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News Item1/20/2020 7:33 AM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Franklin's mixing politics and religion will make any religious project of his a failure.
I am pleased to see that the venue controllers support freedom of speech.
excerpt from, "How Franklin Graham betrayed his father’s legacy"
Jim, I really don't want to spend (aka waste time posting on SA) but hopefully this enhanced quote of General William Booth will be a blessing to someone

[QUOTE]The chief danger of the 20th century will be religion without the Holy Spirit, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration POLITICS WITHOUT GOD, and Heaven without Hell

[end of QUOTE][enhanced added for fans of Andy Stanley, those who want their ears tickled with religious fantasy]

And the Resurrection unhitched from Scripture

News Item1/15/2020 5:47 PM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
My dear old thing, beloved brother, is it really you? How I have missed you over these several years. I hope you will stick around a bit, and cause a great thinking and pondering on spiritual issues.
Mark 9:23-24 shows source of faith for answered prayer, rather than "just saying prayers".
Yes, the Lord Jesus in His Sovereign will has seen fit to keep me around for the time being.

God's best to you as you love and serve Him in the obedience of faith.

News Item1/13/2020 1:52 PM
Michael Hranek | from outside the Clinic  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
Let me get this straight, they are going to pray and ask God to stop abortion, as though he is to blame for it.
Can't stop, later........
Really Dear Brother?
Didn't Jesus teach us to pray deliver us from evil? Seems abortion is up there among the worst.

Sermon11/27/17 8:00 AM
Michael Hranek | Upstate New York  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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Guilty For Existing?
Charles Lawson
“ I Appreciate This Sermon ”
Wow! Pastor Lawson, I appreciate your passion in addressing this horrific false teaching, of babies going to hell. And as needed I pray other Pastors would passionately, in the fear of God, with the Love of and for Jesus Christ explicitly warn the people entrusted to them to have nothing to do which any of the false teachings destroying people in these last days. I am not sure who wrote the article you referred to but you are certainly right that such offensive sickening false teachings are out there. Personally I know of a instance in my daughter's life when she was a teenager, parting company with a boy under the influence of a Baptist pastor into Calvinism because he held the 'belief' babies who were not elect went to hell.

Sermon7/12/17 6:56 AM
Michael Hranek | In Darkness of Upstate NY  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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“ Needed to Hear This Encouragement ”
Thank You! Todd Friel, for this encouraging word to go and preach the Gosple. I believe it is more than safe to say MUCH PRAYER, REAL PRAYING THROUGH to being filled with the Holy Spirit and His Power and all the will of God in this, is desperately Needed to live this out But the reality is that the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away ... say it with me..."my sin" is Infinitely Worthy of Every Bit of: (1) Going to a place you don't want to go (2) To Give a Message you don't want to give (3) To people who don't want to hear it. But talk about something done right in the obedience of faith that will have much good fruit ... clarifying our preaching in our Churches, sanctifying and motivating our praying and transforming our fellowship to having a real Biblical fellowship in the Faith! Wow!

News Item9/13/15 8:55 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Mike wrote:
You could be right. Or, he is, as Rand Paul has said, indeed a false conservative who wouldn't want to be seen among social or religious conservatives. There is no long term consistency in his positions, so it is rather suspicious.
either way salt that has lost its savour is good for nothing anymore except to be ...........

I am vastly more concerned about the state of our churches than how good, bad, beautiful or ugly Trump and other politicans are. If God is for us who can be against us?

News Item9/13/15 7:28 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Christopher000 wrote:
Around here, with RI.and MA having the largest per capita number of Roman Catholics in the US, we often have the Virgin Mary appearing somewhere. More recently, within the rust on a wall under a bridge, and within the sap dripping down a tree. The "faithful" always come from all around the tri-state area to homage and witness the miracle. The women will talk about how energy is pulsating through them to saying that Mary is speaking to them as they cry, being overwhelmed by her presense.
Sad that they're so deceived and willlfully misinformed. Also that the church supports it by never speaking out against it..
It is so easy to make fun of, in my words, desperate Catholic people

Their Religion doesn't bring them to know Jesus Christ. They do not have a Testimony of God saving them in their false religion

Those of us who are indeed genuinely born again ought humble ourselves and repent of our own arrogance, and weep over Catholics on their way to hell, break down and Preach the Truth of Jesus Christ to them until either they are saved or kill us (Romans 10:1-4,13-15)

ease to say, so much harder to grow up into in our faith (Christopher000 I am not criticizing you but wrestingly with my own self)

News Item9/13/15 7:18 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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When modern day churches, which have invited the world right in and embrace the same evils the world that hates God love

we ought to remember it is Jesus Himself who told us, 'If salt has lost its savour it is good for nothing anymore except to be thrown out and trampled under the foot of man

Dear Donald Trump for all his faults is not the problem here. IMHO if he saw some genuine God-fearing Christians standing up against evil, calling men to repentance, refusing to walk hand in hand with evil men, and false Christians and false teachers ... then he would rightfully take notice and have some respect because of people whose faith is real

News Item9/7/15 10:11 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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pennned wrote:
sodomites, by their nature are aggressors.
they abuse their own bodies.
A local pastor, Jeremy Lundmark did and exceptional sermon on this

You can watch, "What Does The Bible Teach About Homosexual Behavior?" at:


Hint: It is enormously significant he chose to use Judges 19 as his text rather than Genesis 19, although he does refer to it in his sermon

News Item9/7/15 9:54 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John for JESUS wrote:
Why is it Catholics seem to care more for unborn children than Protestants?
Twisted and ignorant theologies

Roman Catholics believe they have to do things to merit the grace of God, and that the cause of standing up for the unborn is a very worthy cause, worth the sacrifice

Some but thankfully not all "Protestants" (btw I am NOT a protestant, I am a Baptist-type believer, I am not protesting the RCC imagining Catholicism is Christian and it only needs a little fixing up _ RCs need REPENTNACE, and to be genuinely born again of the Holy Ghost not mere reformation)

Many "protestants" and/or many "Evangelicals" refuse to see Abortion as a Gospel matter (just a moral one) ... for that matter many don't really see the Gospel, the Cross, the shed Blood of Christ as of immeasurable importance and worth giving ones life for.

Let me say it this way, I am growing in the conviction that standing to proclaim the Gospel in the darkest and most dangerous of places validates the claim of the Gospel upon men to repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ that preaching it in nice safe comfortable church buildings might never do.

Do watch: Babies Are Murdered Here


for a taste

News Item9/7/15 5:57 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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2 families?
Surely Francis 1 has room for a lot more than 2 families in his city and palace.
Oops! Is he afraid if you gets too many Shariah loving Muslims they might start busting up the $$$$ valuable idols and art works? Throwing down their prayer rugs and bowing to Mecca ... and maybe even violently harasing those on pilgrimage to see him and kiss his ring?

Too many Mohammed loving, Quran quoting, put your Burkhas on Muslim ladies and let's go on Jihad boys will make a visit to Vatican City worse than a family planning a trip to Disney World only to find out it has a full blown gay pride event taking over Tinkerbell's Castle (or whatever it is called)

News Item9/2/15 8:25 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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I might be taking a different prespecive on this than some.

To me it doesn't matter what this woman is or how confused politically or religiously she might be (note: I truly hope she is a genuine born again Christain but even if she isn't she is still a human being). No one deserves to be treated like she is being treated, assaulted/sued, beaten on, bullied in an attempt to force her to violate her conscience by pro-homosexual facists

No one deserves to be abandoned and thrown under the bus, or thrown to wolves by our government, by our society and our churches.

So I pray for her and am broken of how much more I need to be in prayer for others who are assaulted by the Devil and by evil men and women in the times we are in.

News Item8/31/15 11:56 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Christopher000 wrote:
Sure thing, Michael. I'd be by your side if we were neighbors.
Thank you all for praying!
Christopher000 if you and I lived in the same area I would be honored to have you come with me.

Just so you know, I did call a friend I used to attend Church with me to go with me. And for a first, pretty much a 'dry run' we had a good time and figured out some logistics .... Like I need a bag to carry Gospels of John, tracts and such and maybe something to pad my shoulder (this cross isn't so much heavy as a bit awkward to balance on your shoulder)
and Yes, to take the time and paint the Cross too.

Again thank you all so much for praying.
I will be going again and from time to time on a regular basis.

News Item8/31/15 8:48 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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I am sorry to interrupt the discussion (on a thread about innocent people being gunned down of all things) please forgive me.

I am in the process of doing something I haven't done in my evangelism so far, and would beg your prayers (Protection, Favor, Open doors/hearts)

I have made a small simple wooden cross that I plan on from time to time carry and walk the streets here locally alone even though it would be great/better to have someone go with me (with literature etc, on me to give away: Toda, it is a 2 page pring of AW Tozer's "The OLD Cross and the New") with the goal/desire to be able to talk with people who might otherwise be uninterested.

Please do pray for me however the Sprit leads you to, especially for my attitude and wisdom in listening to those who come up to talk.

Thank you all so much!

News Item8/30/15 6:55 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Dave wrote:
Sorry completely off topic but my older sister (i have 4) she was born again today!
She is saved! Thankyou Lord ,
Sorry but I had to share this with all you guys somehow,
Praise and glory to God.
Praise God! That is indeed wonderful news!

News Item8/28/15 11:53 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Buster wrote:
There is sifting and refining of the wheat from the tares, and precious gold from dross.
Our God reigns, so stand fast and see the salvation of the Lord.
We know the secret things of Yahweh.
Thanks for the encouragement.

btw I met a RC yesterday PROUD (Arrogant?) she was Jesuit trained, in my words here, to ignore (hold/suppress) the Truth of Jesus Christ right there for all of us in the Bible

Francis 1 is a Jesuit too, imagine that

News Item8/28/15 8:07 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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This 3 and a half minute clip is, imho one all us us will benefit in hearing and growing up into our faith.


The Interposition of the Lesser Magistrates

Please think along with me.
For years now many have been praying for Revival (a very good thing) a fresh reformation (againg a good thing) BUT to see evil stopped! We need interposition!

So let me plead with all of us
1. to repent where we have not interposed ourselves between evil and evil's victims
2. to pray God would raise up lesser magistrates and to commit ourselves to interpose ourselves between evil and evil's prey

For are we not told resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Much to learn and grow up into in our faith.

News Item8/28/15 7:54 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Dave wrote:
Yeah and how long before filthy creeps sneak on in and start having a go at the legal age for consensual sex and marriage,
YA don't have to be Einstein to work out that's next .
If memory serves me it is 12 in Holland

News Item8/28/15 7:52 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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B. McCausland wrote:
Perpetuating the muddling up of history and beliefs
I heard that.

Imho born again Bible believing Christians ought to be sickened with this along the lines of some political/religious genuis seeking to name a gay bar after John the Baptist, or an abortion clinic after George Mueller

News Item8/28/15 7:43 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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What is heartbreaking is that it is not just Obama who is seeking unity with the Pope, but evangelical, baptist, pentecostal and reformed / Calvinistic people who profess to be Christians, and eventually even some Muslims (could Obama be an example of this?) who are seeking unity with this antichrist (counterfeit / substitue for the real) ...... I wonder when Francis 1 will show up in Veggie Tales?

"For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed."
Isaiah 9:16

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