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All Saints Reformed Presbyterian Church
Ontario, California
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All Saints Reformed Presbyterian Church
1053 E. 6th St.
Ontario, CA 91764
All Saints Reformed Presbyterian Church
11843 Allard Street
Norwalk, CA 90650
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"Scripture is Supreme"
Nick from Flower Mound, Texas
What a blessing it is to be able to access profitable teaching from all over! Thank you for posting this as it was very...
John Sawtelle | 2 Timothy
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Sermon1/8/2024 10:51 AM
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“ households ”
great exegesis of household baptisms

Sermon2/8/2022 1:28 AM
Hsing Tang from Irvine  Find all comments by Hsing Tang
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Stand Firm
John Sawtelle
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you, Paster Sawtelle!

Sermon8/27/2021 2:53 PM
HSING TANG from California  Contact via emailFind all comments by HSING TANG
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“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon9/2/18 8:48 PM
D.M. from Texas  Find all comments by D.M.
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“ Excellent Sermon !!! ”
Thank you pastor John for preaching this sermon, very edifying.

Sermon6/14/18 6:34 AM
Marcia Knapp from Northeast US  Find all comments by Marcia Knapp
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The First Pentecostals
John Sawtelle
“ Great Sermon! ”
I appreciate the clarification on this topic spoken with a heart of love for Christ and His people

Sermon2/2/18 11:28 PM
Unspecified name  Find all comments by Unspecified name
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“ Parachurch social gospel. ”
Parachurch ministries are not, and never were, authorized by Scripture. Parachurch ministries are propagators of the social gospel. The social gospel, being a false gospel, infers salvation through works.

Sermon5/7/17 7:42 AM
Jonathan from lv,nv  Find all comments by Jonathan
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank God for preaching like this

Sermon1/10/15 6:00 PM
Nick from Flower Mound, Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Nick
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The Sufficiency of Scripture
John Sawtelle
“ Scripture is Supreme ”
What a blessing it is to be able to access profitable teaching from all over! Thank you for posting this as it was very helpful. This is one of those verses I've thought of so often, that you forget how important it is. Every thing that points me away from the world and back to His Word is a good thing.

Sermon12/1/14 10:10 AM
Mike from Florida  Find all comments by Mike
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Great message! Needs to be spoken in the Reformed churches And parents also.

Sermon8/8/14 7:36 AM
Kevin Alawine (deacon PCA) from Meridian, Mississippi  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kevin Alawine (deacon PCA)
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Rev. Sawtelle, I really enjoy year messages and have particularly enjoyed the series on infant baptism and the Westminster Divines. Please keep up the good work of God and may I request more Reformation history. Thanks, Kevin Alawine - deacon Bailey PCA, Bailey, Mississippi

Sermon5/31/14 7:47 AM
Nick from Flower Mound, Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Nick
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“ Great Broadcast ”
I tried to stay and reform a Baptist church... It didn't go well. This would've been great to have 5 years ago. Hope it helps others that are in the boat I was.

Sermon5/30/14 1:28 PM
Nick from Flower Mound, Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Nick
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No Graven Images
John Sawtelle
“ Great Sermon! ”
Being raised Catholic images were everywhere, and present in the Baptist churches on a smaller scale. They were creeping into the PCA church I was at as well, though many didn't agree. Thankful God has brought me along to realize the error of images. Thank you for sharing.

Sermon7/18/13 2:00 AM
Samantha M from Georgia  Find all comments by Samantha M
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Episode 13 | Gay Marriage
John Sawtelle
“ Good Message ! ”

Sermon6/12/13 4:35 PM
Rob Pineda from Central Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob Pineda
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I am one of those guys you were talking about...newly Reformed. I also happen to be on the pastoral staff at a Calvary Chapel. Thankfully, the other pastors are "almost" Reformed...they lean that way. Thank you for the message!!

Sermon2/19/13 10:32 PM
Bill and Grace Knox  Find all comments by Bill and Grace Knox
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Institution of Marriage
John Sawtelle
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent sermon. Thank you for the encouragement especially to our young people. Lord bless you, brother.

Blog2/17/13 5:10 PM
Psalms Only  Find all comments by Psalms Only
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You are right on there BWS!! Psalm singing here in Scotland has declined alongside doctrine and subsequently the church. The simple fact is that hymn singing is to replace Scripture with human effort and human entertainment, - works based worship?

Correspondingly we have watched the society decline into liberalism, during this same period, in so many other ways. For example justice and punishment has declined in the UK to "Justice and appease criminality." Which also relates to the negative and conciliatory style of todays preaching on sin. UnBiblical decline into worldliness.

Many of todays churches are entertainment venues using human style singing of human song - all to the rejection of the Word of God. Thus does the Lord not bless modern churches.

Blog2/17/13 4:02 PM
BWS  Find all comments by BWS
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Very helpful and enlightening post! Most
do not even consider how church practice
has differed from the past and consider
it unimportant. But this demonstrates a
pattern that will worship in singing
leads to apostasy.

My grandfather was a pastor of a German
Reformed Church (who studied under
Warfield at Princeton) and their
denomination during the end of his life
turned to apostasy and liberalism (which
is the pattern of all churches that
decline into will worship) and his entire
extended family seceded from it and from
all reformed churches and fled for refuge
to (get this) fundamentalist (but
Arminian and creedless) churches typical
of the 20th century. Now the
fundamentalist churches have declined
into pop culture and have no firm
doctrines (except the incomplete listed
fundamental ones). The point is that the
leaving of exclusive Psalm singing leads
to decline in Doctrine and Practice and
total apostasy from the Word of God. It
replaces God's justice with a false
universal love and sentimentalism which
is superstitious will-worship of a very
different God than what the Bible
teaches, and a different gospel (with a
false universal love) which opposes God's

Sermon10/31/12 3:48 PM
John Stewart from Newtownabbey, County Antrim  Contact via emailFind all comments by John Stewart
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Enjoyed your message very much - it makes so many relevant points about being Reformed. Just a little sad that you seem to tolerate modern versions when God has preserved His word through the received text best represented in the KJ Authorised Version.

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