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News Item12/30/09 7:55 AM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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Isn't this a warning to us concerning the spirit of the anti-Christ? Or the spirit of the world that ushers in the anti-Christ? The anti-Christ will come from the ten toes of Daniel's image and will have no political experience and will come to power with chrismatic and flambuant words. I am not suggesting that Barrack Obama is "The Anti-Christ" although I can make a strong argument that he is an anti-christ. I am just suggesting that the world is ready for the Anti-Christ because they have no discernment and they are looking for a worldly savior that will make their stay in the world much easier. The Utopia has arrived... reaching the American dream and everyone in the world in searching for it and Obama might be the one to give it to the world!

News Item12/28/09 9:01 AM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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Scott McMahan... I agree with you entirely. The media will cover anything about the gospel but the truth of the gospel itself. They cover Obama speaking about the Bible and no one says a thing because it is false and worldly... and a false and worldy gospel poses no threats. Unfortunately many people receive their understanding (lack of) of the gospel from these news stories.

News Item12/28/09 8:55 AM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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I remember Obama early in his agenda asked if anyone new what Bible verses to use? It looks like he found which ones to use when he is promoting his worldview. It's funny how the Bible reveals the foolishness of man or the ignorance of a person that tries to speak about something he knows nothing about.

News Item12/26/09 8:30 AM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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You are right there are many corrupt politicians and there are many corrupt American citizens. We have an entitlement attitude and we are unwilling to work hard. The politicians steal our tax money an use it for the most ungodly uses. And the American citizen steals by bringing the most outrageous law suits for the most outrageous amounts of money. If we would in fact stop lying, cheating, stealing, perhaps God would forgive this country. If we would stop pumping money into prostitution, pornography, gambling, and give that money to pay off China and buy our country back then perhaps things would be different. The greed, gluttony, and self seeking glory is repulsive to watch.

The problem with healthcare is the character of the American people. The Politicians are simply a mirror for America to look at themselves through. How can we fix healthcare when everyone feels entitled to receive it WITHOUT paying into it or for it? How can we fix healthcare when we offer it to illegals and allow others from other countries to cross our borders to get it free (Canada)? Healthcare is a problem but the problem is not with healthcare it's with America's heart.

News Item12/9/09 11:06 AM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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Hey... great debate on the endtimes but it is more important to make sure your lantern is full of oil so when the bridegroom comes in the night you will be ready. I am a pre-trib guy and if amill got it right I will say, "dag... I was wrong but made it here none the less." I'm just having enough trouble getting my people to pray everyday, study scriptures everyday, and evangelize everyday... and I want them to get that right before they get the end right. No use knowing how and when Jesus comes and not have a relationship with him now. Merry Christmas

News Item12/9/09 10:57 AM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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I can only imagine what our Puritan forefathers would be thinking today if they were here to see how our society has interpretted their writings concerning the freedom of speech. America will say and write anything... and we think we are noble because of it. What vomit... and we return to it over... and over... and over again.

News Item12/9/09 10:48 AM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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Atheist do not attack all the Disney Christmas Characters I see. They don't attack the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, or the Christmas Tree...except now it is the holiday tree. The only thing they want is to take the Christ out of Christamas or Jesus Christ out of Christmas. If Jesus is a fairy tale like the others mentioned above then what's all the hype? Could it be that the Bible is right when it says man is without excuse because God has made himself clearly seen and the problem is sinners suppress the truth and exchange the glory of God for a lie (Romans 1). What are Atheist scared of? Our constitution protects them to practice Atheism why won't they let Christians practice their faith? We do not attack their Holiday "April Fools Day".

Sermon11/30/09 10:41 AM
Tom | Dublin  Contact via emailFind all comments by Tom
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Very good description by Mark of how we should approach God.

Sermon11/26/09 11:10 AM
Tom | Dublin  Find all comments by Tom
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Jerusalem fully organised
Mark Fitzpatrick
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very helpful interpretation of Nehemiah 8 and how it relates to worship in general.

News Item11/20/09 9:17 PM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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The best thing I ever listened to was "Financial Peace University" by Dave Ramsey. The Devil is trying to convince you that spending tomorrows money is wise. Debt is of the Devil and Credit Cards are his weapon of choice. Credit Cards take God's money and the more he gets the happier he is. If you do not have cash do not buy it. You pay interest on debt and someone else is getting rich on your sin. Geton the right side of capitalism... the money making side not the getting in debt side.

News Item11/20/09 9:11 PM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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Are we to sit around in our stain glass buildings singing Kumbaya My Lord? The Gospel is a Sociological miracle because it can go in all cultures and call people out of the culture to go back into the culture and save more. If I still listened to organ music and priest montras I would still be Catholic. Thank God for contemporary christain music!! There is a cocaine dealer/addict somewhere that would never come into your church but may be saved through the Gospel preached through the media of rap. I just hope the rappers preach the Gospel.

News Item11/15/09 9:27 PM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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I have a couple of questions, first is this an attack on Obama's watch? Second, is Obama going to call this evil and an enemy or does he still want to talk to these terrorists. I pray Obama will either send troops to win the war or bring our troops home. We will fight the fight during the next attack and hopefully we will have a President with a backbone rather than a tongue. He is afraid perhaps to blow up half his family.

News Item11/15/09 9:21 PM
Tom | Georgia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Tom
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WOW!! The first sign of common sense I've witnessed in our governement in a long time. My prayers must be working!!

News Item11/7/09 9:36 PM
Tom | tampa  Find all comments by Tom
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Ever notice that Obama says "the Bible" but when he speaks of the Koran he calls it the HOLY Koran?

See this video where Obama admits he is a muslim. Hurry, it will be removed soon.


Sermon11/3/09 8:00 AM
Tom | Dublin  Find all comments by Tom
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3 Wrong Opinions of Jesus
Mark Fitzpatrick
“ Great Sermon! ”

News Item10/19/09 8:22 AM
Tom | Georgia  Find all comments by Tom
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I once heard a King James only pastor preach a good exegetical sermon. When he did his word study he used several words to explain the King James word. I wrote them all down and then looked them up in other translations and found he used many of the words of those translations. Maybe we should start burning King James preachers for being such heretics that they expound King James words using words from other translations??? (Sarcasm) I think it would be helpful if King James preachers would preach doctrine from the KJV and not take on such wasteful rhetoric!! In the end it won't be which Bible you hold in your hand but which Savior you have in your heart. If "gay" no longers means happy and you will change it in your exegete then what's wrong with changing the text as the meaning of words change? What's wrong with replacing a word with its synonym? Preach the King James accurately!! Preach the NASB accurately!! Preach the New King James accurately!! Know your Greek and know your Hebrew and preach it accurately. Focus on the essentials and stop arguing over the non-essentials.

News Item10/19/09 8:04 AM
Tom | Georgia  Find all comments by Tom
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Are we in North Korea, Russia or Iran? Is this really America? Didn't Obama promise transparency and change? We are looking more socialist everyday. Kiss our freedoms good-bye!! We are now the culture of death, the culture of theft, the cilture of lies, and the culture of Obama-nation. I say "now" because at least before we were not so open about it. They're bold enough to say it and admit it now. It's become who we are as a culture.

News Item10/18/09 8:12 PM
Tom | Geogia  Find all comments by Tom
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Shhhh!! I'll tell you a secret... Obama is the Muslem spy in Washington.... don't tell anyone.

Sermon10/12/09 12:16 PM
Tom | Dublin  Find all comments by Tom
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Thomas the Doubter
Mark Fitzpatrick
“ Great Sermon! ”
A good character study of Thomas, very encouraging for any Christian who feels that their faith is weak. This is a good illustration of the Lord's patience with his sheep.

Sermon10/10/09 12:03 PM
Tom | Dublin  Find all comments by Tom
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Truth {word study in John}
Mark Fitzpatrick
“ Great Sermon! ”
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