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News Item6/19/07 2:28 PM
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Not sure I get your joke. Too many tackles without the helmet, I suppose. No need to get offended. I simply meant what I said due to Benedict's looks and (more so) his really thick Bavarian accent if you've heard him speak in English. I say the same thing to Catholic theologian friends and they agree.

News Item6/19/07 2:19 PM
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You're so absolutely right--and even in the case of the Greco-Roman slavery of Paul's day there was no such thing as a "slave class." Slaves were mixed in among every class, and in many cases were rulers of provinces, professionals, philosophers (e.g. Epictetus), etc. Too many simpletons retroject the Atlantic slave trade onto other ancient forms of slavery as if all people in all times and places have the same sorts of slavery.

Another question to Darwin dude, however: Why are you not concerned with the Qur'an, a book which affirms slavery of non-Muslims through and through (as I'm sure you've read, being an enlightened intellectual). Muslim states have been the biggest perpetrators of slavery in history. Thomas Jefferson took us to war with some of them in the Barbary wars over just this issue--impressing sailors as slaves. Throughout the 1600s and 1700s Muslims took tens of millions as slaves, and it still goes on in Muslim countries and in Africa where Arab Muslims up and down the continent enslave and persecute Africans. Why, the official form of capital punishment in the Sudan is CRUCIFIXION! And this vile torture is routinely visited upon Christians there.

News Item6/19/07 2:06 PM
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Mike from Mex--
Wow, I read Juan Diego's account about the Lady and all the little trifle miracles she did and so on but I never had heard how the site is today. 6-9 million, huh? WOW. Unbelievable. I've heard the Fatima one in Portugal is pretty out of this world too--lots of crazies, Hindus, weird stuff. Thanks for the informative post.

News Item6/19/07 2:02 PM
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Hey Darwin dude--
I've read Darwin. Have you? I doubt it.

As for slavery, practices regarding it are described in the Old Testament but the New Testament is mostly silent on the issue, save the fact that far from supporting slavery Paul indicates his preference for manumission. If you don't know what the Roman practice of slave manumission was, go look it up. Paul was also requesting Onesimus' manumission in the letter to Philemon. There is not a shred of support for slavery in the New Testament.

Since you're an enlightened, intellectual type, I'm sure you also know that atheism is responsible for far more deaths than theism (in particular in the form of 20th century communism--something else I'm sure you've read all about).

I'm sure you also know about the incalculable amount of text preservation and copying which Christian monks performed throughout history--not just transmitting Christian writings but all ancient wisdom--astronomy, philosophy, etc. Why, without Christianity to have preserved it, you would never have Aristotle, and without Aristotle you'd never have Darwin (in that a tremendous amount of Darwin's thought is predicated on Aristotle's Biology--but I'm sure you knew all that).

News Item6/19/07 1:43 PM
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Is it just me or does anyone else think il Papa would make a perfect James Bond film villain?

News Item6/19/07 1:37 PM
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Thanks, Michael H

News Item6/19/07 1:35 PM
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Sure thing, Patrick

News Item6/19/07 11:59 AM
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If anyone is interested, Newton has a long commentary on Daniel and Revelation entitled "Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation to St. John." It's an interesting read, except for some tedious parts where he painstakingly goes through European races, ruling houses, etc. The work is public domain so I believe you can find the full text on the internet.

News Item6/19/07 10:21 AM
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Michael Hranek (and anybody else interestes)--

As for the demonic apparition of Guadalupe, the original account of her appearance was published under the title "Nican Mopohua." You can probably find the full text on the internet and it's not too long (maybe 15-20 pages at best). The odd title is because it was originally published in Nahuatl (the indigenous language of the Indian peasant Juan Diego to whom the apparitions appeared).

The account itself is BIZARRE. It took place in the era when Spain had become master of Mexico but there were still indigenous peoples and languages who were basically a slave class. Juan Diego was one such. One day he was walking past a hill called Tepeyac, which, interestingly, was the traditional site where a pagan mother goddess had always been worshipped (!!!). It was atop this hill that Mary appeared. She cooed and spoke lovingly about how one of the Indians' Gods (Teotl) was really the same God as the Christian God, and that she is the mother of Teotl (God)--it's all the same thing you see! She demanded Juan tell the bishop about her and wanted a shrine built there in HER honor. Guess what two words she NEVER mentioned--Jesus or Christ. It was just me me me and our Gods are all the same. There's more to it than that, but I'm out of space.

News Item6/18/07 3:22 PM
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Boys are lagging because for the past 30 years the dominant philosophy of education has been this trend toward the 'gender-neutral' classroom (as if such a thing were possible to make happen). Thus typically 'gendered' toys and activities (such as wrestling around, playing soldiers, toys like G.I. Joes or any action figures, toy guns, etc.) are avoided. The problem is it's only the BOY-gender specific stuff that gets thrown out--all the dolls and playhouses and dresses for dress-up and playing house and toy cookware and so on are still there. Their idea of gender-neutral is simply effeminacy. Boys are lagging because they don't respond to being treated like girls and being made to act like them. The educational establishment has been trying to make boys girls and boys don't like it--hence low attendance, pent-up aggression, etc.

News Item6/18/07 2:41 PM
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The Qur'an has it that at the end Jesus plays roughly the military role Michael plays in our own eschatology. Jesus will bow down before Muhammad, and Jesus Himself will confess that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet. Of course our Biblical account confesses that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Christ is Lord to the glory of God.

Islam is predicated on doing the works of Allah, having merely a vague hope that one's works are good enough. Christianity is predicated upon the sure work of a sinless savior who was God made man to win and assure salvation.

Muhammad vehemently denounces worship of Jesus as damnable heresy. Jesus claims to be a God worthy of worship.

Islam teaches progressive revelation--i.e. that the Jews had some kernel of revelation, the Christians had more, and the Muslims had the final word from God 500 years after the Christian canon. Christianity teaches that addition to the canon will be rewarded with the full wrath of God.

Christianity was begun by a man of peace, eminently wise and yet humble and kind. Islam was started by a demon-possessed pedophile mass murderer.

I don't see any contradictions. What's there to get bent out of shape over?

News Item6/18/07 1:03 PM
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Gosh, this is really a surprise to me for Dukakis country. After all Mitt Romney was governor there till recently and as everyone knows he's a real-for-sure 'Reagan conservative' isn't he?

News Item6/18/07 12:55 PM
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I always find it funny the way the American Left sees the Left of 'social Europe' as its spiritual guide--it's always that we need to be enlightened and social and like Europe. But the American Left has no idea what the European Left thinks of its practices.

In Germany embryonic stem-cell research is illegal period--not just unfunded at the federal level like here. Almost no one in the world but us practices so-called 'late-term' (i.e. partial birth infant bludgeoning) abortion. When I was studying in Germany I had numerous conversations about such things and found every single person I talked to--liberal or not--was absolutely aghast at hearing how late in a pregnancy Americans can have an abortion. Most European countries don't allow abortion past somewhere around the end of the first trimester or soon after.

I also remember when the whole Terri Schiavo thing was going on and the media were trying to paint it as a Christian Fundamentalist thing. I read German and Spanish newspapers at the time and they were always incredibly creeped out by the court-ordered starvation of that woman.

Our Left is more nihilistic and death-obsessed than Europe's Left, and trends even more social than social than social Europe. I can't believe how stupid our repubs are to fall for this

News Item6/18/07 12:41 PM
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"The church" (as far as most of the cases you're speaking of) didn't "find" these holy places. It was a person outside the church, namely Constantine's mother, and other early Christian imperial figures who decided where this relic and that holy site was--200+ years hence from the events in question.

And Constantine, of course, was "Pontifex Maximus" of the Empire, back when Pontifiex Maximus was a roman imperial title--that is before the Roman Church took on this secular Roman aspect (as well as too many others) and began styling its leader pontifex maximus...adding along the way 'Vicar of Peter" and eventually changing this outright to "Vicar of Christ" (though I'm told the Catholic church doesn't change even when it changes).

News Item6/18/07 12:16 PM
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I bet this woman also knows where to find some four-sided triangles and round squares and other things that are as non-existent as a "Christian Muslim."

I'd love to see her try that nonsense in Arabia or Pakistan or Iran..."Oh no no no, I don't need to convert--you see I already AM a Muslim in addition to being Christian..."

News Item6/4/07 3:29 PM
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you might very well be right--I might be confusing the two. In fact I think I am confusing them. At any rate, from what I hear the EPC is more in the range of the PCA than the OPC or the RPCNA

News Item6/4/07 3:25 PM
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Our (current-day) money doesn't have anything to do with the founders. Neil's on target. Although I'd say you can't just consider the Constitution, but the Declaration and the Articles of the Confederation--both of which do make it clear that the philosophy which undergirds our notion of law includes elements from Christian cultural thinking. Our republic was secular but NOT secularIST, if that distinction makes sense. The founders more than anything were trying to pattern the republic after Republican Rome, which is why they were all in love with Cato and Cicero (who fought against the turn to dictatorial empire in Rome) not to mention Athens' lawgiver Solon. They saw Britain as usurping in the fashion of the imperialization of Rome and associated themselves with the greatness of the Republic in Rome.

It's true their values were deeply influenced by Christian philosophical notions, but every bit as much by Greco-Roman values. It's absurd to say that the Republic was anti-Christian and it's equally absurd to say it was founded as a Christian Republic. Their interest was law and civic virtues.

News Item6/4/07 3:15 PM
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EPC is a pretty conservative church, from what I gather not as conservative as the OPC (the Solemn League and Covenant people), but somewhat similar to the PCA. Beyond that I don't know too much about it.

News Item6/4/07 3:12 PM
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Jim Lincoln--
Funny you mention Constantine in connection to the papacy. Remember what he styled himself? "Pontifex Maximus."

hmmm...sounds familiar somehow...where have I heard that title since then?...

Point taken about the reformers and the real presence, although the Zwinglians were a slim minority (especially with the rise of international Calvinism).

Good guess--although not seminary. I did an M.A. in Historical Theology.

I think it's great the Pope wants to encourage the practice of the Tridentine Mass. Latin is of course the language of Jerome's bible, which as we all know was more inspired than the Greek manuscripts. Maybe he could also encourage the Lord's Supper in one kind.

Heb. 7:26-27
26For it was fitting for us to have such a high priest, holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners and exalted above the heavens;
27who does not need daily, like those high priests, to offer up sacrifices, first for His own sins and then for the sins of the people, because this He did ONCE FOR ALL when He offered up Himself.

and 8:12
12...and not through the blood of goats and calves, but through His own blood, He entered the holy place ONCE FOR ALL, having obtained eternal redemption.

News Item6/3/07 3:20 PM
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What is your fixation on what my name is? As you asked earlier, "am I ashamed to give my name." Yep, you've got me, Michael, I'm ashamed to give my name because I'm a terrorist on the FAA watch list and don't want to give it out. Seriously--ashamed to give my name? That doesn't even make any sense. I could tell you any name under the sun whether a moniker or my Christian name, but what would it matter? What would it add to the discussion? What, would you somehow recognize me then? Would my points suddenly be more or less valid? As if it would mean anything. As I've told other people before on this board, I write 'anonymous' so that some of the freaks out there (not meaning you) don't follow me from thread to thread like they do other people. Beyond that, I have always found that the "why won't you give me a name" nonsense is always the last refuge of a person who has no real argument-a lame ad hominem. If you're so concerned about names why don't you ask GG or cbcpreacher or other people--who are every bit as anonymous as me--what their real names are? My name is my business, and your business is apparently to fixate on my name rather than arguments (which are either true or false irrespective of what my name is) which you'd apparently rather not legitimately answer.

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