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News Item3/1/12 12:16 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Christians pray to the God of Abraham isacc and Jacob! Muslims pray to the God of only Abraham. Not the same God. The muslims dont even think we serve the same God! People like Rick Warren and wicliffe only puts an even worse taste in the bad taste that muslims have in their hearts towards christians. Soon I'm gonna stop calling myself a Christian and call myself a fundamentalist follower of Jesus Christ who is the son of a God and fully God himself! A Muslim would most definately tell me "uh uh we most assuradlu do not follow the same God!"

News Item2/20/12 1:02 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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John uk
Didnt Paul try to persuade a man and the man says," you almost persuaded me." in acts somewhere I think?

News Item2/19/12 11:24 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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My free will got me salvation because when I was drawn by the Father I chose to accept his free gift!

News Item2/19/12 1:45 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Iv heard the negatives about calvanism and I am defiantly not five point calvanist!
But I'm curious...what are the negatives about arminism?

News Item2/18/12 12:13 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Can anyone tell me why this is such a big deal?

News Item2/7/12 10:52 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Amen John I can't wait for that day!
Phylly you are right sanctified means to be made holy according to the Greek word. Believe the same I just used the wrong word. My main point was that justification is a one time thing (conversion) and sanctification is a process.
Justification cannot be a process.

News Item2/7/12 12:17 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Sanctification= being made righteous therefore it is a process. This is in a sense growing into a mature Christian. This comes after conversion tho and what happens at conversion is something called justification which means "to declare righteous" this is definitely not a process! It does not make sense!

News Item2/6/12 1:37 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Mike ny so true!!

In the old testamnt a man got stoned for picking up sticks on the sabbeth (numbers 15 32-36) so I would say that some things have changed abit.

News Item2/6/12 1:18 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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So if people "grow" into a christian when does the holy spirit enter them? Sorry it's kinda off topic from the article but I'm just curios!

News Item12/7/11 9:02 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Hey jim If I read the Kjv am I sinning??

News Item11/20/11 2:26 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Ready get set...........go

News Item11/4/11 1:41 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Kill the baby with a needles and its just called an abortion but kill it with a pair of scissors and all of a sudden it's a " gruesome murder". What a bunch of hypocrites!! Makes me sick.

Vengeance is mine says the Lord.

News Item10/16/11 1:14 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Is there hope for these guys??

News Item8/26/11 9:58 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Someone once said to me that public schools don't shape how your children think but hollywood and Nashville do!
How careful we need to be to protect ourself an our children from the evil that comes out of Hollywood and contaminates the people of north america!
1peter 5 8
Be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil walkout about the earth seeking whom he may devour

News Item8/26/11 12:56 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Praise the lord!

News Item8/24/11 6:34 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Anyway, again, Dwayne, good points, however for secular meetings, forgoing a meeting at a restaurant because it happens to serve alcoholic beverages, is extreme. You can just have a glass of water, which leaves no doubt where you stand when it comes to your secular acquaintances.
If you read carefully you will see that i said "bar" and not a resturant. I have no problem if i go for supper with an unsaved friend and he having a drink and me a water if we are at a resturant that serves alchahol. But what im talking about is a bar or a club.
I think a christian should not be seen in a bar/club of any kind.
There is a difference between a bar/club and a resturant that serves drinks.
You agree?

News Item8/23/11 8:25 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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I'm curious...
Why would anyone get a nice glass of wine for my meal?

Because it tastes good? Or
For the stomachs sake?

How do I get the wine out of the liquer store without anyone seeing me?

What will a nonbeliever that is watching me buy the wine think of me?

I agree with girl. I think we are to be separated from the world in this way.

My buddy once said to me " I go to the bar with my unsaved friends an then I only have one or two drinks and that's how I can be an example to them by using temperance.
Does anyone else see the folly of that idea?

Lots of questions I know haha
Just something to think about

News Item8/19/11 9:37 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Luke 6
39And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch?

News Item8/16/11 8:00 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Thank you frank for ur posts I know exactly wat u mean, it is very hard to not judge people. May the spirit lead us in difficult subjects!
God bless you my Christian brother.

News Item8/16/11 7:24 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Yes I agree, sometimes you have to rely on the spirit to guide you on whether or not ur crossing the line. I'm thankful that we can rely on the spirit!.

If I was having a wedding and I ran out of booze I can't picture Jesus coming in and making more for my guests so they could drink more.
I will not judge anyone If they have a social drink...that is up to God to judge. But I will stand by my convictions and views on this subject.

Country singer Miranda Lambert has a song and her are some of the lyrics "cause I heard Jesus made wine and I bet we'd get along just fine". She try's to justify her party, fornicating Lifestyle. That's what I have a problem with when people justify drinking like this.

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