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Sermon2/15/11 4:23 PM
Anon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anon
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Divorce, Re-Marriage & the Bible #1
D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
“ WARNING: Remarriage After Marriage => Hell? ”
Thank you Dr. Waite. Most Bible Passages on Divorce and Remarriage Bible are clear (e.g., Luke 16, Mark 10, I Cor 7): NO Remarriage is permitted after divorce. However, don't two NT passages (e.g., Matthew 5 & 19) permit Remarriage but not in the modern context? Are fornication or desertion grounds for Remarriage?: (1.) YES. During the ancient Betrothal (i.e., modern engagement) Period = Divorce and Remarriage permitted. (2.) NO. After the Wedding and Sexual Consummation = Adultery. Thus, why are there so many unbiblical views hosted on SermonAudio.com? Aren't most of these sermons allowing Christians to commit Adultery yet the Bible is clear: "[Adulterers] shall NOT inherit the Kingdom of God" (I Cor 6:9)? Won't Adulterers burn in Hell? Pastors be warned: "Whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required." (Luke 12:48)

News Item2/14/11 9:36 AM
Anon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anon
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The U.S. Constitution defines equality but doesn't define marriage.

Thus, in the name of sexual equality, won't the government eventually compel anyone vested with the power to marry (justice of the peace, notary or religious minister) to perform a same-sex marriage in his church, if requested?

Christ have mercy upon us.

News Item2/11/11 5:13 PM
Anon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anon
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"Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man is very powerful."
- James 5:16

A Lutheran pastor absolves confessed sins by saying this:

"Upon this your confession and in the stead and by the command of my Lord Jesus Christ, I forgive you all your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

If you don't share your sins with your pastor and receive absolution, with whom do you confess and "be healed"?

Sermon2/11/11 4:40 PM
Anon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anon
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“ Courage to Multiply? ”
Dear Pastor Boling, Thank you for your discussion with Dr. Wells about his book: "The Courage to Be Protestant: Truth-lovers, Marketers, and Emergents in the Postmodern World." Isn't multiplication also a factor as implied by the question about the burgeoning number of homeschoolers? A case in point is researcher and author, Dr. Eric Kaufmann, a secular liberal scholar of politics at the University of London, who has written the following soon-to-be-released significant book: “Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth?” Who, did the research find, shall “inherit the Earth”?: (1.) Old Order Amish, (2.) Quiverfull Evangelical Movement, (3.) Traditional Latin Mass Catholics, (4.) American Mormons, (5.) Hasidic Jews and (6.) Muslims. In the final analysis, will it be marketers, "Emergents" and denominations who will survive or those with the courage to obey God, be fruitful and multiply?

Sermon2/9/11 4:13 PM
Anon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anon
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ World Hates the Womb? ”
We need to protect women, the womb, families and babies from the world. It's biblical advice: Be in the world but not of it. Listen to him!

Sermon2/9/11 3:17 PM
Anon | Chesterfield MO  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anon
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No Re-Marriage Until Mate's Death
D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
“ Excellent! ”
This is logical. Period.

News Item2/9/11 11:08 AM
Anon | Chesterfield MO  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anon
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Researcher and author, Dr. Eric Kaufmann, a secular liberal scholar of politics at the University of London, has written the following, soon-to-be-released significant book:

“Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth?”

What does it conclude?:

“Yes, they will.”

Who, did the research find, shall “inherit the Earth”?:
(1.) Old Order Amish
(2.) Quiverfull Evangelical Movement (3.) Traditional Latin Mass Catholics (4.) American Mormons
(5.) Hasidic Jews
(6.) Muslims

If a denomination is open to children and bequeaths its faith to them, won't it multiply? Perhaps Presbyterians are deviating from this path and will not "inherit the Earth."

News Item9/14/09 5:26 PM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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Some interesting reading:

[url=http://pbl.oldfaithbaptist.org/Textual%20Criticism/Validatin%20of%20the%20Black%20Rock%20Address.pdf]]] 1 John 5:7 and John 1:18 corrupted [/url]

Sermon3/1/09 10:24 AM
Anon | Scotland  Find all comments by Anon
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The War against Indwelling Sin.
Rev Allan Murray
“ Faithful Clear Preaching ”
Praise God for a minister preaching the Word faithfully and clearly. Gently he encourages and warns us.

News Item10/15/08 8:53 PM
anon  Find all comments by anon
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I love that sense of humor TONY

News Item10/15/08 8:37 PM
anon  Find all comments by anon
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Aww, c'mon TONY quit foolin'


News Item10/15/08 8:27 PM
anon  Find all comments by anon
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Wow...TONY is an Obama-supporting Democrat now? Does this mean no run for Congress as a republican this year?

News Item10/15/08 10:18 AM
anon.  Find all comments by anon.
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I tried to post twice on this thread ten hours ago and neither time did the post appear. I don't understand.

News Item10/15/08 10:13 AM
anon.  Find all comments by anon.
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News Item10/6/08 5:02 PM
Anon | London  Find all comments by Anon
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GK wrote:
brother,I'd like to shake your hand!
Considering what Christ did for me on the cross, what I did was was nothing.

No credit to me my brother all the glory to God!

When the persecution comes be strong and stand on the rock that is Jesus.

News Item10/5/08 6:38 PM
Anon | London  Find all comments by Anon
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As the man who stuck his head above the parapit and heckled the counterfeit bishop Gene Robinson at St Mary's Church in London. I am delighted that the Holy Spirit is embolding = men of God within the episcopalian church to rise up against the tide of apostasy sweeping across the Anglican Church. I think of the reformed bishops that went to the fire at the hands of Bloody Mary to reform the early Anglican church and free it from Rome. It saddens me that Cramner, Ridley and Latimer died in vain when I see these counterfeits marching toward Rome and Sodom!

Sermon9/7/08 3:25 PM
anon | america  Find all comments by anon
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon5/11/08 4:57 PM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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Biblical Modesty Pt 2
Bob Barton
“ Part 3? ”
Will part 3 of this series be posted?

Survey1/9/08 2:28 PM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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badhorsie777 wrote:
...These godly men and women remind their children, as commanded by scripture, of the things of God
So do most Christian parents, but evangelistically, not as though their children had some sort of privilege with God that other unbelieving children do not have!

badhorsie777 wrote:
....They are required to live as christians ...
But they are not Christians until they are converted! You are teaching them to live hypocritically. This is moralism, not Christianity!

I am not saying that to have Children with morals is wrong, but to even suggest to them that they can live as Christians without saving grace is naive and harmful!

Anyway, I'm away for the rest of today. Will look in tomorrow.

Survey1/9/08 2:05 PM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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From Adrian Warnock's blog

"...As a non-paedobaptist ..For me, if there is any doubt at all about whether babies should be baptised we should leave them unbaptised. Why? Based on a Warnock law of decision making- considering worst case scenarios.

If I dont baptise my kids, whats the worst thing that can happen? No one seems to believe that baptising them is in any way efficacious. So the worst thing is that I am disobeying a commandment that God never gave me in the first place. IF God wanted me to baptise my kids I think he would have made it clearer by actually asking me to in the bible.

So, whats the worst case scenario on the other hand? Well, I inocculate my kids against true christianity. They feel they have done it all and have nothing left to do. They grow up and never have the opportunity that a decision about baptism does to bring absolute clarity to whether they believe or not. Drifting apparently into faith they then drift out of it again, all the time thinking "Im ok coz my parents did it for me".

The bible is very clear in acts and says "Repent and be baptised"...."

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