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News Item10/20/09 10:26 AM
rhymnrzn2zion | D-TON OH  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rhymnrzn2zion
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Robert wrote:
These marginal readings indicate that the translators did not consider their work to be impossible to be improved upon......"They that are wise, had rather have their judgments at liberty in differences of reading, than to be captivated to one, when it may be the other." (KJV translators)
why don't you take their advice!
Brother, the Translators were elaborate to explain that the WORST (no worse than a wart or scar) of their works were better than a language we can not understand, and their humility in this great project, they would admit, was in care of fearing the wrath of God, that they themselves would not mislead, or deceive others over the Word of God. The fact that we all would prefer liberty to exercise our own judgments, does not by any measure trump GOD'S will, which did at that time put it into the heart of the King to bring about the much needed authoritative rendition. The argument I make is that since we have the KJV, another version is not needed. You brothers who insist on new and improved translationz are straining at gnats and swallowing camels in Satan's will to divert you from plain, direct, single-tongued speech: it is not then become liberty, but bondage, and thick cart ropes required to tow that mess!

News Item10/19/09 11:03 AM
rhymnrzn2zion | D-TON OH  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rhymnrzn2zion
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Tom wrote:
Preach the King James accurately!! Preach the NASB accurately!! Preach the New King James accurately!! Know your Greek and know your Hebrew and preach it accurately. Focus on the essentials and stop arguing over the non-essentials.
Rather, sharpness and strong meat is required in our matters.

The Lord our God gave the Holy Word to be meditated on, and read aloud, followed along with, confessed, and affirmed in the congregation: and he is not the author of confusion. There should not seem to be any surprise then, when the Lord begins to reprove men for adding and subtracting from the Scriptures, for it is written, that if we walk contrary to the LORD, then the LORD will walk contrary to us.

News Item10/18/09 7:54 PM
rhymnrzn2zion | 1300 characters is bogus  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rhymnrzn2zion
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
AV is classical literature, and should be right up there on your book shelf with your Shakespeare , and of course, both should be kept out of the reach of children.
Ephesians 5:26 "That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word...."

Psalm 119:9 "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word."

News Item10/17/09 4:08 PM
rhymnrzn2zion | 1300 characters is bogus  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rhymnrzn2zion
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Good thing the KJV translators operated in committee, and not in a corner, so no man was silenced or set on a pedestal as though to muzzle the voice of reason. Anyone who takes up the KJV only has a great weight of grace allotted to them for their expedience, for those are the things that God has enjoined and made certain unto us: though holding forth the KJV is not the end of all righteousness, but, the keeping of all written therein is. Those who bicker and do strifes over words, and refuse to place the KJV as the finest vintage well-aged (made prior to our modern times) voice of our Shepherd in our language, they do show forth a pattern, that this is endemic among those who forsake the ancients that they also err in many things: choosing "another" translation is not indicating they shall not fulfill all righteousness, but, they must heed the voice of our Shepherd about this, and not the voice of another. I will not stand in the way of any taking up a false Morning Star (which is the word of life we handle, to look upon its visible broadsides), nor attempt to burn them without proper consent. Let us acknowledge them in all things (not in part), how the translators set forth the principal and chief good translation, so allowing us to end all disputes, and move on unto perfect

News Item10/12/09 10:57 AM
rhymnrzn2zion | D-TON OH  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rhymnrzn2zion
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[URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinnom_Valley]]]Hinnom Valley[/URL]

News Item10/2/09 8:52 AM
rhymnrzn2zion | D-TON OH  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rhymnrzn2zion
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Scott McMahan wrote:
So I don't know if religion and money can be separated or not.
Jim Lincoln wrote:
One would hope that the flimflam men of this anti-Christian belief would take a financial hit, but I really doubt it....
You guys do not know, and doubt, if Babylon is going to fall? But strong is the Lord God that judges Babylon: like it or not, it is written!

News Item9/15/09 10:35 PM
rhymnrzn2zion | D-TON OH  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rhymnrzn2zion
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WayneM wrote:
Jesus did not say you should not take care of your responsibilities in life such as auto insurance, health insurance, etc. These things are necessary to fulfil your responsibilities to society, your family, and your neighbour who we are commanded to love. If you cause an accident and injure your neighbour, he is entitled to whatever compensation the court orders you to pay, which would be paid by insurance coverage. Medical insurance may help keep you alive until God decides it is your time. You are needed by loved ones and others.
Gil says about vs22: It is our duty to preserve our life and make use of means to support it. (that may include insurance) Check the commentaries.
Me thinks you give counsel to put a yoke on our necks, that you may glory in our flesh. Apostle Paul said for every man to abide his calling, but you are constraining us to be "circumcised" to insurance policies, and that as a Christian? What is it to have ought of the things that be our own, and to have cares of this life, if this was expected?

The cares of this life choke out the Word and Spirit of God. One may not love their neighbors and family, and profit them, outside of the Holy Word: but wicked men will seek insurance for any "eventualities".

News Item9/13/09 8:03 PM
rhymnrzn2zion | D-TON OH  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rhymnrzn2zion
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The Bible says take no thought for our life, what we shall eat and drink, or for what we shall wear, or for the morrow, for sufficient is the evil of this day. Paul says that we should avoid being entagled with the affairs of this life. All that we might not be snared.

News Item8/30/09 10:46 AM
rhymnrzn2zion | D-TON OH  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rhymnrzn2zion
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Control it so they can do what? turn all into whited walls such as themselves? They that make graven images are like unto them. What good the internet could be for gets trodden by them who are enflamed with the fire of damnation, already. Free speech is in negative balance with this boring, gainsaying, double-tongued generation. Hypocrites cursing causes men to bend at the back to prop up hewn pillars for useless burdens, and to drag unnecessary weights with cart ropes: may God rebuke for rejecting the word of the Lord.

I have no quarrel with the idea of every mouth being stopped before God, especially seeing how many of these churches are set up in the name of Jesus Christ, but do not teach his words: this includes the majority of you publishers on sermonaudio.com. You guys ever grow tired of endless debates which get ignored and forgotten? such are your works.

What assembly reads and keeps these words? Is there one righteous?

Ezekiel 11:2-12
"Then he said unto me, Son of man, these are the men that devise mischief, and give wicked counsel in this city: (3) Which say, It is not near; let us build houses: this city is the caldron, and we be the flesh"

News Item8/17/09 8:53 PM
rhymnrzn2zion | D-TON OH  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rhymnrzn2zion
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It's tough to walk toward them who are without, to redeem the time preaching and prophesying Christ to a disillusioned public. It's because the Churches are partial in the covenant. Many do not even know whether there be any year of release, jubilee, or feast weeks, or sabbath days: if some men observe these, yet the poor (who are desirable as EQUALS in the Lord) that would are not enabled by release of debts, nor given hire to afford the liberty, nor paid for labors the same day. Some are too busy, and others are occupying just to keep in line, because men judge for not holding employment, and resist God by laying the yoke with feigned expectations: yet the Lord will pluck up and cast down, even as he had respect to Israel when they were bondmen. Isaiah mentioned about the time there was not any work that the Egyptians could do. Not that any of that is an excuse to sin, for the wicked will yet sin even in the land of the upright. Yet all of the Churches are partial in the covenant, not known to be full of the word and Holy Ghost, and they do originate sin (like justifying war after the flesh rather than publishing the Gospel to save soules): for that we will suffer much tribulation before the kingdom is restored, and only a remnant will return as the former of all things.

News Item8/16/09 10:01 AM
rhymnrzn2zion | D-TON OH  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rhymnrzn2zion
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Should one use the monkey wrench to fix the system, or throw in the monkey wrench to ruin it? Again, it is one thing to lift up holy hands everywhere, and another thing altogether to pray in order to be seen of men, that we might receive rewards of men. Here, the inner city schools have more youths listed as suspended than what you could stir up for a prayer group: and this is somehow an acceptable offering of praise to the Lord, that we may go everyone to their cieled houses, and take thought for the morrow, the week, the month, the year, and for "our childrens' future"? No, not while the Lord's own house is broken in pieces.

One said "preach Christ, and use words if necessary", but I say, as I would have done to myself, as one who used to be young and ignorant, that nine times out of ten I would rather have the word of God shown to me, and spoken to me, and taught, that I may be enlightened, and warned, than to go on minding my own in silence that the school of hard-knocks should be my only guide. Yet the hypocrites have run amok, and have perverted the words of the Lord, so hardly anyone is certain what his words are.

News Item7/12/09 5:15 PM
rhymnrzn2zion | D-TON OH  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rhymnrzn2zion
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Here's a word from Apostle Paul for the usurpers of authority, and practicers of dominion, though it seems to be ever convenient for men to cast off the real authority of the poor tent-maker from Tarsus.

1 Corinthians 4:8
"Now ye are full, now ye are rich, ye have reigned as kings without us: and I would to God ye did reign, that we might also reign with you."

News Item7/7/09 2:47 PM
rhymnrzn2zion | D-TON OH  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rhymnrzn2zion
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This is not a result or fallout from American actions, Jim? perhaps you think we're over there breaking up fallow grounds, so they will then receive the Lord's ministry with goodwill and open arms.

If the U.S.A. is the fairest and the chiefest, you would think that they would prefer nourish and cherish their own flesh, and not resist the powers that be. But it is always, always Babylon and the Beast that take occasion through carnal warfare, and by all means for usury and oppression to try and make the wise among the people to go mad. It cannot possibly be anything else, when we examine the root of all evil.

Jim said
"Why are you listening to such junk as Trinity broadcasting?"

Nay, I don't go leaps and bounds to watch TBN (Tabernacles of Bribery Network): I might check once in a while to see how they do.

News Item7/7/09 11:56 AM
rhymnrzn2zion | D-TON OH  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rhymnrzn2zion
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Max said
"America be warned, we have northern cities here in the Uk which have been islamified where the 7/7 bombers originated. You have an enemy within."

I cannot even begin to see or realize how in the world laying up arms and explosives could even possibly prosper or profit anyone at all. Yeah, they will find God taking vengeance upon them for every weight not given, and every step astray from the Way, Truth, and Life which is in Christ Jesus.

Romans 14:4 "Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be held up: for God is able to make him stand."

Revelation 22:11 "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still."

News Item7/5/09 7:25 PM
rhymnrzn2zion | D-TON OH  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rhymnrzn2zion
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It is more than a grief of mind to know that (if they be) obedient, harmless Christians would be forced to suffer the backlash of the pressure the U.S. military is stoking by lodging missiles from drone aircraft, and by launching operations such as "Strike of the Sword" and other lofty, bitter, and hasty tactics. It is a wonder that Jesus our Lord commanded us to preach and prophesy in every nation, and yet, as Trinity Broadcasting likes to tell us, we are the "greatest nation", and to "bless our troops" (our deadly armed messengers of another truth, another gospel). A far cry from feeding and clothing your enemies, and counting one better than ourselves for humility! If the Lord made great nations from the sons of Hagar, and made Arabia below Jerusalem, yet that would make this generation of false witnesses a bunch of cruel masters! As God commanded through Apostle Peter to call no man unclean, yet how many of you lot want to raise a crusade to kill and eat the flesh of men? If God were to only save a remnant of them, yet, vengence is the LORD's only, and, the wrath of man worketh not the will of God.

News Item6/30/09 9:07 PM
RhymnRzn2Zion | Dayton, OH  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by RhymnRzn2Zion
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Not that I give heed to the endless harping on about stats, as to justify stat gathering and puffing up about what numbers seemeth to indicate, for it is written "Let God be true, but every man a liar" (Rom.3:4). I would point out to all who boast faith in Christ, that we ought not to offend one of these who come to Christ, for one born of the Holy Ghost is like the wind - we know not from whence they come or where they go: and, the Lord will perfect praises out of the mouth of babes (nothing perfect without the doctrine of Christ, apostles, and prophets, and they wait for our fulness.) Being born of the Holy Ghost does not come by flesh and blood, yet our witness SHOULD agree in one with the Spirit of God: but it is not so with these houses, even as Joshua said "Ye are witnesses AGAINST yourselves that ye have chosen you the LORD, to serve him" (Josh 24:22).

I agree with the OP about sing song rubbish: they make the Lord as a lovely song with pleasant voices playing well on instruments, "for they hear thy words, but they do them not" (Eze.33:32). Let us rather do this "let judgement run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream" (Am.5:23). NO WONDER as the LORD raises up of your own sons for prophets, and of your own young men for Nazarites! (Am.2:11)

News Item6/28/09 8:29 PM
RhymnRzn2Zion | Dayton, OH  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by RhymnRzn2Zion
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I am astonished and blush for the racial divisions: "Therewith (the tongue) bless we God, even the Father; and therewith we curse MEN, which are MADE AFTER THE SIMILITUDE OF GOD."

The Churches could be as central as a Solomon's Porch away from Jerusalem: yet, the assembling of ourselves is broken up. We haply find ourselves fighting against God in that we burden others, and do not proclaim liberty every man to his brother, neighbor, and strangers, until a year of release becomes the decree. People held up at work need to assemble on a DAILY basis, as the early Church daily added such as should be saved, and broke bread from house to house, who had not ought of their own so there was not overmuch or lack. There needs to be seasons of ingathering, such as the feast weeks, when the males present as one man in the place the Lord has chosen, for reading the word of God one-fourth of the day, and a fourth part for confessing and worshipping, and the rest we may be led by the Holy Ghost for maintaining and building the temple which we are. Turn the excess off and ration resources, in order to dwell in tents and booths, so every man find his corner and his circle of brethren (as Jesus and the twelve). The sabbath year shall be meat for the land, man, and beast! limit too tight

News Item6/26/09 11:07 PM
RhymnRzn2Zion | Dayton, OH  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by RhymnRzn2Zion
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A-men Faithful Remnant. Indeed, somehow it has become a strange tradition or custom that clearly departed at some time down the line from hearkening back to the Scriptures verily. The Church of God is of the same spirit as Israel without walls, bars, and gates, NOW, and the kingdom does not come with observation, but NOW shall be within us, so we NOW have the swords beaten into plowshares and spears into pruninghooks: all weapons are NOW converted for threshing, or to be burned up. If there be any weapon, arrow, or sword, it is that weapon that proceeds from between the lips: we overcome the beast by the blood of the LAMB, and by nothing short of a MIGHTY HAND he will bring us under the bond of his covenant.

News Item5/22/09 11:34 PM
rhymnrzn2zion | D-TON OH  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rhymnrzn2zion
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I for one believe that cannabis is the tree of life, and a necessary ingredient in the recipe for the healing the nations, according to ALL the Scriptures, so to effectively promote charity, faith, hope, peace, and goodwill towards all men.

News Item5/22/09 9:02 PM
rhymnrzn2zion | D-TON OH  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by rhymnrzn2zion
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Mike wrote:
I do not speak against the KJV. I use it all the time. But neither do I worship it. The Bible has more purpose than its own existence. It is to bring light to the reader. How will it do this if it does not speak in the tongue of the reader? Why do you think it was printed in KJ English in the first place?
You say you're not speaking against it, but you just declared it on its way to extinction (as if the word of God can become out-dated), and as if it does not bring light to the reader, when it is the oracles of God! We who are of God approach it as unto a living, ancient, holy, and un-changing stone! You say it is not in the tongue of the reader, and so, as spinning and toiling gets nowhere, are you willing to miss out by staying in the back of congregation? for here in the front we speak with understanding. Here in the front, we must needs cite scripture with authority, that it be not possible to deceive: those citing the voice of another shepherd will gladly try their methods elsewhere.
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