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730 total votes have been cast on this survey | 20 user comments  ( edit survey )

Does your family have a regular time of Family Worship in the home everyday?
Created: 9/10/2004 | Last Vote: 13 years ago | Comment: 15 years ago
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 •   Yes, without fail.
  25% | 186 votes

 •   Not everyday, but periodically throughout the week.
  30% | 217 votes

 •   No, but would like to start.
  33% | 238 votes

 •   No, and don't care to have one.
  4% | 32 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  8% | 57 votes


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Survey2/15/09 7:24 AM
Dh, Texas | Texas  Find all comments by Dh, Texas
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I have been doing devotions with my children every morning (Mon-Fri) for some years now. We started out using family devotional books, but then graduated to using only the bible in the last few years. I even let them teach the lessons every so often.

For a change of pace we are doing a study over Pilgrim's Progress.

We have memory scriptures that they have to memorize and expound upon. We always close in prayer with each one taking a turn every day.

I pray that God will use me to lay ground work in their lives and I know fruit will come forth.

Survey12/7/05 8:23 AM
Greg | CO  
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Westminster Confession of Faith - Chapter XXI - Of Religious Worship, and the Sabbath Day

VI. Neither prayer, nor any other part of religious worship, is now, under the Gospel, either tied unto, or made more acceptable by any place in which it is performed, or towards which it is directed: but God is to be worshipped everywhere, in spirit and truth; as, IN PRIVATE FAMILIES DAILY, and in secret, each one by himself; so, more solemnly in the public assemblies, which are not carelessly or wilfully to be neglected, or forsaken, when God, by His Word or providence, calls thereunto.

Jeremiah 10:25 - "Pour out thy fury upon the heathen that know thee not, and upon the families that call not on thy name..."

Matthew 6:11 - "Give us this day our daily bread".

Daily Family Worship is directed by the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Holy Scriptures.

Survey11/19/05 2:14 AM
David | Rhome, TX  Contact via email
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My family has worship after chores, and before breakfast. We'll open with prayer, sing a Psalm, read from Spurgeon's "Morning & Evening" or read from Scripture (which I'll explain), then my children will recite Scripture & answers to WCF smaller chatechism, then we'll close with prayer (I sometimes will use "Valley of Vision" prayers).
My family will be very upset if we aren't able to do this...it really sets the tone for the day. It's truly a blessing to see the covenant children memorizing God's Word and the confession.
Veritas Vincit
Soli Deo Gloria

Survey10/14/05 6:10 AM
Roy | Texas  
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I was meeting individually with my three boys, ages 3, 5, and 7, once a week to read the bible and discuss it. However, for the past month or so, we have been having family worship time together in the morning right after breakfast. We also memorize scripture together during the week and recite it on Saturday night.

I can already tell that the family worship time is very important, for one reason because it is making me dig for things to lead the family with. However, I think that I should do both the family worship time and the individual time. Lord, let it be so.

Survey8/30/05 12:56 AM
Clyde | TX  
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We have family worship immediately following dinner every night. We have a 2 1/2 yo daughter and a 6 mo son. They both love it! My daughter has memorized all of the verses to numerous hymns, the books of the New Testament and many verses. It is a blessing like no other to see your children singing the praises of Jehovah and quoting His words.

Survey7/23/05 2:25 PM
Christian Raas | Switzerland  
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Well I would love to have dayly family worship in the home, but unfortunately I am the only born-again Christian in my family so far. Even though I have been praying for my family for way over 10 years they just don't seem to care too much about life after death.

Survey7/1/05 5:47 AM
Joseph | Australia  
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No day is complete without the family altar - God gives breath and life to every one - let us always and everywhere give Him the glory.

Survey6/30/05 2:03 PM
Deb | North Dakota  
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We have bible study time in the morning with or before breakfast, and we have bible study time in the evening before going to bed.

We have 6 children ages from 10 - 4, and not all can read, so reading of the bible is shared between all. We enjoy this time to read and answer questions from God's word. Sometimes we only read a little bit of the word and then explain for all to understand what God was telling us.

If the children are not in a school setting, then they read for 15 minutes each in the bible throughout the day. We also memorize bible together through a month. The children share their ability to memorize the bible with their father on the last day of that month.

God has truly blessed this time in his word!!!

If you haven't started to have a family time in the Word of God, then I strongly suggest that you start. The blessings that arrive to your family for you being obedient to God is wonderful.

May God bless your efforts!!

Survey5/30/05 7:11 PM
R Bradley | Tennessee  
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While we miss a day of family worship on occasion, that is the exception rather than the rule.

We have two children, aged 2 1/2 years and 15 months. We read a bible story book, memorize from the Children's Catechism, and sing Psalms.

Family worship is also an excellent training tool to prepare the children for worship on the Lord's Day.

Survey12/10/04 7:55 PM
s o m e onE | s o m e wherE  
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eye yes
see the eye? But the Irish say it 'I, yes'

just a...well a somewhereian and not an Irish-guy as you are.

Survey12/7/04 6:33 AM
john cairns | northern ireland  
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i am not related to Alan Cairns.
Having heard him preach here in northern ireland a few years ago, I would say that I would love to have just a small measure of the gift which God has given him.

Survey12/6/04 6:19 AM
john cairns | northern ireland  
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We try to have family worship as regularly as possible- sometimes it is difficult to stop other things encroaching on the time we set aside (usually after dinner
Our children are 3 years and also 9 months, and we would advocate doing this with them RIGHT FROM BIRTH so it comes "naturally" to them.

We have been amazed at how easily our 3 year old learns his memory verse - a simple catechism is also a helpful tool.

Survey11/9/04 11:49 PM
Walt | Michigan  
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Great job Jolee!

May you continue to be blessed from daily family worship.

Survey11/9/04 6:57 AM
Jolee | Pennsylvania  
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We have our family bible study every night at 7 , and our 3 young children really like it and benefit from it . They are memorizing scripture at a faster pace than me or my Husband . It's really awesome to see our 4 year old recite entire Psalms , and Our 9 and 7 year olds still remember the verses they put to memory when they were very young . It's important to start children on the right path as early as possible . . Thank you all and have a great day .

Survey11/9/04 1:10 AM
Walt | Michigan  
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Great point Tony! I have not read the book personally, but was pleased to see a Pastor share his testimony on the importance of family worship.

That thread was getting pretty dusty and you know how important family worship is for a faithful church. It is one of the cornerstone's of reformation for the individual, family, church and nation.

But ineffective family worship can be a stumbling block to blessings from the Lord and our ability to glorify God and fully enjoy him for ever!

Survey11/9/04 12:22 AM
Tony | Greenville, SC  
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I agree that Mr Johnson writes a good book on family worship. One big caution in his book though is that he advocates the singing of man composed hymns and psalms. He should just be advocating the hymn book of the church, i.e. the 150 psalms in the psalter.(inspired song only)

Survey11/8/04 9:11 PM
Neil | Tucson  
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Everyone turn off your TV & do this instead. Nation-changing Reformations start at home.

Survey11/8/04 6:56 PM
Walt | Michigan  
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Thank you Pastor Brown!

Survey11/8/04 5:28 PM
Pastor Douglas Brown | Madawaska, ME  Contact via email
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For those having difficulty in this needful area of family life, I heartily recommend Terry L. Johnson's splendid work entitled The Family Worship Book published by Christian Focus Publications (CFP). It's an inexpensive book & will be well worth your time to "read & heed" what it contains.

Survey9/19/04 6:38 PM
Walt | Michigan  
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Yes, I have tried to have daily family and private worship each day without fail, but sometimes it is not always so easy.

Once, and preferably twice, each day is my covenant with God to worship Him in the morning and evening.

It is normally up to an hour in the morning before work, and less in the evening before bed.

It all depends on the wandering thoughts and the ability to control them during difficult trials and tempations from the world.

However, when one day is missed, I feel so guilty and ashamed that I repent, and renew my daily schedule. It has been a blessing for me persoanlly these past 7 years since I began this practice.

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