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News Item12/10/08 2:01 PM
Wayne M. | Northwest British Columbia  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Guinness wrote:
Quite right.
A "conservative" Prime Minister would never ask the Crown to set aside Parliament in order for him to personally avoid the outworking of constitutional parliamentary democracy.
A "neo-conservative" pays no regard to the constitution.
That is not correct. The right of the Prime Minister to request that Parliament be prorogued (suspended for a certain period of time) and the prerogative of the Governor General acting on behalf of the Crown to grant the request is a Constitutional part of our Parliamentary system. To say it is unconstitutional is incorrect.
The constitutionality has not been an issue.

The reason why the PM asked for Parliament to be prorogued was because Canada had just held a Federal election six weeks before and the opposition parties were not interested in even giving the government a chance to bring in the budget in January and a stimulus package. They had evidently been conspiring to bring the government down for some time. The GG has the option of doing what she did. It is within her constitutional mandate.

Polls have shown the majority of Canadians are not in favour of the coalition and if an election were held today the Conservatives would win a majority gov't.

Survey4/21/08 10:58 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Derek wrote:
Did Jesus die for sin, or for those plagued by sin?
Sin was the object, for if there were no sin, no one would need to be elect.Remember, the Holy Spirit was sent to convict the WORLD of SIN.
Reduced to the lowest common denominator, sin is the problem, and it is sin that Christ died to attone.
And since sin is the object, Christ would have had to die for all sin, which he did, for no sin has missed the attonement...
If Christ died for all sinners, why are not all saved? What makes the difference?

Survey4/19/08 11:23 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Here in northwest, central British Columbia the price of gas has been $1.27 per litre for weeks now. This works out to $4.80 per gallon. Since Canadian dollars are equal to U.S. dollars, that would be about $4.80 U.S. dlrs per U.S. gallon.
The British Columbia (provincial government) has begun a carbon tax on gas. I think it is 2 cents per litre at the moment, which is about 8 cents per gallon. It will increase over the next several years. The madness of the great global warming swindle has begun to hit the pocket book. I said this would happen about a year ago. If the global warming scare mongers have their way, we will be increasingly hit with higher costs of living and taxes, to fund the pipedream effort to control global warming, while China, India, Russia, and other countries continue to emit vast amounts of carbon dioxide.

News Item3/19/08 11:27 AM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Mike wrote:
B. Obama sat under this guy for 20 years and considers him his mentor. That would point to Obama being:
1) A racist America-hater. If not,
2) Unable to make a proper decision, in this case- Confront his pastor/leave that church. If not,
3) Extremely naive.
Any of which totally disqualifies him for the presidency.
I don't much think him naive. He's too smart and slick.
It looks like Obama's pastor's preaching may have severely cut Obama's chances of winning. A few weeks ago it seemed like he was going to win the Democratic race and have a good chance at winning the presidency, but it doesn't look good for him now, unless he can find a way to pull himself out of that mess.

A website on McCain says he is a pro-life man, a supporter of families, and a good war veteran. Sounds good to me. Unfortunately I don't get to vote.

News Item3/18/08 12:18 AM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Christian Raas wrote:
Martyrs Memorial Free Presbyterian Church has just uploaded two messages by Rev. Paisley about the real Saint Patrick preached in 2000. Very interesting to hear that Rev. Paisley already promoted St. Patrick's Day back then. It is not some new thought of his. Very good presentation making clear that Patrick never was a Roman Catholic but God's Apostle to the nation of Ireland. Recommended hearing not just to Irishmen!
Yes, I just listened to no.1 of 2. Excellent message preached in the renouned and impressive way that only Rev. Paisley can preach. Makes one want to listen to it again.

News Item3/15/08 10:23 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Steve aka Xtian wrote:
whats interesting is no one can find any double blind study to see whether these vaccines are actually safe. IOW the companies that produce these vaccines do not do double blind studies, nor are they required.
Double blinds are required on the majority of medicines & over the counter drugs, but NOT for vaccines.
Things that make you say "Ummm..."
I doubt that is correct. Do a search in Google and you will find loads of info. One site says one person in 2.4 million actually got polio from the OPV (oral polio virus) vaccine. They considered it an extremely low risk, but decided later not to use the oral vaccine in the U.S. They use IPV (intravenous polio virus) instead which is a dead polio virus vaccine and safer.

In 1988 there were 350,000 polio cases in the U.S. In 2007 there were about 1000 cases. Polio can cause permanent paralysis of limbs and parts of the body. It also can cause death by paralyzing the breathing muscles of the body. When my wife was a young nurse in training in Ontario, she saw polio victims in iron lungs (1950s) where they would have to stay for life.

They do not recommend the vaccine for certain people who may have an allergic reaction or who are known to be allergic to certain drugs.

News Item3/15/08 5:29 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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A christian scientist, Dr. Philip Stott, says the true scientific method follows a set procedure to verify the truth of something. He says scientists today often do not follow the scientific method. It requires honest observation and measurement. The theory of evolution has not been proven by the scientific method and has been shown to be a fraud.

News Item3/7/08 10:45 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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More details about the persecution in Mexico and other countries of the world is detailed on the U.S. Secretary of State website. This is a very fine website and much appreciated.


This is not a case of christian persecution, but there is a Canadian woman who has been held in a Mexican jail for a long time without trial. She was apparently a cook in a house where someone else was suspected of involvement in white colar crime. Her case has been discussed on a number of television broadcasts in Canada and they had her on the phone today from her jail in Mexico, on a television broadcast from CTV (daily political broadcast from the Canadian Parliament buildings). She is suffering emotionally and near a breakdown, and her mother has a brain tumour and had one eye removed due to cancer. This is inhumane. Not a place I would ever go for a vacation.

News Item3/7/08 4:25 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Lance Eccles wrote:
"Martin Luther might have been successful if he'd tried to reform the Church from within. But as it was, all he did was shatter Christianity into a thousand fragments.
He was the wrong person for it. His explosive temperament took him where he hadn't intended to go."

Lance, I just watched a two hour video last night on Martin Luther. He only intended to reform the RCC when he first posted his 95 thesis on the church door at Wittenburg on October 31, 1517. He also published some literature opposing the sale of indulgences in that part of Germany. But the Pope and his followers (Tetzel was leading the sale of them) were incensed. The Pope said a wild boar had been let loose in the Vineyard. Rome was not willing to listen to the Scriptures, or reason and dismissed Luther as a madman. Later he was judged to be a heretic at the Diet at Worms.

However, he had strong support among local rulers and countrymen. Rome excommunicated him and his followers.

Luther and his followers believed biblically that the Pope and his supporters were the ones in the wrong. The authority Rome claimed for itself was not supported by Scripture. He was correct to try to reform them and when that failed, he was correct to worship in the Lutheran churches without Rome.

Survey3/7/08 10:56 AM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Mike wrote:
Minnow wrote:
Funny, since it is the Reformed/Calvinist who diminishes the efficacy of the death of Christ. Consider:
They make God small. They say that through a single sin of one man, sin entered the world, and death passed upon ALL men, yet claim the death of Christ was not sufficient to save all, but only some, those fortunate enough to be preselected to it.

Thus they make the power of Adam in its effect, to be greater than that of Christ. There is something seriously wrong with that thinking.

Wrong! If you say Christ died for all, and you admit not all are saved, then you must come to the conclusion that Christ only secured free access to God for pardon and redemption. In other words, by your logic, you limit the atonement and nobody is saved unless certain steps by man are accomplished.

This places the complete responsibility upon man for obtaining his salvation. Therefore some may think you have only provided a hope for salvation, and not actual salvation since it is dependent upon the frailty and weakness of sinful man. I prefer to stick with the biblical revelation that God has provided a full salvation in Christ and entirely by God's grace.

Survey3/4/08 8:19 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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What is re-assuring is that God is in complete control of everything.

"Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are numbered." Matt.10:29,30

He has not left things to "chance". Even our salvation is His hands. "In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will." Eph.1:11

Williamson's book on the Westminster Confession tells us "every single thing is ordered ahead of time in his perfect plan." He also says "the free actions of men are also predestined by God. Please note these are both free and predestined. That is, those who commit these acts do so because they want to."

Survey3/4/08 7:43 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Mike wrote:
For the sake of argument, say Piper is right. What do we then do with the born again unbeliever that must exist after the new birth, and before belief? Unquote

Mike, If one is born again (regenerated), he will be a believer. There is no such thing as a born again unbeliever.

WCF says:

Of Effectual Calling

All those whom God hath predestinated unto life, and those only, He is pleased in His appointed and accepted time effectually to call, by His Word and Spirit, out of that state of sin and death, in which they are by nature, to grace and salvation by Jesus Christ; enlightening their minds spiritually and savingly to understand the things of God; taking away their heart of stone, and giving unto them a heart of flesh; renewing their wills, and by His almighty power determining them to that which is good, and effectually drawing them to Jesus Christ: yet so, as they come most freely, being made willing by His grace.

Rom. viii. 30; Rom. xi. 7; Eph. i. 10, 11; 2 Thess. ii. 13, 14; 2 Cor. iii. 3, 6; Rom. viii. 2; Eph. ii. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 2 Tim. i. 9, 10; Acts xxvi. 18; 1 Cor. ii. 10, 12; Eph. i. 17, 18; Ezek. xxxvi. 26; Ezek. xi. 19; Phil. ii. 13; Deut. xxx. 6; Ezek. xxxvi. 27;

News Item3/3/08 7:36 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Lance Eccles wrote:
Wayne, I'm sure vast numbers of heretics were killed either by RC authorities or by Catholic princes. And given the longer history of the RCC, the number may have been greater than the very substantial number of Catholic martyrs murdered by Protestant regimes.
That was the times.
Neil is correct. Isn't it strange how you can so easily dismiss it as "That was the times." That attitude is reflective of the RCC which seems to show no remorse, no repentance for its heinous and brutal actions over a long period of history. Yet there are those, such as yourself, who still cling to the false hope of an "infallible" church.

I apologize for being off topic on this thread. I will get back to the topics.

News Item3/3/08 2:10 AM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Lance Eccles wrote:
Catholics and Protestants did much the same things. In those days church and state were closely interwoven.
"By their fruits ye shall know them."
I agree.
Check church history. The number of people killed by the Inquisitions, Crusades, massacres of large numbers of Huegenots and Albengenses, people in the Spanish Netherlands, etc. shows who was doing the killings. There may have been a small number of people killed by Protestants, but it pales when compared to what Rome was involved in.

Don't forget Rome had control of Kings and kingdoms in most of Europe (Holy Roman Empire) until after the Reformation. Even after the Reformation, they still exercised Papal influence or control of France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and other parts of Europe. The struggle in England to be free from the Papacy dragged out for much of the 16th century. Spain even sent the Spanish Armada to try to bring England back under the Pope, but was defeated. On the continent, they tried to stop any rebellion against their authority by the use of brute force and the Inquistions. Check your facts.

News Item3/2/08 7:06 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Lance Eccles wrote:
Regardless of the truth or untruth of the other statements, Albigensians were not Christians, nor did their beliefs (especially those in two gods, good and bad) resemble Christianity in any way.
Some people seem to think they were a type of proto-Protestant. They were definitely not. They were Manicheans.
That reminds me how Rome persecuted and killed thousands of those who disagreed with it over a period of hundreds of years. The inquisition in Europe in the middle ages and the Spanish Inquistion, which lasted for several hundred years, are two examples of this evil intolerance. How can you still believe in an infallible church such as Rome claims to be? By their fruits ye shall know them.

News Item3/2/08 1:13 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Christian Zionism wrote:
Hot topic!
"Hagee is a leader among Christian Zionists and has argued vigorously from the pulpit and in writing for Israel's right to settle disputed territories."
I've been researching this idea of Zionism over the past few weeks and reading a lot of its history. It is just fascinating, especially due to my experiences of working around the world, especially in Russia, Ukraine, Middle East, Central Asia, Europe, etc.
Does anyone know of any Christian websites that are against Zionism? Most of what I have read historically there were Christians against Zionism, but it seems I cannot find any sources today.
When I was a young boy growing up, one wealthy man I worked for once said, "Son, follow the money!" and it is just fascinating after all these years of studying history and religion, I have not come across the detailed research into Zionism. If someone has a good Christian based site, I would love to learn of it. By the way, I'm not looking for fundamentalist views...those I can get on TBN and the evening news. I want intensive investigation and source documents...no fluff please!
The best document is the Bible itself, rather than the opinions of men. God the Holy Spirit inspired men to write it. 2 Peter 1:21

Survey3/1/08 10:03 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Mike wrote:
If John 1:7 said "..that all men through him *would* believe, the case for denying that "all" means every person could be made. But it says "The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him *might* believe." It doesn't say every person will believe. And v9 does say this Light "lighteth every man that cometh into the world." A little more troublesome to convert this into "not every man."
"lighteth every man that cometh into the world" John 1:9

But how does Christ enlighten every man? Matthew Henry's commentary says this is by His creating power; He enlightens every man with the light of reason.

"Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them." Romans 1:19

M.H. also says by the publication of His gospel to all nations He does in effect enlighten every man.

The gospel went out to the Gentile world, and not just to the Jew.

This does not mean every individual hears the gospel. Some don't hear it. Some hear but reject it. Some hear and believe.

Survey3/1/08 4:49 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Susan Miller wrote:
Jhn 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Jhn 1:2 The same was in the beginning with God.
Jhn 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
Jhn 1:4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
Jhn 15 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
Jhn 1:6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
Jhn 1:7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.
Jhn 1:8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.
Jhn 1:9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
Susan, some of these verses you quoted prove that the word "all" does not mean every person. If "all" meant every person in the world, then John 1:7 would mean every person in the world would believe. There would be universal salvation, which of course, is not the case.

Survey3/1/08 3:33 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Eph. 2:8 tells us salvation is by God's grace (the gift of God). It does not support free will Arminianism.

The word "world" in John 3:16 and 17 is used in a general sense, not an absolute sense. If it were in an absolute sense, and God willed everyone in the world to be saved, did God fail? God is sovereign and whatever he ordains comes to pass. You will find other examples where words are used in a general sense. Everyone often uses words like "all" or "everyone" in a general sense, and do not actually mean every single one.

If God, who is sovereign and omnipotent, wanted to save every last person in the world, do you think He is not capable of doing that? Obviously it was not part of His plan to do that, else it would have been done.

The verses in Timothy you quoted are again speaking in a general sense. It should be mentioned that the gospel call is made to all in a general sense, but not every person in the world hears the gospel. Many do not.

But even God chooses who to call and chooses who will respond by the Ministry of the Word. God enables the elect to believe. "...for many are called but few chosen." Matt.20:16

The classic example is Jacob and Esau.

The verses you mentioned in Jude and Phillipians are speaking to the elect.

Survey3/1/08 2:47 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Susan Miller wrote:
Personally, I believe that our loving Father gives unto everyone the grace that would alow each to call upon the Lord for Salvation; however not all choose life.
... choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that [were] on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. Joshua 24:15
Susan, what you advocate is termed as "semi-pelagianism" or "synergism". This means that a individual co-operates with God to receive salvation. The credit for God's grace in salvation is then shared between God and man.

The elect must first be regenerated by the Holy Spirit before he can believe.

The reason is because since the fall of Adam, man is totally dead in trespasses and sins and cannot do any good toward his own salvation unless God first changes his heart and creates a new heart within him. This normally happens as part of a series of steps. The first step is the offer of salvation is made in the gospel. Then God regenerates (makes the man a new creature in heart). Then the person responds in repentance and faith. Then God justifies (declares His elect "righteous" or "just".

All glory goes to God.

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