known as Wanda Maximoff, aka Scarlet Witch. Also, Scarlet Witch has the word 'witch' in her name. It is sad how numerous tv series are marketing Satanic witchcraft, especially as a sitcom (situational comedy) like WandaVision. It is worth noting Deuteronomy 18:10-12 in response to this occult craze marketed through a sitcom like WandaVision. By this definition, Wanda Maximoff, aka Scarlet Witch, practices what The Lord clearly calls an abomination. Then again, these superheroes and supervillains all practice this abomination called witchcraft. This means that WandaVision is really a vision of witchcraft.

Sermon2/9/2021 2:50 PM
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“ Cruella De Vil: Devil in her name ”
It ought to be pointed out that Cruella De Vil has the word 'devil' in her name. This is plainly seen in both the 1996 film called 101 Dalmatians and the 2021 film called Cruella. It is very disturbing how a female character associated with vain fashion has the word 'devil' in her name. We ought to remember Revelation 20:10 since the Devil (Satan) shall be cast into eternal torment into The Lake of Fire. Being associated with the Devil is only a sure pathway to eternal damnation, especially if there are female characters with the word 'devil' in their names like Cruella De Vil.

Sermon2/6/2021 11:49 PM
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“ Warner Bros: WB means Witchcraft Bros ”
It ought to be noted that the Warner Bros Company founded on 04 April, 1923 by the Warner Bros named Jack, Albert, Sam, and Jack, is really the Witchcraft Bros. This means that Warner Bros. was occultic since its inception as Disney also was. Much of the media produced by Warner Bros is rooted in witchcraft, and DC Comics, which is owned by Warner Bros, is one such example with its "superpowers". It is very clear that the antichrist spirit of witchcraft led the Warner Brothers to form the Warner Bros. company.

Sermon2/6/2021 11:40 PM
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“ Disney: Marketing Occult Video Games ”
Given the occult character of video games, it is not surprising that Disney is now marketing their occult media through video games, especially since Disney has worked with Japanese video game companies like Square Enix. Not surprisingly, Disney is very popular in Japan, and is known as Dizunī (ディズニー) in Japanese. Sadly, Japan is known for its occult media rooted in witchcraft, which is clearly seen in Nintendo, Sega, Konami, and so many other Japanese video game companies. Despite the visually stimulating media produced by these entertainment companies with memorable music as well, the sad reality is that these entertainment companies are really controlled by the antichrist, especially since these companies peddle witchcraft in the most subtle way. This sermon is must needed in response to the witchcraft marketed not only by Disney, but also witchcraft marketed by Warner Bros, Universal Pictures, and so many other entertainment media companies.

Sermon2/6/2021 10:23 PM
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“ A Continuation of Kingdom of God vs. Magic Kingdom ”
This helpful podcast is a continuation of the sermon called Disney: Magic Kingdom or Kingdom of God on 29 May, 2013.

Sermon1/29/2021 11:34 PM
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“ Hip Hop Music: Music of Rebellion ”
It ought to be noted that hip hop music, also called rap music, is the music of rebellion which originated with inner-city African Americans and Latino Americans in the Bronx borough of Manhattan in the 1970s. Of course, real hip hop music originated with Satan, since Satan was the first rebel. Sadly, hip hop music has lead ethnic minorities in America into the Satanic sin of rebellion with its gang culture. Hip hop music has also caused white Americans, like Eminem, to become rebels. Both the rock music of white Americans and the hip hop music of American ethnic minorities has caused Americans of all ethnic descents to rebel against Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit. The sin of rebellion in both rock music and rap music causes physical and spiritual death as noted in the death of Chester Bennington (20 March, 1976 – 20 July, 2017) of Linkin Park at the age of 41 by suicide by hanging. It is better to listen to the rebuke of the wise, than for any person to hear the song of fools. Worth noting Ecclesiastes 7:5. These rock songs and rap songs are really the songs of fools that cause both physical death to the body and spiritual death to the soul and spirit. All of this means that rock music and rap music are both from the pits of Hell.

Sermon1/27/2021 6:59 PM
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“ Pokémon: Familiar Spirits ”
It ought to be noted that Pokémon are really familiar spirits. We know that familiar spirits were demons assisting witches in their practice of witchcraft. Not surprisingly, Pokémon literally means 'pocket monster'. In similar manner, Pokémon assist their trainers when conjured to do so. It is tragic how this occult craze marketed through Pokémon has been revived with the introduction of Pokémon GO. There are numerous media marketing the channeling of familiar spirits. Pokémon is one such example of media marketing the channeling of familiar spirits. Another thing, the word familiar spirit is translated from the Hebrew word ōve (אוֹב) in 16 verses, namely Leviticus 19:31, Leviticus 20:6, Leviticus 20:27, Deuteronomy 18:11, 1 Samuel 28:3, 1 Samuel 28:7, 1 Samuel 28:8, 1 Samuel 28:9, 2 Kings 21:6, 2 Kings 23:24, 1 Chronicles 10:13, 2 Chronicles 33:6, Job 32:19, Isaiah 8:19, Isaiah 19:3, and Isaiah 29:4. We ought to remember those verses in response to the Pokémon craze since Pokémon are really pocket familiar spirits.

Sermon1/27/2021 5:47 PM
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Batman, Movies & Murder 2
Joey Faust
“ Batman: The Bat Witch ”
It ought to be noted that Batman is really a Bat Witch, especially since tribal witch doctors called shamans dressed up as animals in an attempt to invoke the animal spirit. Not surprisingly, bats have also been considered as symbols of black magic. This explains why Bill Finger and Bob Kane sought occult influence when writing and creating the Batman character. It also explains why witches would cast darkness spells related to bats. This sermon explains why DC Comics is marketing witchcraft, including black magic, with the Batman character.

Sermon1/27/2021 5:36 PM
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“ Voice Acting: Breathing Depravity in Voice ”
There is also a performing art called voice acting in which a performer does a voice over representing a particular character or providing information to an audience. Sadly, voice acting has also animated depravity, including witchcraft. This is because many voice actors/voice actresses have performed their voices as witches. For example, Tasia Valenza (born 05 April, 1967) has done the voice of the botanical witch from DC Comics known as Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley). Tasia Valenza's take on Poison Ivy even sounds like a witch. We know that Poison Ivy from the DC Comics is rooted in witchcraft because she, Poison Ivy, possesses secretion of floral toxins and mind-controlling pheromones and telekinetic control over flora. This means that Poison Ivy is a botanical witch. Also, Mark Hamill (born 25 September, 1951) has done the voice of the Clown Prince of Witchcraft called the Joker, especially since Mark Hamill's take on the Joker sounds like a maniacal serial killer. While voiceover appears to be a prolific art, it has sadly marketed depravity of various ranks, including witchcraft and psychopathy.

Sermon1/27/2021 5:09 PM
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“ Injustice: Blasphemers Among Us ”
Back on 16 April, 2013, a video game produced by NetherRealm Studios called Injustice: Gods Among Us was released and was connected with the DC Universe, thus beginning the Injustice series of video games. While Injustice 1 had an amazing musical score composed by Christopher Drake, Dean Grinsfelder, Cris Velasco, and Sascha Dikiciyan, the title of the video game called Injustice: Gods Among Us is blasphemous against Jehovah. Remember that in Exodus 20, particularly Exodus 20:7, Jehovah forbade taking His Name in vain. This is what the producers of Injustice: Gods Among Us did when they gave the blasphemous title to the first Injustice video game. The alleged "gods" referenced in the title of the first Injustice game are the sinful superheroes and supervillains. This shows that superheroes and supervillains perpetuate a false justice, which is really injustice, as blasphemers among us.

Sermon1/26/2021 12:56 PM
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“ Superheroes: Antichrist Freedom Fighters ”
This sermon shows that the antichrist will come as that freedom fighter desired by the people. In similar manner, superheroes, like the Avengers and the Justice League, come as freedom fighters seeking to "liberate" humanity from the "big tyrant in the sky." It is worth noting Revelation 17, Revelation 18, Revelation 19, and Revelation 20 in response to this antichrist craze called freedom fighter as well as these antichrist freedom fighters. While Jesus came as The Obedient Son, the antichrist will come as a rebel seeking to grant "liberty" to the people. Very needed sermon in response to this antichrist tool called liberationism.

Sermon1/25/2021 6:21 PM
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“ Remembering Luke 19 ”
We ought to remember Luke 19, especially The Parable of The Nobleman in Luke 19:11-27 in response to "laws" written by sinful people, including the United States Constitution. Like the citizens who despised the nobleman, the antichrist rebels say, "we will not have this man to reign over us." These antichrist rebels do not want The King of Kings to reign over them, but instead demand their "liberty." This sermon is a very helpful response to the United States Constitution.

Sermon1/24/2021 12:24 AM
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Hollywood: Satanic Roots
Jason Cooley
“ James Gandolfini: Deceased Vile Actor ”
The example of the death of James Gandolfini (18 September, 1961-19 June, 2013) on 19 June, 2013 at the age of 51 also ought to be noted as well. James Gandolfini was known for playing the vile mobster Tony Soprano in the vile tv show called The Sopranos. As we know, Tony Soprano was not only a mobster with profane speech, but also a whoremonger, murderer, and idolatrous Roman Catholic as well. The sad reality is that James Gandolfini died in his sins and entered eternal torment in Hell because he, James Gandolfini, was an idolatrous Roman Catholic. One day, James Gandolfini, as will every other idolatrous Roman Catholic, will be judged at The Great White Throne Judgment and be cast into The Lake of Fire. This sermon uses examples of actors and actresses who died in a vain attempt to gain fame and fortune at the expense of their own souls and their own lives.

Sermon1/23/2021 1:17 AM
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“ John 3:16: A Response to Nationalism ”
We ought to remember John 3, especially John 3:16 in response to nationalism and patriotism, especially American patriotism. For God (Abba Father) so loved the world, that He (Abba Father) gave His Only Begotten Son (Jesus), that whosoever believeth in Him (Jesus) should not perish, but have everlasting life. The Wonderful Words of John 3:16 out to inspire us to preach The Global Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations.

Sermon1/23/2021 1:06 AM
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“ Patriotism and Nationalism: Attack on John 3:16 ”
We ought to remember John 3, especially John 3:16 in response to the issue of patriotism and nationalism. This also means that any form of nationalism and patriotism, including American patriotism, is an attack on John 3:16.

Sermon1/23/2021 12:49 AM
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Why I'm Not 100% for Jack Hyles
Roger Voegtlin
“ Curtis Hutson: Covering Up Abuse ”
It ought to be noted that Curtis Hutson (10 July, 1934–05 March, 1995) was aware of the abuse perpetrated under the pastorate of Jack Hyles, but completely turned a blind eye to such abuse. Curtis Hutson sadly died at the age of 60 from prostate cancer. While we realize that Jack Hyles and Curtis Hutson lead souls to Jesus Christ, we also realize that Curtis Hutson brought great reproach on The Name of The Lord by turning a blind eye to the abuse committed by Jack Hyles. Also, Jack Hyles brought reproach on The Name of The Lord through his abuse, legalism, and authoritarianism. It is sad how Curtis Hutson misused The Sword of The Lord Ministries to promote the abusive Jack Hyles. It is also sad that Jack Hyles abused his ministry to demonstrate his authoritarianism, legalism, and narcissism. May old fashioned Bible believing ministries lead as gentle shepherds rather than as authoritarian jackboots.

Sermon1/20/2021 5:04 PM
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“ Saul: Precursor of the antichrist ”
It ought to be noted that Saul was a precursor of the coming antichrist. This was clearly known when Saul became the adversary of David as noted in 1 Samuel 18 after David overcame a previous adversary in 1 Samuel 17 known as Goliath. We also realize that like Saul, Goliath was also a precursor of the antichrist. As Saul was at odds with David, so the coming antichrist will be the adversary of Jesus. Saul was also a reflection of the antichrist because in 1 Samuel 8 and 1 Samuel 9, he who is called Saul, like Goliath, was a champion of the people chosen by the people. In 1 Samuel 16, David came as a lowly shepherd. Like David, Jesus also came as a lowly shepherd. Jesus is also known as The Good Shepherd as noted in John 10. Let us follow the example of the lowly shepherd David rather than those antichrist champions of the people called Saul and Goliath.

Sermon1/20/2021 4:43 PM
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Teach Us To Number Our Days
David Whitcomb
“ Psalm 90: Written by Moses ”
It is commonly known that Psalm 90 was written by Moses, making it The Oldest Known Psalm in The Old Testament. It is also believed that Psalm 90 was written after the closing of The Book of Numbers, particularly Numbers 36, and before the beginning of The Book of Deuteronomy, particularly Deuteronomy 1. Very insightful sermon.

Sermon1/19/2021 2:23 PM
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Man Of Steel: Man Of Sin
Jason Cooley
“ Antichrist Superman: Popular in Asia ”
It also ought to be noted that this antichrist called Superman is also popular in Asia as well. Not surprisingly, the Chinese name of a superman is chāorén 超人. In Japanese, it is chōjin 超人 (ちょうじん). In Korean, it is choin 초인. In Tagalog, it is higtao. In Vietnamese, it is siêu nhân. This shows that the antichrist spirit of Friedrich Nietzsche's Übermensch has now become a worldwide philosophy of a coming secular world "hero". Of course, this secular world "hero" is really the antichrist man of sin. This sermon is needed in response to this superman craze of a secular world "hero." Of course, the philosophy of the Übermensch originated in Genesis 3:1-24. This is because the idea of being a secular "world hero" deifies sinful humans to the point of hero worship. There needs to be more sermons confronting the issue of the "superman" and this sermon on SermonAudio is just that.

Sermon1/18/2021 5:24 PM
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“ Curt Connors: Satanic Reptilian ”
It ought to be stated that Curt Connors, also known as the Lizard, is really a Satanic reptilian. We ought to remember Genesis 6:1-22 in response to this Nephilim craze, especially the Satanic and demonic Nephilim of the reptilian variety. It is known that the Lizard (Curt Connors) first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #6 on November, 1963. Also, Curt Connors transforming into a lizard or any other reptilian also has roots in Satanic and demonic witchcraft. We also must remember Genesis 3:1-24 in response to this reptilian craze, since Satan the serpent was the first known reptilian. These reptilians which people speak of are really Satan and his demons as well as devil possessed people. As demonstrated, the character called the Lizard from the Spider-Man media combines Satanic Nephilim with Satanic witchcraft, demon possession, and demonology as do all other reptilians. A reptilian character like the Lizard, who shifts from human to reptilian and vice versa, is marketing devil possession in a secular format.
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