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News Item12/18/08 3:10 PM
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bucketandspade wrote:
A wee bit o' realism

Survey12/17/08 2:46 PM
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shed a little light wrote:
Isn't the suggestion that Satan can do as God does - a blasphemy???
2 Corinthians 6:15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
Say, what????? Where's the light you are shedding?

Survey12/17/08 12:39 PM
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glue stick wrote:
God does NOTHING the way Satan does.
Satan CANT do what God does.
And, yet, Satan is a created being - BY GOD - for a purpose.

Even. . .evil declares His Praise.

How is that?????

Survey12/17/08 12:08 PM
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John UK wrote:
Glad to contribute.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

I've been sharpened by your posts. Thanks, back at you.

Survey12/17/08 11:27 AM
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jubilate wrote:
a) Ah I observe that CHS also taught that GOD retained the proclivity to "hate" a sinner.

Romans 9:15 For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. :16 So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.
:18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.
Thus God has mercy on whom HE chooses. The rest of mankind are guilty as charged.

a) Not so. He doesn't hate the way Satan hates. .with intent to destroy.

The rest . . .YES. . .we were all in the same boat (don't you hate cliches?). .but, he rescued some. . .others, he didn't. .. .but, He threw a life raft. . .the Gospel . . .creation itself bespeaks of His Glory . . .some, tossed the life raft back. They didn't want it, or wanted to do it on their own.

So, like the woman scooping an infant from a burning fire . . .He rescues those whom He wills to rescue.

Survey12/17/08 10:40 AM
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I soooooooo love Spurgeon!

News Item9/30/08 8:46 PM
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Daniel Lee Ford wrote:
It is time to demand a return to sound money."
Me: Yeah, that'll happen.

Daniel Lee Ford wrote:
" Paul urged Americans to bypass both major party candidates and instead vote for a candidate such as Chuck Baldwin.
Appearing on CNN’s popular Lou Dobbs Tonight program while in Washington, Baldwin was told by Dobbs, Americans had “a good reason” to vote for him.Me: Well, now, who do you think Lou Dobbs wants to win the election? Could that be. . .Obama?

Daniel Lee Ford wrote:
Right now, Obama's ahead in my state by about 15 points-

I'm going to vote for a good Christian man - Chuck Baldwin!Me: Stay home! Save the gas!

Sermon10/4/07 4:15 PM
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“ Thank You. ”
This is, I think, the most comforting sermon I have ever heard. I have wondered how I can possibly trust my own heart and mind when we so often deceive ourselves in our vanity. I have been left cold by the statements assuring me that I believe, knowing that the demons believe and tremble and that there will be those on that Day who cry out Lord, Lord but never knew Him. How can I know, how can I trust, that my faith is true? How can I trust, when I know that I am so far from the holiness of the Lord and that I struggle against my flesh? Thanks be to God in Christ Jesus... Now, I will take comfort in the fact that my sin grieves me because it evidences the present work of the Spirit in my heart. Thank you for this comforting sermon.

News Item8/31/07 10:55 AM
mE | THIRD World Missions  Find all comments by mE
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Oh Please Americans need to get out more. A clean bathroom with a locking door...sounds good to me...the only problem is the sign...should just say bathroom....every home in america has one, just like it...unlike here. Modesty here is turning away...Because there often isnt one....

News Item2/2/07 11:44 AM
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[removed by editor]

News Item11/22/06 6:10 AM
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OF COURSE President Bush is empowering terrorists. He attends the red mass and openly declares an intent to obey the pope of Rome. What ELSE did you expect?

And while the Jesuits have everyone looking at fear towards islam, the catholic church is quietly flooding the nation with illegal mexicans that will kill (believing they do God a service )the moment the priest gives the word. The illegals will rise up.. in croatian that word rise up is ustashe.. See Jasenovac on google video. History repeats

Ministers who KNOW the word of God.. men who KNOW the testimony of history and every classic commentary have suddenly become blind to the ways of the jesuit order. They do not WANT to see truth as this would mean they would threaten their 501 c3 status. Christ will have no part of a two headed freak .He will be the only head.. and where truth is not allowed he will leave.
So the 501 c will dummy up, and offer hearty congrats when my children are drafted to fight this papal crusade. They will twist Romans 13 once again..
Same monsters of iniquity that once told young german boys it was okay to kill for Papal Hitler.

NOT my sons drafted.. And when the knights of malta at the BATF come to my house,men will gladly believe the media spin. Popery? NAHHH. Conspiracy nut

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