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News Item8/16/11 1:55 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Frank. Maybe my porn example was not a good one. Forgive me. But what my point is asking why we wanna dabble with somethin that can become sin so quickly? I have a question for you.. At what point of drinking do I become drunk therefore being a drunkard? After one beer or after five??

News Item8/16/11 11:27 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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So if I was a porn addict can I still look at maxim magazines cuz they are not completely nude. I would say no! But someone who was not a porn addict, can he look at maxims? I think it would not be good for either one. Why dabble with it? What does it benefit? Can we play around on a wiji board with moderation as long as we dont become a medicine man?? Why would I introduce alcohol to my children but tell them to just do it moderately?. Stupidity is what I call all this " moderate drinking" The bible says"do not be conformed to this world...". Plus Jesus didn't make alcoholic wine. Listen to an enlightening series called "wine and the bible" by phil Schlamp right here on sermon audio

News Item1/27/11 8:39 AM
Dwayne | Northern alberta Canada  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Witness said. :
At this moment in our history Satan and sin are being allowed to win.

god will be victorious in the end! Hallaluia!!

News Item1/20/11 3:47 PM
Dwayne | Northern alberta Canada  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Check out dr Kent hovind for anyone who hasn't heard of him. He puts up a great fight for creationists.

News Item1/20/11 12:02 PM
Dwayne | Northern alberta Canada  Find all comments by Dwayne
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No I'm not implying that. I know that it's just a building and that the christians are the church. I still think that skipping a church service where someone could potentially be saved for a football game is pathetic. Who wants to listen to a serman at half time! I wouldnt want to. How can the holy spirit work in an atmosphere like the super bowl??

News Item1/20/11 8:39 AM
Dwayne | Northern alberta Canada  Find all comments by Dwayne
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sorry please forgive me! I misunderstood. I saw it and I got really fired up! But I understand what u were trying to say!

News Item1/19/11 6:07 PM
Dwayne | Northern alberta Canada  Find all comments by Dwayne
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God hasn't done that much for us!!!!! I'm sorry buddy I think u need to repent! There are many true born again believers who would strongly disagree with u! I'm from a legalistic family and if u were really legelistic you wouldn't even have power in your church for a tv! It's about priorities! The church is for worshiping god not football. I think they are making the church a den of thieves by doin this!

Survey6/30/07 1:59 PM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Ah, yes. In your first-rate response below you mentioned the number 3 weapon in Satan's scheme to bring the entire earth under the control of demons (that is by humans becoming mereged with these entities) who will pay homage to the higher "principalities" that will inhabit the AntiChrist.

I'm speaking in reference to abortion which is naught more than the sacrifices of innocent little ones to Satan to empower his dark rule. Demons have a blooodthirst and since Roe vs. Wade this country has worked overtime to satisfy them to satiety. We have seen the inevitable corresponding degradation of every area of human life these past four decades, as people are literally loosing their minds to hordes of demons.

There are 46 million murders that are ritualistically performed annually worldwide as the blood of the little children are fed to demons. The US has greatly contributed to the demonic appetite, by slaughtering 58 million little babies of innocent blood since 1973. Thanks for bringing it up in your post.

In these perilous times we have to walk lightly and warily. For instance, in my daily intercourse with sinners I already am under the presumption that I am dealing with living demons. Things that used to be inexplicable no longer trouble me 'twall.

News Item6/30/07 1:06 PM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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All I can say is wow! This reply was excellent. Full of an absolute and total contempt of the world and its systems! Thank God for you, Sister and for Cbcpreacher, two very valiant warriors of Christ. Onward, Christian soldiers!

Survey6/30/07 12:48 PM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Michael Hranek,
I have no intention of replying to this puerile and apparently rushed post of yours below. One, I am under no obligation to respond to the ungodly.

Secondly, I have explicated my position with salient lucidity and you have not, like the wise Bereans "examined the Scriptures to see if these things were so." (Acts 17:11) I know this to be the case because this post of yours appears to be the same old infantile gushing you expressed below to which I have already adequately responded.

Thirdly, and this is very important, this post was a hogwash of very convoluted and confused balderdash, and it was hard to make any sense of it. It has numerous misspellings which I usually overlook but you have flagrantly misspelled "fiery" as "firey," twice (I would've ignored it if it had been once and not in your opening sentence)! We are discoursing here on the most weighty and serious matters of human existence, and I refuse to allow the conversation to degenerate below a certain standard worthy of the subject matter.

If you are willing to give due attention to the points I have outlined, you will find your conversation and your manner of life much improved and when you come back I may be compelled to respond. Good day to you.

Survey6/30/07 11:42 AM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Alan H,
Your pictorial engendered within me a fleeting impression of the pure and holy face of the Lamb peering, before his judgment seat, through all the snow with which you attempted to disguise yourself with a fixed look of revulsion at your sin-stained soul and all of its ingloriousness. "Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity: wherefore lookest thou upon them that deal treacherously, and holdest thy tongue when the wicked devoureth the man that is more righteous than he?" (Hab 1:13)

But I digress, David was indeed unregenerate as were all of the righteous under the old dispensation, from the fallen Adam to Christ. Only the Risen Lord and Christ could answer David's prophetic pleas for redemption, "...blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin!" (Ps. 51:1-2)

If men could have been twice-born, conformed to the image of Christ, if they could have been "perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect," there would have been no need for our God and Savior to, "give himself for us to REDEEM us from ALL LAWLESSNESS and to PURIFY for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works."

The fundamental problem with the law was that it could not purify the heart and renew the

Survey6/30/07 11:05 AM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Seaton, lacking knowledge, remarks: "On this present topic of "humongous ego"..."

Many on this board seem to be of the impression that I am haughty and even worse, overbearing. These false notions have been acquired based on a faulty and unscriptural understanding of 'humility'. They have been taught that we are to humble ourselves before dogs and pigs. In point of fact, we are to do no such thing, but rather we are adjured to "humble ourselves BEFORE THE LORD, and he will EXALT you." (Jam. 4:10)

We who have renounced everything for Christ, yea, even our own lives, have alone received the grace of God, and we alone have been exalted above the rabble of carnal men. The Apostle reminds us that, "such were some of you." And so we were. But "we were washed, we were sanctified, we were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." (1 Cor 6:10-12)

In a sum, if I boast I "boast in the Lord," for it is written, "let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the LORD." (Jer. 9:24)

Christ never abased himself before Pharisees and money-changers, Stephen did not before his stiff-knecked opponents.

Survey6/30/07 8:48 AM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Michael Hranek sentimentally gushes: "He would teach you first hand of His mercy and grace and He desire to save sinners and restore them and how those who are forgiven much love much whereas those who are forgiven little love little. I trust the Lord will also have others praying similarly for you."

Oh, but I have already learned a decade ago, firsthand, of his grace and mercy extended to lost sinners, of whom I was foremost. My sins were remitted in the "waters of regeneration," and I recieved his grace in the fiery baptism of the Holy Ghost, of which I made a point to "not to receive the grace of God in vain." (2 Cor 6:1) Having fully availed myself of it I have walked a road of sanctity ever since.

I was indeed forgiven much and have had no other love ever since but for my heart's desire. This is why my love for my Beloved is so tenacious and I have walked as one cognizant of the fact that "this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments." (1 John 5:3)

But for those who after having received pardon, after having been "born of water, and of Spirit" if they should then profane the blood of the covenant by which they were sanctified there remains naught but "but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries."(Heb.10:27)

Survey6/30/07 3:58 AM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Lurker, an unregenerate sinner mocks: "You may as well share in my chuckle at Dwayne's expense."

Lurker I am not angry with you for you are only living up to the extent of your native capacities. Unfortunately they are very limited due to the incontestable fact that "the natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned." (1 Cor. 2:14-16) How else should I have expected you to interpret the spiritual truth I brought forth from the "dead letter" in a spiritual language, that is to say, in "words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit?" (1 Cor 2:13)

The insults that have been hurled at me by members of these forums have all been readily forgiven in the same spirit in which my Lord, and my God prayed "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34) Indeed, I have taken them all to be naught but the unpleasant biting of fleas, nay I say, rather the mad barking of dogs.

Well am I reminded of the Psalmist in his lament: "Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?" But I do not lose courage for "thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel." (Ps. 2:1,8)

Survey6/30/07 2:15 AM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Alan H,
You would do better to read the content of every single one of those replies. You would learn of matters too lofty and sublime for your earthly mind. You will learn sooner or later that I am a member of a "royal priesthood," and that in me as a living epistle you will discover that "true instruction was in his mouth, and no wrong was found on his lips. He walked with me in peace and uprightness, and he turned many from iniquity." (Mal. 2:6-7)

Be not foolish, but take heed to the counsel of wise and the 'congregation of the righteous', rather than that of the ungodly sinners ('saved by grace' or not they are sinners all the same as they will readily admit, and they take this unsavory fact to be a badge of honor).

Survey6/30/07 2:03 AM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Alan the untaught, witlessly quips: "It seems very evident that you do not believe that Christ was a present factor in/with the Old Testament Saints."

Come unto me, my benighted fellow, and learn of me, for ye ought to know that "the mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of judgment." (Ps. 37:30)

The Apostle informs us that in the latter days, that is, after the Incarnation and Resurrection of the Logos, "the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age." This is the divine power that the the patriarchs and prophets of the old covenant eagerly longed for, and "though commended through their faith, [they] did not receive what was promised, since God had provided something BETTER for us, that apart from us they should not be made PERFECT." (Heb. 11:39)

David, for example, had a heart of gold, but he remained an unregenerate righteous Jew and this is why he prophesies in the inspired hymn: "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." And indeed, Jeremiah predicts such time when this would be fufilled in the 31st chapter of the book containing his prophetic utterances.

News Item6/30/07 12:56 AM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Race Runner,
I am in total agreement with the sentiments you express in this post. There are of course many other avenues Satan is taking to possess the perishing but the act of sexual immorality appears to be his number one weapon to weaken, possess and emasculate the men who would stand up for God. The spirit of Jezebel is running rampant throughout the whole earth and almost all men have been subdued to the v*gina. That's why the media has all these big-breasted, big booty shakin' vixens in the mens' faces to destroy them all. Men in stripclubs, it has been reported to me literally enter hypnotic trances staring under the shakedancer's thong. Add his number #2 weapon, mind-altering substances and you have a powerful package to render all but the elect essentially useless in the end-time battle against the spiritual forces of darkness.

The "Christian" religious institutions are his main agency for launching this massive, unflagging, spiritual assault operating through the warlocks and witches (female pastors) from the pulpit, and he is showing no mercy. With their false, grotesque theologies that comfort them in their smug, factitious "morality."

P.S. I am unfamiliar with the Embassy of Heaven Church, but the name is certaintly an apt description of the church's functi

Survey6/30/07 12:33 AM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Michael Hranek mistakenly utters: "The Old Testament was written for our instruction."

Indeed it twas' but not quite for the same type of "instruction" you have tried to gain from it. Let us turn from our vain imaginings unto the blessed Apostle's stern advice concering the records of the OLD covenant: "Now these things took place as examples for us, that we MIGHT NOT desire evil as they did. DO NOT be idolaters as some of them were; as it is written, "The people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play." We must not indulge in sexual immorality AS SOME OF THEM DID, and twenty-three thousand fell in a single day. We must not put Christ to the test, as some of them did and were destroyed by serpents, nor grumble, as some of them did and were destroyed by the Destroyer. Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction, on whom the end of the ages has come. Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed LEST HE FALL." (1 Cor. 6-12)

Ah, so Paul says David's act of sexual immorality should be held up as an example that MUST NOT be followed by the holy. We are not living under the more liberal terms of the Old Covenant which made all kinds of concessions to men without grace. We are held to a higher standard, Christ.

Survey6/30/07 12:14 AM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Alan H impertinently questions: "Are you for real or are you just toying with us?"

As is proper among saints, you will never find me lightheartedly engaging in any "foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place," (Eph. 5:4) and I am ever vigilant, looking to my right and to my left, "careful for nothing," knowing that I must "on the day of judgment give account for every careless word I speak. (Matt. 12:36)

If you wish to jest you do greatly err in conversing with spiritual men. You'll find plenty of tickles in sermons preached here on SA, I suggest you start there. Now on to more serious and sober matters.

I certainly found myself crying out woefully like the publican, 'God, be merciful to me, a sinner!' But here's the rub: that was a decade ago and he long ago answered my prayer. But he warned me to "sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee." (John 5:14) I gave due attention to these words those many years ago and having abased myself so, He poured out his grace on a humbled penitent. I made sure to fully avail myself of it, and as promised in the very passage you cited, found myself "exalted" above the heathen into the company of the spotless saints. They have been my consort ever since.

Praise be to God, who 10 years ago created in me "a clean heart"

News Item6/29/07 9:16 PM
Dwayne | Santa Fe,NM  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Race Runner,
Yes, of course I am willing to comply with your request, without question for those of the "household of faith."

I unfortunately am unable to point you to a link since I derived this directly from, as I said, Scripture and observation and I believe, the living Word, the Spirit of truth. Alas if you are able to find anything I would be much obliged.

I was referring to this apostolic doctrine: "The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. And God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by his power. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? Never! Or do you not know that he who is joined to a prostitute becomes ONE BODY with her? For, as it is written, "The two will become one flesh." (1 Cor 6:13-17)

And so whatever demonic spirits dwell within the harlot, the sorcerer, the witch are transferred straight away by this unlawful uniting of body and spirit. Since almost the entire world today is engaing in sexually immoral activity (the pervasiveness of Internet porn certainly helped) the human race is being knitted together spiritually to be ready to bow the the powerful fallen angel that will be manifest in the AntiChris

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