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Sermon The Power of God | Greg Elmquist
Gary and Janey Hollback from Hurricane grace church
"Thank you so much for that truth concerning him who can save to the..."
-23 hrs 
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Sermon6/17/2023 9:12 PM
Teresa | New Jersey  Find all comments by Teresa
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Commands to The Unable
Gary Shepard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Yes it was a wonderful message! Only God can save our children! Only God can save us!

Sermon12/16/2021 12:42 AM
Teresa  Find all comments by Teresa
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TULIP in Romans 8 and 9
John Samson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Appreciated the 9:11 exposition in regards to the explanation of the word foreknew, thanks for another great study.

Sermon4/5/2021 11:57 AM
Teresa | New Jersey  Find all comments by Teresa
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Tough Love
Gordon Cook
“ Great Sermon! ”
Every Christian should hear this message! Especially helpful sermon on loving the brethren!

News Item10/1/18 3:47 AM
teresa | USA  Find all comments by teresa
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Helo all

Sermon1/23/18 10:30 AM
Teresa | Arkansas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Teresa
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Great Sermon! ”
After 50 years, I left the Catholic church because of their rules were not God's rules. My husband and I, found a church to attend, but when a new pastor came, all that was preached about were various authors and not about God's teaching. We left. For about three years now, my husband and I go from church to church...hungry for the Word. Every church, that we find, does not preach or teach the Bible! Hearing this message, How to Recognize False Teaching is spot on. Thank you, for I was beginning to think something was wrong with me since I don't go along with the way churches are these days. When someone says, "you need to attend a Bible based church. " I don't. It's hard finding a Bible based church. I want to belong, but is attended and being a member that important? I love church- praising God learning and hearing the Word of God. But what if that is not available?

Sermon8/20/13 12:35 PM
Teresa  Find all comments by Teresa
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I Am What I Am
Gary Shepard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Enjoyed this

Sermon3/29/09 2:49 PM
teresa  Find all comments by teresa
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The Unknown God
David Eddmenson
“ thank you ”
thank you. good message.

Sermon3/1/09 2:02 PM
teresa  Find all comments by teresa
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What Will Be Your Last Words
David Eddmenson
“ thank you ”
thank you.

News Item7/27/08 5:59 PM
Teresa  Find all comments by Teresa
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Team enough with a Unitarian ministerette? What should be done, is to ask, [URL=http://www.biblebb.com/files/macqa/1301-I-2.htm]]]How do I witness to Unitarian Minister?[/URL] and point out, [URL=http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=92807123612]]]The Bible Says Homosexuality is Sin[/URL], but then neither is Rick Warren. [URL=http://www.biblebb.com/files/gathw.htm]]]The Gospel According to Hybels & Warren[/URL].
Jim, I just wanted to take the time to say "thank you" for the links that you have given in your posts. The ones that I have looked at have been very informative.

Again, thank you for the time and effort that you expend in service to others visiting Sermonaudio.

Survey7/27/08 10:41 AM
Teresa  Find all comments by Teresa
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Alan H wrote:
C. H. Spurgeon was one of the greatest and most well balanced men in his understanding of Biblical truth, both in his preaching and in his theology. He was a Calvinist by conviction, but he was also a very active evangelist, believing that God indeed saves sinners, but not without the use of His own prescribed means. Spurgeon did not focus on preaching election, though he believed that doctrine, but rather his primary focus was on preaching Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Without Jesus Christ, election is but a meaningless word.
I agree. Spurgeon was balanced in his understanding of God's Sovereign choice in election and man's responsibilty. I have read his writings and been comforted by them for many years. I look forward to thanking him when I get to heaven.

Thank you for recommending and posting the link to his sermons. I was delighted to find them when I found SA. Now, if only I could hear his voice (though I am so thankful to the readers who make it possible to hear an audio msg) - He spoke to crowds of 10,000 w/o our means of amplication. Amazing! I understand that Whitfield did the same. God gifted His messengers, didn't He?

Survey7/26/08 11:29 AM
Teresa  Find all comments by Teresa
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Mike wrote:
1. To generate or produce anew; to reproduce; to give new life, strength, or vigor to.

3. (Theol.) Born anew; become Christian; renovated in heart; changed from a natural to a spiritual state.
4. To cause to be spiritually born anew; to cause to become a Christian; to convert from sin to holiness; to implant holy affections in the heart of.

Thanks for that definition. I might add that evidence of that can be seen immediately.

Many books are now out on William Wilberforce - the great anti-slave trade campaigner of 200 yrs. ago.

His regeneration was called the "Great Change" and that was evidenced by his actions immediately following his conversion. Every act became one in which the glory of God was sought. William Wilberforce no longer lived for himself, but for God.

Before his conversion, he said, "[I had]..a sense of my great sinfulness in having so long neglected the unspeakable mercies of my God and Saviour." Afterwards was the "great change."

Wilberforce lived during the time of John Newton, whom he personally knew and was influenced by. He was also influenced by the Wesleys. His life as a Christian was a stark contrast to the dead Christianity in the churches of his day.

Survey7/26/08 10:50 AM
Teresa  Find all comments by Teresa
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Alan H wrote:
[URL=http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=820292643]]]How to read the Bible C.H. Spurgeon[/URL]
Alan, thank you for posting this link to Spurgeon's sermon. How wonderful to hear the sermons of Spurgeon more than 100 years after his being with the Lord. The Lord is so good to pour water on my dry and thirsty soul.

God bless you for your time and effort in encouraging others whom you may never meet this side of heaven.

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