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Survey9/4/09 3:25 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
No, Bert, an accurate translation doesn't use the word, "Bishop" Catholicized bibles may, but accurate versions don't.
I didn't use the word "Bishop", Jim, I used the word "Priest". I was simply trying to point out that Peter was a priest which is what he would have to have been in order for the Catholic claim that he was the first Pope to be true. With all the controversy surrounding Matt 16:18, I would rather avoid that passage when trying to prove that Peter was the first Pope.

Survey9/4/09 12:54 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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just a thought wrote:
You must not overlook 1 Peter 5:1, Peter tells us he is an elder. Elder comes from the Greek 'presbyteros' which means 'among the Christians, those who presided over the assemblies (or churches) The NT uses the term bishop, elders, and presbyters interchangeably'
If Peter were a pope, he would have stated such. Instead, he says he is an elder. So Bert, you are now at a crossroads. Are you going to believe what the word of God states, or are you going to believe what the Roman Catholic Church teaches, which is contrary to God's word?
Another definition of the word 'presbyteros' is 'priest'. So, we agree that Peter was a priest, right? If we an show that Peter was the leader of the early Church, we prove that he was what we now call the Pope without having to rely on Matt 16:18.

I'm afraid that I don't share your enthusiasm in condemning the Catholic Church. Not only can I not agree with some of the different interpretations of the Bible proposed here, but some of the most holy, pious and Christ-like people I have met have been Catholic priests. You are basically asking me to accept that almost 1.5 BILLION people – some of the holiest people in the world – have been duped. That’s a big pill to swallow.

Survey9/3/09 8:06 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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John UK,

I was simply pointing out that when explanations of Scriptural passages get complicated, you are probably off base in your interpretation.

Just a thought,

Yes, I checked out that thread. The problem I have with it is that I don’t have a PhD in languages. As a result, I have no idea if the guy who wrote it is 100% correct or blowing smoke.


I can assure you that I am being completely honest. None of the Scriptural proofs given were definitive. Every time, there were differing views on the interpretation of the passage. I was just referring to the facts comments which had no justification.

Michael and Mike,

I will try to deal with the whole “Father” thing in another post.


I like that word

The Catholic Church has been around for more than twice the time the Protestant Churches have been. During that time, the Catholic interpretation was the ONLY interpretation. Other issues like salvation by faith AND works are Biblical. We DO NOT worship anything or anyone except the Holy Trinity.


Sorry, I haven’t had time to check that one out. I promise I will soon.


Take anything out of context and you can prove whatever you want.

What playing around has the Catholic Church done vis a vis Rev 22:29?

Survey9/2/09 6:16 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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the facts,

Nowhere did I say that the illiterate would be reading Scripture. I said that they would be hearing and embracing it.

#3 is not referring to a particular Church. It is referring to a form of justification for a particular interpretation of a passage of Scripture. I'm sure that there are just as many Catholic theologians as Protestant ones falling into that trap. In this case, though, I was responding to a quote you posted by Mr. Calvin. Had you quoted a Catholic theologian instead, my response would have been the same. We must not obfuscate the Word of God. Jesus made it very clear how He felt about the Pharicees and how they had made it very difficult for the run of the mill Jew to be true to God. The Pharicees set up all kinds of complicated rules that the people had to follow without understanding them.

If you have any Scriptural proof of your claims against the Catholic Church, I would love to “hear” them.

Survey9/2/09 4:59 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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the facts wrote:
So what you're saying Bert is Roman Catholics can read the Bible - and Protestants can't!!!
No, that’s not what I was trying to say.

You have to remember that for almost 2000 years, the NT was being spread across a world where 90%-95% of all those hearing it were illiterate. Even today, many people in the developing world are illiterate but they still embrace the Word of God. Too often, though, I have come across explanations of a passage of Scripture that I had a difficult time understanding. I don't have a PhD but I'm not illiterate, either. If *I* have a difficult time understanding a particular explanation of a passage, what chance does an illiterate person have?

I just believe that the Word of God is for everyone. If you have to use complex grammatical terminology to support your favorite interpretation of a passage, I think that you have missed the boat. Scripture says what it says. As long as there are no translation errors, I believe that we should take it at face value.

I remember hearing a description of the Gospel of John as being like a seashore: You can enjoy playing in the shallow water or delve as deep as you want. Either way, you are immersed in the Word of God.

Survey9/2/09 3:00 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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the facts,

The problem I see with dissertations like the one you quote by Mr. Calvin is that they are just too complicated. Heaven is not closed to the illiterate or simple minded. Therefore, the Word of God is to be embraced and understood by all - not just those fortunate enough to be literate and smart. When you start complicating the Word of God in order to support your own interpretation of that Word, you end up drastically reducing the number of people who can understand it. Jesus sent the Apostles forth to spread the Word of God not to make it so difficult to understand that you need a PhD to embrace it. The Word of God says what it says. If you have to go through mental gymnastics to get it to support your favorite interpretation of a particular passage, I submit to you that you are on the wrong path. Take for what it says. Jesus said that we need to become like little children to enter the Kingdom of God. I believe that this is one of the things He was referring to. Children accept what they learn without question. If you make the Word of God too complicated for the children to learn, what have you accomplished, God's work or satan's?

Survey9/2/09 2:28 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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John UK wrote:
Thank you Bert
I refer you to my post of 11.28am which has correction and a comment from the Jameson, Faucett and Brown Commentary.
Sorry, John, I missed your original post.

My take on Matt 18:18 – with Matt 16:19 and John 20:23 in mind is that there are two things going on:

1)Jesus has initially given the power and authority to forgives sins, etc to Peter. But, Peter is human and is subject to all the normal human frailties. So, to make sure that this power and authority don’t go to his head, Jesus grants the same power and authority to the other Apostles; and

2)In order to firmly establish the concept of Apostolic Succession, Jesus shows Peter that the power and authority granted to him by Jesus must be bequeathed by him onto the other members of the Church who will be feeding Jesus’ sheep. This is exactly how the Catholic Church is set up now.

Survey9/2/09 1:28 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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djc49 wrote:
The point, *Bert*, is that NO form of representational worship is allowed! Period. That's the whole thrust of the 2nd commandment. And you miss this vital point badly.
The only way this could be true is if the calf represented God. Personnaly, I can't see that. God is very specific in Ex 32:8 that it is the calf they are worshiping and NOT Him.
djc49 wrote:
And if YOU read the entire portion of Scripture (Exodus 32) correctly, you can see that the Israelites REPLACED ***MOSES*** with the golden calf!
Sorry, but you are off base here. In Ex 32:1, the Israelites said "Come, make us a god who will be our leader; as for the man Moses who brought us out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has happened to him.". Notice that a) they wanted to make a god and b) Moses is identified as a man not a god. I honestly cannot see how you can get any other interpretation out of that.

The Catholic Church has not done away with anything. "Thou shalt have no false gods before me" and "Thou shalt not commit idolatry" are the same thing so the Church combined them into one. Both entries are still there just not as separate Commandments.

Survey9/2/09 11:50 AM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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John UK wrote:
Can't stop, but a little comment on this, Bert, concerning the AV Bible.
"Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven....."
If Jesus was talking to one man, it would have been translated: "Whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven....."
Ye, you, your = plural
Thou, thee, thine = singular
I'm outta here....
Most translations that I have found say either "you" or "thee". It is clear by the predeeding passages that Jesus is talking to Peter alone. Having that passage interpreted as plural wouldn't make sense unless the others being referred to were specifically identified. I could understand your position iff all of the other translations used "you" because it can be singular or plural. But, many translations use "thee" with is singular only.

Survey9/2/09 11:38 AM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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Well one of us errs. Exodus 32:8 says that my position is in harmony with God's so I think I am safe.

If you read the entire passage (Ex 32:1-9) you can see that the Israelites REPLACED God with the golden calf. In doing so, the calf became the LORD to them. God even says so in vers 8: "They have soon turned aside from the way I pointed
out to them, making for themselves a molten calf and worshiping
it, sacrificing to it and crying out, 'This is your God, O
Israel, who brought you out of the land of Egypt!'". They worshipped IT. God didn't say "They worshipped Me through it" or "They worshipped Me" which would have been true had the calf been intended as a representation of God. Also see Ex 32:31.

PS Please don't accuse me of being brainwashed by anyone. I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out which Church is the right Church and I settled on the Catholic Church by my own reasoning - lead by the Holy Spirit. I am fully prepared to abondon that Catholic Church if anyone can prove to me that it is not the True Church of Jesus Christ. So far, no one has.

Survey9/2/09 10:52 AM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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WayneM wrote:
At the council in Jerusalem Peter took no part in the conversations, but the Apostle James presided and pronounced the council's decision. (Acts 15)
See Acts 15:7-11.

I didn't say that Peter was the only Apostle to perform signs. My point was that Peter was not just another elder. Only the Apostles performed signs, none of the other slders did.

I don't understand why you are fixated on titles like "Pope" or "Vicar of Christ" or any other title. These titles were not in use at the time. But, Peter emerged as Pope in everything but name.

The fact that Paul said in 1 Cor 1:12, 13 that people were to follow Jesus not any of those preaching tells us that they had to have agreed upon what they wee to teach. Just as Acts 15 tells us, there were topics of division that needed to be resolved so they would all be teaching the same thing. That implies some sort of central leadership regardless of how informal it might be. Over the years as Jesus built His Church, things became more formalized as the infrastructure of the Church was better defined. I'm not sure when they first started using the title "Pope" but that doesn't mean that there were no Popes before that point. They just had a different way of referring to him.

Survey9/2/09 9:45 AM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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WayneM wrote:
Christ gave the same thing symbolized by the keys to all of the disciples. "Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Matt 18:18
Jesus was talking to Peter in this passage not all of the Apostles.

Survey9/1/09 9:48 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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Michael Hranek wrote:
I know what you are trying to say but Jesus simply did not call Peter (a stone) THE ROCK who Scripture clearly identifies as the LORD.
The name Peter means rock, not stone. If you look at my previous post, you will see a reference to Koine Greek which the Gospel was written in. In that dialect, petros means rock.

Jesus did not say "You are Peter and on the rock I will build My Church". He said "this rock". So the question is: What does "this" refer to? The most logical is Peter because Jesus just specifically identified him ("You are Peter") and it wouldn't make linguistic sense for Jesus to be referring to Himself.

Michael Hranek wrote:
In the context of these verses from the Sermon on the Mount is "The Rock" Jesus? or Peter?
Can you answer honestly?
I find this kind of passage difficult because there are a number of translations. I have seen "the rock", "a rock" and "rock". If the correct translation is "the rock" then I agree that Jesus would be the most likely person being referenced. If it is just "rock" (my preference because the sentence is a metaphor not literal), then it means just what it says: The house is built on a solid physical foundation.

Survey9/1/09 7:55 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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just a thought,

Peter was the only Apostle given the keys to Heaven and the authority to forgive sins by Jesus. He also raised the dead and healed the sick. How many elders of the early Church can make those claims? Clearly, he wasn't just another elder. He was in a leadership position right from the Pentecost. No, they didn't use the term "Pope" then but he was Pope in all but name. SOMEONE had to lead this rag tag group of Christians.

That is not adding to or taking away from the Word of God. It is the FULLFILLMENT of Scripture. Jesus said "I will build my Church" and He did. By building His Church, many things that did not exist while He was here on earth were created under the direction of the Holy Spirit. That is VERY Biblical.


Jesus Himself gave Peter the name "rock". What more evidence do you need?

Survey9/1/09 5:40 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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just a thought wrote:
... Our Lord Jesus said 'That thou art Peter, and upon this rock...'If Christ were to going to build His church on Peter, then He would have plainly said so; for instance, 'you are Peter, and upon YOU I will build my church'. He references to Peter because of the meaning of his name, 'a rock or a stone'. The Lord Jesus says 'upon THIS ROCK'. He is referring to the solid foundation, that foundation being Christ Himself.
But, if by "this rock" Jesus was referring to Himself, don't you think he would have said something like "You are Peter and upon Myself I will build My Church."? If you look at it, unless "this rock" is referring to Peter, the "You are Peter" part doesn't make sence. Peter knew who he was so that clause would be redundant. Plus, Peter's original name was Simon. Jesus renamed him Peter. Why would Jesus do that if He didn't have something in mind?

As for Pope, Peter rose up as the defacto leader of the Apostles immediately after the Pentecost. There was no election but if you look at most important speeches and decisions, Peter is front and center. And, Peter is the one Jesus gave the keys of heaven to and the authority to forgive sins.

Survey9/1/09 5:25 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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John UK wrote:
And G1161 I say also G2504 G3004 unto thee, G4671 That G3754 thou G4771 art G1488 Peter, G4074 and G2532 upon G1909 this G5026 rock G4073 I will build G3618 my G3450 church; G1577 and G2532 the gates G4439 of hell G86 shall not G3756 prevail against G2729 it. G846
Matthew 16:18 KJV+ strongs
G4074 petros (piece of rock)
G4073 petra (mass of rock, feminine version of G4074)
I'm outta here
In my reseasrch about the correct interpretation of these verses, I came across something interesting: The above is true only if you are using the Attic form of Greek. In Koine Greek - the dialect that the Gospel was written in - no such difference between petros and petra exists. I am no Scripture or language scholar but I thought that it is an important distinction.

Survey9/1/09 1:44 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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WayneM wrote:
...Your eternal destiny depends on what you believe about Jesus and His Word...
This is true for the both of us and I sincerely pray that we are both successful.
WayneM wrote:
The RC church claims Jesus gave them authority to set up the system of Popes with absolute rule and a system of sacrifices, sacraments to give grace only through their priests. None of this is authorized in the Bible.
All of the Sacraments are Biblicly based and authorized. ALL of them.
WayneM wrote:
If Jesus was referring to Peter in the second part of the verse, why didn't he use the word "petros" again?
I don't know. But, have a look at [URL=http://users.stargate.net/~elcore/kephas.htm]]]this link[/URL] to get some idea of why we believe that Jesus was referring to Peter.

Survey9/1/09 9:29 AM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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If you looak at the translation in the pdf you provided the link for, it says for verse 18 "AND-I YET to-YOU AM-sayING that YOU ARE Peter (ROCK) AND ON this THE ROCK I-SHALL-BE-HOME-BUILDING OF-ME THE OUT-CALLED AND GATES OF-UN-PERCEIVED NOT SHALL-BE-DOWN-STRONG-ING OF-her". Notice that it says "Peter (ROCK)". There is no doubt that "Peter" means "rock". The only controversy I can see is whether or not Jesus was referring to Peter when He used the word "rock" the second time. When you consider that Peter's name was actually "Simon" and was renamed "Peter" by Jesus, it seems most likely that Jesus did, in fact, refer to Peter as "the rock".

Is Jesus the cap stone? Absolutely! Jesus is the Head of His Church on earth! And Peter is the rock upon which Jesus built His Church.

Survey8/31/09 11:30 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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In Exodus 32:5, the "LORD" being referred to is the calf. If you keep reading, 32:8 says "They have soon turned aside from the way I pointed
out to them, making for themselves a molten calf and worshiping it, sacrificing to it and crying out, 'This is your God, O Israel, who brought you out of the land of Egypt!'. Notice that the Israelites are worshiping the calf and proclaiming that IT is the god who brought them out of Egypt. Remember that this is God speaking and at no time does He suggest that the calf represents Him.

Survey8/31/09 10:30 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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I know what you mean. I have lost lots of stuff too

I have to admit that I have always had a difficult time with the Reformation. In Matt 16:17-19, Jesus proclaimed that He would build His Church on earth with St. Peter as its earthly leader. This Church became known as the Catholic Church. In verse 18, Jesus said "and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it". If what you say about the origins of the Reformation are true, then Jesus was wrong. That's why I have such a hard time with people's claims that the Vatican is satanic or idolatrous or any of the other nasty claims that are made. In order for ANY of those charges to be true, Jesus would have to be wrong. Sorry but I can't buy that.

Having statues and images, etc, is not a violation of any Commandment. Notice that God says that we are not to make any graven image and worship it. He is talking about idolatry. So, if someone worships a statue of Jesus, for example, then they are committing idolatry by worshiping a statue. If, OTOH, a person worships Jesus while kneeling in front of a statue of Jesus, s/he is not committing idolatry because s/he is worshiping Jesus NOT the statue.

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