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News Item11/13/08 12:30 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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There is no difference between these so called Christians fighting at a holy site or Hindus and Muslims fighting and killing each on holy sites and so on.

Christendom is as pagan as any other religion.

Many years ago when I had not been reefed out of the church I was in by God yet, I caused an uproar in a charismatic, ecumenical bible collage in saying.
Jesus said that narrow is the way that leads to life and few that be who find it and wide is the way to destruction and many travel on it.

Since Christendom is still the worlds largest religion it stands to reason that it also has the greatest need for evangelism since it is a wide road.

When we see these images the whole world is right when they say all religions cause wars and fighting even Christendom.
And they are right, because these religions do not have the truth.

News Item11/10/08 4:46 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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DJC 49 thanks for that heads up.
That's bizzare, I was looking at new news items so I didn't even bother about checking the date.

News Item11/9/08 9:10 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Sarah, not trying to jump on the bandwagon of advice, as there has been some good advice given but I completely understand the torment that this can bring.

Definitely tell your parents, that is very good advice, ask for their support.
This really is a deep rooted thing because the images do not leave you and try to pull you to the thing I know you hate.
Remember what Jesus said "if your eye offends you pluck it out, and if your hand offends you cut it off, better to be in heaven with one eye or one hand than in hell with two."

The principle is this. If you cannot control where you go on the computer, cut it off. If you cannot stop getting DVD's or cable subscriptions. Get rid of the TV and DVD player.

Nothing is too extreme if we desire victory and pleasing our Lord and Saviour.
Including talking to your parents about supporting you in removing these devices if it cannot be controlled.

We should not frustrate the grace of God.
Nothing is too hard for God, but exercising His wisdom is also required on our behalf.

Pray about this as I also will, and I pray this opens up an avenue of escape.

News Item11/9/08 3:03 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Why can't we speak the truth about who is pulling Obama's strings and pray for him?
Why One OR the other instead of One AND the other.

We all do not participate in a democracy. The result is already preplanned by the New builders of New Babylon.
All the more reason to be praying.

News Item11/9/08 2:47 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Born Again

I've listened to a number of Pastor Slattery's messages and they have been great to hear someone willing take on issues that most churches will not even consider.
I never seen the website before though. Thanks for putting up the link.

News Item11/8/08 6:27 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Truth be known they are probably discussing if they should keep it secret how the Vatican helped create Islam, how they can become one faith under his antichristness the Pope.
As far as history goes, the whole "we hate them and they hate us" is a charade to obtain "the goal".

That's why we have had the Hegelian dialectic put into practice.
Communism against Capitalism to obtain global fascism, USA against Russia to obtain international hegemony, Islam against Christendom to obtain syncratism
of the pagan beliefs, ie: Baal worship and Ashteroth, Ishtar, Isis worship.

News Item11/8/08 6:12 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Well pointed out Jim. That was my original issue with not eating it, but I came to understand that I do know what is in some foods thus the whole point of not asking.
(Apart from the fact that these days phood is designed to kill the population. Consider the words of Henry Kissinger "The best way to control a population is through it's food." Not knowing what is in your phood is not wise. Thus the side effect is finding out it is halal for example.)

Secondly I perceive that my stand is both considerate of others who could be weaker in their faith, and that it also is a witness against the interfaith nonsense that everyone around me seems to keep vomiting.

My work had a BBQ on last year and the and the meat was all halal for the Muslims.
I stated my point that that was discriminatory to Hindus by not providing food for them. Jews, Christians, atheists etc.

I believe the foolish silence by Christians in allowing everyone their beliefs has gone far enough that we can't even have our own.

News Item11/8/08 8:10 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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They wouldn't want Christian finance now would they, what profit is there in no usury.

This situation is that Muhammad's doctrines came from the bottomless pit. Protestant Historicist interpretation of Rev Chapter 9 makes that perfectly clear.

If you want hell on earth, then rule the earth by Islamic law.

In Australia the special treatment of Muslims has gotten out of hand.

In Melbourne a university created special Male Muslim and Female Muslim toilets.

A public pool in Melbourne was slated to become a Muslim only pool till it created a huge outcry.

You may not even notice but you are being forced to eat according to Muslim Law (Halal).

I boycott every food that has has gelatine (halal). Check your ingredients for yoghurt for example.

I do this because I refuse to eat meat sacrificed to another god.
When an animal to be killed for it to be proper Halal it's throat must be slit whilst the "In the name of Allah" is said. I work with many Muslims and I have taken my stand for this reason.

Survey11/7/08 4:46 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I like the term lawless one.
It applies to the Pope perfectly.

The early church did have a strong delusion and it become the Roman Catholic Church.
The temptation was to power, money and fame in obtaining church offices.
Just like today we are treading that same path into delusion.

We had a centuries long dark age (called that for biblical reasons) and sadly the dimming light being veiled once again, replaced with rank superstition in most Churches.
I do not see it very long before "christians" think killing true christians acceptable.

History repeats because we still have not finished with the Great Tribulation.
And whose pulling all the strings but the Vatican.
I guess the adage is true all roads lead to Rome.

Survey11/7/08 7:37 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Here's an interesting statement from your outgoing President Bush Jnr.

George W Bush's 22nd March 2001 Washington Times

"The best way to honour John Paul II, truly one of the great men, is to take his teaching seriously; is to listen to his words and put his words and teachings into action here in America. This is a challenge we must accept."

And we wonder why our countries are in a mess. I am assuming we know what the real teachings of the Pope are.

News Item11/7/08 7:23 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Michael Hranek wrote:
What is it now over 50,000,000 abortions performed 'legally' in the U.S. and you seem to be worried if a pastor's sign might offend the wicked vile wretched lost enemies of the Christ
So McCain was getting rid of abortion totally?

I think someone places social issues above spiritual ones.

Until the Church is converted, you won't be pulling the country back from oblivion. That goes for Australia too.

See as anti abortion as I am single issue politics is the worst way to vote.

If politics is so simple in the US then why does it take so long to make a decision who runs you for 4 years?

I like what Wise said because at least one person was looking for an alternative to tacking left tacking right to the New World Order Objective.
Boats rarely go in straight line to their goal. Neither does a two party system.

News Item11/6/08 7:25 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Considerthelilies4 I will leave in your hands what I have already said. I do not wish to harp on speaking more than I should.

Faithful Remnant there is much I could inform you regarding Hillsong. My Aunt and Uncle go there as does and old friend (who isn't).

There things though that I would not say on a public forum for broadcasting the sins of others in a very uncompassionate inconsiderate manner though it may deserve exposing.

I would rather write privately in a email such things and find it relevant to do so with someone curious about Hillsong.

Publicly though I will say they preach humanism and psychology, and run a business development school. It is the proverbial rock concert that gets the numbers.

It a worry to see this church influencing almost all churches in Australia. Be they Baptist, Pentecostal (which they are), Anglican (Church of England), some presbyterian, Salvation Army etc.

It is like a spreading cancer.

News Item11/6/08 5:00 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Consider the lilies4

1) You have listed individuals like Elijah and John which is my point, please provide an organization that spoke out against the political leaders of their day. Oh the Sanhedrin. The Jews organizing against the Romans? The ones Jesus was against?

2)When Jesus spoke about "vipers" he was speaking about the religious leaders. Funny, has you minister ever placed a similar board up like the one for Obama relating to the general populace or even more importantly the church. If not, why not?

When it came to the "rulers", which we are told in scripture to pray for, Jesus did not speak publicly against them. Neither did Paul. He spoke to them privately and what he spoke about is only hinted at. This is because Gods kingdom is not of this world.

If McCain got in would he have put up a similar board, since they are both as corrupt and stepped in the secret societies, Skull and Bones, Illuminati, Freemasonry, aka Jesuits, aka Vatican.

TT thank you for that a 501c3 state endorsed church that's precious.

News Item11/6/08 10:30 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Considerthelillies4 I cannot see how it is a churches responsibility to speak publicly for or against a political leader. That's how we end up with inquisitions.

As a bumper sticker the slogan is great, as sign outside a church, not acceptable. Jesus exercised far more restraint.
Jesus probably said things in private with His disciples but publicly he exercised restraint.

As to not giving a second glance for a positive sign about Obama, I would prove that theory very wrong.

Have you heard of Hillsong Church?

Well they own half of the Gloria Jeans Coffee shops in Australia. The Church down the road from me actually sell coffee out of the church premises.

That turns my eye, and I've told my children what an offense it is and some people that attend there too.

2000 years ago I could see some tables flying.

There are things a church should not do.

Survey11/6/08 10:15 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Read the scriptures.

We have been in tribulation for almost 2000 years.

1 When Jesus said Great tribulation he was not just speaking about intensity, but also duration.

2 There is no rapture bar the reprobates being removed that's all scripture discusses. We only meet Jesus in the air when He returns, not a means of cowardly escape.
The rapture concept is a Jesuit construct promoted by both Jesuit plants and dupes for the last 200 years.

3 The Pope of Rome is the key that fits every part of the prophetical barrel in scripture for the lock to open the door on Anti Christ.

The weight of evidence is magnificent.

I used to believe as you did. I understand your rut. I had to allow scripture to speak for itself, and stop reading and listening to 20th and 21st century "christian" liars and dupes.

If not every new theory will get you chasing your tail till the strong delusion is upon the world completely.

News Item11/6/08 9:57 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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FYI Martin Luther King was his not real name. That was a nick name his dad gave to him. It was a PR job, psychologically echoing back to the reformer Martin Luther.

His real name was Michael King Jnr. He denied the bodily resurrection of Christ and was an ecumenist.

There is more to this man than meets the eye.

News Item11/6/08 9:47 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I think he has stepped out of line.

He is a minister of a church and should not use his position to make such a public statement.

As an individual sure but not as "the church" so to speak.

When the pharisees came the Jesus trying to get Him to say something that was going to criticize Rome or God. He was wise and spoke saying render unto Ceaser what is Ceasers and to God what is Gods.

It is a shame this minister did not exercise the same wisdom. He has most likely alienated a large proportion of non believers from getting saved at least through his ministry all for a man who has a 4 year term of office. Thats a great trade off shoot your mouth off regarding 4 years at the cost of someones eternity.

Whatever happened to preaching nothing but Christ and Him crucified.

If your going to say Americas an abomination just say be it under McCain or Obama or Bush it still is.

News Item11/5/08 5:42 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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There is no "better" President whether it had been McCain or Obama.

We all need to reframe our understanding of the world around us. There are NO LONGER ANY CHRISTIAN NATIONS.

Consider the long history of great Saints. Consider Pagan Rome was killing Christians, yet the Apostle Paul's words ring true.
Praying for the rulers so that He (Rome) who was holding back the man of sin could continue. This provides to us great wisdom in how to approach all our defunct "christian" nations.

Think about how many entertaining things we do that are unnecessary and would be better spent in prayer?

TV, (oops dare I say it) chatting online posting like I am right now), or just sitting round having a winge about Obama.
Don't winge, pray.

Avoid watching the Jesuit Box(TV). For there is no more time.
In Abatte Leone's 1848 The Jesuits, The Secret Plan of the Order he quotes

"We shall know how, by marvelous stories and gorgeous shows, to exorcise heresy from the heads and hearts of the multitude; we shall know how to nail their thoughts upon ours, so that they shall make no stir without our good pleasures."
Seriously think about that statement.

Rather pray Yahweh redeems the time for the days are evil.

News Item11/5/08 1:49 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Louis Farrakhan is a Mason and is in the same lodge as Robert Schuller (of crystal cathedral fame.

News Item11/5/08 1:47 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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This is the true face of Islam. Not the public relations job given here in the Western Nations.

Where's the man involved? Bet he wasn't 13.

People need to stop being so precious about calling a spade a spade and start telling people the truth about Islam before their country adopts sharia law.

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