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Survey8/20/07 2:01 AM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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DB, Matthew 22 is about a certain select group of people.

Jesus is warning that a lot of people who are very religious are going to be shocked to find out they aren't going to make it into Heaven.

When he says, I never knew you, depart from me you workers of iniquity," that doesn't mean all people who are condemned to Hell are people Jesus "never knew."

But this one group is not condemned because they did "many wonderful works," but because they were sinners who never listened to Jesus, never obeyed him, but were Elmer Gantrys.

That was their assessment of themselves regarding the "many wonderful works," not the assessment of Jesus.

They were condemned because they did many evil works, and if Jesus never knew them it is because they were charlatans, frauds, wolves in sheep's clothing, spreading heresies, the same kind of people that Jesus called a "den of vipers" and "whitewashed tombs."

Probably like a lot of people who post right here on SA. I can think of a few, ones who boast of being "snow covered dung," who condemn people who try to live for God as though they were doing an evil thing, not trusting in Jesu. They wrest the scriptures and make apathy and do-nothingism a virtue, and caring and diligence in serving God to be a sin, even calling it "the gospel

News Item8/19/07 10:17 AM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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TL, you've been watching too much Fox News.

It's amazing how much Osama bin Ladin is like Emmanual Goldstein in Orwell's 1984, the nebulous enemy of the state, whose picture is flashed on the "telescreen" each day. Have you noticed the same footage played a million times on all the controlled networks -- NBC, CBS, MSNBC, Fox, you name it -- of the terrible terrorists wearing black masks going over the hurdles? Same footage. It's called propaganda, brainwashing, and you can read this was all predicted in Orwell's book 1984, written in 1948, and you could just as easily substitute the name of Bin Ladin for that of Emanuel Goldstein.

Listen to Texe Marrs this week speak about this very thing, his hour-long message called "Orwell's Children." You can find him on www.powerofprophecy.com, and this message is one of the best I've ever heard.

War is Peace.
Freedom is Slavery.
Ignorance is Strength.

Survey8/19/07 10:07 AM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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"1 John 5:12, He that hath the Son hath life: and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life" is Present, Active, Indicative, means if you have the Son, you presently have eternal life."

Sure, as long as you die at that moment.

"Eternal life is not eternal if you can have it one day and lose it tomorrow."

Eternal life is conditional on having the Son, and if you wither on the vine, grieve, insult or quench the Spirit of Jesus away, we no longer "have the Son."

It's not over til it's over. Our faith is tried and tested, requires far more than a momentary burst of faith w/ the fatalistic hope that God carry us along from that moment like a dream in his mind, that no effort on our part to "walk in the Spirit" is needed.

Romans 8 says AFTER WE DIE that IF we have the Holy Spirit, we'll THEN be raised at the First Resurrection to eternal life. If we die as the five virgins who went dry, or the first three examples of the Parable of the Sower, or the backslidden servant or the lazy servant, or Judas, Solomon, Saul, Demus, the foolish widows, and many others, we'll be raised to the Second Death instead.

Romans 8:11

Once you die dry, it's too late, you've died in your sins.

If we falter at the very last moment under torture and deny Jesus, we forfeit our soul

Survey8/19/07 1:35 AM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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cbc --

Nag, nag, nag.

Try looking in the mirror. You have no stones to throw at anybody, you who claim to be a pastor and yet mock the words of Jesus and disparage his parables.

You call people ugly names here, and you think you can scold people as though they were little children and you are so high above everybody.

Are you 501c3? Are you signed up with FEMA to teach your victim flock to submit to marshal law per Romans 13?

A real pastor would not be bickering with a stranger over stupid things on an internet forum. I get mental pictures of people when I read their postings, and when I read yours I picture an old crone stirring a cauldron.

News Item8/19/07 1:28 AM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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The government has no business telling pastors what to preach or not to preach.

In the past they've told them what they can't preach.

Now they want them to tell their congregants to line up peacefully during marshal law, to hand over their guns, to allow their families to be split up, and probably never get to see their children again.

These pastors are Judas Goats, collaborators with traitors, and Christians need to stop following after pastors like lemmings and start using the brain God gave them, not to mention hopefully the Holy Spirit, to read the Bible for themselves and just start to believe God.

The Bible does not teach us to obey wicked government, says that if we knuckle under to the antichrist we will lose our very souls.

The whole Bible is about resisting the world and evil government, which is what Jesus did, and why he was crucified.

Romans 13 says to submit to good government, not the Satanic NWO Neocons and the False Messiah Antichrist.

Survey8/19/07 1:23 AM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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DB, of course you don't hear the OSAS people saying that repentance after salvation is not necessary for salvation.

Not in those exact words.

They just say that all your sins are forgiven at the moment you believe, past, present and future, all in a moment, that you are sealed to the day of redemption.

If all your future sins are forgiven, what need have you to repent of anything from then on?

It's a done deal.

The OSAS people sell their message much more slickly than to say, "it's okay to sin because it's all forgiven anyway, and Jesus knew what you'd do and he already paid for those sins."

But people aren't stupid. Nobody has to spell it out that way for the message to get through.

OSAS is just Antinomianism dressed up as "the gospel."

And Mike from NY, when Jesus said he gives eternal life, we learn in Romans that the TIME we receive this is when we die full of the Spirit. If we die dry, as 5 of the 10 virgins, or as the branch on the vine which withered, we don't attain the promise, the prize Paul spoke of that he pressed toward the mark.

News Item8/19/07 1:15 AM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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JP, Skull and Bones is not Born Again Christian.

Neither is Bohemian Grove.

Neither is Marshal Law, FEMA camps, or American aircraft floating offshore Iran waiting for an excuse to nuke 'em.

Neither is the North American Union, illegally and unconstitutionally agreed to by Bush, Canada and Mexico to destroy American sovereignty.

Neither is torture. Only monsters and criminals use torture, you idiot. Since when do you condone this kind of stuff?

You make an idol of the state and of the Republican party, a literal god out of a man who is more like Ted Bundy than Jesus Christ.

Jesus said you'll know them by their fruits, and your fruits of idolatry to a NWO Bonesman, the likes of GWB, are not the fruits of a Christian. Period.

News Item8/17/07 12:37 AM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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jhawk, I guess you've heard it announced on the controlled media that the 501c3 preachers have been conscripted to preach parts of Romans 13 to their congregations to elicit compliance for marshal law and relocation to FEMA camps.

Survey8/16/07 4:56 PM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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savedbygrace --

For your information, Skull and Bones is not Born Again Christian, and Hook 'em Horns is peculiar to one Texas university, not all of Texas, and Bush is no particular fan of UT.

The devil hand sign is completely different than the UT football team sign anyway.

You're saying Satanist Anton Lavey, Metallaca, Clinton, Prince William, and others just flash "hook 'em horns" too, as deny GWB flashes the devil hand sign?

You blame Alex Jones, the messenger, for Bohemian Grove, the message, as though your true loyalty is to Bohemian Grove's Druidic ceremonies w/ mock child sacrifice to a huge stone idol of Molech, skulls placed on trees all through the grove, and worse.

I think you'd have made a good Nazi back in the '40s, as so many German "church" people did, probably turn your neighbors in at the blink of an eye. In fact, there are 26,000 American pastors recruited by FEMA to urge their congregants to submit to marshal law in the name of Romans 13, hop on the trains, turn in their guns, let the govt confine their children to separate FEMA camps.

You demand to know if I'm a born again Christian while you, JD, Yamil, Nebraska Jim and others champion GWB, an admitted Bonesman and Bohemian Grove member.

Survey8/16/07 10:24 AM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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JD, regarding giving glory to the devil, that's not the intent at all. The Bible says to expose the unfruitful works of darkness, and that's what I'm doing.

That's why I expose you here as well, your making the Bible to be 99 percent written to the Jews and only the Jews, that the gospels are in code to the Jews and that the "so-called Lord's prayer" as you say is a secret message to the Jews.

So of course you don't think people should talk about the devil and his evildoings, since you are one of his biggest minions, trying your darndest to nullify the Bible while claiming to love it so much.

I will continue to speak against your lies and defamation of God's Word.

Also your lies that Jesus is coming any second to rapture us away. Yeah, you'd like everybody to just go to sleep and not worry, so that when all Hell breaks loose nobody will be prepared, maybe be part of the great falling away the Bible speaks of.

It's obvious to me that you already have fallen away and you are no more a Christian than your mentor Scofield was.
You hide behind other people to do your dirty work, always have to have somebody to cover your back, so I can expect Yamil to bluelock my moniker.

A little truth puts out a whole lot of darkness, so it won't matter. The truth speaks for itse

News Item8/15/07 4:50 PM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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Abigail, in the beginning when the Illuminati's puppet Supreme Court first shoved legalized conception-to-birth abortion down everybody's throat, the churches could have killed it. But there was barely a whimper.

You say you have so much faith, that God won't let you or your family suffer, but you have no faith to think you can do anything to defend your unborn neighbor, or any neighbor other than "trust God."

Missionarise to the Preborn in Wisconsin have closed down almost all the abortuaries in that state, and make tours around the country, using huge dead baby signs, literature, bull horns, to tell the truth the wicked controlled media has tried to hide for over 30 years.

The Missionaries have helped the Dominican Republic to resist legalizing abortion in their country.

With 45 million babies already sacrificed to Satan, we are next to go on the slab. Our country is in its death throes and GWB is gleefully driving our ship of state straight into the rocks. The FEMA camps are all built, the razor wire in place, the incinerators, and infrastructure to train, truck and fly in the serfs (that's us)for sorting and culling.

They blew up those buildings in front of us, killed 3,000 people, and they won't hesitate to do the same or worse to the rest of us.

Survey8/15/07 4:32 PM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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savedbygrace, Why would GWB be flashing a sign for University of Texas all through the inauguration? He went to Yale.

And, no, these aren't doctored photos of Bush flashing the devil hand sign all through the inauguration.

The media didn't try to whitewash the photos, the Bushes were flashing it constantly during the inauguration. They acknowledged it and said it was the sign for "Texas Longhorns." A lie. The Longhorns sign isn't done that way.

Why do Clinton, Anton Lavey, Tommy Franks, Metallica, and many others flash this same sign? What connection do they have with UT? About as much as GWB, probably.

I suppose it's just a rumor that GWB is Skull and Bones and a member of Bohemian Grove also?

Just like in Nazi Germany, the churches idolized Hitler and refused to recognize the spirit of antichrist, worked alongside Hitler, turning in their neighbors, handed over their rights gladly to him.

Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

News Item8/15/07 1:48 PM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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"In our daily life how much of what we are discussing is brought into play? How much do we care for and defend our neighbor?"

It should be "brought into play" A LOT.

How much do "WE" care for and defend our neighbor?

I don't know about you. I will defend my family from anybody who tries to break into my home and hurt anybody who lives there, oppose WWIII, expose evil. This is Biblical, as Pastor Slattery stated at the beginning of this thread. His sermons are available to listen to here on SA, also his sermons advocating against 501c3 so-called "churches" which turn pastors into govt agents.

I will continue to do whatever I can to oppose and resist the NWO and defend my neighbor best I can, whoever that is.

Christianity is not giving up and waiting to be burned at the stake. The NWO is controlled by a few evil men, just like the USSR was controlled by a few evil men. The only thing stopping these evil men from making their move is knowing that millions of Americans have guns in their homes and aren't afraid to use them.

What we did by allowing the preborn babies to be torn asunder all these years was wicked beyond anything our country has ever done, and our worst shame. We are a cold-hearted lot of people to have allowed this to go o

News Item8/15/07 1:37 PM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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"You are living in a make-believe world. Certainly there are a few children snatched, but why is it we only see of a few taken on the news. Why are the millions you are talking about not shown on the news? You are not living in the real world"

No, Wayne, you are the one living in Wonderland. You believe everything on the controlled media, which is nothing but the Illuminati's tool to distract, propagandize and control the serfs as they call us.

Even the controlled media reported 3,000 missing foster children in the state of Florida (where Jeb Bush is governor) a few years ago. These are foster children who just vanished, poof.

CPS snatches a couple million children from parents who love them every single year, for little or no reason.

Millions of children are taken. About half the people who work for CPS are pedophiles and perverts looking for a way to get their hands on children.

Halliburton and other companies are big into child snatching. Heard about Conspiracy of Silence documentary online? Former Rep. John DeCamp's book the Franklin Coverup, about children taken from Boystown orphanage in Nevada, flown to the White House and to pedophile parties, snuff films.

Wake up.

News Item8/15/07 1:19 PM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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"Again—how do you plan to protect yourself from the NWO and the coming persecution of Christians? I plan to trust God."

Luke 21:36, Jesus said speaking of the Tribulation: Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

My previous post tells some of what God expects of us to be found worthy. People who are selfish, cowardly, afraid to say boo or oppose the evildoers, who live for themselves, are living the opposite of the Christian life. If we love God, we will love our neighbor, care for and defend him. If we don't love our neighbor, we don't love God.

Our goal as Christians is not to be poor, to suffer, to die as martyrs, but to love our neighbor as ourself and to love God with all our heart, soul and mind. This is choosing life, not death.

As Christians we need to care more, not less, about ourselves and others. We should have more life, more to give, to be a blessing to others, good soldiers and servants of God, good stewards of what he's given us to catch more fish, to be a blessing to others.

I want to live through the Tribulation and be standing up in one piece looking up when Jesus comes and to raptured, to never die.

News Item8/15/07 1:01 PM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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We also read about what happened during the communist rule of Russia. Christians were imprisoned or locked in mental hospitals, and their children taken from them to be indoctrinated in atheism and communism.

The trail of blood of Christians, along with their children, is long and deep going back to the beginning.

Abigail, you've quoted scripture telling us that during the Tribulation millions of Christians will be martyred. Why are you jumping back and forth from one side of the fence to the other? Why do you now seem to hate the truth and run away from it just like most everybody else who posts here on SA?

You don't think people who torture women and children to death, burn them at the stake, are maniacs?

If we are wrong, the Christian thing to do is admit it and just change. The only person who ever did that here on SA is Norman and MSC. Everybody else I guess just "arrived" several years ago and has it all figured out.

Abigail, you are being challenged on your passifism, you and most everybody else on this forum who are also passifists, but for different reasons, (ie because they are fatalists and antinomians).

No matter what the reason for it, it is not Biblical, and the lazy servant went to Hell because of it, as Jesus told the parable.

News Item8/15/07 12:41 PM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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Abigail, We've gone over this before about the babies being torn asunder in their mothers' wombs, and you seemed to think that wasn't so bad really, certainly nothing to take up arms to prevent.

But there are millions, literally, of children being snatched by Satanists and pedophiles, and the things that are done to those children is unspeakable, and the word evil doesn't begin to describe it.

If you don't CARE about that, there's something WRONG with your HEART!

And if there is something wrong with your heart, and you don't care, that means you are KIDDING yourself if you think you are a Christian, just because you are willing to be burned at the stake.

People who have love for God and man, CARE about others.

I see you posting here, speaking a lot of things that are true, and I suppose you are reaching out in love. But when you advocate a do-nothing kind of Christianity, what makes you any different from the fatalists, from Wayne or Lurker or JD or any of the other people here who like to theorize and split hairs, but when it comes to living out their faith they think do-nothingism is virtue, and people who care and try and love and reach out are sinful Hellbound people who don't believe in Jesus.

Survey8/15/07 12:27 PM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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Hi, Norm. Actually Scott Johnson isn't so great as I first thought. I listened to his most recent sermon where he seemed to have figured out about the Talmudics and who was behind the NWO. But then his sermon just before that he was ranting about the Muslims.

He is a novice, only 13 years in the Lord, and I don't think he's got it all figured out yet. He's also OSAS, contradicts himself quite a bit, and I see him faltering and stumbling around, kind of bluffing his way through parts of his sermons because he's got huge gaps in his knowlwedge and udnerstanding.

He does have a few things figured out however, but Texe Marrs has him beat by a million miles.

Scott Johnson also thinks women should never speak to men about God, that we should be seen and not heard, not contend for the faith, and that the command to keep silence in the church extends to outside the church as well.

He's got some interesting perspectives on the occult, since he's a trained chiropractor and been involved in alternative medicine, knows about the coming fake alien invasion, etcetera.

But he sounds an awful lot like a brainwashed dispy also. He's only 13 years in the Lord.

News Item8/15/07 12:17 PM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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"You are attempting to preach love for your neighbor from a carnal (fleshly) point of view with respect of persons--loving your own and your friends and hating your enemies) instead of from a spiritual eternal point of view."

James 2:15, 16 If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

Luke 10:25 And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him...willing to justify himself said, ...And who is my neighbour?

36 (Jesus speaking): Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?

Everybody is our neighbor. Satanists like GWB and the Illuminati are reprobate, sold out children of the devil. We expose their evil works, contend for the faith, try to deliver their victims from death, as the Bible says.

You preach gnosticism, asceticism. Christianity is practical living, to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God. I agree about sinless perfection being an achievable goal, but disagree completely w/ you as how to achieve it.

Survey8/15/07 11:59 AM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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Abigail, How do I protect myself from the NWO and the Satanists, live through the Tribulation?

Luke 21:36, Jesus said speaking of the Tribulation: Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

My previous post tells some of what God expects of us to be found worthy. People who are selfish, cowardly, afraid to say boo or oppose the evildoers, who live for themselves, are living the opposite of the Christian life. If we love God, we will love our neighbor, care for and defend him. If we don't love our neighbor, we don't love God.

Our goal as Christians is not to be poor, to suffer, to die as martyrs, but to love our neighbor as ourself and to love God with all our heart, soul and mind. This is choosing life, not death.

As Christians we need to care more, not less, about ourselves and others. We should have more life, more to give, to be a blessing to others, good soldiers and servants of God, good stewards of what he's given us to catch more fish, to be a blessing to others.

I want to live through the Tribulation and be standing up in one piece looking up when Jesus comes and to raptured, to never die.

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