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News Item2/27/09 8:34 AM
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John y. where does the bible command us to rub ashes on our heads? What is the meaning and purpose of this?
t.npreacher555 said it right, 'the local church is to take on the likeness of the new testament church'.
Where does the bible command 'lent' and 'ash wednesday'?

There was a woman at a fast food restaurant ordering, and the worker suggested a chicken sandwich. The woman replied, 'oh no, I'm Catholic!'. It reminded me of the Pharisees and Jesus' day, 'look at me, look how 'religious' I am!' It was sad.

News Item2/26/09 7:56 AM
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lance you still didn't answer, how can you produce these works, and how does meeting someone's physical needs glorify God? What if you [an individual, not a denomination as a whole] feed a homeless person, yet, do not give them the gospel of Christ...you've done a good work, but you neglected a greater work. Now what?

News Item2/25/09 5:54 PM
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lance can you produce these works? Where do they originate, and what kind of works are you speaking of? Holding open doors? Letting someone go before you in the check out line? Do works like this count, why or why not?

News Item2/25/09 5:11 PM
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The BIBLICAL view, which is the only view that matters, is that works are a result of salvation. They stem from a regenerate heart, re-born by God himself. They aren't forced or mechanical; God brings forth in His own these works; obeying His word, growing in Christ, walking in humility, loving one another, edifying one another...these works cannot be taught or forced, they must be learned as we go through this life keeping our eyes on the Author and Finisher of our faith.

Survey2/16/09 4:04 PM
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this is from http://christisdeeperstill.blogspot.com/2009/02/not-in-circumstances.html...
"The central problem of our age is not liberalism or modernism, nor the old Roman Catholicism, or the new Roman Catholicism, nor the threat of communism, nor even the threat of rationalism and the monolithic consensus which surrounds us. All these are dangerous but not the primary threat. The real problem is this: the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, individually or corporately, tending to do the Lord's work in the power of the flesh rather than the Spirit. The central problem is always in the midst of the people of God, not in the circumstances surrounding them". Francis A. Schaeffer, No Little People, page 64

News Item2/14/09 3:14 PM
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Didn't God use wicked sinful Pharaoh for His glory? God can judge a nation by giving her what she deserves, a wicked leader. BTW, Obama isn't the first wicked leader we've had, nor will he be the last if the Lord tarries.

News Item2/14/09 3:10 PM
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John Y, No one here is demanding you become an ev. prot.! There are many who claim to be such and they are deeply lost in sin.
You are in direct disobedience to the command of the Lord found in 2 Cor. 6:14. If you are in the light, then why do you fellowship with darkness? You fail to see the necessity of removing yourself from the great harlot, why? You sit under doctrines of demons and make excuses to all who call you on this. You repeatedly defend yourself by saying you reject such and such. The scariest part is this, "Why do you call me Lord Lord and DO NOT do the things that I say?" Luke 6:46
'And then I will declare to them, "I never knew you, depart from me, you who practice lawlessness". Matthew 7:23

The Muslims claim to believe in Jesus as well {they say He is the son of Mary, does that mean we pick and choose what is right from their beliefs and throw away the rest?}, as do the Mormons, Jehovah Witness, and scores of others. Are all who follow their teachings going to heaven John? Just how wide is that broad road?


News Item2/14/09 8:57 AM
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So John Yurich, you prefer a dead, robot form of religiosity to real worship in a fellowship of true born again believers where God is worshiped in spirit and in truth? Your excuses for remaining in the great harlot won't fly with Christ. Unless you are there every time hammering home the true Gospel, you have no excuse to stay.
The RCC does not worship God according to how He is revealed in the scriptures. You ignore the command of God from 2 Cor. 6:14. You are in grave danger, subjecting your soul to doctrines of demons, doing what YOU desire, instead of what Christ commands.

Examine yourself to see if you really are in the faith.

News Item2/13/09 3:54 PM
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John Yurich, if you have totally repudiated and rejected the unscriptural doctrines of the RCC, then why do you still attend mass? Why are you so easily offended when comments are made against the RCC? Why do you fail to understand this passage, "For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?" 2 Cor. 6:14

The bible commands us to distance ourselves from darkness, lawlessness; yet you continue on in it. You are rebelling against God's word, which is sin. You want to straddle the fence, making excuses as you sit atop it. May the Lord be merciful and nudge you off it.

News Item2/10/09 8:43 AM
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Again, let me reiterate, if you have women dressing 'suggestively' in your church; instead of shaking your finger in their face and laying down a dress code, share the love of Christ through the Gospel. That is what they need the most.
This kind of mentality, 'what's fair is fair...end of story!!!!!' will do more harm than good. Let's not forget the 'more excellent way'...love. If you care about the women in your local fellowship, you will approach them, in love, and give them the life changing gospel. You cannot change a person's dress until God changes their heart.

News Item2/9/09 9:19 PM
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"In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array. But {which becometh women professing godliness}with good works" 1 Timothy 2:9-10
Women should not draw attention to themselves in any way, but, wearing dress slacks with a button up blouse would certainly not be drawing attention. To demand women wear dresses only is legalism, and borders Muslim belief {dressing a certain way}. Women have freedom in Christ, possess discernment {if they truly belong to Him}; which will keep them from going to church dripping in jewelry reeking of perfume, and painted up like a harlot.
To be clothed with good works should be their desire; as well as entering their place of worship dressed appropriately, sitting quietly as they listen, in submission, to the word of God.
If there are women dressing like hookers in your church, chances are, they have never been born from above. They need to hear the Gospel more than they need to be told of a 'dress code'.

News Item2/7/09 4:40 PM
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John Y says the RCC is only 'partly apostate'. What a mixed and confused statement that is! FYI, either one follows Jesus Christ wholeheartedly, reading and obeying His word as the final and only authority, or one doesn't. There is no middle ground John.
Another thing, EVERYTHING about this present world is tainted, corrupt, and vile. That includes our educational institutions, corporations, government, businesses, our form of entertainment, etc. Only those God has saved, by His grace, are made righteous in Christ. To rail against Jim and call him 'sick and demented' certainly is NOT evidence of a heart that loves Christ, or a mind that has been renewed by the reading of the word. You know what Jesus said about bad fruit, it signifies a bad tree. May the Lord be merciful to you John Y.

News Item2/2/09 9:33 AM
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John Y.
How hypocritical is it to denounce the RCC doctrines, yet continue to sit under them every time you go to mass?
You seem to want to cleave to your old ways. Christ is not present in heretical teaching, so why do you continue on in it? How will you grow and mature sitting under false teaching? Christ hates heresy, why don't you?

News Item1/25/09 4:49 PM
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an informative article on Chas. Finney is found at www.spurgeon.org/~phil/articles/finney.htm

This article calls Finney what he was, a heretic.

News Item1/15/09 9:36 PM
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Barry from KY...AMEN! I think Macarthur sums it all up with these words, "Instead of bickering, being proud, and rejoicing in the failure of other believers, we ought to have the same agony in our own hearts and souls over those believers who do not fare as well as God would have them". It seems pride, self-righteousness, divisiveness and arguing are rampant; love, humility, kindness, and graciousness have been tossed out the window. May the Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on us.

p.s.-a humbling piece by Tony Hayling is found at agonizomai.blogspot.com/2009/01/saintssinners-prayer.html

News Item1/14/09 1:29 PM
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"And with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refuse to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore, God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false" 2 Thess. 2:10-11

Again, the reference to judgment is not geared toward believers, but false converts, unbelievers. True believers will not be fooled, the false ones will be lured away by these instruments of judgment from Almighty God.

News Item1/14/09 12:09 PM
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I like what Paul Washer said concerning false teachers, preachers, pastors, etc..."Let me tell you something about false teachers, you think that so many times people fall prey to false teachers, and that, in a sense, cant be true, at times. But I think the dominant theme in scripture is just the opposite. False teachers are God's judgment on people who don't want God, but, in the name of religion, plan on getting everything their carnal heart desires." from his sermon, 'the Gift Nobody Wants' available here at S.A.

Those who are led astray by this man are not his victims; they refuse to repent and believe. As a result, God turns them over to the sin they cleave to. It brings to mind, "I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked".

News Item1/14/09 9:33 AM
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Yes, the image of two sodomites is repulsive to a Holy God, just as our own sins were repulsive to Him, before He saved us. I am reminded of 1 Cor. 6:9-11, "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived, neither the sexually immoral, nor idolators, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. AND SUCH WERE SOME OF YOU."
Please, let us not 'look down our noses' at the depraved; instead, let us pray for their lost souls to be saved. Let us bear in mind how His grace pulled us out of the jaws of death, His grace is the only thing that separates us from the two sodomites pictured above!

News Item12/31/08 7:39 PM
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So then, what do we do with Genesis 17? Or Romans 11? Isaiah 44? Isaiah 48? Jeremiah 31? and so on and so forth? We cannot think God has rejected Israel, for then He would not be a God of covenant, a God that is true to His word and faithful. If you want to know what God says about Israel, shut off your computers, tv's, radios; find a quiet spot, pray and ask for Him to reveal in His word through His Spirit His truth. This requires time and patience, but anything less leads to deception. That is why this 'debate' continues to go round and round, truth can only be given by the Author of the Holy Bible, and can only be grasped by those who truly possess His Spirit dwelling within their hearts.

Survey12/31/08 6:03 PM
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they say whatever you do the last day of the year is what you will do the rest of the year---banned
isn't superstition of the devil banned? isn't being superstitious sinful? hmmmm, yet you claim to be a blood bought born again believer...or do you?
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