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News Item6/18/17 12:09 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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ladybug wrote:
Five of Ireland's top gynaecologists, writing in 1992:
“We affirm that there are no medical circumstances justifying direct abortion, that is, no circumstances in which the life of a mother may only be saved by directly terminating the life of her unborn child.”
John Bonner, Eamon O'Dwyer, David Jenkins, Kieran O'Driscoll, Julia Vaughan, “Statement by Obstetricians,” The Irish Times, 1 April 1992.

Irish Catholic OB docs now promoted by ladybug. And one, Dr Eamon O'Dwyer, is a HUGE defender of the RCC against Child Abuse claims

Edited for space, defending his RCC congregation 'Christian Bros'

As one, most of whose first- and second-level education was provided by Christian Brothers, I write in their defence.
.. Hence, I attended five schools run by Brothers, from De la Salle Brothers initially to four Irish Christian Brothers' schools.
In none of these did I observe any pupil being subjected either to abuse or violence by teachers. ..For my part I am proud to have been one of their protégés. Instead of vilifying them, Irish people should be forever grateful. -
Yours, etc.,
Professor Emeritus of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 

News Item6/17/17 7:07 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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One thing about "New" translations, there are big fat copyright fees on each one printed

News Item6/16/17 8:15 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Dave wrote:
John uk, if you think you're Israel.
You know nothing of your salvation.
Perhaps you didn't mean that Dave, or you misunderstood what John UK was saying

Take a few moments and contemplate your response once again

News Item6/16/17 5:51 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Christopher000 wrote:
Ok, sorry I misunderstood.
Apology accepted

I apologize for my satire in my response to Dave that included your name. It was pure satire. Clearly, by any metric you had no obligation to seek his forgiveness for responding to me

News Item6/16/17 5:24 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Dave wrote:
And a slap up the ear for you supposed men who engage him.
No offense meant Chris

But I think Dave was referring to you as the one 'supposed' man that was being slapped in the ear. {No smart mouth intended}You did fit both requirements, a 'supposed' man from Daves point of view and you responded to me

News Item6/16/17 4:50 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Dave wrote:
You vile creep.
To think that STEVE R who jokes of child rape in the Catholic Church would lurk around this thread defies logic.
And a slap up the ear for you supposed men who engage him.
I'm sure Christopher will come along soon and beg for your forgiveness, but you are yet to provide the evidence(link) of the post you accuse me of. When I was surprised that just 6% of Catholic Priests in OZ were guilty, I was legitimately surprised. I wasn't joking. I really did think the number was much higher, every 12-14 yr old kid in my school knew. At least 4x that % of male employees at my high school were hooking up with the underage female students

Why don't you post a link to the post you are so upset about? It will show I wasn't callous to victims in OZ. When you call people names day after day without cause, you just condemn yourself.

News Item6/16/17 7:12 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
No, John of UK, Dispensationalists look at the entire Bible and realizing the importance of Israel pay much closer attention to the Old Testament then most Covenant theologians do!
Ya think?
I find Dispensationalists to be Biblically illiterate. They only feel knowledgeable because they know 5% of the OT, which is 5% more than 99% of Americans. And its helpful for them to know just 5% of the OT, because the other 95% contradict their heresies

News Item6/16/17 6:49 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Christopher000 wrote:
Wow...I didn't know the payouts amounted to that figure.
Some carriers were all but bankrupted, others dropped policies, and many churches were forced to close with assets being sold off.
Why do you think all the abuse victims from decades ago are just now coming forward? Like I said in a previous post, EVERY kid in my Public School including the Catholic kids(I grew up outside the Church) knew Priests and religious people in general were Pedophiles. In Junior High, we thought just about all religious people were pedophiles. And when we got to High School, that pedophile universe grew to include all the Male teachers, staff and counslers...at least they were after us, just the girls, and what girls they hooked up with didn't seem to mind

News Item6/16/17 6:35 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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When Paul tells Timothy

2 Timothy 3:15   And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

He wasn't talking about the NT

News Item6/15/17 6:06 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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""The Illinois man who allegedly wounded Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., and several others at a baseball practice early Wednesday in Alexandria, Virginia, apparently was a fan of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which nearly five years ago was linked to a domestic terror attack at the Washington office of the Family Research Council. ""

He must of lost his mind when Dr Dobson, founder of FRC, received his award earlier this week

News Item6/14/17 8:53 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Wayfarer Pilgrim wrote:
Dobson's work in parenting has been very helpful over the decades. So he got a reward good for him. It's doubtful he cares about anyone's opinion of him, which is a good thing also.
I agree, but his critics on SA are arguing its questionable for an authentic Christian to accept the award. Perhaps these SA critics might have already concluded that Dr Dobson isn't Christian because he accepts Catholics? not because he accepts the recognition?

But if acceptance of a simple award is evidence of false faith, wouldnt Satan want all good Christian leaders to receive such awards? that way he could accuse them of pride or sanctimony?
imo- if Dr Dobson refused, he would be accused of false pride and sanctimony

News Item6/14/17 5:23 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Christopher000 wrote:
A Catholic Baptist...I'll have to think on that one.
Catholicism is a big umbrella, and there are Catholic Bishops that require confirmations & confessions before Baptisms. Its a big tent, and the Vatican leaders are the ringmasters.

You should know more than anyone that you cant get 1 billion people to all agree on the same doctrine. My Bible Study has about 25 guys, and its a very rare day when we all agree on a debatable issue like infant Baptism

News Item6/14/17 4:25 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
WFP, Bernie Sanders condemned this shooting q.v., [URL=http://tinyurl.com/yab62j2d]]]http://tinyurl.com/yab62j2d (James T. Hodgkinson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know)[/URL], He condemned this behavior like any good Christian should/would, albeit Bernie Sanders isn't a Christian But, I hope Christians were just as angry on the attempts of Wild Billy Clinton's life when he was President.
I'm glad Bernie condemned it, but would be more glad if he gave up his denial and apologized for motivating this man to become a terrorist. Bernie must come to grip he played an enormous roll in radicalizing this man into a would be murderer

News Item6/14/17 8:27 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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GOP Majority Whip Steve Scalise was just shot. One has to wonder if the democrats vocal vitriol against GOP leadership had an influence on the shooter, as Scalise is a vital force for conservative policies

News Item6/14/17 6:03 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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The Trans agenda has a huge obstacle in its path, the inherent differences between men and women by their Creator. Men perform certain tasks better than women while other tasks women are better.

Ignoring the Scriptural commands we have for each for a moment, even the secular world is beginning to realize Trans men playing women sports is unfair. A good male Tennis Player that cant compete in the mens section, can easily beat the very best women Tennis Players. Already colleges are awarding scholarships to Trans men for women sports. These are scholarships that should go to women

Now I know many of us are apprehensive about women even having professional sports leagues, but my observation is about the differences between genders by Creation. So this issue is more than men using the same restroom as women, it is infringing on a womans chance to obtain educational scholarships among other things. I'm curious how this will play out politically with Trans candidates, since they must have a plan to keep their agenda from being derailed

News Item6/13/17 5:48 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Are you guys still moaning over this award? Oy Vey{shaking head} Lots of Biblical Patriarchs were honoured by secular authorities. Joseph, Daniel and Mordecai stand out. Mordecai was even paraded around on the Kings Horse, wearing the Kings Crown. Do you want to insult him too? Haman did, he hated the honour given to Mordecai, just as it appears some here cant let go

Dobsons work helped lots of families and promoted the Gospel. Christian and non Christian recognize his work. Further, I'm sure Dr Dobson has planted and watered many seeds of faith. btw-Dobson didn't go out to try to win this award, just like it wasn't Mordecais idea to be honoured they way he was. Dobson humbly accepted it. So? Get over it and try not to make his acceptance evidence that his faith is false. You want to mope like Haman? Go ahead

btw- After Mordacai was honoured, it gave courage to the Jews to defend themselves and convinced many Persians and Medes to believe in the one true GOD and leave their paganism behind

Esther 8:17.. And many of the people of the land became Jews; for the fear of the Jews fell upon them.

News Item6/13/17 8:21 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Agree with Mike, its a gift of recognition. Even SA gives stars to their staff pick sermons.

News Item6/12/17 4:59 PM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Adriel wrote:
The papal antichrist robs their god version of veneration and praise to complete the idolatrous anti-bible and its contest for Romish hearts and minds.
I think this event is evidence against the papal antichrist theory. Rome cant even keep their own priests in line, how can the Pope become some all powerful world leader if he cant even keep his minions in line? I find it more stunning how western Mainline Protestants accept the wickedness of the day with little resistance

News Item6/12/17 10:20 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
--[URL=http://krvn.com/abc_world/london-police-make-another-arrest-release-images-of-knife-and-fake-explosives-from-london-bridge-attack-abcid35923892/]]]London police make another arrest, release images of knife and fake explosives from London Bridge attack[/URL]
Also see [URL=http://krvn.com/abc_world/police-say-manchester-attacker-built-bomb-alone-at-his-flat-abcid35924431/]]]Police say Manchester attacker built bomb ‘alone at his flat’[/URL]
Pink Ceramaic Knives? Either they were celebrating Gay Pride Month or they planned to get through some metal detectors with those

News Item6/12/17 7:05 AM
SteveR | Mt Zion  Find all comments by SteveR
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Set them free! Why should the United States be saddled with their massive debt?
We are kinda on the hook for their debt now, and Statehood would pave the way to have Puerto Ricans pay Federal Income Tax(which they aren't required to do now)

But this vote does show how bad things are in Puerto Rico now

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