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News Item1/1/14 9:44 AM
D | Houston  Find all comments by D
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Wow what a shocker. This nation loves sin. There's no longer right and wrong. The day this family exits The White House will be a great day! I'll be praying that people will vote for a leader that lives to honor Christ.

News Item1/1/14 9:42 AM
D | Houston  Find all comments by D
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She never knew The Lord. I believe once you come to repentance and truly have a relationship with the Living God you will never leave him for anything in this world, he is so precious. Besides, a true child of God would never describe him as, "an old man sitting on a throne." Such blasphemy and she's created an image of God, idolatry. She has no idea who Christ is, if she knew she would tremble. God Bless.

News Item12/26/13 6:52 PM
D | Houston  Find all comments by D
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The coming of The Lord is neR and this Pope, I believe, will be an intragal part during the reign of the Antichrist, possibly serving as the False Prophet. The Catholic Church already has apostate beliefs i.e. praying to Mary and statues, but this man is demonic and doesn't preach from the Word of our Lord Jesus.

News Item11/27/13 11:37 AM
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Luke 16:15!!

News Item11/3/13 2:44 PM
D | Houston  Find all comments by D
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SICK, but this is the progressive modern world. Lord Jesus please come back soon.

Sermon8/26/13 5:07 PM
D | N Ireland  Find all comments by D
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Losing The Lord
Rev. John Wagner
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent sermon, need to hear for lukewarm Christians

Sermon8/2/12 5:00 PM
:D  Find all comments by :D
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“ I couldnt keep serious... ”
Since when was God spelt "GoT" lol.

News Item6/2/12 9:31 AM
D | Georgia  Find all comments by D
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You're absolutely right Jim.

News Item3/5/12 9:33 AM
D | Maryland  Find all comments by D
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I think this happened here in Maryland where homosexual "marriage" was just legalized. It is interesting how they push tolerance but have no tolerance for anyone who does not agree with their "lifestyle choice".

News Item8/5/11 1:30 PM
D | Mid Atlantic  Find all comments by D
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jpw has it exactly right

News Item12/29/06 10:38 AM
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Chris M judges: "I agree with Martino. Better to lock Saddam up, throw away the key and get the evil coot working - hard physical work for 14 hours a day, 6 days a week until he dies."

Jesus sighs, "He who is without sin cast the first stone."

Paul adds, "For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those INSIDE THE CHURCH whom you are to judge? God judges those outside."

Leave the heathen alone Chris if you're not interested in denying yourself and giving lost men the saving gospel of Jesus Christ.

Survey12/26/06 1:40 PM
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Superb advice, "Never went In"!
I couldn't have said it better!

News Item12/22/06 3:07 PM
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[removed by editor]

Survey12/22/06 11:19 AM
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Abigal's progeny deftly warns: "D, I recommend you NOT get into a discussion with JD. He will try to snowjob you with a literal flurry of words, lots of words. When you sort through them and see where he's coming from, reply back to him, he will deny he ever said any such thing. "

I definitely respect your advice and will certainly heed it. I don't particularly care for fellows who portray God as some cruel, arbitrary, unjust deity that capriciously punishes his own innocent, "beloved" son in whom he claimed he "was well pleased" to allow "snow covered dung" to avoid "reaping what they have sown," in any case.

Abigal's progeny beautifully paints a picture of DEAD reformed theology: "It's all about me, me, me, mine, mine, and elect, and chosen, and saved forever, and free gift, and all these words they use like hermaneutics, exegesis, sovereignty, regeneration, justification, dry doctrine, mostly all false doctrine at that."

You know, this just may be the second most damning argument of reformed theology that I have ever come across. I have always found their rhetorical sermons rather dry (many here on sermonaudio fit into this category) and their entire service very cold and lifeless, ritualistic, and completely lacking in spirit (as well as spiritual gifts).

Survey12/22/06 10:33 AM
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Abigal's progeny proclaims: "That's right, and JD is the biggest heretic on this bulletin board, and also the biggest shapeshifting chamelion as he dodges away from his wicked heresies when people call him on them."

Well done character sketch of JD! I didn't know about the baptismal regeneration heresy. I shouldn't be surprised, though.

News Item12/22/06 9:50 AM
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All you have shown is that there are also many uneducated false prophets, none of whom, by the way, meet the standards of 1 Timothy and Titus. My argument still stands (that is, you won't find a seminary degree listed as a qualification for ministry in Scripture). In fact, seminary training is a positive detriment to the development of spiritual men.

News Item12/21/06 5:48 PM
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Here's God's take on "educated" ministers: "For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong;"

There is a reason why Jesus had no formal education folks!!! I'll take a Spirit-filled, blameless, saintly, and self-denying God-ordained spiritual elder over a seminary-trained, shameful gain-seeking, Greco-Roman philosophy spouting, pulpiteer any day!!!

Survey12/21/06 5:33 PM
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Discerned Believer,
We are well aware that the works of the Old Covenant law (circumcision, animal sacrifices, feast days, Sabbath worship, dietary requirements, Mosaic penal systems, ritual washings) have absolutely no power to make one righteous, that is, to justify. Paul found the class of Judaizing Christians to be a particularly pernicious problem as the context of the entire letter to Galatia makes rather clear. Romans 3 is also dealing with the same problem among the contingent of Jewish Christians who felt some type of superiority to the Gentiles because they had the circumcision of Abraham and the Law.

However, that being said, OBEDIENCE to Jesus Christ is the sole criterion for ultimate salvation which is something altogether different from the 'works of the law' that the passages you cited dealt with. For Jesus Christ, the Judge of the 'quick and the dead' warns that "the Son of Man is going to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay each person ACCORDING TO WHAT HE HAS DONE." It did not say according to his election, or his "Sinner's Prayer," or to Christ's "imputed righteousness," or his acceptance of 'cheap' grace, or belief in Calvin's Institutes, or membership in New Age Antinomian Baptist churches, but rather his deeds!!!

Survey12/21/06 5:08 PM
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Nametagger, I love you brother! Reading your comments here are a breath of fresh air!! Dan Corner is excellent by the way, thanks for the website.

Survey12/20/06 12:45 PM
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Lurker lied: "The very fact that you don't see God's work in the protestant reformation; the transmission of the bible into the venacular, tells me that it is God's pleasure that you remain hardened. No, you can't see anything of value until the 1830's and Charles Finney's unveiling of the moral free agency of man."

Did you forget about the Anabaptists good ol' Luther had tortured and drowned???? What about his advocacy for their wholesale slaughter??? No my friend God was at work during the Protestant Reformation, through his Anabaptist agents who "loved not their lives even unto death" and joyously suffered under the hands of the German Anti-Semitic devil, the Pope of Geneva, and the Pope of Rome.

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