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News Item4/8/16 2:23 PM
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"While Donald Trump’s theological underpinnings are as madcap and unstable as the man himself, Ted Cruz believes that not only is America God’s chosen country, but that he has been chosen to guide the country back to its Christian moorings. Ted Cruz is a seven-mountain guy and those mountains have nothing to do with Everest, Kilimanjaro, Whitney or any of the world’s renowned peaks. Cruz’s seven mountains have to do with reclaiming, rebuilding, and reestablishing America as a Christian country, which means Christians taking dominion over seven aspects of culture: family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business and government.

The movement is called Seven Mountains Dominionism and its origin comes from Isaiah 2:2:"

"As Fea pointed out, Cruz is a smart man and a savvy politician. You will never hear the words “dominionism” or “seven mountains” on the campaign trail. “But it is also worth noting that he has never publicly rejected these beliefs,” wrote Fea."
(Bill Berkowitz for Buzzflash at Truthout)

News Item10/6/15 11:31 AM
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"Question: "Does God killing people make Him a murderer?"

Answer: The Old Testament records God killing multitudes of people, and some people want to believe this makes Him a murderer. The misconception that “killing” and “murder” are synonymous is partially based on the King James mistranslation of the sixth commandment, which reads, “Thou shalt not kill” (Exodus 20:13). However, the word kill is a translation of the Hebrew word ratsach, which nearly always refers to intentional killing without cause. The correct rendering of this word is “murder,” and all modern translations render the command as “You shall not murder.” The Bible in Basic English best conveys its meaning: “Do not put anyone to death without cause.”

It is true that God has intentionally killed many people. (God never “accidentally” does anything.) In fact, the Bible records that He literally wiped out entire nations including women, children, cattle, etc. In addition to that, God killed every living creature upon the face of the earth with the exception of eight people and the animals on the ark (Genesis 7:21-23; 1 Peter 3:20). Does this make Him a murderer?"

News Item2/25/14 4:34 PM
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Dopey wrote:
For anyone who is or wants to be a serious student of Bible Prophecy, and not just someone who pretends to be be or someone who couldn't care less, be sure to go [URL=http://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1053&context=pretrib_arch]]] here and get: THE UNSCRIPTURAL THEOLOGIES OF AMILLENNIALISM AND POSTMILLENNIALISM by Thomas Ice.[/URL]
You could read the following:

[URL=http://www.reformedonline.com/uploads/1/5/0/3/15030584/the_premillennial_deception.pdf]]] PREMILLENNIAL DECEPTION [/URL]


[URL=http://www.reformedonline.com/uploads/1/5/0/3/15030584/is_the_pretribulation_rapture_biblical.pdf]]] THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE DOCTRINE IS UNBIBLICAL [/URL]

CAB wrote:
Romans 9 speaks of Esau and Jacob, that Jacob was destined, selected, not Esau. Why? Jacob LOVED GOD, and was fitted to God's purpose.
My guess? You've never read Roman 9, because that's precisely the opposite of what is taught there.

v11 for the children being not yet born, -LOOK- neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth!

Sorry to say this, but you're an utterly dumb woman.

News Item4/26/12 10:21 AM
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Lurker wrote:
Another prophecy which came to pass concurrent with Romans 1:18-32:
Isa 24:1-23
Why not make it easier Lurker and try to convince somebody that the entire book of Isaiah is cut and pasted by Paul into Romans 1:18...

Isaiah 60
"This whole chapter is all to the same purport, all in the same strain; it is a part of God’s covenant with his church, which is spoken of in the last verse of the foregoing chapter, and the blessings here promised are the fruits of the word and Spirit there promised. The long continuance of the church, even unto the utmost ages of time, was there promised, and here the large extent of the church, even unto the utmost regions of the earth; and both these tend to the honour of the Redeemer. It is here promised, I. That the church shall be enlightened and shone upon (v. 1, v. 2). II. That it shall be enlarged and great additions made to it, to join in the service of God (v. 3-8) .....

Romans 1:19-32
"In this last part of the chapter the apostle applies what he had said particularly to the Gentile world, in which we may observe,I. The means and helps they had to come to the knowledge of God ...." (M.Henry)

The "orthodox" version of chapters.

News Item12/13/11 4:11 PM
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Expo wrote:
What happens when (ho ... hum ... yawn) nobody cares about enforcing these acts and laws? Apathy will undo every one of these locks.
Sorry we are boring you!

What happens when (ho ... hum ... yawn) nobody cares about enforcing the Bible and God's laws? Apathy will undo every one of these locks.

I guess that is when God admits defeat too.

News Item8/16/11 5:02 PM
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Another view from the 'pulpits'

"More and more American protestant churches are flexing their muscles and giving their collared leaders the old heave-ho."

"Pastors are experiencing what everyone else is experiencing – job instability - and lots of it. In fact, in the good old USA, it’s getting hard to find a minister who hasn’t been fired at some point in his or her career. I know of what I speak, I was pushed out the door of my first church and I didn’t do anything wrong. Blame it on Donald Trump. Too many people know how to say: ‘You’re fired!’"

"Every pastor at that table had a horror story about how they were forced to leave a past church. Several pastors were forced out on multiple occasions. This memorable session is consistent with statistics from Christianity Today which found that 23 per cent of surveyed ministers were either fired or forced out of a ministry at one time in their career. When congregations were polled it was found that 34 per cent of them either fired or forced the resignation of a minister in their recent history. These numbers come from research in the 1990s." [URL=http://www.spiked-online.com/index.php/site/article/4073/]]]William Whithead[/URL]

News Item1/15/11 6:00 AM
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Rob wrote:
not one single GK MSS (including those used for the TR!) has the words and yet is, NOT ONE!
"The New Testament Was Doctrinally Corrupted by Early Heretics.

Dean Burgon wrote:

"And the Written Word in like manner, in the earliest age of all, was shamefully handled by mankind. Not only was it confused through human infirmity and misapprehension, but it became also the object of restless malice and unsparing assaults. Marcion, Valentinus, Basilides, Heracleon, Menander, Asclepiades, Theodotus, Hermophilus, Apollonides, and other heretics adapted the Gospels to their own ideas." [Dean Burgon, The Traditional Text, p. 10]

If these nine above-named heretics adapted the Gospels to their own ideas and they lived during the first few centuries of the church age, it is entirely possible that B and Aleph and their allies might have been samples of some of their depravations. B and Aleph both were from Egypt. According to Dr. Bruce Metzger,

"Every deviant Christian sect was represented in Egypt during the second century." [Bruce Metzger, Early Versions, p. 101, quoted in Dr. Jack Moorman, Early Manuscripts, p. 40]

He then listed no less than eleven such "deviant Christian sects." Egypt abounded with theological heresies." (TBS)

News Item9/8/09 11:42 AM
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June wrote:
'Freedom of Information Act 2000
I refer to your request for information about “any attempt by any Minister, civil servant or Special Adviser to frustrate these (CoSO) payments”. I am writing to confirm that OFMDFM has now completed its search for this information and have established that the Department does not hold information relevant to your request, as no attempts were made to frustrate these payments. I would like to apologise for the delay in providing you with this response.'
Thats because WESTMINSTER parliament made the decision and the executive command to pay.

All Stormont did was obey - as they are required to do!!

News Item8/27/09 11:03 AM
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"In July 2006 the then Secretary of State Peter Hain announced his intention to award a short term fund to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender sector. No further Ministerial authorisation was or will be sought in respect of payments of the fund."

"Mr Paisley continued: "They took the paper to Westminster and signed it at Westminster and they gave them the money they had promised, but I never gave them a penny, not a penny."

He also said: "They told me that if I didn't do it I would be put in prison. Says I: roll on the prison, I've been there before."

[URL=http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/lsquono-approach-to-paisley-on-gay-fundingrsquo-14003744.html]]]Belfast Telegraph [/URL]

Survey1/31/09 12:14 PM
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DJC49 wrote:
More properly understood, the 6th commandment of the decalogue reads:
"You shall not MURDER." [Ex 20:13 NASB]
This is a superior rendering of the Hebrew instead if the KJV which reads:
"Thou shalt not kill."
There's a HUGE difference between murder and kill.
And law-abiding citizens keep guns in lieu of keeping baseball bats, longbows, broadswords, and morning stars.
Still does not answer the question, Why?

I don't keep a weapon of any kind in my house. And in America not everybody needed to defend themselves everyday in their life.

The question is really for the individual isn't it.

But the Christian could ask; Does God protect me or do I need a weapon to keep me alive as long as God wants me to live?

Survey1/31/09 11:16 AM
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Mike wrote:
It's the law of the land. Romans 13 says we are subject to the higher powers. Those who oppose the right of the people to keep and bear arms are against the law of the land, and stand in opposition to the higher powers.
Aside from the current "legal" implications.

Why do you want to keep a gun?

To kill people with?

Whats happened to thou shalt not kill?

News Item1/13/09 3:09 PM
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Pestor Mike wrote:
Abortions should be mandatory by law for all pregnant teenagers. Jesus would never have wanted young women to be punished with a baby.
God states....

Psalm 127:3 Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.

Survey5/17/07 12:24 PM
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Thats strange I've been removed by the editor on one of my posts???

I quoted two sections of Scripture on it, perhaps these verses were too tough for someone to receive???

May the Lord bring whoever it was to the Truth!

Survey5/16/07 2:51 PM
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[removed by editor]

Survey5/16/07 11:27 AM
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Pope Williams = (P/W)
“Every mouth should confess Christ came in the flesh – or, in his estimation, they are deceivers or antichrist.”

Because we don’t observe this necessary formulae in the Gospels/Epistles then we must declare the writers deceiver and antichrist. IAW P/W’s law.

We must rewrite the Bible and remove all who do not adhere to this law.

If it is so completely essential to prove Christian authenticity then we must use it as criterion in judging ALL, including the disciples who wrote the Bible, where we find it lacking in other books.

Clearly iaw P/W the crucial element is “in the flesh” – Many other confessions are prescribed in the NT, however they simply don’t come up to his standard without these three word. They are to be rejected.

Pope W

If the most crucial words for you are “in the flesh”
Then here’s three
In the flesh.
In the flesh.
In the flesh.
Feel better now?

Ps. Does that pass?

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