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Survey1/9/07 3:04 PM
Discerned Believer  Find all comments by Discerned Believer
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If you can't figure it out, there ther is no hope for you.

Put away your Calvinist's presuppositions.

If you reject the calling of the Holy Spirit of God to repent and believe the gospel, you will yet die in your sins.

God will not repent for you.

How do you know when you get the faith.
How do you know when you have enough faith to believe the gospel?
When did you exercize this faith?
How do you know when you have received the gift repentence in order to repent?

Survey1/9/07 2:47 PM
Discerned Believer  Find all comments by Discerned Believer
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Rev. 22:17
"And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely."

Survey1/9/07 2:17 PM
Discerned Believer  Find all comments by Discerned Believer
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No one can produce faith and repentence, just as no one can produce the flesh and bones that cover our body.

Just as stealing is an act of the will, so is not stealing. We are all born with a will and are free moral agents to use that will, either for good or for bad.

You believe that man has no ability to make any conscious choice on anything.

This is called total inability, we believe in total depravity. As long as you are able to breath, you have the God given ability to make a conscious choice. Granted, we are tainted with the sin nature. And for that reason the natural man does not arbitrarily seek after God, but when confronted with the gospel and the nature of the gospel, God calls all those who are of a willing and contrite heart to come to Christ. God called all men, everywhere to repent and believe the gospel. It is his divine will for all men to turn from their wickedness and come to the knowledge of the truth. He set the criteria by which that is to be done. There is no other way.

You want to through out names like Pelagian or Arminian as scare tactics and intimidation, no one should be intimidated by your scare tactics but stand on the truth which is not founded on anybody other than in Christ.

Survey1/9/07 12:32 PM
Discerned Believer  Find all comments by Discerned Believer
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Actually they are very easy to understand and answer.

The problem is that it would challenge your Calvinistic presuppositions, which I feel you are not willing to do.

Survey1/9/07 11:07 AM
Discerned Believer  Find all comments by Discerned Believer
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Typical response to a legitimate question. If you can't answer, then you hurl insults.

Very Christian of you. And you wonder why we doubt your salvation. You are only proving our points.

Survey1/9/07 10:45 AM
Discerned Believer  Find all comments by Discerned Believer
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As far as Eph. 2:8 is concerned,if we are comaparing faith and works, then where is salvation.

If salvation is the gift of God, how do we receive this gift, by faith or by works?

If faith is the gift of God, then how do we receive this gift, by salvation or by works?

Is salvation a reward reckoned of works or is it reckoned of the grace of God?

Survey1/9/07 7:59 AM
Discerned Believer  Find all comments by Discerned Believer
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RU Saved,

"2] "faith" = πιστεωσ = Grammar - Genitive case. Sing.
It is not female gender as this would entail a different spelling in the Greek."

Care to cite your source of the word faith not being in the female gender.

Thayer's Greek Definitions has it as femaile.

Survey1/8/07 6:11 PM
Discerned Believer  Find all comments by Discerned Believer
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R U Saved?

How can faith be the gift of God. The word "faith" is in the female gender and the word "it" is neuter.

The pronoun "it" would refer to "salvation" which are both in the neuter gender as being the gift of God.

Survey1/8/07 5:39 PM
Discerned Believer  Find all comments by Discerned Believer
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Thanks MBL,

BTW, my wife and I prayed for your new baby boy and your wife during our devotions.

Survey1/8/07 4:49 PM
Discerned Believer  Find all comments by Discerned Believer
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Makes you wonder why they don't bring people to the Savior. They rationalize away calling on the name of the Lord for salvation as if it not pertainent to salvation.

MBL, how many Calvinists would you estimate here that are not truly saved?

They have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof.

They claim that you have to wait for God to give you the gifts of repentence anf faith after they have been regenerated in order for them to be able to believe. I have asked Arthur if he had ever received this gift. I am still waiting for the answer.

I have asked the Calvinist if it possible for one to enter the kingdom of heaven without ever believing the gospel. I just get the runaround.

I woke up early this morning wishing for a civil, informative discussion on the law. Oh well.

Survey1/8/07 1:16 PM
Discerned Believer  Find all comments by Discerned Believer
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Larkin: "Do you believe that God wrote the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelations.?"

Yes without a doubt. (2 Tim. 3:16, 17) "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works."

Survey1/8/07 1:11 PM
Discerned Believer  Find all comments by Discerned Believer
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"What enabled you to repent and believe when others do not?"

If God commands all men everywhere to repent, then He knows man has the ability to do so. Man freely chooses to act on God's commands.

It is a part of human nature instilled in us from God when we were formed.

Man, whether he is depraved or not still maintains a moral conscience of right and wrong. His temptation will primarily lead him to do wrong. When confronted with the power of the gospel which is the power of God unto salvation, he is free to make the right choice or free to make the wrong choice.

Survey1/8/07 11:57 AM
Discerned Believer  Find all comments by Discerned Believer
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What is the difference between myself and the unsaved. When the Holy Spirit convicted me of sin and showed me the awefulness of my estate through his written word, I saw that Jesus was the only way of salvation. There was no works of righteousness that I could do to pay debt I owed. I repented of my self righteousness and placed my faith and trust in the sovereign grace of God's free gift of salvation through the finished work of Christ on Calvary.

He called me and I answered the call to repent and believe the gospel.

I know it sounds like there are a lot of "I's" in the above, but God pardoned an old wretched sinner by his love and mercy when He was under no obligation to me whatsoever. In fact he would have been right and just to leave me to die lost and in sin because that is what I truly deserved. God's word has the convicting power to bring any lost to the saving knowledge of Christ. I could not grasp until the Holy Spirit led me to the place where I had to either receive God's free gift or spend eternity in Hell, lost forever.

For some reason, you Calvinist seem to overlook the work of the Holy Spirit in any of our testimonies.

Survey1/8/07 11:11 AM
Discerned Believer  Find all comments by Discerned Believer
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Question is Pistol Pere, if Christ has secured the salvation of only a few, by what reason do you have to believe that he secured it for YOU?

Survey1/8/07 11:02 AM
Discerned Believer  Find all comments by Discerned Believer
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"God secures the initial exercise of this disposition in view of the truth, in this change the soul itself acts. Yet these two parts of God’s operation are simultaneous. At the same moment that he makes the soul sensitive, he pours in the light of his truth and induces the exercise of the holy disposition he has imparted.

This distinction between the passive and the active aspects of regeneration is necessitated, as we shall see, by the twofold method of representing the change in Scripture. In many passages the change is ascribed wholly to the power of God; the change is a change in the fundamental disposition of the soul. There is no use of means. In other passages we find truth referred to as an agency employed by the Holy Spirit, and the mind acts in view of this truth. . The distinction between these two aspects of regeneration seems to be intimated in Ephesians 2:5, 6 — “made us alive together with Christ” and “raised us up with him.” Lazarus must first be made alive, and in this he could not cooperate but he must also come forth from the tomb, and in this he could be active."

Augustus H. Strong (Systematic Theology)

Survey1/8/07 11:01 AM
Discerned Believer  Find all comments by Discerned Believer
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Postol Pete,

Where we aslo differ is the sequence and nature of regeneration.

We hold that regeneration and justification are two totally separate acts of God but take place simultaneously.

We hold that a sinner is convicted by the Holy Spirit of his sin nature and his miserable estate. The Holy Spirit convinces him of his need of salvation through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. This is divine illumination and not regeneration.

Regeneration is that act of God by which the governing disposition of the soul is made holy, and by which, through the truth as a means, the first holy exercise of this disposition is secured.

"Regeneration, or the new birth, is the divine side of that change of heart or which we call conversion if viewed from the human side. It is God’s turning the soul to himself, conversion being the soul’s turning itself to God; God’s turning it is both the accompaniment and cause. It will be observed from the above definition, that there are two aspects of regeneration, in the first of which the soul is passive, in the second of which the soul is active. God changes the governing disposition, in this change the soul is simply acted upon..." (cont'd)

Survey1/8/07 10:31 AM
Discerned Believer  Find all comments by Discerned Believer
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Pistol Pete: If God regenerates then he will inevitably convert - He cannot fail in His purposes. But you have already covered some of this ground with "One of God's simple ones".

Is a sovereign God obligated to save anyone?

If you go to the airport and want to go to Paris but didn't have the money. If a man came to you and handed you a ticket already paid for. He has purchased and secured the ticket for you. All you have to do is receive it.

You don't have to clean the stalls to receive it, you don't have to give him a dime for it. In fact, he will even hand it to the ticket agent for you.

If you reject his ticket, are you going to Paris?

Survey1/8/07 9:33 AM
Discerned Believer  Find all comments by Discerned Believer
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Universalism teaches that everybody is saved regardless if they believe on Jesus Christ or not. They do not believe in a literal Hell because there is no one going there.

The bible teaches that except ye repent, ye will all likewise perish. We also teach that "For by grace are ye saved through faith, it is a gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast."

Calvinist, according to your logic, teach that if you are elect, you are saved. The exercise of faith unto salvation and believing the gospel message is not required.

According to your logic, which category are you in?

Survey1/8/07 7:36 AM
Discerned Believer  Find all comments by Discerned Believer
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No one is dodging here Pete.

Can one enter the kingdom of Heaven who has never repented and believed the gospel, whether he is elect or non-elect?

Survey1/8/07 7:22 AM
Discerned Believer  Find all comments by Discerned Believer
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The satisfaction has been paid in full by the Lord Jesus Christ. It has been secured by him. All you have to do is receive this free gift by faith in his substitutionary work alone.

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