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Survey3/27/10 6:18 PM
formikal  Find all comments by formikal
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Michael Hranek wrote:
do not the "Reformed" essentially teach that God is completely and absolutely sovereign in and over all things arbitarily predestines and elects certain ones to salvation because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all the rest He would essentially arbitarily predestinate to the eternal hell
You are still entrenched in the Roman Catholic teaching of your youth Michael. You appear to consider that God cannot save you without your help.

Survey3/26/10 1:28 PM
formikal  Find all comments by formikal
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Michael Hranek wrote:
What one of us would be so twisted to accuse babies of being guilty of committing sin and therefore should be damned to hell? or worse say God does?
Michael this verse is taken from a book called the Bible.......
Psalm 51:5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

The reason why a mortal sins is because they are BORN sinners.

From that moment ALL are in need of salvation.

Doing your first sin - does NOT make you a sinner.

The reason why you may be saved by the Lord is not because of what you do - but because you are a sinner from conception.

The reason Jesus was crucified was to bring salvation by His death on the cross. Note that all (saved) mortals require this reconciliation - EVEN babies.

All humanity are the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve, thus they are born like their (ultimate) parents as sinners.

The only NON sinner on earth was Christ Jesus. NOT Jesus and all babies before they start sinning.

You should not discriminate against babies just because of their age - or because of their ability to make a verbal statement to other mortals.

Survey3/25/10 5:12 PM
formikal  Find all comments by formikal
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Mike wrote:
Mr Pink needs your assistance to define what is meant by "good."
"5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.
6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God." Rom 8.

Does that put some "flesh" on it for you Mike.

Survey3/25/10 4:47 PM
Formikal  Find all comments by Formikal
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"By the fall man contracted an unfitness to that which is good. Shapen in iniquity and conceived in sin Ps 51:5, man is a “transgressor from the womb” Isa 48:8: “they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies” Ps 58:3, and “the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth” Gen 8:21. He may be civilized, educated, refined, and even religious, but at heart he is “desperately wicked” Jer 17:9, and all that he does is vile in the sight of God, for nothing is done from love to Him, and with a view to His glory. “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit” Matt 7:18. Until they are born again, all men are “unto every good work reprobate” Titus 1:16.

By the Fall man contracted an inability to do that which is good. He is not only unfitted and unwilling, but unable to do that which is good.

TOTAL Depravity. Every member of Adam's race is a fallen creature, and every part of his complex being has been corrupted by sin. Man's heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked Jer 17:9. His mind is blinded by Satan 2Cor 4:4 and darkened by sin Eph 4:18, so that his thoughts are only evil continually Gen 6:5. His affections are prostituted, so that he loves what God hates and hates what God loves." (A.Pink)

Survey3/25/10 12:10 PM
formikal  Find all comments by formikal
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John UK wrote:
Poor dab, don't you know that when God saves his elect, they don't sit still with a glazed expression in their eyes and suddenly come out with a few emotionless words: "I believe and repent, I believe and repent, I believe and repent, I believe and repent."
Ah yes, true Zombianity!
John UK
Now that is what I call impertinent and insolent. If you cannot use grown up debate then why not leave it to the real Christians.

Survey3/24/10 4:01 PM
formikal  Find all comments by formikal
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Michael Hranek wrote:
My children, yours as well must personally believe in Christ to be saved. Children are not justified because one or both of their parents believed but by they themselves believing in Christ.
This assumes too heavy a reliance upon human action. In other words it is the old salvation by works used by the Papists and the Arminians.

It also ignores election BY GOD and inserts a "necessary" human action before God "is allowed" to save.
(Works based religion)

Note Michaels essential "requirement" prior to the Baptism - "belief" unto salvation is to be demonstrated by the child before baptism is applied - OR no water. Thus both the human action of declaration and the human action of acceptance by another sinner is required to "make" the baptism acceptable - to the mortals involved.

Whereas Baptism of a baby brought by it's parents confirms their committment to God's holy covenant in them and through them to their children.
Remember also that the Christian parent has the Holy Spirit working in their hearts to consolidate this conviction for their child. Thus it is divine instruction to motivate the Christian parent to act.

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