The true reformation teaching of the Antichrist. It is refreshing to hear a local Phoenix minister preach on this subject, just as many of the reformers did, from scripture and history.
Great Sermon! I turned to this on account of your lesson on Jehovah. I found nothing but good stuff! You were blessed in your ordination exams & sermon, etc. But I see you’ve been doing secrets things with God! You’ve been even more blessed! Wow, am I excited. God bless! Dick Knodel
Grateful for this! Chris: I can’t tell you how grateful I am to hear how you’re thinking, and the way you’ve expressed yourself. It’s insightful, balanced, and penetrating. Your didactic method is so clear. As one who’s so concerned for the church’s next 50 years, I’m thrilled to hear this! It’s potential is much larger than the particular point you argued; even though the point itself is quite important. It’s obvious that God has given you linguistic gifts! We’ll have to talk more over the phone! You’ve gone to the top of my prayer list on account of this one message. May I not be wrong! God bless you and the Phoenix RPC!
Good job on a difficult subject Good job at explaining/exegeting a difficult text. You’ve got a clear, crisp delivery Chris, that I think the Lord well use to his advantage!