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Sermon11/6/2021 4:50 AM
Colin | Ballyclare  Find all comments by Colin
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Life After Death
Trevor Matthews
“ Great serom ”
Brilliant sermon what I needed to hear God bless u brother I long for the presence of Christ now I know what I need to do keep preaching bro u got his presence in your life god bless

Sermon9/14/2021 8:33 PM
Colin | Indianapolis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Colin
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“ Update ”
May we please get an update on the situation Elder?

News Item11/21/2020 3:10 PM
Colin | Phoenix  Contact via emailFind all comments by Colin
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Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy. Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is life indeed.
— 1 Timothy 6:17-19

Paul doesn’t rebuke Christians who are rich. It’s a matter of motivation and intention. Who is your master? Mammon or God? I believe I heard it said that JC Penney the founder of the franchise was a Christian and lived on 5% of his earnings. He gave 95% away. I don’t know if it’s true but it’s a beautiful story.

News Item11/16/2020 4:27 PM
Colin | Phoenix  Contact via emailFind all comments by Colin
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My son is autistic as well Quiet Christian. He is a blessing and a handful.

News Item11/15/2020 12:20 PM
Colin | Phoenix  Contact via emailFind all comments by Colin
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Thank you all for your suggestions.

News Item11/14/2020 8:31 PM
Colin | Phoenix  Contact via emailFind all comments by Colin
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Thank you both. My wife’s cousin overdosed. She was lost. We went to her funeral and it just opened wounds from the past. I really miss my mom. I strive to be this strong Christian man but in the end I am just fallen corrupt dust. I have always struggled with assurance. Just gotten real bad. I feel like I walked away from Christ. I really hope I don’t become a castaway. Demas walked away and that has always scared me.

News Item11/14/2020 6:54 PM
Colin | Phoenix  Contact via emailFind all comments by Colin
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I will be honest with everyone here. I have been struggling like crazy. I take my eyes off Christ and it drives me to a cigarette or another fleshly lust. If anyone is unprepared for persecution it’s me. In the end I will stand before the Lamb. Whether He declares me lawless or justified is up to Him. My fruit lately has not been particularly good. Just thought I would be honest on a Christian forum. Hope everyone has a blessed Lords day tomorrow.

News Item11/14/2020 7:31 AM
Colin | Phoenix  Contact via emailFind all comments by Colin
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Brothers, we know God is Holy. Our nation is wicked. We are promised persecution as Christians. Let us live Psalm 1 in these dark days. Looking to our King as the Standard with our lights shining in the darkness.

News Item11/11/2020 1:38 PM
Colin | Phoenix  Contact via emailFind all comments by Colin
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Yup. Thank you. I get lazy.

News Item11/11/2020 7:07 AM
Colin | Phoenix  Contact via emailFind all comments by Colin
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Good point Adriel didn’t even think of that.

News Item10/25/2020 12:03 PM
Colin | Phoenix  Contact via emailFind all comments by Colin
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John from U.K. I pray you are doing well sir. Have not seen you in a bit.

News Item10/10/2020 8:01 PM
Colin | Phoenix  Contact via emailFind all comments by Colin
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I also find it hard to vote watcher. The loud support for sodomy by Trump. His socialist stimulus packages and the fact that planned parenthood has thrived under him makes it seem pointless. The whole country is careening off a cliff it just depends on how fast you want it to happen. Without Gods supernatural act of revival and repentance America is done for. Marxism will emerge and real persecution will come to Christians. My one hope is that my life glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ. Brothers from America we must not forget that God is holy. The child sacrifice, sexual deviancy, idolatry, gluttony, etc must be judged and the land will vomit us out. I say this with love. Stand fast in Gods Holy Word. Let’s pray for righteous leaders and for repentance on a national level.

News Item10/8/2020 12:20 PM
Colin | Phoenix  Contact via emailFind all comments by Colin
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Thank you for that prayer Quiet Christian.

News Item10/7/2020 8:22 AM
Colin | Phoenix  Contact via emailFind all comments by Colin
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Amen Carl.

News Item10/3/2020 11:53 AM
Colin | Phoenix  Contact via emailFind all comments by Colin
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I agree herbalmama this all seems like part of a plan. The timing for all of our ‘American reality’ seems to play more like a TV show. I would recommend the YouTube channel two preachers that play the actual reality of Gods decrees on earth. The amount of destruction taking place on earth is far more frightening then this virus ever has been. The fire, water, and earth simply crumbling are very alarming. He is holy. May He be glorified.

News Item9/27/2020 1:25 PM
Colin | Phoenix  Contact via emailFind all comments by Colin
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Thank you elder John for your continued words of wisdom.

News Item9/27/2020 9:10 AM
Colin | Phoenix  Contact via emailFind all comments by Colin
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May we persevere in prayer for our dear brethren in this country.

News Item9/27/2020 9:09 AM
Colin | Phoenix  Contact via emailFind all comments by Colin
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I am a 33 year old millennial and I can’t explain the joy and awe that I go through thinking about the fact that God called me through His mercy and grace. If not for His Grace I would be part of that dark dead mass. May we all remember to die to self and live what’s left of this vapor to bring glory to our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.

News Item9/25/2020 8:10 AM
Colin | Phoenix  Contact via emailFind all comments by Colin
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Amen brother John.

News Item9/22/2020 8:32 AM
Colin | Phoenix  Contact via emailFind all comments by Colin
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Amen Quiet Christian. I am constantly reminded how easy my life is as a Christian in America. If true persecution comes may I act as boldly and courageous as this dear late brother.
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