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Survey9/5/07 8:59 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Obvious, I really don't remember repeatedly calling you Legion. If I did, I apologize. Also, I wouldn't call JD or any of the Battlefield boys, my friends. I try not to be nasty, but sometimes the heat of the debate gets the best of me. That is not an excuse, just a fact.
As for the Calvinist thing, it is my responsibility to preach the gospel and give the invitation. The saving part is up to God.

Survey9/5/07 5:43 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Obvious, I just checked carefully to make sure I didn't miss your apology for accusing me of being, You Know Who Exactly, and to my surprise (yeah, right), no apology! Why were you so quick to apologize to JD and the Battlefield boys, but not to me? It wouldn't be animosity, would it? You know what the Bible says about bitterness! Just so you know, I don't need an apology. My greatest concern is for your soul. Repent and be saved, please!

Survey9/4/07 6:57 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Thank you for the help, JD. That is exactly what I meant (wow, we complimented one another, who would have thunk it?).

Survey9/4/07 6:28 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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WC, there was abit of sarcasm there. I guess you missed it.
Obvious Truth-It looks like you may owe another apology since I can tell from your post that you think I am You Know Exactly Who. Sorry to tell you, I'm not. However, the fact that you thnik you have so many enemies should tell you something.

Survey9/4/07 4:41 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Oblivious to Truth, first, must I tell you again, I pastor a small church, and I am a bi-vocational pastor. I don't get paid a salary from the church large enough to support me, and even if it was, I work for the Great Shepherd, not the people in this church.
Second, part of the reason this church is small is because I preach the truth, and people have left. Many people don't like to hear the truth that eternal security doesn't mean "easy believism" (which I preach against with a passion). They don't want to hear that Jesus is looking for disciples, not converts, which is what I preached on Sunday. That don't like to hear that we are to put God's kingdom before anything else (Matt. 6:33) which is my text for this Sunday. So before you get all huffy and self righteous, I preach the truth, and yes, I do cram it down their throats because most of them won't take their medicine like they should!!!

Survey9/3/07 9:37 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, do you try to cram your view of dispensationalism down the throats of your church leadership like you do the folks here?

Survey9/3/07 8:20 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Hopalong, why do you consider to abuse Galatians 6:7? Your foolish comments just get more and more foolish. If that is the best you can do, maybe you should just sit and learn and try not to ype for a while. It would do all of us a great service.

Survey9/3/07 11:18 AM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD. "The denomination "pastors" is devilish and satanic and should be avoided." I won't ask you if you belong to a denomination, because I know you will say no. I will ask, do you go to a church where the pastor teaches dispensationalism? If so, why? Did he, and you, come to this complete understanding of it on your own? If he does teach it from the pulpit, why? Shouldn't every person in that congregation come to an understanding of it on their own? In fact, if what you say about pastors is true, we should have NO teaching in the church. The Spirit should teach every christian at home. What ignorance you spew!
"he has planned on many faithful pastors and many local churches." This sentence, in the same post, showws how you contradict yourself.
First quote-no pastor (unless from your slant, I guess)
Second quote-yes pastor

Survey9/2/07 9:17 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Hopalong, "P.S. Abigail, is your name Lurker? Let Lurker speak speak for himself. He doesn't like to give his real name but he likes to speak for himself, though usually to me it is only to say some "foolish" thing." Can you say HYPOCRITE? This is exactly what you do, Hoppy, and now you rebuke Abigail! Shame on you!

News Item9/2/07 9:02 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Judith G. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,ha!!!
Thank you for the great post! It's a joke, right? You are kidding? I do have to say, though, your comparison of Hinn to "Hugh Heffner, Donald Trump, Snoop Dog, Hollywood actors, California Governors, Pro Atheletes, etc." is more appropriate than you will ever know. Try this post with the pastors in 3rd world countries who can't even afford a Bible, much less a Rolex! READ YOUR BIBLE!

Survey9/1/07 10:29 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, "And question 2, how am I "way out there"? What do you mean?"
Your position on the nation of Israel far exceeds anything I see in scripture or have ever heard and your view of the Bible leaves VERY LITTLE that is applicable to the church. Those two points are the reason why I called you a hyper-dispensationalist at one time. I don't side with any group in particular. If the doctrine of infant baptism came up, I would adamantly oppose the Calvinists. Church government and involvment inpolitics would be some other points of disagreement. I think Calvin was way overboard on the Geneva thing. So, rest assured, it isn't a Calvinist thing.

Survey9/1/07 10:22 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Ernie G, I wish my name were Mike V., then you wouldn't be so judgmental. Do you know how to spell

Survey9/1/07 10:18 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Lurker, I though that at first, but the post actually made sense! You may be right though. Have a great night, Lurker! Off to bed, I have to preach tomorrow. My subject:The Commitment of the Cross.

Obvious, "cbc, sorry to learn you are a pretribber."
You can't be to sorry to just come out and rip me as a lemming and accuse me of treating Jesus' own words as less than important. Go find a rawhide to chew on to take out your aggression, and come back some other time when you can be more civil

Survey9/1/07 10:08 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, I wrote, "BTW, I won't follow your link. I know what the Bible says just as well as you think you do. I'll leave it at that." I wrote that because I have heard plenty of what you have to say. I was not saying I am not willing to learn. I am saying that as I have debated with you, I have seen more than enough from scripture to know that you are far out there. I don't need any links to help me further on your points because they are not biblical.
I know and understand the different disoensations throughout scripture, God's conditions (or tests) and man's faliure in each one. I understand and adhere to the dispensational eschatology that refers to the pre-trib rapture, 7 year tribulation, the battle of Armeggedon,the 2nd coming of Christ to set up His Millenial kingdom, the loosing of Satan for a short season, the defeat of Satan and the restoration of all things. I know that God will fulfill His promises to national Israel and that Israel and the church are not the same. I just don't go to the extremes that you do in the understanding of some of these points. Does that answer your question?
Also, JD, I think you and HeHe are one and the same, Yes?

Survey9/1/07 9:58 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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HeHe, I know that you are someone who has posted in this discussion and won't own up to it. That's ok. "He talks a lot of smack until he gets smacked and then he talks a lot about love, insinuating that JD is filled with hate for speaking as he himself has spoken in the past." There's a difference between "getting smacked" and realizing a lost cause. Jesus said that in the last days people would believe lies. JD, and you, whoever you are, seem to fall into that category. That doesn't make me happy, but I, and others, have tried to help you see. You, and JD, refuse to listen. So be it. "CBC portrays for us the liberal mind at work in the self-professed conservative Christian". What part of me has been liberal? Standing for the truth? Speaking plainly? Not drinking the red koolaid of JD's hermeneutical suicide? A liberal is someone who always has something to hide, kind of like coming on as HeHe, as opposed to who you really are. Whoever you are, enjoy yourself, because I won't be responding to HeHe again.

Survey9/1/07 9:37 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, I agree with MurrayA, this is a waste of time. Take it as a victory, if you will. I just finished meeting with my men's Bible study group. These men, unlike you, are ready and willing to learn, as well as to challenge me. We don't all leave on the same page, but we do all leave loving one another. We use our Bibles and we study the scriptures. A lot of talk tonight about the end times; the rapture, the trib, the Millenium, but we all agreed that we don't expect God to let us off the hook. We are prepared, and continue preparing, to go through whatever God may have in store for us. BTW, I won't follow your link. I know what the Bible says just as well as you think you do. I'll leave it at that.
One more thing, I have realized I don't need to win this argument. I choose to live by the words, "Hope for the best, prepare for the worse. We could both be wrong on our eschatology and on our theology. However, I'm thankful that it is the blood of Christ that saves me and not having all of my doctrinal ducks in a row. Good night!

Survey9/1/07 3:58 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Seaton, your efforts are valiant,brother, and I commend you for them, but you know as well as I do that the pearls you have just put out will be trampled underfoot by JD. It is a shame to see men like you contending for the faith and being ridiculed by the likes of JD. You do encourage me though, and I thank you. Have a blessed evening!

Survey9/1/07 12:35 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, which is worse, to use a quote to help explain a person's understanding or to twist and mangle the Bible to make it fit our interpretation? You give explanations of scripture from men from recent years who advocate your stand (very few men) while others give you what they have learned from the study of MANY individuals over MANY years from MANY different denominational backgrounds about the understood truth of scripture. Yes, there may be minor variations, but the general thought is consistent. For someone to get YOUR understanding of theology (and again, I consider myself dispensational, but not to your degree), the must buy a Scofield or Darby Bible and do the scriptural jumping through hoops. To quote you, "You may swallow that but I think I will pass on it." And again, to quote you, "I am not happy about that, I am sad for you."

Survey9/1/07 11:31 AM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Two posts have accused MurrayA of stating that he is the fourth member of the godhead. He never said that! And Hoppy, you were the one who suggested it, so you are in the wrong for even stating such a thing! Why do we as christians feel it is right to trivialize such things? God is far greater than any of us and we should not belittle him with such stupid comments! Think about it folks!

Survey8/31/07 10:27 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Hopalong, please, hop a long. You accuse MurrayA of trying to be the fourth member of the godhead, when you yourself attempt to tell us what JD was thinking. Let him speak for himself. If you want to add comments or ask questions, great, but to try to speak for someone else only leaves you looking foolish.
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