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Sermon10/13/10 7:45 AM
Wayne | Canada  Find all comments by Wayne
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“ Conviction ”
If only our pastors these days had the same conviction about the scriptures that Jonathan Edwards obviously had. The wrath of God if mentioned at all, is heavily sugar-coated to appeal to the culture. In my own church you are guaranteed to hear at least 4 or 5 jokes during the sermon. It is time we took scripture seriously and believe wholeheartedly what it says!!

Sermon6/13/10 2:32 PM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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The UK is Going to Hell
Paul Dowling
“ Great Sermon! ”
Whilst agreeing 100% with these excellent messages from a faithful Pastor set for the defence of the gospel, I ponder the lack of evangelsim in many areas of the UK. The nation will not hear the gospel or any Bible Truth via Government resources or the media, but they should hear it via God's choice messengers...those handful of elderly 'bigots' who are involved in street out reach who are the reproach of British Society? see Blackpool example here http://www.protestantoldpaths.org/ What if every UK church had an open air witness in our towns and cities? At the very least then the people of our nation would know what Christians really believe and what the Bible really teaches..Biblical Christianity! These same people are not coming into the churches; they will not hear via the wicked media....the UK whilst ripe for judgement is also ripe for missionary evangelism whilst there is still hope, but where is that evangelism in so many parts of particularly England? Silence is golden? Where are the Christians prepared to be thrown to the lion of state persecution which is still a toothless lion compared to previous centuries and the blood of the martyrs? Churches sending missionaries to far away lands? Then why not first to the streets of England?

Sermon3/7/10 5:06 PM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a very encouraging update on the work of the TBS by their speaker Dr Allen- with everything from Missionary work, Bible translation and even camouflaged Bibles, and especially worth hearing for the wonderful conversion of an Asian lady who noticed the Authorised Version Trinitarian Bible Society Posters on the wall of a Church in Humberside!

Survey2/9/10 5:14 PM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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prince charles wrote:
hello wayne where are you in tehe UK ?
Hi Bro'

Consett in Co Durham, just a little way from Newcastle. We Geordies can add up in wa' heed though, man

Great post John and Amen and Amen!

Survey2/9/10 11:19 AM
Wayne | UK  Find all comments by Wayne
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prince charles wrote:
yvery good thanx..so unusual to find something which im in total agreement with but also informs and gives confidence if i was responsible for a church that would be the template

That is some signature

"His Royal Highness The Prince Charles Philip Arthur George, Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester, Duke of Cornwall, Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick, Baron of Renfrew, Lord of the Isles, Prince and Great Steward of Scotland, Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter..."


Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein. Jeremiah 6: 16

An appeal to all who love and still adhere to “the old paths”
[URL=http://affirmation2010.wordpress.com/about-2/]]]Affirmation 2010[/URL]

A number of Sermonaudio Broadcasters involved in the above affirmation e.g. Rev Malcom Watts and Rev John Thackway. Please have a prayerful examination of what is contained. We need to consider these things in an age where every man does what is right in his own eyes...even re: the plurality of Bible Versions rather than ONE AUTHORITY

Sermon12/22/09 8:57 AM
Wayne | UK  Find all comments by Wayne
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“ Great Sermon! ”
It was to good to read in the media last week that Euan has chosen not to play Rugby for his club or for Scotland on the Lord's Day (Sunday). This is a far bolder decision than the well publicised story of the Welsh Rugby player,who although married,has chosen a perverted unnatural life style and is applauded for such by going public in the media! 'them that honor me I will honor, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed' I Samuel 2. 30 May God richly bless Euan for his honourable decision and may He yet bring the other to consider his ungodly choice and consequently to repentance.

Sermon11/15/09 1:05 PM
wayne | Durham  Find all comments by wayne
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Don't sleep as others do
Rev. William Macleod
“ Great Sermon! ”
My children having slept in last week-this was a most sobering gospel sermon. It is a great encouragement to hear the Christ exalting preaching and gospel witness of the Free Church Continuing-may the Lord bless your work to His Glory. Thank you.

News Item10/12/09 5:50 AM
wayne | uk  Find all comments by wayne
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Survey10/8/09 6:15 PM
wayne  Find all comments by wayne
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comment wrote:
Question: where do you worship the same Jesus?
Answer: In my heart.

If we worship the same Jesus in our heart we frequently do so 'collectively' with others with the same new heart of flesh -the church of God-meeting together in a place of worship to 'worship'.

Some think they worship the same Jesus, but their very place of collective worship can say much about their 'jesus'. Certainly sadly applicable to the RC and the nominal ecumenical protestant whether in Durham or not.

Matthew 15:9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

Matthew 13:15 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them

Sermon10/4/09 7:53 AM
Wayne | England  Find all comments by Wayne
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Which English Version?
Gregory N. Barkman
“ Great Sermon! ”
http://www.geocities.com/brandplucked/strain.html if one scans down that link they will come to the use of 'shamefacedness'. Then: http://missionary-mom.blogspot.com/2006/06/shamefacedness.html Is 'propriety' better-do modern folk know what such a word means or do they rather know what shmaefacedness means? I was converted as a Watchtower adherent-the Cultic anti-trinitarian society who also abandoned the KJV. The scripture that the Holy Spirit used was I Timothy 3: 16. Maybe we should check the KJV translation and the updated modern versions and check to see if GOD is now obolete in the verse. Now even Dr James White tells us the translation should be GOD in this text! The Holy Spirit chose to use that translation GOD in this text to convict an ant-trinitarian re: the deity of God's Only Son and consequently to Christ and Salvation. Maybe Greg can deal with this text lest there is a danger of straining at a gnat 'shamefastness' and causing many to then abandon the supposed obsolete KJV language, which God has blessed 'spiritually' to millions and swallow the camel of men's scholarly wisdom and their preferred verions which omitt GOD at I Tim 3: 16? Which is MOST important 'shamfastness'-an error? OR the translation 'GOD'-an error? Which version?

News Item9/30/09 4:44 AM
Wayne | UK  Find all comments by Wayne
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O' Dear

The self named Biblicisits like Mike etc don't seem to read articles at source-you should be ashamed of your comments Mike as I make a few quotes directly from the article-YOU need to hear Calvin's voice-we all
do-read THE FULL QUOTE. What does your Bible say about (Devilish) 'slander'...or do you miss the full scripture when you gloss over your precious bible

"WE need to hear Calvin's voice once again calling us back to the Scriptures as our only source of truth and life," he emphasized.

For Calvin, the idea that Scripture alone is the only source of religious truth

"Why is it important that the Bible alone is the only authority?" "For Calvin, nothing was more important than getting this right."

Calvin stated in his most famous work, Institutes of the Christian Religion: "While it becomes man seriously to employ his eyes in considering the works of God, since a place has been assigned him in this most glorious theater that he may be a spectator of them, his special duty is to give ear to the Word, that he may the better profit."

Calvin ultimately didn't want to produce Calvinists. He wanted to produce biblical Christians."

Survey9/27/09 6:31 PM
wayne | uk  Find all comments by wayne
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[URL=http://thebeastunmasked.com/]]]The Council of Trent--7th session[/URL]

John UK

Have a look at the link above and the reading from the RC bible-glad your own eyes are open!

"the ancient Christians, the Reformers, the Puritans, and the post-Reformers all saw the Pope of Rome and his false church answer in every detail!

Proclaiming the Pope to be the Antichrist was one of the major rallying cries during the Reformation. In other words, to know Christ — back then, and especially today, in the 21st century — is to know Antichrist. To recognize one automatically leads to the recognition of the other. If the church the Reformers came out of held doctrines contrary to that which the Spirit had just taught them, then, of necessity, that church which was forsaken by so many either held anti-Christian doctrine, or the Reformers did." KD


News Item8/27/09 5:34 AM
Wayne | UK  Find all comments by Wayne
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somemoreinfo wrote:
"I Timothy 3:16-- James White does not believe in any inspired, complete, inerrant Bible version or text on this earth, but in his book The KJV Controversy, even he admits on page 207 "In fact, I prefer this reading, and feel that it has more than sufficient support from the Greek manuscripts.""
I studied with the JW's and was offered a NWT-their perversion, but said I would think about it. Went home and my wife's first words were that she had found her old unopened 'christening bible'-a dusty KJV. Indoctrinated by the Watchtower that there was no trinity it was under conviction of sin and begging God to show me from scripture that Christ was very God that I read I Tim 3: 16 from the KJV.

White often mentions that the Mormon Cult use the KJV (big deal that was the version when they were invented) but fails to remember that the Watchtower abandoned the KJV because of I Tim 3: 16 and I john 5: 7 and much more.

The Holy Spirit used I Tim 3: 16 to bring me to the TRUTH and 'God' isn't in your bible in that scripture...

Get yourself an accurate translation

News Item7/8/09 9:52 AM
Wayne | Uk  Find all comments by Wayne
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Wake up wrote:

Little by little its being set up..
The Pope is the Antichrist...

'It would seem that humans need a common motivation, namely a common adversary, to organize and act together in the vacuum; such a motivation must be found to bring the divided nations together to face an outside enemy, either a real one or else one invented for the purpose...

(read that last part again!)

"The common enemy of humanity is man...Democracy is no longer well suited for the tasks ahead...In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine etc., would fit the bill." -- from "The First Global Revolution" published by the Club of Rome. What is the Club of Rome?


Taken from W. J. Mencarow a Pasor on sermonaudio.

Blog7/6/09 5:55 AM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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To name a few- adultery/lust, taking the name of God in vain, making/worshipping false gods, bearing false witness for starters. None of these evils have as motivation love of money, thus love of money is not the root of these evils.#####

Hi Mike

Like the scripture 'Out of the heart proceeds evil thoughts, murders adulteries etc

Can there be 'murder' without the evil thought first? Interesting the Lord Jesus begins with 'evil thoughts' and obviously the heart is where evil begins and the thoughts lead to even greater evil fruit.

The Love of Money? The root to the bad fruit? Obviously money gives the first opportunity to buy a prostitute (maybe not an evil thought until money was readily available in a big fat wallet), the lust follows as does the adultery. Money buys it all- gives the opportunity. How many Hollywood actors would sell their soul for money? All manner of blasphemy and taking the Lord's name in vain to follow in their films? Isn't money (Gold) a false god and worshipped and then the ruin of nations?

Just plucked one sinners ode to 'the love of money' out of many with that song title-sadly interesting


Blog7/5/09 5:58 PM
Wayne | UK  Find all comments by Wayne
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For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
1 Timothy 6:10 KJV


Q: In context...What evil or sins will not men be drawn to by the love of money?

It was the sin of Judas, and the root of all his iniquity

Blog7/5/09 2:15 PM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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Phil 2.6 AND Rev 1: 8 and 11

Mike I haven't time to write in detail but check out the above site and texts and compare the NIV with the NWT and then the KJV

Don't forget I Timothy 3: 16

Blog7/5/09 11:11 AM
wayne | uk  Find all comments by wayne
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Doesn't James White believe I Timothy 3: 16 should contain the word 'God'? You will find he does indeed.

Now please can you explain why most new versions omitt 'God' in that verse?

I studied with the Watchtower Society and know they abandoned the KJV as it certainly does bring out the deity of Christ like no other bible...consider why they abandoned it for their NWT!

BTW i was offered a NWT in my indoctrinisation studies with the Watchtower but God put it into my heart to decline. I went home and my wife greeted me with these words: I have just been spring cleaning and found my unopened 'christening' bible all dusty (KJV)!

In God's provision I was brought under conviction by that one scripture I Timothy 3: 16 on the deity of Christ having been indoctrinated that Christ was the archangel Michael. Now can you understand why I won't use any version that omitts 'God' in that scripture?

Abandon the kjv if you so wish but you'll find it is proved as a Holy Spirit blessed accurate English translation and the word of God used in all the major revivals. Not bad for such a woeful translation

Can you say the same of the NIV as one example-now the bible of ecumenism but once championed by evangelical scholars as the new best thing?

News Item6/9/09 11:58 AM
Wayne | UK  Find all comments by Wayne
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John Yurich USA wrote:
.. these Evangelical Protestants on here...
John Y

To be blunt but scriptural you certainly talk 'much' nonsense for which Protestants from the Reformation period up until the time of say godly and saintly Matthew Henry or later C H Spurgeon would agree with your tirade? Name some godly protestants from that era who agree with you but not the heresy merchants of today who btw would never call themselves REFORMED & PROTESTANT. Do you know what an EVANGELICAL PROTESTANT IS? I say you do not so you can never think like one except by God's Sovereign Grace.

#From the web site I gave you the other day:

"For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" (2 Corinthians 6:14)

"We should not yoke ourselves in friendship and acquaintance with wicked men and unbelievers...much less should we join in religious communion with them; we must not join with them in their idolatrous services, nor concur with them in their false worship, nor any abominations". (Mathew Henry)

We Evangelical Protestants can see clearly your problem but you are blind to any true witness and refuse it. May we pray God will yet open those blinded eyes before it is too late

News Item6/7/09 5:52 PM
Wayne | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by Wayne
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Here you Evangelical Protestants go again stating that one can not be Born Again and be Catholic.
John Yurich



It is published by the Evangelical Protestant Society and the author was born in Halifax England of polish Roman Catholic refugee parents and he and his brother were altar boys and later the author desiring to go into the Priesthood. His own tracts tell how he was converted.

I would be happy to gift you an English translation and the authors two tracts if you are willing to email me with a box number or some address where they can reach you. The book is convicting and convincing and easy to read too and of course written by a former RC and published by an EVANGELICAL PROTESTANT SOCIETY

Kind regards

By grace

In Christ


Job 42: 2

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