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News Item7/9/16 12:31 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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GOOD!!! – – This shows that Ted Cruz has a forgiving heart and that he realizes what is at stake in this upcoming election :-)

News Item7/6/16 12:15 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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kjg wrote:
I called my representative and senator. I asked for hearings and subpoenas for Clinton and FBI Director.
Good work kjg – – Now if only millions more will do the same πŸ‘

News Item7/6/16 11:37 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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From the article:
Even while announcing no charges would be recommended, FBI Director James Comey did, indeed, appear extremely concerned that Clinton had exposed state secrets to hackers, including those working for foreign governments. He said, β€œWe do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial email accounts of people with whom secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account.”

Trump expanded on his initial comments a few hours later, releasing a statement that said, β€œ[B]ecause of our rigged system that holds the American people to one standard and people like Hillary Clinton to another, it does not look like she will be facing the criminal charges that she deserves.”


Trump suggested it was up to voters to bring Clinton to justice.

β€œThe final jury will be the American people, and they will issue the verdict on her corruption, incompetence, and bad judgment on November 8th,” he concluded.


Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, echoed McCarthy’s assessment, in a statement issued late in the afternoon, charging that β€œDirector Comey has rewritten a clearly worded federal criminal statute.”

What a tragic mockery of the rule of law –– unbelievable. Everyone should call their representativesπŸ‘

News Item7/5/16 11:06 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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This Hillary Clinton thing is unbelievable – – – the question people should be asking is –– "can we trust the system any longer" – –

And for that matter one must wonder if the electoral process can really be trusted any longer...........


There's a rule of law for those of us outside the beltway of Washington, DC and there's another law for the Washington insiders. It's really sad and heartbreaking watching America careening down this slippery slope...

News Item7/4/16 10:15 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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When it comes to alter calls – – If I may interject my personal thought – – I don't feel there's really anything wrong with it – – It is God, through Christ and the preaching of His Word (His Absolutes) working in the hearts of individuals by His Spirit :-)

The truth be told – – if Jesus were alive today, preaching the way he did 2000 years ago, there would be many preachers/teachers who would not agree with his teachings because he taught much about hell – – – – And hell is not a popular subject to itching ears and those who cater to them.

News Item7/3/16 11:40 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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It's a crazy mixed up world and it is becoming more so every day – – none of us is perfect but maybe a question many of us have heard before should be asked again – – – – it goes something like this: If you were put on trial for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you?

That's a thought to ponder :-)

Help us oh God ... a closer walk with Thee oh Lord – – a closer walk with TheeπŸ‘

News Item7/2/16 11:37 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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carl haydock wrote:
KK. Which husband? She's on her third!!
Oh I didn't know – – I guess she and God need to have a good long talk

News Item7/2/16 1:47 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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I pray it is true that Donald Trump has received Christ into his heart :-)

And it is my heartfelt prayer that Christians will turn out as never before in the history of this nation to vote – – If Hillary Clinton was to get in the White House I don't believe America will survive the "Clinton's and their insidious, self-serving, chaotic ways" – –

Just what we need – – Bill Clinton running loose in the White House again with his cigars…


On another note – – Whatever happened to Paula White's husband?

News Item6/18/16 12:08 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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From the article:
"Participants voted to approve a resolution urging Southern Baptist churches and families to welcome refugees..."

This would be a very bad idea to implement – – ISIS has already made it known that they have embedded operatives posing as refugees fleeing persecution...

If a man was interviewed on a national news network and told the public and our government that there would be individuals throughout America coming to peoples homes, knocking on their doors and asking for food and shelter and suddenly this man boasted that thousands of individuals were being sent to mix in with the needy with one mission in mind "To kill Jews, Christians, and any and all Americans" – – What should/would a wise man do??? – – – I just don't believe a wise man would put his family and himself in danger having been warned in advance

Ultimately we are all "IN" God's Hands – – but should a man or a woman open themselves and their families up to such madness???

Why would anyone import chaos when they have been told that chaos is in the mix??? – – – Believe you me there are other alternatives by which we can extend Christian charity as a nation!!!

News Item5/16/16 2:55 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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A-men FG

News Item3/12/16 4:39 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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May God be with Richard Page for stating the truth concerning the young innocent minds of children – – He is absolutely right children should not be subjected to the homosexual dysfunctional farce that is being visited upon the social fabric of countries everywhere – – – God-fearing people should never shy away from speaking the truth!!!

What should be recognized is that Mr. Page was by no means expressing malicious or radical feelings/thoughts of harmful intentions toward homosexuals – – he was merely stating his heartfelt convictions – – (shall we say the dictates of his conscience) – –

Those who are seared in their conscience and have no inkling of what it is to be Spirit Filled are the ones who persecute christians for their convictions

God's Word searches the hearts of men and makes them tender in their conscience :-)

News Item2/18/16 10:48 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Jim – – – It would be helpful if you would just express your viewpoint without trying to tie-in web links – – – So which of the GOP candidates would make a good president in your opinion? – – –

I honestly think there are those today whom, I dare say, would not even vote for Jesus Christ if he was the one running for the office...

News Item2/15/16 11:51 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Just more of Obama's delusional rhetoric – – –

News Item2/15/16 11:30 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Jim, what seems to be your problem with Ted Cruz

News Item1/27/16 9:57 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Something I hope everyone will bear in mind – – if you don't go to the ballot box and vote you have voted – – You have given a vote to the opposition

In 2008 approximately 96% of blacks voted for Obama – – Obama played them for fools --- Obama promised them the world and all they got was empty words\hot air... – – You would think people would've wised up for the 2012 election but no such luck...

The other day Hillary Clinton was asked if she is elected president would she appoint Barack Hussein Obama as a Supreme Court justice – – She said "that's a good idea…" – – Can you imagine having that devil as a Supreme Court justice -- and don't forget that's a lifetime appointment.

Hillary Clinton is all about Obama's agenda... – – remember this when you contemplate not votingβ€’β€’β€’

God bless you all – – and please God bless America!!!

News Item1/26/16 10:44 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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The individuals behind the Parenthood Videos should be fine and rewarded – – not indicted!!!

News Item1/25/16 4:25 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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How do you take a nation ? – – program the minds of the youth with lies about the history of their country (historical revisionism), indoctrinate them with radical ideologies, program them to put their faith and trust in government for their future, ... {Add your thoughts on the subject here}, keep racial tensions/discord High, implement dysfunctional programs (destroy the sanctity of marriage) to usher in moral decay, rob the citizenry of every nickel and dime you can take from them and take away their freedoms without any resistance because they're so dumb down they don't even know what freedom really is... THIS LIST WOULD HAVE MORE PAGES THAN OBAMACARE_______

People keep electing the same old individuals into office ... and they wonder why things don't change for the better β€’β€’β€’ things only get worse when politicians embed themselves in the Washington machine for decades – – inevitably corruption will take hold, the sacred trust of the people will be violated and everything gets turned upside down – – right becomes wrong and wrong becomes right – – and the political class become proficiently professional obstructionists who will subvert the will of the people on every turn and pursue their own agendas making laws that do not apply to themselves.

Evil wears many masks...

News Item1/23/16 1:41 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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America’s Best Days May Be Behind It???
The only way this will be is if the citizenry in this country continue to go through life with blinders on thinking they're going to get different results doing the same old thing, electing the same old people (The same old power-hungry people who would lie, cheat and sell their souls to get elected/re-elected to stay in the thick of things there in Washington)...

Just look at the candidates for the Democratic Party – what a joke

EXCLUSIVE: Clinton email exposed intel from human spying
By Catherine Herridge, Pamela K. Browne
Published January 23, 2016
From the article: ... Dan Maguire, former Special Operations strategic planner for Africom, told Fox News the disclosure of sensitive material impacts national security and exposes U.S. sources.

"There are people’s lives at stake. ... ,” he said. ...

Separately, Fox News has learned that the so-called "spillage" of classified information is greater than the β€œseveral dozen” emails identified in the January 14 letter to Congress, which also acknowledged for the first time, that the Clinton emails contained intelligence beyond Top Secret, also known as Special Access Programs (SAPs). ...

I don't celebrate it but Hillary is in BIG TROUBLE! Charges should come.

News Item1/7/16 8:41 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Nothing short of nonsensical

News Item1/5/16 8:01 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Political Scientist: Islam Is Incompatible With America’s Founding


It is not just incompatible with America's founding – – what the Koran teaches is incompatible with any God-fearing, freedom loving people who respect women, morality and the rule of law...


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