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News Item8/13/15 6:03 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Lurker wrote:
You obviously take OT circumcision literally

but lets not let it detract from the present discussion of speaking in tongues.

Wow! If I had been an OT Gentile who converted and became a Jew, circumcision would have been a very literal thing (and of course for each male descendant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (Yes! With a very spiritual side in those who had faith)

Now as to tongues
I so appreciate Tim Conway's honest thorough dealing with the subject


Has the gift of speaking in tongues ceased?

News Item8/13/15 11:46 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Lurker wrote:
NT baptism is the same as OT circumcision.
Oops! Nope.

OT circumcision was preformed upon a male child by his parents (now technically a full grown man could have chosen to become a Jew and therefore to endure the dicomfort of circumcision, not have it preformed on him by his parents)

NT Believer's Baptism (Immersion) of adults and those old enought to understand to Receive Jesus Christ as Lord and be identified with Him upon a profession of personal faith in Christ is therefore quite different from baby baptism (sprinkling)

News Item8/9/15 3:31 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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[Removed by Moderator Beta]

News Item8/9/15 6:54 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Please, I know I have posted this before, it is still ulterly important, the issue hasn't gone away because a few verbal objections have become public

So if you are willing please prayerfully watch again and seek God for what He wants you to do in this deadly ugly spiritual battle in which we should never surrender


Babies Are Murdered Here

News Item8/9/15 6:48 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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1517 wrote:
He attended a sodomite "wedding"....and lost my vote.
Sad doesn't do the matter justice.
Marco Rubio is another one. Rubio courted the Log Cabin aka Homosexual Republicans right from the start of his run

News Item8/3/15 10:03 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Mike wrote:
Brother Michael, how does the country hate God? There are people here who hate God, and there are people here who love him. The country doesn't do either.
Perhaps you might appreciate things differently if you consider the history of Judah. Were there God-Fearing Prophets who loved God (in obeying Him!) who repeatedly warned the people of the Judgment coming?
Come on now and tell us, were there?

Were there people in Judah who practised idolatry (even to sacrificing their babies to demons), an iniquity (sin) of those who hate God? (God tells us idolatry is a sin of those who hate Him in the 10 Commandments in case you haven't read that lately)

So in the eyes of Holy God did He see Judah as a nation that loved Him or hated Him? Ever hear of the Babylonian Captivity, the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple?

I stand by my post and testify against the United States that despite a tiny remnant who do Fear God and Keep His Commandments this country that ought to love God, hates God, and has been waging an increasingly unwinnable war against Him. AND God will repay those who hate Him to their faces, including the so called churches who don't know God in their unbelieving disobedience to Him and love for sin.

News Item8/3/15 6:40 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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I am sure, well at least hopeful, that many will be in prayer, serious fervant prayer for Timothy White and his family (Let's throw in Allen West as well) in this matter.

And considering the evil and perverse times we are in pray that God would raise up Preachers of courage with a holy boldness to speak the truth similar to Allen West is demonstrating.

Dave in OZ
The US is pridefully at war with GOD, our country now hates and despises the God it once wonderfully acknowledged in our Decalaration of Independence (from England not from God)

News Item8/3/15 6:26 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.

News Item8/2/15 8:51 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Christopher000 wrote:
Michael, how have you been? Haven't seen you around. Been busy? Feeling okay?
Hi! Thanks for asking. I have been busy, I have been seeking to put better time and more effective efforts into prayer, Bible study and witnessing

But especially in seeking God in Sermon preperation, for example this morning, God willing I will be preaching what is essentially a third of a growning series in "How Do We Live in (these present) Prophetic Times, my sermon title: "A Time of Fiery Furnaces" Daniel 3 as my main text.

Tonight, "The Issue Which Most Confronts Us - Deceptions" meaning deceptions in the church in a joint service with another small church (last week their pastor Jeremy Lundmark gave a great message on homosexuality out of Judges 19, and you can find it on YouTube)

Gotta run.
Always with the Love of Christ (something we will be talking about as at the heart of our witnessing in Sunday School)

News Item8/2/15 1:33 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Anti Believer wrote:
slaughtered at the hands of the "white" establishment
Dear Anti
Respectfully in my humble observation your premise isn't exactly right.

The injustice in the U.S. and in the world is not a black vs white issue, although sometimes it looks that way.

It is far more the war lost, fallen, sinfu and carnal men under the influence of devils (sometimes the outright possession) are systematically waging against Holy God.

So if you don't mind let me remind you (myself too) all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. There is none righteous no not one. There is only One who can save us from our sins, and when we are genuinely saved by God and for God, we will be a different people and it won't matter is we are black or white, brown, red or purple, green, poka dot. And then only in the wisdom of God will be able to rightly address the political, social, economic etc. evils that are in the world.

Basically we need a genuine powerful life changing Holy Ghost Revival.

News Item8/2/15 1:04 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Wow! Even unsaved sinful celebrities can see prostitution is thoroughly wrong, that it exploits and abuses women. May God grant an open door that they might hear the Gospel and come to salvation, not some waterdown or twisted version of it.

News Item8/2/15 12:57 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Wrong premise.

Those who forsake the Law praise the wicked, but such as keep the Law contend with them.

What the Obama administration is doing is part of the deliberate unwinnable war against GOD that the U.S. (and too many of its churches) is proudly waging in vain to its own destruction.

News Item7/26/15 8:03 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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btw if you all need some equipping in what to say to Muslims (and others like RCs) let me suggest:

[URL=http://media.SermonAudio.com/articles/li-618159362-1.PDF]]]4 Bible Verses Every Muslim NEEDS to Know[/URL]

and do what the video it was taken from on YouTube too.

News Item7/23/15 6:59 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Maybe you all missed it (try 4:25 in the clip) uploaded in spring of 2010 from the Master's College with ____ _________



News Item7/20/15 11:10 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John Yurich USA wrote:
What is this nonsense that the RCC believes in a different virgin mary and does not believe in the biblical Virgin Mary?
JohnY your Catholicism be showing

The real Mary of the Bible was NOT a perpetual virgin as YOUR RCC is portrayed.
Jesus, the Real Jesus of the Bible, not the imitation one of the RCC had brothers and sisters (half-brothers and sister) as again the Real not the pretend RCC Mary and Joseph had children.

Ever hear of the Book of James? or the Book of Jude? Guess who wrote them?

John it is either the RCC has lied to you and/or you have lied right along with them in and about the Jesus they supposed believe in so much.

REMEMBER the RCC cannot even (or refused to) get it right on who GOD is (HINT: GOD aint 'Allah'):


CCC 841

News Item7/20/15 9:06 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Gendron is wrong on several counts. The JW and Mormon organizations don't exalt the name of Jesus since they don't worship Jesus as God. But the RCC has always exalted the name of Jesus since the RCC has always worshiped Jesus as God.
Why don't you be honest, really honest with yourself for once.

The RCC exalts the name of the rc "mary" and only gives token lip service to the Name of Jesus (take your pick from all sorts of "jesuses", little baby needs his momma, lifeless piece of bread jesus, still on the cross jesus, but NOT the Jesus of the Bible Jesus)

Embracing any of the false rc jesuses or any other imaginary in the minds of men jesuses will save nobody

BTW God's requirements are:
Repentance and

NOT an empty lip service prayer only to escapte hell (in no way one to be genuinely and truly saved from sin)

News Item7/18/15 9:04 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Dave wrote:
From what I can glean from the bible I think we believers will experience a pre trib. Rapture.

Dave in OZ
Too much to get into in the subject at the moment. Suffice it to say Paul and all the other NT writers, by the Spirit held to a theology of the imminent return of Jesus Christ, and so should we, all of us.

BTW We likewise out to live in the "imminent" presence of Jesus Christ.


News Item7/17/15 9:05 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Dave wrote:
Brother saint ejected elms.
How many American marines have payed the ultimate price on foreign shores since 1917 coming to the rescue of the rest of the world's dramas.not started by the US?
Wingers like you probably wouldn't even be allowed to voice their opinions publicly if the good old USA hadn't saved the world from its problems in 1942. Just for one example.Australians would.be under Japanese imperial rule, and Europe under fascist rule.
I appreciate your post.
Considering here, especially because the US has gotten so far away from it, but where would any of us be right now if God had not in His sovereignty had the US to come into being base on the acknowledgement of the God of the Bible in the Declaration of Independence, and men and women had not been willing to value Liberty more than life?

found this on YouTube:


I have to consider how different the story out of Chattanoog might have been if the US was once again famous for acknowledging the God of the Bible and know to be continually actively seeking to live obedient and righteous before Him?

[URL=http://media.SermonAudio.com/articles/li-618159362-1.PDF]]]4 Bible Verses Every Muslim Should Know[/URL]

News Item7/16/15 3:30 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Sorry to interrupt, there has been a shooting incident(s) in Chattanooga, TN
at this time if it is being reporte accurately (too soon to tell)
4 Marines at a Naval Recruiting Center dead
1 Shooter dead (don't know at this time if there were more as two different places were hit
1 Police Officer shot and injured

So, please do pray however the Spirit leads you. Thank You. I appreciate it. My daughter works in downtown Chattanooga and I hope God will use her and other born again believers during this time, and keep them safe as well

News Item7/14/15 10:10 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Marck wrote:
Michael Hranek:
I'm in Cobb County
Thanks. I've been through there multiple times. My daughter lives in Walker County a bit North of you. We used to live in Hamilton County, TN
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