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News Item5/1/13 1:50 PM
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Amen Rufus!!

News Item12/28/12 2:17 PM
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Anyone who studies early Christianity knows that Christmas is simply a Christianized Version of the Roman holy day called saturnialia. It was made easier for Roman Christians to celebrate by changing the pagan names to Christian ones. The latain church did this with many things. Yes folks Christmas is certainly not Christ's birthday.

News Item9/26/12 2:31 AM
me | who knows?  Find all comments by me
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Finally a phobia I can respect.

Blog9/23/12 12:37 AM
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was just talking to my husband as we were leaving a funeral today. My soul is so grieved because even though Jesus has defeated sin and death...we still experience it. I know that the saints that go before us will be with our king. But when I was singing "death where is your sting" tears rolled down my face because I and many individuals I love were feeling its sting. At that point I guess I was joining the saints in asking how long lord until you come and defeat death in every way.

Just finished reading the blog entry of revelation and as I came to Rev 19-22 I burst into hope filled tears. Turns out Revelation is not gloom and doom and filled with fear. Instead tonight I found HOPE and Peace in the plan and the word of the Lord. He will rescue his bride and death and sin can NEVER touch her again. AMEN!!!

Sermon2/6/12 1:48 AM
Me | Birmingham  Find all comments by Me
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The Answer For Anxiety
Richard Caldwell Jr.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Sat on my deck with glass. If wine and fine cigar, and WOW, great message and greatGod

News Item5/22/11 6:51 PM
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Me wrote:
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ME Wrote

News Item5/22/11 5:42 PM
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Me Wrote

News Item5/15/11 9:42 AM
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Me wrote:
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Me wrote

News Item5/14/11 1:44 PM
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Me wrote

News Item3/12/11 4:21 PM
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'Should Rap Be In The Church?'


News Item6/11/10 5:54 AM
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british father? NO WAY.

Sermon11/7/09 10:29 PM
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Return ye backsliding children
Rev. Derek Erwin
“ Great Sermon! ”
How could we hear more sermons posted from this speaker?

News Item6/21/09 5:02 PM
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Whats funny to me is that knowledge is progressive, so with that said shouldn't we really take a good hard look at the documents we founded this country on and look at them as in dire need of updating. Instead people assume that those documents are as Gods word. Using the information and data available to us now its easy to see to correlation between those ideas manifested with deployable state we are in now; pretty much a total mess. So I believe we need to scrap the constitution and start from scratch, that or move to a country with more hope. I say that because america already has to many inadequate systems in place that would require to much work from us lazy americans to fix

News Item2/3/09 12:58 PM
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Just want you to know that I appreciate your posts. They are so timely and comforting like a gentle rain on parched ground. I, too, thought of Psalm 23 as I was praying for Jessica. The Holy Spirit works in each of us, accomplishing His purpose, and binding us one to another.



You, too, are a source of encouragement on these boards. We are able to comfort with the comfort with which we have been comforted from the Lord. Are we not? Blessings.

News Item1/1/09 9:23 PM
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[Removed by SermonAudio.com]

Survey1/1/09 7:37 PM
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John UK wrote:
Is that you, Me?
Noooooo. . . .sorry to disappoint. Not, Me.

Survey12/31/08 6:41 PM
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Banned wrote:
Sorry, yes, somebody named "Irritated" who was speaking about Israel in the same manner as you, who had visited there, said if I looked in a mirror I wouldn't have a reflection.
I shouldn't try to guess when people cross-moniker, because seems I'm always wrong.
Yeah, that can be a problem. I actually read that post thinking "prince of darkness." Vampire never entered my mind.

I guess vampires are the rage with the movies out (and books) depicting them as desirable. Sounds like Genesis 6 to me. "As it was in the days of Noah. . ."

Survey12/31/08 4:43 PM
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John UK wrote:
This is truly an open forum for discussion. It is not for a select group, and it is no intrusion for you to join in. Take no notice of the HHO's and the KIA's, they are everywhere
HHO's? KIA's? Don't know what those initials stand for. Clue me in?



Vampire? Not a word in my vocabulary.
You must have me confused with someone else. I've actually defended you on occasion.

Survey12/31/08 3:20 PM
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John UK wrote:
But I need to know one thing from you. Do you believe that God's covenant with man, from the beginning to the ending, is one covenant called the covenant of grace. So that if any individual from beginning to end of the world desires to be right with God, it must be accepted by God's grace, not earned in any way.
Do you believe that the blood through which Abraham was saved was the blood of Jesus Christ?
Of course, and you must believe that also having worded it so beautifully. Reading from Genesis to Revelation, how could there be any other interpretation?

And, of course, you made mention in a previous post, the shadows and types in the O.T.

How can one understand phrases like "Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world" unless one understands the O.T. sacrifices?

Everything has been summed up in Jesus - His sinless life - His sacrificial death on the cross for the sins of His people - His ministry as our High Priest - ever living to make intercession for us. His Kingdom come - His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Now, may I ask you a quesion?

Is this truly an open forum for discussion, or is it only for a select group? I really don't want to intrude where I don't belong.

Survey12/31/08 12:27 PM
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Ahh. . .I sense that my posts are not in keeping with the direction that the board wants to go.

So, I will leave for now, and encourage those interested to read Isaiah 60 through 66. Read Jeremiah 30 and 31. And, of course, read Zechariah.

One cannot read the major and minor prophets and spiritualize away all the promises related to Israel - there is a future for Israel, and an earthly millenial reign of Christ.

I'm not out to convince those who do not want to believe. I'm just one who gives testimony of what God says. He'll have to do the convincing.

So, DJC49, - this will free up precious bandwidth if I do not post the voluminous promises of God to Israel.

That'll leave more room for you and *Banned* to have your run-on exchanges.

I'll check in to see how this thread finishes out.

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