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News Item10/5/09 9:13 AM
Tom | Georgia  Find all comments by Tom
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How does Barrack Obama know which Scriptures to use?? He thinks, I got the conservatives mad so let me start talking their language. He's like a drunk telling you what you want to hear so he can get money out of your pocket to buy another beer. What a con job!! He is more like Cain who justified his murder by saying to God, "Am I my brother's keeper?" And God could smell the blood coming from the ground. Mr. Obama, I can smell the blood coming from your Health Care package so stop manipulatiing me to get my tax dollars!! I know you do not know your Bible because you've denied Christ so stop using the Bible for your gain.

News Item10/5/09 9:02 AM
Tom | Georgia  Find all comments by Tom
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In the end "love will grow cold". I think we are seeing a gradual apostasy in our churches that will continue until the end. Here in Georgia I've witnessed one church per year close it's doors because there are no men or youth. I've given out thousands of tracts and preached thousands of sermons... to no avail. If I have a basketball game or hand out candy I can draw a crowd but it changes not the soul. We are witnessing an apostasy and we are supposed to just before the return of Jesus. Everyone wants an "ear tickler" and many pastors are willing to tickle.

News Item10/3/09 6:45 AM
Tom | Georgia  Find all comments by Tom
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Obama-nation is at it again but it seems all areas reflect the same problem... "no policy just rhetoric".

News Item9/24/09 8:08 AM
Tom | GA  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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Not sure I understand the Post Denomination thing. I always called those guys the denomination of people who believe in nondenominatianlism. It is an organized denomination that prides itself in not being a denomination. You've identified yourself as a group. Christians, Muslem, Calvinist, and the latest lable non-denominationals. Can you really avoid the categories? Can you really avoid the label? You are simply becoming a group that is starting to be labeled which makes you what you don't want to be. Southern Baptist believe in the autonomy of the local church which makes them nondenominational in theory but have agreed to work together in practice becoming a nondenomination denomination. All nondeniminationalist are heading down the same path... unless you refuse to work with other like minded Christians so you won't become a denomination.

News Item9/24/09 7:51 AM
Tom | GA  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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Barak Obama will be President when pigs fly... is there a connection?

News Item9/22/09 10:05 AM
Tom | GA  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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The problem we are experiencing in this country with Social Security is directly related to abortion. The idea behind Social Security is while the elderly are taking out of Social Security the young will be putting into Socail Security. The reason we do not have enough money for Social Security is because we aborted almost 50 million of our tax payers. We wiped out most of America's future and these bozo's want to continue it. God help us!!

Sermon9/1/09 3:48 AM
Tom | Dublin  Find all comments by Tom
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The Twelve Introduced {1}
Mark Fitzpatrick
“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon9/1/09 3:41 AM
Tom | Dublin  Contact via emailFind all comments by Tom
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Working Together
Mark Fitzpatrick
“ Great Sermon! ”
An encouraging sermon on co-operation

Sermon8/24/09 6:56 AM
Tom  Contact via emailFind all comments by Tom
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The Twelve Ordained
Mark Fitzpatrick
“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon7/22/09 7:37 AM
Tom | Dublin  Find all comments by Tom
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Sabbath Day Healing
Mark Fitzpatrick
“ Great Sermon! ”
Mark highligts the errors of much of the modern church, with their false teaching that it's all about being healthy and wealthy.

Sermon7/4/09 8:03 AM
Tom | Dublin  Find all comments by Tom
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The Call of Matthew
Mark Fitzpatrick
“ Great Sermon! ”
A good illustration of irresistible grace and the effectual call of Christ

Sermon6/22/09 6:46 PM
Tom  Find all comments by Tom
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Lepers Faith and Disobedience
Mark Fitzpatrick
“ Great Sermon! ”

News Item6/15/09 8:50 AM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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I went to the American Natural History Museum in Washington DC. Being a Creationist I found the museum humorist as they depicted a deer like animal transforming into a horse. It is amazing to me how evolutionist can have faith that NOBODY + NOTHING = EVERYTHING and they laugh at us when we say God + Nothing = everything. How does an organism evolve by chance into a human with the capabilities of seeing color? How did this organism know that eyes will be able to see color and create so many variations of color? Sounds? Tastes? Pleasures? How did two seperate organisms evolve prefectly with the ability to reproduce after its kind? It happened by chance over a million years!! If you believe that I have an ocean front property in North Dakota I'd like to sell you!! Man is without excuse there is no other logical explanation for creation other than there is an all wise all powerful God who created it all. Any other belief just shows the depravity of man's heart and their hatred for God.

Sermon6/8/09 9:12 AM
Tom | Dublin  Find all comments by Tom
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Christ's Power Over Sickness
Mark Fitzpatrick
“ Great Sermon! ”
If prayer was so important to the Lord Jesus, it should be important to us too

Sermon4/24/09 9:02 AM
Tom | Dublin  Contact via emailFind all comments by Tom
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“ Great Sermon! ”
"We were dead in trespasses and sins". Mark has described our predicament very well. Much of the modern church would need to learn what this means.

Sermon4/20/09 7:58 PM
Tom  Find all comments by Tom
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Resurrection of Christ
Mark Fitzpatrick
“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon3/20/09 5:02 PM
Tom | Dublin  Find all comments by Tom
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“ Great Sermon! ”
We should be ready to take the gospel "into the battle" with the kind of faith David had, as Mark says.

Sermon3/10/09 4:00 PM
Tom | Dublin  Find all comments by Tom
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This shows that we should have a zeal for the things of God, to be committed as God is committed to us in his covenant.

Sermon2/9/09 2:18 PM
Tom | Dublin  Contact via emailFind all comments by Tom
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Mark has put his finger on the problem with all man-made religions - they are all "trying to do better". Our efforts are of no value to God, we must depend on Christ alone.

News Item12/21/08 8:07 PM
Tom | Georgia  Find all comments by Tom
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For the record... I love Muslims, Gays, Lesbians, and Rick Warren... but to deny Jesus Christ as the only way of salvation is to deny Christ. Doing good works like loving Muslims and fighting AIDS is just that... good works. Why love a Muslim, a homosexual, or an Evangelical Pastor without sharing the gospel? Why love them "Warren style" and they forfeit their soul? I bet Muslim would not ask Rick Warren to return, buy his books, or give him a standing ovation if he proclaimed Jesus Christ as the only way of salvation. Ms. Etheridge would not have been the first.. He might have gotten himself martyred!!! He who saves his life shall loose it but he who loses his life for my sake will find it... O! that's God's "Purpose" that should be "Drivin" his "Life"(:
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