Noah Bailey | ShepherdingGenesis 46:28-47:6; John 21:1-19 |
| SUN 01/22/2023 100+ | 45 min
Noah Bailey | ShepherdingActs 20:17-35; Joshua 23 |
| SUN 01/29/2023 Sunday Service | 49 min
Noah Bailey | Shepherding1 Peter 4:12-5:11; Job 2:1-10 |
| SUN 02/12/2023 100+ | 50 min
Noah Bailey | ShepherdingHebrews 13:7-21; Leviticus 16:1-28 |
| SUN 02/19/2023 Sunday Service | 52 min
Noah Bailey | Shepherding1 Timothy 5:17-25; Numbers 27:12-23 |
| SUN 02/26/2023 Sunday Service | 45 min
Noah Bailey | Book of PsalmsActs 28:17-31; Psalm 67 |
| SUN 03/05/2023 Sunday Service | 45 min
Nathan Barczi John 17:20-26 |
| SUN 03/12/2023 Sunday Service | 34 min
Noah Bailey | ShepherdingJohn 10:1-18; Psalm 23 |
| SUN 03/19/2023 Sunday Service | 41 min
Daniel Howe Psalm 92 |
| SUN 03/26/2023 Sunday Service | 46 min
Noah Bailey | Book of PsalmsEphesians 4:1-16; Psalm 68 |
| SUN 04/02/2023 Sunday Service | 48 min
Noah Bailey | Book of PsalmsPsalm 69; Romans 11:1-15 |
| SUN 05/07/2023 100+ | 53 min
Solomon Kim Luke 16:19-31 |
| SUN 05/14/2023 Sunday Service | 32 min
Noah Bailey | Book of PsalmsPsalm 70; Romans 8:18-30 |
| SUN 06/04/2023 100+ | 42 min
Charles Leach Mark 1:1-15 |
| SUN 06/11/2023 Sunday Service | 53 min
Chris Wright Malachi 1:6-14 |
| SUN 06/18/2023 Sunday Service | 35 min
Noah Bailey | Book of PsalmsLuke 2:25-38; Psalm 71 |
| SUN 07/02/2023 120+ | 48 min