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Survey2/12/08 4:41 PM
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Mike wrote:
Is all that we may do covered by the regulative principle or ordinance?
RPW says that what God had not ordained, he forbids. Is not not worthy of obedience to his commandments? Seems to me that is what God Cain in trouble as well as Nadab and Ahihu for offering strange fire before the Lord (Lev. 10:1-7)

Survey2/12/08 3:33 PM
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Minnow wrote:
There is no such thing as a pagan god...
except in a person's mind.
My point in Rom 14 is as it states, if it is holy to a person then who are you to judge?
Seems like the Host of Heaven considered it worth a celebration.
Luke 2:13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Question is, was it celebrated in the first century church or even the second century. It was not celebrated until the RCC incorporated pagan worship into its services.

The only memorial ordained by Christ himself was the Lord's supper. "This do in remembrance of me".

If God wanted us to celebrate the birth of Christ, then He would have specifically gave us the day and method to do so. As a reformed, I find it strange that you violate the regulative principle. Scripture also commands us to worship in spirit and in truth. You worship not according to the truth but according to traditions of man.

Survey2/12/08 3:04 PM
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So you pick a date attributed to a pagan god and ascribe it to the birth of Christ.

Survey2/12/08 2:44 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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DJC49 wrote:
Do pagans determine for all what day is for what commemoration?
If you celebrate Christmass on Dec. 25, then they already have.

Actually, if you want to get technical, you can calculate the birth of Christ based on the birth of John the Baptist from the announcement of the angel to Zachariah the father of John the Baptist.

He was a priest of the temple and served during the course, Ahijah which was the 8th course. The first course beginning on the first day of Nisan (March/April)and each course ran for 1 week, from Sabbath to Sabbath. So the 8th course was 8 weeks from the first day of Nisan. Calculate 9 months + 6 months from that point and it places you sometime in August/September as to when Christ was born.

Survey2/12/08 11:38 AM
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Not only that, but they fail to grasp the erteral existence of God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. According to them Jesus didn't exist until the New Testament and the Holy Spirit didn't exist until after Christ ascended into Heaven.

In their view, Christ couldn't have been the head of te church in the Old Testament because he didn't exist. However in Jesus' own words. "Before Abraham was, I am."

Survey2/11/08 4:10 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Dr. Phil,

Continuing with your thought, the apostle Paul says in Phil. 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." He even acknowledged that without Christ enabling him, by giving him strength, he can do nothing that pleases God, it took the strengthening of Christ to be able to do it.

Yet freewills believe that they do not need God's strength to accomplish anything pleasing to God, or else they would be more that willing to give God the glory for it. I have yet to see one of them admit that God enabled them to believe.I have yet to see anyone of them admit that God delivered them from the bondage of sin and freed their wills to believe. They will not give God the glory for anything.

Survey2/11/08 1:15 PM
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Instead of getting hung up on the TULIP, focus on the absolute holiness of God and compare them with yourself and see what moral qualities and virtues you have that would entitle you to enter His kingdom. Are you able to enter into Heaven with any of those virtues?

If you answer no, then you believe in the total depravity of man.

Do you believe man, left to himself will turn from his sin and seek after God or do you believe that God first seeks sinful man, convicts him and enables him to turn to God willingly.

Do you believe that Christ died for every sin and paid the sin debt for every single man? If so then all men would be saved. Since salvation is a gift, not a reward, all men would have to be saved. Why does the scripture say that he died for his SHEEP? Why does it say that he loved the CHURCH and gave himself for it. Did he give himself for the world or for the church?

These are very pointed questions Michael that you need to consider.

Forget what Calvinism teaches, forget what the Council of Dort teaches, "Let God be true and every man a liar," ask yourself these questions and try to answer them honestly.

Survey2/8/08 10:16 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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MurrayA wrote:
DJC49 and Peter J,
Thank you for your support against this allegorical foppery which our erstwhile "literalist" friends trot out (they are only literalist when it suits them - and BTW they have never replied to this point!).
I read your post, DJC49, on the Transfiguration, which you explained quite well.
However, I will have to bow out of this debate because of a crisis: I did not respond earlier this morning (my time), but I can now, albeit briefly.
My wife was involved in a car accident this morning at about 7:30 am local time. Her injuries, thank the Lord, are not life-threatening, but she may well have to undergo surgery for a broken clavicle and a fractured sternum, and she is in a lot of pain. I have only just returned from the hospital. Meanwhile, her car is a write-off.
So I have a lot on my plate right now and thus I have to sign off.
I trust that this plea is not going to be met with the cries of "cop-out", to which I have regrettably become accustomed from some quarters.
Murray, I'll be keeping your wife in prayer. May God of all comfort and the Great Physician grant her comfort and a speedy recovery.

News Item2/8/08 9:33 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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terry evans wrote:
Select a Candidate Quiz
The Holy Bible
In fact, he's closer to Obama and Clinton
Who, Ron or you

Please make your point.

News Item2/8/08 6:24 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Actually before jumping on the Ron Paul bandwagon, check out this quiz. He doesn't stand on major Christian issues as many would think. In fact, he's closer to Obama and Clinton on his positions.

[URL=http://www.wqad.com:80/Global/link.asp?L=259460]]]Select a Candidate Quiz[/URL]

Survey2/8/08 4:46 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Minnow wrote:
Wrong article DB.
I said "INDefinite" article = "a"
All the more reason to hold to a literal interpretation. If it does have a definite article as in the cases cited, that preceeds a singular noun, then that would strengthen the case for a literal thousand year reign instead of an indefinite thousands of years.

Wouldn't you agree? The fact remains, it does have an article preceeding the noun and it is a definite article, so the rules of grammar need to be enforced in this case. If there was no articles at all, then it is open to interpretation, but such is not the case here.

DJC49 wrote:
What I DID say -- if you read me properly -- was that the Dispies were the 1st to allegorize THE TRANSFORMATION, and they did this to substantiate their claims about the LITERAL 1000-year Millennium. Even JD has Peter, James, and John representing classes of the Mill Kingdom!

To that I say Ha!

I'd have to agree with you on that one. It sounds good, but not Bible.

Has anybody ever hear the statement "scripture interprets scripture?" Whatever happened to it? Seems like we've forgotten it.

Survey2/8/08 3:39 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Minnow wrote:
Discerning Believer
There is NO indefinite article in the Greek!
Yes sir there is, at least in the Textus Receptus! τα is the definite article.

(Rev 20:3) And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till ***the thousand years (τα χιλια ετη )*** should be fulfilled:...

(Rev 20:4) ... and they lived and reigned with Christ ***a thousand years. (τα χιλια ετη )

(Rev 20:5) But the rest of the dead lived not again until ***the thousand years (τα χιλια ετη ) were finished...***

(Rev 20:7) And when ***the thousand years (τα χιλια ετη )*** are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

Survey2/8/08 1:23 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Why not? What if the Bible is right and you're wrong, what have you got to lose?

The 4 living creatures are 4 living creatures. Very profound isn't it. I guess well see more when the events take place.

By the way, allegorical interpretation was not invented in the 1800's by dispensationalist, but with Augustine. BTW, I do not consider myself dispensationalist because they tend to be like a Whopper Chopper, slicing and dicing up the scripture to where it is no longer recognizable as the authoratative Word of God. There is always unity and consistency with God's eternal plan of redemption.

Survey2/8/08 11:48 AM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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DJC49 wrote:
That the sole and particular purpose of God for the Transfiguration was to plant prophetic typology within the New Testament buttressing the Dizzy-spin-sationalist view of the LITERAL 1000-year Millennial reign of Christ is absurd.

One thing you need to be careful of in discounting a literal 1000 year reign is in the language of Revelation. Figurative or symbolic language is usually prefaced with the words "like as" or "as of" which in the case of the 1000 years is not so. It is preface with "the" or "a"

(Rev 20:2) And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him ***a thousand years,***

(Rev 20:3) And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till ***the thousand years*** should be fulfilled:...

(Rev 20:4) ... and they lived and reigned with Christ ***a thousand years.***

(Rev 20:5) But the rest of the dead lived not again until ***the thousand years were finished...***

(Rev 20:6)...and shall reign with him ***a thousand years.***

(Rev 20:7) And when ***the thousand years*** are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

Survey2/4/08 5:55 PM
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Continue Murray.

News Item2/1/08 11:01 PM
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What baffles me is not churches that have superbowl parties during worship services or show the game as a part of the service because these are mainly apostate churches anyway. God has already removed His name from them. It is those churches that cancelled services when Christmas fell on Sunday.

Survey1/31/08 6:01 PM
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Simple Truths wrote:
But to answer your question...
Thank you for your honest answer. So then, do you include them in or exclude them from the church?

If he purchased their redemption, then why are they not in the body of Christ.

Survey1/31/08 5:51 PM
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DJC49 wrote:
Comb these boards and show me ONE instance of my being disrespectful of Scripture,
1/29/08 8:12 PM
DJC49 wrote:
Is it also the heresy of James when he wrote in his epistle:
"You see then that a man is justified by works, AND NOT BY FAITH ONLY." (James 2:24)
[A troublesome verse of Scripture if there ever was one. No wonder Martin Luther campaigned to exclude the Epistle of James from the canon of Scripture!]
You are calling the writer of James a heretic. In essence you are calling the Holy Ghost a heretic. That my friend is the unpardonable sin.

Survey1/31/08 4:31 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Dr. Phil wrote:
It is impossible to answer this question without some understanding of which Israel is being spoken of.
Not all of Israel is Israel just as not all of the visible church is the church.
Very true and good point. I was referring to those of Israel who were believers in the promised Messiah.

Dispensationalist cannot and will not answer that question because they exclude them from the body of Christ.

Survey1/31/08 3:39 PM
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Yamil wrote:
You know very well, that I have no problem answering your questions with a simple yes or no no matter how ridiculous they sound.
I just thought that since you have a problem with dispensationalism, then you may need to talk to your pastor concerning the issue.
Unless you want me to be your pastor.
I am asking dispensationalist on this forum. Your reluctance indicates you don't want to incriminate yourself and your theology.

If he purchased the redemption for Israel, then they are indded his church. If he didn't then how were they redeemed? Fair question.

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