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News Item3/21/19 12:02 PM
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Doc, your speech is rarely seasoned with salt. When were you saved?

News Item3/21/19 12:00 PM
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What this owner did was only reasonable not worthy of high praise.
Ladybug, the prayers of a righteous man availeth much.
Doc and you need to get educated about judging people's hearts. You are in grave error. God help you.

News Item3/21/19 9:43 AM
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Following God is better than following RCs or any of their cohorts.

News Item3/21/19 9:40 AM
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I am saved,"doc" but if I wasn't and you and some others here were the only models of Christianity, I surely wouldn't be drawn.
L b- you and Doc need to repent of judging my heart and if my list coincides with Scripture in that people who profess to be Christian have double standards in that they choose to serve fornicators but not lgbts then you and Doc need to examine the Scriptures for yourselves.

News Item3/20/19 2:36 PM
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My neighbor's daughter isn't news headlines.
Lady- if you aren't concerned about that which is morally upright then you wouldn't care one way or the other as to whom the b&b owner served.

News Item3/20/19 11:43 AM
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Dr., obviously, not a doctor in English-
I prefaced my comment with "hopefully".

News Item3/20/19 9:26 AM
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Hopefully, the owner hasn't served couple who aren't married. Otherwise, they are very hypocritical.

News Item3/20/19 9:23 AM
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Unprofitable, you are even remotely suggesting that parents should allow their children to dress immodestly?
If I were you, I would retract my comment.
How can one not try to protect their children? Are some Christians so desensitized by the things which they have chosen to embrace in this world that they are that blind as to the danger?

News Item3/19/19 10:01 AM
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Those who profess to have the mind of Christ in these things, Unprofitable, often look like the world.
How a parent dresses or allows their children to dress is not unimportant at all.
Doesn't it creep you out that some pervert could easily be looking at your children at the swimming pool or beach? Your children aren't trying to provoke that but you, as a parent, are absolutely and should be accountable for putting them in a position in which someone can look at them in "glorified underwear".
While someone can be perverted without provocation, we ought not to cater to that.
It is not insignificant that the Lord told us to dress modestly and gave us principles which we could follow to that end.
..and "naked" and immodest is still "naked" and immodest whether it suits the public occasion or not.
A swimming suit is inappropriate in a store. A swimming suit is inappropriate in a public pool...as an example.

News Item3/19/19 9:47 AM
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Good news indeed! He kept them under the shadow of His wings.

News Item3/18/19 10:06 AM
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It's time for parents to quit putting their children dressed in immodest attire out in public and to quit subjecting them to sexualized programming that has become so widely accepted.
Children will emulate what they see.
Dads-if you don't want your girls to dress like whores, don't watch women dressed like whores on television.

News Item3/18/19 9:54 AM
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Thank you, June, for your zeal, steadfastness and links.
Sadly, the Grahams are still carrying much negative influence.
I have heard Billy being quoted twice now within a month's period of time at a local baptist church.
Ladybug, there is often a carry over between the threads.
June did make mention of CCM at Franklin Graham's shows.
Since there is a link between CCM and that which is "hip" within the church, mention of Frankie's crusades are fair game.

News Item3/15/19 4:56 PM
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Proverbs 12:10

“A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.”

News Item3/14/19 9:36 AM
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RCs, Jesuits and Masons have a lot in common.

News Item3/14/19 9:34 AM
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Jesus is the focal point of ministry.
Performers are the focal point of CCM.
There is a vast difference between the hymns and today's "Christian" music.
I would venture to say that most CCM "artists" wouldn't do what they do if not for the accolades which they receive.
I cringe every time I tune into a Christian radio station only to hear a whiny man singing like a woman or a woman cooing out a song as she was singing to her latest flame.
I doubt if Fanny Crosby or the other hymn writers would have taken center stage, dressed in hip apparel and skinny jeans to sing.

News Item3/13/19 10:38 AM
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I would take greater issue with Christians who reduce themselves to calling lost people names based on their poor speech.
Considering how this country has killed the English language, it is only appropriate.
Maybe if she was a weather girl or football player, she could be elevated to a more favorable view in many Christians' eyes.

News Item3/13/19 10:19 AM
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Unprofitable...you often err in adding to what I have written. I didn't say that one could not have fun. I said that wrestling, in Scripture, is not for that purpose. The onus is on you all, not me.
It must not have been too much fun for Jacob when he walked away with a limp and your view of God is warped if you think that He delighted in causing Jacob physical pain.
Being the monster tickling your grandson is hardly analogous to wrestling as a sport in this country.
You both are off the deep end.

News Item3/12/19 1:42 PM
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You need to reread what I wrote. I was very emphatic about how we wrestle not against flesh and blood. We do not and Jacob did not. God is not flesh and blood. Jacob wrestled God. The form which God took (man) didn't diminish the fact that He was God.
Further, it definitely was not for the fun or sport of it.

News Item3/12/19 12:29 PM
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I didn't say that Jacob didn't wrestle God...surely you understand the difference between wrestling mere man (flesh and blood) vs. wrestling God...powers,principalities,etc.?

News Item3/12/19 9:59 AM
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There is a difference between simply man and God so Jacob's wrestling event cannot be used to support wrestling for a sport.
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