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News Item5/20/07 9:20 PM
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I think it can be best summed up in the Apostle's Creed:
I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth.

I don't think this requires a literal interpretation of Genesis 1 or 2, but has been confirmed by modern science that points to the Big Bang origin of the universe which took place over billions of years. Also, there are many fields that point to an earth older than 6,000 years: linguistics, geology, astronomy, plate tectonics, genetics and archaeology and even basic history (which I hold a degree in) for starters. This museum is an attack on all of those in the name of religion.

Evolution is more than just a theory. The fact of evolution is the basis of study for many fields today, including medicine.

I think the problem is the fact that the US is abysmally behind the rest of the world when it comes to the performance of US students in math and science. We as a country are being left in the dust because of the opposition to the teaching of evolution. When there are those who have been raised in a specific environment that calls into question the validity of a segment of science, such as the fact of evolution, there is a definite problem.

News Item5/20/07 8:22 PM
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And yet, all the creationist "evidence" has been proven time and time again to be nothing more than the pseudoscience that I mentioned previously. The debate on the age of the earth wasn't even something I knew about until recently, but after reading AiG's material, the more I realized it was nonsense.

Yet, no matter how many times these pieces of evidences they present are refuted, they still cling to these PRATTS(Points refuted a thousand times) like the moon dust, salinity of the ocean etc.

Now, can it be said that Christians who don't take a literal interpretation of Genesis 1-11 yet still believe in Jesus Christ and his sacrificial death on the cross to redeem mankind back to our Heavenly father are somehow "inferior" or not "true Christians".

As a theistic evolutionist, that mindset is disturbing.

News Item5/20/07 6:59 PM
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We're talking about a "museum" that is presenting a very narrow interpretation of Genesis as scientific "fact", when it's anything but.

So yes, I have a problem with this example of pseudoscience on display. It's nothing more than an attack on mountains of evidence from the earth itself that it is older than 6,000 years, and a lot closer to 4.6 billion years.

Survey5/15/07 10:16 PM
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SA, I think you blew it on this one. Don't see any consecutive posts. Pre-emptive strike maybe?

News Item5/6/07 2:01 PM
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God Bless this woman of God.

Jesus has called her to this position. Sometimes I think Christians spend more time worshiping the Bible instead of God, who said that he would pour out His Spirit upon both men AND women.

Sermon4/16/07 12:12 AM
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The Unbeliever's Condition
Robert McCurley
“ Great Sermon! ”
Really Good!

News Item4/13/07 7:30 AM
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Having been in the situation of having a family member sexually abused I think churches should first consider the victims.

What I would like to see done is to have the sexual abuser being banned from where the surviver worships. It is more about the healing process rather than forgiveness.

In our case we were told if the abuser wishes to come to the church he would be able to. One member wrote to us saying we have all sinned so we need to do is forgive and forget. Where is the compassion?

As for this article I think it is good he has come in the open about it. It is better than being silent and grooming the next child-which is what happened with us. In that way he can be ministered to. It is a difficult situation but we all need Christ.

Survey3/3/07 12:15 AM
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Off topic but an interesting side note:

The Battle Hymn of the Republic
"Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord..."

Written by Julia Ward Howe a Unitarian

Survey12/22/06 6:19 PM
anonymous | N.Ireland  Find all comments by anonymous
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Pepsi is for Protestants! Its true its for Calvinists!
P = Protestant Reformers
E = Eschatology
P = Perserverance of the saints
S = Separated People
I = Irresistible Grace

News Item12/8/06 5:01 PM
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Why shouldn't the Anti-Christian "pope" Benedict XVI (Nazi/Hitler-Youth & Fascist Joe RATzinger) express admiration for the Mohammedans: Back in the 6/7th Century his Satanic-Vaticanistic Roman "Catholic" CULT Created that
"Allah-(Moon-god)"-worshipping God-forsaken false religion of the descendants of Ishmael ! ! ! ! ! !

What is it but that the Nimrod-Baal-"SUN-GOD"-worshipping Satanic-Vaticanist/Roman "Catholic" Cult/Whore of Revelation/Mystery Babylon
would not indeed Give Birth To and Spawn
the Allah-Cresent-"MOON-GOD"-worshipping
False religion of Fanatical Satanic-Mohammedanism ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ?

News Item12/8/06 4:02 PM
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hmmm . . . . . . "a still small voice": No sooner than that you post your response; old "GG" accuses you of being a "'Prot doing wacky things'" --

But seeing that the "Satanic-Vaticanists"
and Roman "Catholic" Cultists have "popes", "monks", "cardinals", "archbishops", "bishops" and so-called "priests" with no spiritual, psychological or physical "ornamentals of maleness" themselves; he supposes you to be just like one of them !

And wants you to take "responsiblity" for their deficiency in "testicular fortitude" !

That's JUST LIKE the Satanic-Vaticanists
& Roman "Catholic" Cultists: ALWAYS trying to stick the blame of their SINS
on to OTHERS; instead of taking the responsibility themselves !

hmmm . . . . . . And I also find it very
odd that two of his fellow Cultic goons
posted in support of his "wacky response".

Especially the one quoting from a Satanic-Vaticanist based corrupted 2nd Century
Greek Manuscripted English so-called "translation" of The The Authorized Holy
Bible ! ! ! ! ! !

News Item12/5/06 8:06 PM
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If people would only STOP promulgating the Satanic-Vaticanist lies of the True Authorized-Biblical-Literalist "Christmas" Story, as told by St. Matthew & St. Luke; there would be No Controversy or reason for debate !

But let's face it; the Satanic Vatican has been controversial since its Inimaculate Conception/Deception in HELL itself; and will be until its Final Destruction in the Lake of Fire !

News Item12/5/06 7:33 PM
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A sodomite is a sodomite is a sodomite !

It doesn't matter if he is a Satanic-Vaticanist sodomite, a "Church of Scotland" sodomite or a Roman "Catholic" Cultic sodomite !

A sodomite is a sodomite is a sodomite !

News Item12/5/06 6:53 PM
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I personally don't know much about U.N. Ambassador John Bolton; apart from what the major "liberal" press/media say about him: that he is "controversial".

Heck, The U.N. and the "liberal" press/media are Highly Controversial themselves !

News Item12/5/06 5:56 PM
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hmmm: I wonder how many people would attend the so-called "Community" churches if they replaced the "y" in "community" with an "s"; and put it (the "s") before the "t" ?

Survey11/15/06 6:05 PM
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(This survey is no longer available)
to Sam
1. Before the foundation of the world (matt 25 v 34, john 17 v 24, eph 1 v 4)
2. Yes

(list of sermons on topic)

News Item11/14/06 9:30 PM
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Anybody who says Israel is not a secular nation knows nothing about Jews, Israel, or English/American History vis-a-vis Mideast policy, to say nothing of modern Israeli history.

and fuzzy logic--To assume God has special preference for "Eretz Yisrael" is to assume (perhaps unconsciously) that God is both a racist, as well as to assume such words as "state" mean the same thing "nation" means in the Bible as well as most of western history. "Nation" in all of history means "A people"--it does NOT mean country. The way we spaek of (for example) the "Nation of Serbia" is a linguistic result of 20th century nationalism. So Eretz Yisrael ("State of Israel") in no way signifies "the Nation of Israel" as spoken of in the Bible. Eretz Yisrael is a POLITICAL unity, NOT a nation...furthermore, read up on Israel's official state views on Christianity sometime--they're not what we might be pleased to call "accepting."

To say one is a "Jew" means nothing. Howard Stern and Carl Levin are 'Jews' but they are not Jews. They are Jews racially, but to assume someone is a 'Jew' by lineage alone is to assume RACISM in Judaism. It is to assume that being from a certain stock MAKES one a Jew. The NT teaches that Our Lord Himself did NOT agree with this view.

News Item11/14/06 9:16 PM
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Winston Smith--

good points (as for me though I chose to vote--especially because I live i Missouri, a contested state).

I was on this site two years ago talking about how Bush was a fraud and how he was a drunken frat idiot who was pro-CHOICE until he ran for national gov't. etc. and people just lambasted me for it. I talked about how I didn't trust him for the judiciary because he put up FOUR radical left-wing abortionist justices to the Texas supreme court when he was governor, how he has lied bold-faced about his bible readings (and has been caught doing so, ) as well as his drunkenness which smokinggun.com has on tape SINCE the time he swears he put down the bottle. I talked about his fixation with Natan Sharansky's defunked political theory (I saw him say on TV he gets his Mid-East policy FROM Natan Sharansky), etc. but I just got ripped on. Now you're all going to see how Bush will sell out to the liberals because his main thing is a legacy for BUSH---NOT what's good for us or what's conservative. He's the fake I've always been saying he is and now you all know (finally).

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