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News Item4/10/16 12:37 AM
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Yes it's both legal and moral. Second ballot is the key phrase. Delegates currently pledged are voted for not the candidate per se per primary election rules. THEY ARE FREE TO BE PERSUADED TO VOTE DIFFERENTLY IF THEY WANT ON 2ND VOTE AT CONVENTION. Nothing new here. Smart tactics. Better candidate too.

News Item4/10/16 12:29 AM
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Freedom of religion press and speech are the leading issues in this country and the next president should reflect the course correction needed. Only one candidate will fight for Christian Liberty and has stated so plainly.

News Item4/10/16 12:22 AM
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What the Boston Globe is doing to Trump, Christianity Today is doing to Cruz! Scare tactic propaganda. They don't want you to examine for yourselves. You would think Christianity Today would have a higher standard.

News Item4/10/16 12:13 AM
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Christianity Today seems more paranoid of Cruz than Trump. This is second hit piece trying to fire up fear against Cruz in the last month by conjuring up imaginative phantoms and characterizations of the man. It reflects a determination on their part instead of impartial investigation which would be more honorable and just.

News Item4/3/16 5:50 PM
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It is absolutely ridiculous if this is true For Oxford to remove Christianity from its theology courses. It is a denial and deliberate activism to distort and trample history and it's not even intellectually honest even though you could not trust it to be executed properly. HAs not Christianity influenced to determine theology more than any other religion? I have trouble believing thIs, it is so astonishing. how can the university maintain its accreditation if it actively promotes ignorance!

News Item4/3/16 5:41 PM
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Coming to America soon unless Christians get off their rear ends and support active freedom of religion legislation in every state and elect a president who Would appoint good Supreme Court Justices. Your Liberties are being eroded while you sit there and do nothing. So called Liberalism, which is not truly liberal but narrow, will only win if it's not resisted.

News Item4/3/16 5:23 PM
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Public announcements by outside Christian guests are not uncommon in many churches. No one, not even the author, suggested it was a sermon which is reserved for the pastor. The authors purpose was to use this as as clever wedge to begin his own attack. The forum for the speech was not the best for many of us, but hardly out of the ordinary for other public announcements in churches, except this one is a candidate.

Don't miss the forest, i.e. the issue at large, due to a few trees.

News Item4/3/16 5:02 PM
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...."It also protects individuals who believe gender is determined at birth. ...". Like that's strange? How dare they paint normal thinking as a minority position!

This is a key truth that the media tries to question and is the premise for both homosexuals and transgender attempts, for both have submitted to gender dysphoria. Press it. No doctor or scientist will deny that gender is identified at birth on a birth certificate legally binding.

News Item4/3/16 4:49 PM
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If we lose our private property rights including our business rightS then we have lost freedom and liberty in America. We need better Supreme Court Justices and local judges and local and state congressman to defend religious liberty and Liberty of conscience as the Constitution states and intense. It must be fought for at the local state and National levels.

This is the reason many states are passing freedom of religion restoration Acts and like legislation to protect our liberties. the Press will criticize these because it doesn't maintain political correctness. let your voice be heard! WRITE articles into your local paper.

Consider when electing a president who you would rather have pick the next Supreme Court Justices who will uphold religious liberty in the Constitution.

News Item4/3/16 4:43 PM
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This is precisely why we need good Supreme Court Justices to uphold religious liberty as intended in the Constitution which only a candidate like Ted Cruz wOuld appoint.

It is fatalism only that suggests there is no way to resist anti Christian persecution in America. We should use the means we have to elect a better president and Congress and other government officials whenever possible.

News Item4/3/16 4:23 PM
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I also would suggest that as a well qualified constitutional lawyer Ted Cruz would pick the best Supreme Court Justices than any other candidate by far.

News Item4/3/16 4:16 PM
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Let's face it this was a hit piece article by a liberal infiltrating Christianity Today. Who has heard Ted Cruz propose to restore institutional slavery or indiscriminate leave on civilians in the Middle East to fight Isis or to eradicate all Muslims in America? The suggestion is absurd!

Is not Christian Liberty at stake every day and each week on the headlines here on Sermon Audio?

we know that America's Founders were deists but that also Baptists and Presbyterians Obtained Christian Liberty against the tyranny of the Church of England by preventing denominational and ecclesiastical oppression. America was founded by those seeking Christian Liberty specifically end freedom of religion was primarily for within the Christian ranks though it has become a Bastion of Liberty for others as well. So if the only ones who have Liberty of conscience in America today are atheists and liberals why are Christians not to be concerned?

The truth is Ted Cruz is the only viable candidate to Champion the cause of Christian Liberty and it is pure calumny for the professor to suggest he is somehow dangerous in any manner or form.

News Item3/29/16 5:45 AM
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More here to consider. Carefully read Cruz and and others response, he is a lawyer, statements are carefully drafted.

News Item3/20/16 3:36 PM
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Excellent and needed article, a wake up to reality with plain speaking against the Transgender propaganda that the media is parroting for all to accept under the pretense of love. This is how to talk about the subject.

Sermon3/20/16 3:15 PM
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The Tragedy of the Mass
Denis Lyle
“ Great Sermon! ”
It is priest craft and mumbling hocus pocus in Latin does not change the wafer into the body of the Lord, corpus Christi as they say, and to elevate the man made wafer as such is idolatry, just as the Puritans loudly proclaimed. Read John Knox on the idolatry of the mass. The Roman religion is ritualistic idolatry and sensual not true religion, therefore not of faith and contrary to Christ and Paul's teaching on the supper of Rememberance.

Sermon3/20/16 6:29 AM
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The Fear of the Lord
Elder Tom Ross
“ Powerful Sermon! ”
A very powerful and timely sermon for our morally declining times and this present political season of presidential campaigns. Also, Where is the fear of God among professing Christians and churches? Levity rules presently, not reverence.

News Item3/16/16 6:05 AM
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See why Orthodox Jews write and protest against Israel and Zionism. http://www.nkusa.org/AboutUs/Zionism/judaism_v_zionism.cfm

News Item3/16/16 5:48 AM
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Excellent article to awaken evangelicals duped by the propaganda of the tools of AIPAC (who control American foreign policy regarding Middle East through Congress) and the absolute heresy of Christian Zionism which tries to equate the UN created state (which began the violent displacement of Palestinians) for their false eschatological scenario of a restored Israel (while Jews are barely majority and hate Christianity).

News Item3/16/16 5:29 AM
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All true Christians are called saints in the new testament. Pope's try to establish their own hall of fame by their fake criteria....e.g. performing a real miracle is required. What rubbish while they teach and practice the idolatrous mass and many superstitious rituals.

News Item3/13/16 5:57 PM
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This kind of forthright and unashamed speaking is absolutely necessary to preserve both truth and religious liberty and warns against the path toward religious persecution by both society and government that we are on course to.
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