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82 total votes have been cast on this survey | 6 user comments  ( edit survey )

If you do not attend a 'second service' or an 'evening service' on Sunday, why not; what is your alternative?
Created: 12/9/2009 | Last Vote: 13 years ago | Comment: 14 years ago
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 •   I use Sunday evening as 'Family Time'
  11% | 9 votes

 •   It is my personal 'rest' - TV or other personal entertainment
  1% | 1 vote

 •   I use Sunday evening for visiting friends and family
  4% | 3 votes

 •   I think one service is sufficient on a Sunday
  11% | 9 votes

 •   I attend a second service on the Lord's Day
  48% | 39 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  26% | 21 votes


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Survey3/20/10 2:48 PM
Sertane  Find all comments by Sertane
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One of the problems in the question is the decline in doctrine to be found within many pulpits today. Therefore not only is the evening service doctrinally light but the morning one too. Sadly more and more Christians are experiencing a difficulty in finding a good solid Biblical church in towns and cities all over the western nations.

The question then becomes what do you do for a sermon at anytime during the week?
Answer search SermonAudio.

Rev 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
= Church on the doorstep?

Survey3/5/10 11:27 AM
foster | England  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by foster
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If you lived in my part of the world you would be blessed to find a meeting house to go to, unless you like cups of tea served whilst the minister hands out the sermon, or a little bit of dancing, or a bit of shouting from the pulpit, or different versions of scripture

Survey2/3/10 6:20 PM
Bro Tom | Jacksonville, FL  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Bro Tom
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I had to choose not to answer this survey as none of the answers applied to my situation: my church does not have a second service on Sundays

If my church offered a second service, I would attend.

Survey1/13/10 1:22 AM
Ruth | PRC  Find all comments by Ruth
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Couldn't think of any other reasons someone might not attend a second service? Wouldn't an equally legitimate question be: Where did the 2 service a day model come from, since it was unknown to the the Jewish Sabbath or to the early church?

Survey1/3/10 12:50 PM
r.a. | Midwest USA  Find all comments by r.a.
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I would like to suggest to the questioner some more serious reasons a person might not attend the second or even the first of any services on the Lord's Day. Isn't the reason we are to gather together for our mutual edification and support, for planning ways to spread God's love and plan for salvation to others? If any given church cannot muster up support in these areas a sincere searching of individual hearts and minds of the church is needed. Also, another reason for not attending church, assuming this is a church led by born again believers, teaching biblical doctrine, my reasons for not attending even a first church service is that I am a born again believer, saved alone at this point, in a family of wholly unsaved people. My spouse and children attend an apostate church. Until recently I worked in the early morning hours even on Sunday so many Sundays was simply physically unable to attend. Also, with some unemployment issues in our family there is no money for gas, and after asking two other church families for a "ride to church", I have stopped asking and so stopped attending church. I would like to attend a church in the next town, but it is an hour to drive there and we cannot afford that at thist ime.

Survey12/12/09 3:18 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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This is a very convicting survey question for those of us whose churches have evening services but do not go to them when they are able to.

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