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Survey11/14/07 12:08 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Weapon of Mass Instruction wrote:
Some more Calvinistic ad hominems that will undoubtedly stay in tack.
If you don't mind I will make the decision of what classifies as "ad hominem" or any other violation of the Forum Policies.

Thank you.

News Item11/13/07 1:03 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Another ***** **** Calvinist,

Thank you for your post but please do not use the censored term in your moniker or in the contents of a post. This "crude" term has unfortunately slipped into the Sermon Audio forum and will no longer be accepted by either perpertator or victim.

Thank you.

Survey11/13/07 12:23 AM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Josh wrote:
Luke 2:1 "And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the WORLD should be taxed."

I guess that means every man, woman, and child in every nation on earth. So are we to understand that Caesar taxed China as well? ******.

Forum Policy: Personal attacks or insults directed at other users will be censored.

Please refrain from personal insults. Thank you.

Survey11/11/07 12:34 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Razer Ramon wrote:
How is it possible for Abigail to make consecutive comments without a whimper from the establishment and without a single removal by one Moderator Alpha who has chastened others for this practice?

Moderator Alpha, what say you?

Forum Policy: "Only one post at a time per thread (allow for alternate users)."

This posting rule has an "undocumented" exception. Consecutive posts will be accepted in the same thread upon the lapse of one hour from the time of a previous post.

There is no time restriction for posting in different threads.

Thank you for your inquiry.

Survey11/10/07 7:26 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Abigail wrote:
Please tell me sir, how long should we wait between posts if no one posts in the meantime? I have not used different monikers to post. If we wait one hour before our next post, our comments are accepted by SA.
I'm embarrased to admit that I was unaware that a one hour wait was sufficient to allow a subsequent post. If this be the case (and I have no reason to believe otherwise) I apologize for the warning and thank you for the information.

Wayne M. wrote:
Are the rules changed now so that a consecutive post cannot be made under a different thread?
No. The rule only applies to consecutive posts within the same thread and it now appears that consecutive posts are allowed upon a one hour wait between posts. I will be verifying this with the site owner.

Thank you.

Survey11/10/07 12:04 AM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Razer Ramon wrote:
How is it possible for Abigail to make consecutive comments without a whimper from the establishment and without a single removal by one Moderator Alpha who has chastened others for this practice?
Moderator Alpha, what say you?

You know the rules so I don't expect I'll need to remind you again. I'd recommend you check the "Remember this information for next time..." box and leave it checked.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Survey11/8/07 2:04 AM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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kenny wrote:
It was a lot more fun on here before Alpha the Moderator started removing all of the good posts from the WOMI.
I would not be here if the civility that existed as recently as two years ago prevailed in these threads today. I invite you and anyone else interested in seeing how far these discussions have degraded in the past two years to open any of the following threads sorted by oldest first and compare to now. This should not be so on a Christian discussion forum. Also note that the daily participation has decreased signicantly.

[URL=http://www.sermonaudio.com/survey_details.asp?voteid=bu112805195657&sortby=oldfirst#comments]]]Which doctrine do you adhere to?[/URL]

[URL=http://www.sermonaudio.com/survey_details.asp?voteid=pr82905231354&sortby=oldfirst#comments]]]What is the Scriptural mode of baptism?[/URL]

[URL=http://www.sermonaudio.com/survey_details.asp?voteid=le213051445&sortby=oldfirst#comments]]]How old do you believe the Earth to be?[/URL]

[URL=http://www.sermonaudio.com/survey_details.asp?voteid=bi53105132140&sortby=oldfirst#comments]]]Is Divorce Biblical?[/URL]

[URL=http://www.sermonaudio.com/survey_details.asp?voteid=ch41803174232&sortby=oldfirst#comments]]]What version of the Bible do you use?[/URL]

Survey11/4/07 9:00 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Dr. Yamil Luciano wrote:

That was a clear exposition of Scripture.

Is there another a new rule created against an honest exegesis?

If you don't like having your "honest exegesis" removed then don't include personal insults in your comments on the order of "****'* mental disease". It's not all that difficult.

Survey11/2/07 11:44 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Spiritual wrote:
I'm not sure what you are asking of me here.
What I am requiring is that you refrain from insulting a forum user or their spouse. I could not care less that the words you use to pass judgment are found in the bible. Remove the insulting judgmental language and your post will be allowed. If not they will be removed as was your most recent post.

Survey11/2/07 10:44 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Spiritual wrote:
Moderator Alpha,
Sir, what in the world compelled you to delete my post to Wayne? He asked a question and I answered, sufficiently and within right reason I think. It is essential that Wayne be allowed to read my response and I need to know exactly what you found offensive so I can repost. Normally, I wouldn't exert the additional effort, but this is vitally important for him. A matter, as Sister Abigail says, of life and death.
You may submit your post again without the personal attack on either the forum user or his spouse.

Survey10/24/07 2:55 AM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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I would strongly encourage the participants of this thread to move on to discussing the topic of the thread and related subjects:

"To which confession of faith do you subscribe?"

Sermon Audio policies and remedies are not up for discussion. Failure to move on and return to meaningful civil discourse may result in closure of the thread.

Thank you and special thanks to those who have expressed support for the Sermon Audio policies and our determination to enforce them for the enjoyment of all who visit this site.

Thank you.

News Item10/23/07 8:26 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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The slang word is unacceptable even if fragmented. Google the word and learn the underlying meaning and I'm sure you will agree. You may resubmit your post absent the word.

I'm not trying to be difficult here but understand I can't censor a word and leave the rest of your post. It's either all or none.

Thank you.

Survey10/23/07 3:18 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Your post was not removed because of anything you wrote but because of the quote from Spiritual's post.



You are a slow learner indeed. You are entitled to your beliefs of the spiritual state of others but you are not entitled to express those beliefs on this forum with trashy gutter talk. May I remind you of Saint Jude's words:

Jude 1:9 Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.

Take a lesson and clean it up.

Survey10/22/07 11:25 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Weapon of Mass Instruction wrote:
Let me guess, there is a new definition out for crude language in the F_anciful L_and of the Calvinist.
Forum policies are not up for debate nor are they subject to your interpretation. They appear in red letters in the "Add or Reply to comment" window. Furthermore, by submitting your comment you agree to the policies as stated immediately above the "Submit Comment" button:

"By submitting your comment for review you agree to the forum policies."

Continued disregard for the policies will result in additional measures taken. This should not be that difficult for a Christian to comprehend and appreciate. It's up to you.

Survey10/22/07 10:23 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Weapon of Mass Instruction wrote:
Hopefully, for the sake of the unsuspecting soul, it does not consist of some tongue slapping against the forhead, and a dry-heave jig around the rosy.
Forum Policies:

"No profanities including crude or rude language."

Clean it up please. You can make your point without crude language. Future comments containing similar language will be removed without notice.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.

News Item10/21/07 8:56 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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KK wrote:
The Dems are ******** nuts -- NO MORAL CODE !!!
Your post was removed because of the censored word in this comment. I know this is not typical of your posts but please be careful when using slang in your posts because most slang words are replacements for something you would never say.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Survey10/20/07 11:49 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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JD wrote:
I did not think I was over the line on my post. I maybe was being a little too honest, but not insulting I don't think.
The intent of your post was justified but since I removed the post which prompted your objection I also removed your post because of the closing sentence.

Unfortunately bystanders can easily get drawn into the fray for no other reason than to defend themselves against misrepresentation and this is what I perceive happened to you today.

Thank you for understanding and for your continued cooperation.

Survey10/20/07 7:09 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Spiritual wrote:
when you demand I clean up my comments, this can mean nothing more than that I present I desensitized, downgraded, sanitized gospel more palatable to sinners, heretics, and heathens.
It means what it means; abide by the forum policies which you agree to when you submit a comment for review or your comment will be removed. The rules are not up for debate or subject to your interpretation. If that is insufficient to restore civility to the thread additional measures may be taken. That is what it means.

Survey10/20/07 1:46 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Forum Policies posted in red letters in the "Add or Reply to comment" window:

"No profanities including crude or rude language."

"Personal attacks or insults directed at other users will be censored."

It's quite simple. Clean up your comments and all will be well. Ignore the rules and your posts will be removed. It's up to you.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Survey10/20/07 1:15 AM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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Weapon of Mass Instruction,

It has become blatantly obvious that you are once again posting with two different aliases in complete disregard of the forum policy. Please make an immediate end of your muli-part post and refrain from this practice in the future to avoid a thread closure.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.

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